
am I alone in finding furry content legit one of the most disturbing things imaginable that's nearly as horrific as gore? I check the SSBBW hashtag sometimes on Instagram and there's this furry with a fat suit that pops up sometimes..just ugh (yeah I blocked her/him/they ofc but I wasn't logged in).
You're not alone. It's weird to me. I don't know what's exciting/ arousing about seeing an animal in a kind of human form that's appealing to someone. It's just fucking weird and there seems to be several around here who like this shit as they have an active board here.
i kind of disagree

by studying furry artwork we can learn a lot about human desire, and how it gets expressed

i’d even say there’s a reflective formal quality in furry art occasionally, something that’s not usually present in other types of internet pornography maybe
>>12014 (OP)
How about you commit suicide first.
I don't know what there is to study there. It seems to me those who are into it, like the originator of this thread is someone with a disturbed mind. A body that he wants fully exposed with an animals head. Animals can't consent. This is disturbing. It's a sick mind.
how is this related to trans people?
lol this is written in such an open ended way
you can swap furry with literally every porn genre.

>i kind of disagree

by studying scat porn we can learn a lot about human desire, and how it gets expressed

i’d even say there’s a reflective formal quality in scat porn occasionally, something that’s not usually present in other types of internet pornography maybe

I really don't like furry content, it repulses me. However, most of the population would say the same about the kind of SSBBW porn I watch, so I try not to judge, each to their own, whatever floats your boat, etc. The part of the furry community I really can't stand is the cringey fucks that dress up and run round the streets like autistic children. I was in the pub the other week and a group of them came in to the function room they'd hired at the back, and the amount of noise and cringe/creepy behaviour that spilled out of there was rage inducing.

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