
(182 KB, 946x1100, chubbybunny.jpg) (158 KB, 913x947, rapid gain.jpg)
I'm curious how many people are just fat admirers who don't care if a model is actively gaining. It seems like most people just see feedism as a means to an end rather than achieving arousal from the act of gaining itself - like once a woman plumps up a bit, they're totally content.

It's incredibly frustrating to have a weight gain fetish because I don't feel satisfied if a model stagnates and can't enjoy content unless the model is actively gaining. I envy those of you who are just fat admirers without the weight gain fetish aspect.

I torture myself by staying subbed to women who haven't gained any weight in a whole year, hoping in vain that they'll start gaining again - like a fucking carrot on a stick. I honestly feel cursed sometimes
it's strange. my weight gain fetish evolved from an animal transformation fetish that i was ashamed of and tried to break away from, but ultimately it's the transformative aspect of weight gain that's the core of the fetish

i guess someone with a straight up fat fetish wouldn't be turned on by the gaining itself, but i feel they'd still be more turned on by more fat. so, less of the process fetishization but same end result
It's almost like the feedist community has strayed from its roots. There are so few feedees making content, it's almost like feeders have given up hope on there ever being women who are actually obsessed with getting fatter. It's as though they're settling/dropping the expectations that a feedee model is supposed to be into weight gain.
I started with the fat admiration only and it's been like that for like forever

Then I got together with my gf (330 lbs when we first met 430 lbs now) and I realized there's a side of me that's either new or has been passive before..

Noticing when my gf gained a bit is obviously hot, so a light form of weight gain fetish has developed as well (I like to see her eat things that will probably make her gain and discovering new fatter parts is hot af, I like to imagine where she gains next and so on)

The thing is she's not a feedee or anything, it's just her being the way she is ( ok and me encouraging her if she's asking herself if she really should eat this now or buying her nice things every now and then..) ;)

I also noticed that I gained quite a bit myself and I really like it (I mean I did sometimes wonder what it would be like and stuff like that), but the thing is I caught myself that I actively want more
So that's also kinda new alongside what I mentioned above

So yeah long story short, sometimes this seems to be sleeping inside and wakes up when you start living with a big girl and make some xp..
For me, weight gain isn't a fetish. It doesn't have to be present for me to get turned on, and I'm not interested in encouraging my already 300lb partber to put on any more weight.

In porn/literature/fantasy, I am turned on by weight gain progressions. When I see a particularly attractive large woman, I do like to fantasize about how many decadent meals it took to get her there. It's a turn on in theory, but I've never felt the need for it to go further and experience it IRL.
I agree with you 100%.
I might ruffle a few feathers here, but I'm not interested in encouraging my partner to gain either - even though she's only around 120lbs.
I've always seen my attraction to BBWs as a preference rather than a fetish. Like, I don't *need* her to be fat in order for me to get off. But now I'm kinda questioning whether "preference" is even the right word. I like my girl just the way she is, and I'm not even sure she'd look good fat lol
I've come to the conclusion that having a weight gain fetish is a curse and ultimately detrimental. I'm thinking I may need to quit porn altogether so I'm not perpetually frustrated longing for what I can't have. There is no way to get rid of this fetish. I wish I could be content with a woman remaining the same weight but it's literally impossible. I've tried for over a decade.
I feel like I'm the odd one out, because while I have a weight gain fetish, I always lose interest once a woman becomes a certain size. For me, the initial stages of weight gain are the most arousing to look at, and there's always a point where the visual transformation starts to provide diminishing returns (a 100lbs to 200lbs gain is far more noticeable than say 300lbs to 400lbs). I'm sort of reaching that stage with Reiinapop now, but damn her gain over the last year was amazing.

Art and comics are different. They have noticeable gains regardless of the character's size, and I can tolerate larger sizes since they're more appealing to look at, so I can go further with them.
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The core of my dilemma is that I prefer SSBBWs and there are no feedees who are willing or capable of getting to my preferred size. I'm going to die without ever having experienced my only desire in life, which is to have a reliationship like Gina Gershwin and her husband Mark
(165 KB, 1769x629, cowcake.jpg)
Cowcake is the only feedee who started out thin and wants to become immobile, but she already has a feeder and doesn't produce content
Feederism 100%. I’ve never met a girl who was into but the gains are what do it for me.

I think... when I was younger I was less secure of myself so I’d date women in the 200ish range. Now that I’m more established in life and secure with myself, I’d have no problem parading a 400+ girl into a restaurant.

Honesty the gaining does it for me but also the caring part does it as well.
I have always had a thing for fat women (and men), BBW to SSBBW has been always been whats got me aroused. Gaining isn't really something I get off over, but I do appreciate some good before after images.

What's odd is that even though gaining doesn't do anything for me, I do think belly inflation is fucking hot. Seeing bellys expand from huge enemas or air inflation is pretty exciting.

I do think most of this stuff is exaggerated / fake though. I've given myself some huge enemas and I don't think the water fills up your belly to give you a big gut, the water just builds up and I go jiggly. It could just depend on your body though.

Pump Me Up on pornhub is a queen.

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