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Whose partner do you consider to be the "luckiest"?
Basically who would you want to be with in a combination of the person's looks/personality and interests.

I'll go first:
I think Chloe's man is the luckiest. She has an amazing body and an amazing gain. She really enjoys herself while not going over the top about it. You know she and her man have fun whether they go out or stay in, she seems chill but all this also excites her a little, when she actually gets into a story it's always 10/10. I also think as her face fills out she's getting super cute
And I could see her gaining another 50-100 lbs, in which case she would be 11/10

Honorable Mentions:
BigCutie Lily
They're typically not models, but I envy any guy who managed to wife up the rare one-in-a-million girl who's sincerely into feedism as a kink AND is an intelligent woman who actually has her shit together in real life. They exist, but they're rare. I got impatient and paired off with someone who's fat and smart and has her shit together but isn't at all interested in feedism.
Roxxie's husband.
It would be amazing to be with Reiina, she loves to stuff and her capacity is astounding (6-8k a day). She's also as obsessed with seeing the numbers on the scale increase as I am lol

My second choice would be Mary (ChubbyChiquita) for the same reasons.

Layla and Kayla as well b/c they're food addicted and I love their sense of humor
Kayla!! How did I not think of her. Especially over the last year or two, she's really come to embrace the community and loosen up and show her real self, I love her personality

Tbh I did the same, especially where I'm from in California it is impossible to meet a bbw/ssbbw my age range (20s in the early 2010s when I was dating) who didnt have insane emotional problems from all the bullying and shit from the early 2000s. I don't know how many times I've seen "I've been hurt before" be used as justification to be an asshole.
So I married my wife who is gorgeous and 10/10 personality and fat, but completely not into the FA/feederism life. As she unintentionally gains she's getting more into it and embracing herself,
Who knows if she will ever get to the level of some of the scarred neurotic fat chicks of my past though lol

But as a 30 year old, I've been noticing the younger generation seems to be way more into the fat acceptance and enjoying oneself through indulgence. Looks like I was born on the wrong side of the 90s

Yup, been there and know the struggle. Even women who seem impressive on paper can be carrying around serious psychological damage. (Not that I blame fat women for this, they really do take an enormous amount of shit from society and of course it leaves scars.) When I met a fat babe who actually was a rock-solid, sane and levelheaded person, I felt like I had won the lottery even though she wasn't into feedism.

>As she unintentionally gains she's getting more into it and embracing herself

Lucky man. I'm in the opposite situation, unfortunately. She tolerated my attraction when we were dating, but recently admitted that she finds it weird and uncomfortable that I'm attracted to her body and doesn't like when I touch her rolls and belly during sex. That was dishonest on her part and has been a pretty bitter pill to swallow. But I wanted marriage and a family more than I wanted to bust a nut, so I try not to have too many regrets. At this point in life it's more important to be with someone who holds down a steady job and cares about education, gets along with my extended family, and can behave like a normal human being in social settings.

>as a 30 year old, I've been noticing the younger generation seems to be way more into the fat acceptance and enjoying oneself through indulgence. Looks like I was born on the wrong side of the 90s

I hope this is true, but the battle of the sexes looks so much uglier than it did when I was growing up, as a result of smartphones and social media, that I'm glad I'm in my 40s even though having arthritic joints fucking sucks.

On topic response to the thread, I'd have loved to have been Ash's boyfriend/feeder during the 2010-2015 golden years when she was going balls to the wall with gaining to 600+. Ivy would be fun to have as a lover because I can imagine her being down for just about any fantasy no matter how taboo. And Trysta pre-WLS always came across as a classy woman who'd make good real-life partner material.
God, can Chloe just like, get cruddy Dimensions story level of fat? Just never stop lmao

Totalyl agree with Chloe and Roxxie's husbands. I'd also add Pleasantly Plump to the mix too, she genuinely loves herself and loves gaining.

As for myself, I'm enjoying dating but I need to find someone to really let my feeder kinks out. I have a girl I'm messing around with now, but even though she's an SSBBW I doubt she's into it much when she's already 400+.
to even add the fact that boberry grabbed his dick also. yeah, he won the game.
So true. Is it just that he demonstrated being a great partner for the massively obese Roxxie, a sort of wedding ring effect? Or is he some sort of Brad Pitt Idris Elba Drake irresistable type?
In BoBerry's case it is. She's drawn to guys who are taken, which is wild.

Speaking of, I honestly wonder what her partner must have been thinking landing her at her peak and then she started losing weight. Was he involved, was it her decision? Who can say.
>Even women who seem impressive on paper can be carrying around serious psychological damage
I love fat chicks, but actively trying to gain is, putting it bluntly, a self destructive fetish, that by it self is a big sign of issues.

I like fat chicks but i'm not really a fan of feederism and gaining
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As a fetish/fantasy, nothing turns me on like extreme gaining. But as a reality, that's basically my take. The real life consequences of getting that big are no joke, especially once you're in your 30s and the reality of aging starts to set in. And as a partner, actually being a full-time caretaker for someone immobile or close to it would be hot for like 2 hours of the day and then depressing for the other 22. There's something sad about people (both men and women) who can't separate the fantasy from the reality, or who let the fantasy dominate their life to the point that it's all they have left.

That's what I was trying to get at in >>12008. My ideal partner would be someone who's into depraved feedist shit as a fantasy, and loves to roleplay it in the bedroom, but is content to maintain at a size that's fat but still functional (mid-300s, say) because she has a life and accomplishments outside of her sexual fetishes. That's not who I ended up with, but if I ever get a do-over that's who I'll look for.

Anyway, derailing the thread here with off-topic comments but I think about this stuff a lot now that I'm getting older.

This is where I am right now, and consider myself very lucky. I escaped a pit of self loathing and lifelong misery by the skin of my teeth.

- 300ish lb wife (fluctuates), genuinely good and intelligent human being whom I consider my best friend.

- Knows about my kinks and will stoke them in the bedroom (talk about how much she loooves carbs, and would love to just lay around all day) but is in actuality a hard working and productive person.

- Ridiculously attractive by any FA standards. Has a great family, radiant personality, and makes me a better person with her outgoing nature, while also saying that I make her a better person with my drive and ambition.

As far as bbw/ssbbw partners go, I don't really envy them.
Similar position here. My girl is mid 350s, very career driven, model level gorgeous, kind, smart, funny... and has a very genuine feedist kink.

It originated in childhood for her which is super rare from what I've seen. Fatchat and feedist sex is basically our who sexlife even if shes not actively gaining. Just chatting about it is fascinating to hear her mindset on things. Every other "feedee" I've dated has came off slightly false.

Wouldn't trade her for anything. I really don't know if I'd ever want her past 400 or so though. You lose a lot of opportunities. What you see in most models content is staged obviously, and I don't really envy many of the guys. Even the girls like Chloe and such are clearly putting on an act about enjoying it.

I agree that the sexual part of it is probably staged in most cases. It’s probably extremely rare to get off on your own weight gain and the majority of these models would be faking it. However, I believe that a lot of the bigger ones (particularly models who have always been fat) likely have some degree of food addiction and they’re simply capitalising on their inevitable gain. That in itself would be a lot of fun.
Katerugburn (from Feabie)
summertimesadness(she goes by a few other aliases)

For Kate she’s honestly the ideal woman and idk what the fuck happened with her ex but the dude had it made. She works, she’s 5 bills+, she’s attractive and she’s into it. Dude fucked up big time.

summertimesadness: I guess she was married at some point, idk what happened there but she lost a bunch of weight. However, at one point she was young and huge. Pretty sure she’s not a gainer but maybe into the hedonist part of it and naturally gains? Either way she had to be nearing 5bills at one point and if I were her husband I’d work two jobs if I had to for that gain.

I gotta Say undisputedly tofu since he got Sadie and is apparently locked her down even though he's ad a reputation at bashes for getting around. Closest would be Stu if he didn't break up with Jenni Bombshell like a complete dumbass lol . Can anyone explain how that happened?

Lol wtf do you mean? Sometimes couples break up. Could have been a million different reasons. Hardly makes him a dumbass. He’d be more of a dumbass for staying with somebody he doesn’t want to be with just because she’s hot.
no one's mentioned cherries...
katerugburn RULES and I'm kinda shocked more people on here don't talk about her. would shamelessly throw money at her if she ever got into the content biz.
I’ve messaged Kate on Feabie before because I think I sent her like $100 a while back just for the gains. She never said anything back so I gave up.
I slid in her dm's a couple times when I was still on feabie, like a year or so ago. she's really sweet and easy to talk to and joke around with but very selective about responding. dead serious I think she might get like dozens of messages a day, wouldn't be shocked.
Deep-seated pchological issues.
Or Demons
Whichever guy or gal wifes up littleyellowspider is def the luckiest person on the planet.

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