
(18 KB, 278x181, download.jpg)
its base 64 code. pop it in a decoder, one is provided at the bottom of each thread. i don't know why ppl get hated on for not knowing, we've all been there at one point.

if the code starts with:
a - decode once
Y - decode twice
W - decode thrice
>>11749 (OP)
I don't even look what letter it will start, just decode until something meaningful comes up and be careful with the purposely placed words, or sometimes something else, numbers maybe, usually in parenthesis. Delete those words with parenthesis. It must be all random shit. If there is none, then nothing to worry about just decode until somethings came up.
how do you decode now. the decode bar isn't at the bottom anymore

Look up a website that will do it for you. Just type literately 'b64' and one will come up
>>11749 (OP)
i remember my days of "what's a trip?" on chans, we should be kind to our fellow man ;(
yeah though honestly I didn't even know the letter thing lol, i just delete everything betwixt brackets
>>11749 (OP)
>i don't know why ppl get hated on for not knowing

Because board rule number 7 is literally:
>7: Don't bother asking how to use the links. If you can't read the board, you're SOL. No one is going to spoonfeed you

And the 'help' section explicitly namedrops base64.

Honestly though, I don't know why people bother encoding in base64. A computer could easily download a page and identify any base64-encoded links a million times faster than any human on the board could.

You can try to trip it up by inserting extra characters that a human would notice don't belong, but if people keep doing the same stuff (e.g. inserting things between brackets) then it would be easy enough to just slap on an extra step to any bot program.

>"what's a trip?"

It's still searchable, but that's a much fairer comment. Nobody wants to be called a 'tripfag' and not understand what it means (or if it's a bad thing or not).
yes I've noticed. time to stop the encoding
>>11749 (OP)
time to start encoding links or just the clip files themselves using openssl. Lets see those takedown bots get around that

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