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The Black Manosphere: incompatible with this kink community or not?

(no racial slurs, bigoted banter or some incelish-sounding nonsense, please) .
>>11646 (OP)
what's the "black manosphere"? genuinely asking, I'm not from a place with any black people
I think any kind of manosphere, regardless of race, is going to be incompatible with other communities, considering they're full of incels and man-children. I don't want to deal with those whiney eejits.
i don’t know about the black manosphere but the black community was and is a lot more accepting of fat people generally than other communities

that community will tell you it’s OK to like big butts, which was a very reassuring message to a younger version of myself
>>11646 (OP)
I’d say they’re incompatible for the most part, for a few reasons:
•lack of financial resources to support a plus-size woman’s weight-gain
•poor outcomes with regards to long term relationships (weight gain is necessarily a long-term activity for anything beyond a few pounds). Churning out single moms is a bad look too.
•low access to good property/land. Being plus size sucks ass in the projects. Nicer home = more security = more gaining
•high rates of domestic violence
Of course this applies to most other kinks as well, the sad reality is that black men are mostly lousy. None of this is any more out there than what the divestment community is saying either. Hopefully one day your people will start getting their shit together but it seems to be going the other way.
But given all that you have said, assuming that it's true, why is it that white BBWs are mostly looking for black men?

As a black man, I've seen examples of everything you have said (as well as examples of where you are dead wrong, but that's not the point I want to make). And yet, white BBWs are drawn to us. Maybe not for relationships or financial support. But they are still drawn to us. I have personally had a number of right-wing, flag lapel wearing, fat assed white BBWs and SSBBWs actually seek me out. And yes I fucked them.

Is it the sense of danger? Is it the big dick energy? Is it "jungle fever?" Who knows! You will have to ask them. But whatever it is, it's enough to overcome every reason that you brought up.

So whatever detriments (you think) black men have in this community, the white BBWs clearly do not share them, even among those who you would think might agree with you. I know from personal experience.
>But given all that you have said, assuming that it's true, why is it that white BBWs are mostly looking for black men?
Statistically this isn’t true. White women are the most race loyal of all the ethnic groups in the US. However many you may or may not have banged has no real statistical bearing.
What is real is the statistics surrounding black men. It’s why black women are divesting more and more, because you have nothing to offer them (or society at large).
...and yet, you see the evidence to the contrary here on this website.

STATISTICALLY, most men are not attracted to BBWs or SSBBWs. But most men on this website ARE attracted to BBWs and SSBBWs. How do your statistics account for that???

You are making the "Composition/division fallacy." Not just about black men, but about BBWs/SSBBWs too.
What evidence are you even talking about? A few threads of some fat chicks taking a bbc isn’t representative of the populations. Most of these girls don’t do any sort of hardcore in the first place.
Like what’s the point of this thread? You posed a question, I answered it honestly. Most black men don’t add any value to society and are low value partners in general, and nobody’s going to be able to tell that you’re one of the good ones just from looking at you. Why don’t you work on fixing your broken communities before worrying about whether fat white chicks want your dick?
How many black men do you know? And I don't mean from news or sports stories. I mean how many black men do you know and interact with on a regular basis?

If you're a police officer, then yes, I could see how you might feel the way you do. If you work at an HBCU, not so much.

because, it sounds like you are just using "statistics" as a bussword to cover for your preconcieved notions about black men.

We can do two things if we want. We can talk about big fat asses now, then about combating crime later. We can talk about the BBW bashes now, and talk about poverty later. We don't have to do one thing first just because your priorities are offended.
Nobody’s priorities are offended, you asked a question and I answered. The stats don’t lie. Black men aren’t good for society and aren’t good for the BBW community.
...and you cited "statistics" as your evidence of that.

I cited the ACTUAL BBWS as a counterpoint to that.

If you want to know who or what is good/bad for the BBW community, maybe talk to...you know...some BBWs.
Yes, the statistics are more truthful than your story. The plural of anecdote isn’t data.
And the idea that you’ve fucked a few fat white chicks means you’re good for the community is comical too. You really don’t have anything to offer the world other than your dick do you?
Well, we have "statistics" don't we? And they seem to make you feel good about yourself, doesn't it?
...and if you don't know any black men, do you know any BBWs? They seem to like the dick that i offer to society.
>They seem to like the dick that i offer to society.
Thank you for proving my point exactly.
I didn't.

THEY did!
Looks like those double digit IQ points are kicking in
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>Looks like those double digit IQ points are kicking in

“My dick is good for society” isn’t an argument, idiot.
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>>11646 (OP)
>no racial slurs, bigoted banter or some incelish-sounding nonsense, please
that was never an option in a chan thread about black people. goodbye worthless new rage thread

I had a friend that was a big assed white girl(RIP). She only messed with black guys. I asked her why, she’s a little older, but essentially those were the only guys that gave her the time of day. This was in the 80/90s, but I think it’s still rings true today.

We make ‘em feel like 10s.
we all owe a debt to Sir Mix-a-Lot
I don’t know what manosphere means, but it sounds cringe. Explain yourself.
"The manosphere is a collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, strong opposition to feminism, and misogyny. Communities within the manosphere include men's rights activists, incels (involuntary celibates), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), pick-up artists (PUA), and fathers' rights groups."

They're mostly populated by misogynists, incels, and creeps. Stay away.
You've been practically describing any chan forum in general.

Let alone a vast majority of the fat fetishist community in summation: incels, femcels, social activists, keyboard warriord, doxxers, pariahs, pimps, sugar daddies, sugar babies, socially awkward people, unhinged sociopaths, creeps, extremists, misogynists, cishet misandrists, neurotic spinsters/bachelors... two big white, drama-seeking blobs everyoneloves to hate named Nikocado Avocado and Fupatrooper, much respectively (every community has at least one big rude mascot) , and a vocal minority of decent people no ones care about. Also, we also have Curvage and Dimensions Magazine that would be equated to Fresh & Fit and Joe Rogan, much respectively.
While in the meantime the mainstream Body Positivity community and its perennially spited albeit financially, sexually and emotionally exploitable interconnections with the underbelly of the Plus Size movement - so to speak We, people - would be pretty much like what Pr. Jordan Peterson does incarnates for the said Manosphere. Except that Peterson is almost constantly coherent and unwavering in his scientifically grounded educational rhetoric, at least: he's not going to come around, telling everyone that his feelings prevails about anything, and dismisses these said feelings over other fleeting feelings the day after (and that's pretty much why some particular groups hates him) .

My two cents.

Okay but what’s your point? What does any of this have to do with BBWs?

The average black man tends to be more accepting of pounding a BBW? Based on what? I mean sure, I see black dudes with fat chicks all the time. But I also see white dudes with fat chicks all the time. I could probably name a 100 notable contemporary black dudes off the top of my head right now. Actors, musicians, athletes. I can’t think of a single one of them who is dating or married to a fat girl. Thick girl, sure. But proper fat? No way.

The BBW Bash thing mentioned earlier does have some weight, but that’s not necessarily race related. Based on what I’ve seen from those events, that’s just trashy black dudes banging trashy white women. I think those people will take what they can get regardless of color
>...and yet, you see the evidence to the contrary here on this website.
Porn does not reflect reality.

I based my thought off of people I know or have come across whether it be family members, high school, college, old jobs, etc....but definitely not including those in the entertainment celebrity spotlight. So I understand your point...I know my sample size won't speak for the many across the country or the world.

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