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I've been trying to find good apps/sites for finding a bbw or feedee for so long now, and I just don't know where to look anymore. Tinder is just basic 100lb white girls, and discord is mainly other guys and maybe 1 girl. Nobody really responds with fantasy feeder, it's kind of a dead site. Is there some app or site that a guy can have any small chance of finding a bbw? Btw, im 18, so I'm not sure if that changes my chances
feabie's pretty good, I've had some good experiences with that site, and there's a lathe amount of actual, real feedees. it does depend in your location, though; some areas are filled with users, while others are pretty sparse
Being 18 will more than likely have a detrimental effect on you but if you’re willing to deal with that and also realize that you’ll almost certainly have to travel to find someone you’re interested in, feabie works pretty well. I found my fat and gaining girlfriend on there three years ago and couldn’t be happier.
If you're looking for general BBW/SSBBWs without the feederism kink, I've had better luck with general sites and sub-setting on "curvy" or larger body types (women tend to under-report their sizes online in my experience so a "curvy" woman will have a good chance of being 200+ pounds in the USA.)

After this it comes down to running the dating gauntlet until you find a good, compatible partner. My advice here, given your age, is to be patient. You have plenty of time to find the right person. Date around, but don't be afraid to break things off if you don't think you have good compatibility. Obligatory side note given your preference, get over any insecurities you have about being seen publicly with a fat woman right away; women don't want to be with insecure men as a rule, and will catch on to you "hiding" them quickly. Own who you are.

If you're specifically looking for someone with a feeding kink, you're probably gonna have to look into feabie and deal with a much smaller subset of people. It'll be difficult given your age, so I'd argue that you should try to date women outside of this niche unless you absolutely require it in a partner.

Finally, I've been off the dating scene for like 8 years so things may have evolved since then. YMMV.
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Also an older guy so I can't give you any advice about modern online dating, but >>12079 is solid advice. I'd add that while you should definitely put yourself out there on the dating market and see what happens, at your age the best investment you can make in your sexual and romantic prospects is to focus on general self-improvement.

Get fit. Stay off the couch and develop passions and hobbies that aren't vidya. Leave your house and see the world, or at least the country, or at least the different regions of your state. Expose yourself to lots of different social situations and build up your knowledge of human nature. If you're in college, study a subject that will pay off in future income. If you're not in college (which might be the right move financially, lol) you should still be smart about money and thinking about long-term job opportunities in a trade or industry. Try and build up a little savings for the future. And get fit.

If you just graduated high school and have never had a GF, it probably feels like the odds are stacked against you. (I've been there.) The good news is that if you make it to your late 20s / early 30s as a guy with his shit together, all of a sudden the tables will be turned. Guys like us have it easy in some ways. If you shower daily and stay in shape, have interesting hobbies, don't come across as desperate and can hold a conversation like a normal human being, and you treat fat women decently and don't act like being into fat women is a shameful secret (previous poster is 100% right about this)... then suddenly, once you're pulling down a solid adult income, you'll be a hot property. Don't be too hasty to rush into monogamy at that point.

Feedism is a different story, finding a non-insane woman who's a legit feedee is a needle in a haystack and it might not happen for you.

I also 100% second >>12079's advice to get used to breaking things off if that's what your gut is telling you to do. It hurts to reject a woman (just like it'll hurt when a woman rejects you, which will also happen), but you have to develop that thick skin. Unless kids are involved, you should never, ever get stuck in the guilt trap of feeling like you're somehow required to stay in a relationship if it doesn't make you happy.

pic unrelated
>>12048 (OP)
I'll tell you where NOT to look.
Any fat fetishism site or site that caters it's self to feederism. The exception is sites that are just plus sized dating sites. This includes Feabie, Fantasy Feeder, and any other site like that. Although you will find women with your feitsh on those sites, they are all fucking crazy leftists who are genuinely not worth your trouble and will probably accuse you of rape or something.

Also avoid Tinder. You are satistically unlikely to find love on that site unless you are a woman.
Odd question, but do you other dudes with feeder kinks find it hard to be with someone who DOESN'T have that desire? Like I made sure it wasn't me getting desensitized- but I think I just show love this way, and it feels like a core component of what I want to do for "her".
I had some good luck on OkCupid, but this was 10 years ago now, so not sure if it's still good. You were able to filter by body type (set to curvy, fat, whatever). It also used to have personal questions users had answered on their profiles. There were a couple of questions along the lines of "What would you order to eat on a date?", "Would you date someone who is overweight?", which were useful in figuring out who to go for.
>Don't date from a fetish website

This is super-solid advice. I've only met one decent person on Feabie in over 5 years and even then there was still some unbearable things.

On the bright side, after dating exclusively fat women over my entire adult life, there has only been one that was not willing to indulge (not technically a feedee but still gain if that's what you're into) and because that's what I was into I moved on along pretty quick from that.

Being guilty of it myself, we tend to think with our dicks and we tend to look for the lowest common denominator, which is not the best for an actual relationship with someone. If you just want to feed and duck fat, then you're kinda locked into shit like Feabie.
If you're looking to date long term, its very true that fatties usually won't mind gradually gaining some weight. For a 300+ lb woman, an extra 30 lbs or whatever is not a life changing event like it is for a sub-200 pounder. Add to that the fact that women get extra sexual friction from pleasing a man in a secure relationship and a little "relationship" weight is pretty standard for any couple, and a woman will hog out for you for sure.

Feabie is for hookups, but filter through chubby-to-fat women on a mainstream dating app for a relationship. Find the right woman and its not unreasonable to end up with someone where you get to experience them gaining 100 or more pounds over time.
>>12048 (OP)
Oh and since you mentioned you're 18, try and keep in mind that "a long term relationship" doesnt have to mean the person you're with for life. It may seem hard to grasp at a young age, but its very possible to have a life where you have multiple partners that last 2 or more years each. Relationships often just don't work out on a long enoigh timeline, or they just kind of fizzle out, and that's fine. The first heartbreak from a loving and sexual fulfilling relationship is always gonna be hard, but take it from this old fuck, there will be plenty of fatties to date.
The worst case scenario is that you'll never have sex or a relationship, can't approach girls who weren't used and abused several times or you'll be seen as a 'creep' and have no chance of ever being a young *active* dad.
I'm proud of all you fellas, you seem to have your shit together, understand your worth and respect women inside and outside this kink. Good work.

I second the "don't date anyone from a kink site" advice. You'll be more likely to find a meaningful relationship with a regular fat girl - she might be into your kink, she might not - but she's definitely going to be a much more stable, emotionally available partner than anyone who's taking photos of their belly for strangers jacking it.

I've had hookups from kink sites, but they've been like McDonald's - great while you're doing it, then afterwards you feel shitty.

But yeah, stay optimistic - you seem to be self aware, just always be mindful of your own emotions and don't do anything to anyone else that would make you feel like shit, and you will find someone.

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