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but there's a limit for me. Shit starts to get real by around 300 pounds. Major life changes, like fitting into the world (including clothing, chairs, etc) and energy/body aches/health conditions start revealing themselves. 350, 400, 450 pounds... It keeps getting more and more pronounced.

So here's the thing. I like fat girls. 240 pounds (at, say, 5'6") is the ideal size for an SO for me because they're peak hotness to me from there to about 650 pounds, but life is much easier. However, my fetish is geared toward feeding and girls gaining weight. I can't stop myself.

I fattened up my first wife to over 400 pounds before she got WLS. Last night, my girlfriend started crying in the middle of sex and saying how she hates herself. She was at around 240 pounds when we met and now she's at around 340 (probably more, she hasn't weighed herself recently). I stuffed her completely full all day yesterday, starting out with an enormous breakfast then breakfast desert, then snacks, then Jack in the Box for first lunch, then Taco Bell for second lunch, then ice cream, then more snacks, then three grilled cheese sandwiches cooked in bacon fat with marscapone, bacon, and nearly an entire block of cheddar, and a heavy-cream based tomato soup for dinner. Then, a Cold Stone Ice Cream cake for desert. When we got to bed, she was nauseous and ready to puke and I had to be gentle to not lose those valuable calories. I started feeding her from the box of See's Candies that I keep by the bed and she started crying. I lost my boner right away.

She's not happy. She wants more than anything to get back under 300 pounds. Hell, I want her under 300 pounds. She was more physically attractive at the lower weight. She doesn't quite hold those extra pounds as well in her face. Yet, I can't stop feeding her. Every day I give her as many calories as possible because feeding is my fetish. I want out. How can I get hard and enjoy sex without feederism?She's not happy. I'm not happy. But I can't stop.
Whitney Thore was in great health & very mobile when she was close to 400 lbs. Key is to find someone who's able to stay active at higher weights. Whitney is also unapologetic about her weight and will strip naked in front of total strangers. Wish more women were like her
I've never figured out why people make up BS stories pleading for help when none of it is real. I would normally say something foul to you, but the fact that you're doing this is punishment enough I guess.
Probably a feedee model trying to manipulate people into no longer pressuring her to gain weight lol
man this is
I recommend simply helping her lose weight and maybe exercise more, she clearly wants it
help her live the life she likes best yknow?
Go to couples therapy, dumbass

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