
fuck no dude, you gotta lose as much weight and muscle as possible, almost to femboy-with-an-eating-disorder proportions, in order to max out the contrast in size between yourself and your girl
Fuck yeah. My lifting goal is to at least be able to carry a 6' 300~ lbs girl as if she were a dainty little princess.
Being able to singlhandedly lift my 380 lb girl from a seat on the couch with absolutely no effort or help from her is my goal.
I would rather be fat with her or be way skinnier.
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This is now a physique posting thead.
In Soviet Russia, physique posts you
you are very handsome, but shave that 'stache

you are in "peak male specimen" territory, otherwise
pretty decent bro, I'd bulk if I were you though.
Good enough for pretty much all fat girls I assume.
I lift for the women, I lift to stare at the PAWGs and BBWs in lululemon at the gym.

I lift because my military job requires me to pass an annual fitness test, because other soldier's bodies, equipment, ammunition and rucksacks are heavy.

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A whole lotta woman, needs a whole lotta man.
this is so hot

Damn straight, gotta support her in more ways than one!
Based and Mika-pilled.

Also that girl is cute AF, who is she?
Chloe I think
I'm 30 years old and I have been lifting since I was 15. At this point I'm going to the gym 5-6 days per week for myself and the discipline.

I have noticed that on feabie and other places online that fat women are really into contrast by being with someone who is muscular/in shape. Who knows going to the gym may help you in your conquests.
If you want a super hot boberry tier ssbbw you need to be a pretty high value man. I keep myself in good shape and have good style and it’s extremely easy to hook up with/date women like that if you just take care of yourself. Most of them don’t want a fat dude, which sucks for most larger guys but meh just how it rolls
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A lot of people find the concept of fat bitchy selfish chicks who think they "deserve" fit studs is funny.
I think it's a challenge, in an ideal world, all men would be fit and healthy and all women would be fat and careless.
I think we're all out of boberry's league lol. But I agree with what you were saying about how easy it is if you just take care of yourself. I'm not on feabie anymore but when I was on there a lot of women were messaging me because they thought I was attractive and most importantly I didn't come off as creepy. I think the bar is set kind of low but as long as you put yourself together and aren't a total creep you can hook up with fat women.
The trick would be going to some deep south state where the chicsk are all fat anyway but they don't for some reason know about FA stuff, and you'll probably find some chick with Boberry like proportions out there. They really love their fatty foods over here. Also any bros here know how long it takes for bicep stretch marks to fade, they're hot on women not on me.
Oh the bar is set low on feabie if you’re a normal good looking dude who isn’t a weirdo.

I’ve talked to Jae off and on for years along with quite a few other “famous” models and have hooked up with two. It’s literally not hard if you’re normal and not weird.

Half the guys on feabie are weird tho and think they have any shot at the women there when a conventionally attractive woman wouldn’t even speak to them.
The contrast is just so hot when you've got muscled and the girl's obese.

I started lifting a big ago and have been able to lift and carry my big girl for a bit, but theres a way to go still to be able to carry her like a princess - that's the goal.
yeah, back when I was on feabie I was in basically every model's inbox and you'd be surprised just how far you can get by just being... normal. I have one model hookup (ex-model tbh but she was still pretty well known) under my belt and probably left a few on the table when I quit feabie. now I'm tempted to go back...
Here to echo that it's not hard to meet and hook up with models if you're normal and polite. I had four under my belt, including a very well known one, before I retired from those exploits. Happy hunting!
>>12964 same dude, all you have to do is treat them like any other girl and play it cool. People on here act like talking to a local fatty is the same as dming megan fox
What are yall thoughs on chubby powerlifter gf? Besides being more rare then diamonds
My gf is chubby, although quite tall (5'10) with a 40G chest, shit gets me diamonds every time I see her and has done since we starting dating. Perfect for me
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Saw this the other day on tiktok. Bro has a great physique and has a hot gf who shares his interests. Living the life
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I've always loved women with muscle. A fat girl I hung out with flat-out said that she had a pretty thick layer of muscle under her fat, and while I don't think I admitted to it, it did arouse the fuck out of me.
>Pic unrelated, but relevant to your post
I'm thinking about how hot it would be if they wore a Cattleya costume. Cattleya has both muscle and fat.
She is certainly a monster, I've encountered her before in my dating pools in Canada. I also think she just got another man within the last year unfortunately.

I am lucky, the gyal dem I am dating and I are both physically active, she is like serious model material though. I have taken my relationship slower than usual.
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I did notice she was in the dating scene a good while ago, would have absolutely went for it if I was local. You just about never see women with her build on the market. Definitely nothing wrong with not rushing things.
The woman who was in the dating scene and lifted, has a good career in plumbing and has a child. She was quite adamant about the fact that matches had to be within 25 km of her Ontario based town. She wasn't really one to fuck around with mad serious.
In an Ideal world women would be around 300 pounds with most of the weight being in their hips and men world be around 160.
I don't understand how many people on this site are incels. If you want a bbw gf or bbws to fuck in general. All you need to do is be a little bit jacked(not even a lot). Then dress decent/clean and approach one and treat her normal. BBW worship jacked men. I do recommend getting a bbw gf though instead of causal sex. You will get to mold them however you want.
Saying that you need to be jacked to get a bbw gf is the most incel thing I've ever heard let alone how simpish it is, why should you work hard for a lazy bbw? If you want to look good for yourself that's one thing.

I am a morbidly obese guy who is fairly average looking I have no advantages over any other guy (I am poor etc. so not money, i'm not particularly funny or smart.) I have had tons of girlfriends bbw or not.
Your second piece of advice is the only truth...dress decently and be clean and treat them normally don't go sperging out. Most women are just as lonely as the average guy and also just as desperate deep down.

Most of my relationships have come from accidentally making eye contact with a woman and then just giving a smile in 'conversational' areas that you would be expected to mingle. So many guys pretend they aren't looking or look away asap... just be normal and acknowledge them. Don't try to force it especially. If you aren't weird a normal conversation can lead to making plans the same way you would meeting a new friend.
Getting woman as a byproduct of it as well as the benefit to yourself in anyway simpish? Take your fat cunt self next to a jacked version of your self. Who do you think would get more woman?

Yes woman are as desperate as men,However, They have a far larger dating/sex choice. Where as the average man does not.

"I have no advantages over any other guy " But you are wrong you degenerate. Try and self reflect more.

Don't be a average man. Be more than what you are and you will get more in life.
As much as I want to argue, he's not wrong. Men have a lot more competition than women do. Take care of your body, hide your autism power level, get some hobbies, and dress nice. Guarantee you will have better odds of snagging a fatty you like instead of one that keeps getting passed up.
Like I said, if you're doing it for yourself is one thing. Get jacked because you want to be not just to get women. If you're doing it just to get laid those are bad motivations.

Myself next to a jacked version of myself? Well in the past I was pretty fit and I got about the same amount of women as I do now. More women gave me 'the look', but let me tell you if your social skills are bad and you go up to a woman who was clearly attracted to you and start spouting autism at them they will react exactly the same as if you were ugly.

You say that women have a far larger choice it is not exactly true. While studies have shown the average woman values herself alongside the high tier men in practice it's a lot different. That's in cases purely based off of anonymous men.

> But you are wrong you degenerate. Try and self reflect more.

It's true, I actually have many disadvantages to the average man. I'm obese, i'm poor, I have a lot of allergies and a skin condition that can make me look ugly asf if not taken care of. My only advantage is that I know how to talk to someone without being a total wanker (like using terms such as "degenerate").

>Don't be a average man. Be more than what you are and you will get more in life.

Being more than average isn't appearance based. Being jacked won't make you a better person or get you more in life.
>in an ideal world, all men would be fit and healthy and all women would be fat and careless.

I can't tell you the amount of times this exact thought pops in my head.
“I’ve had tons of girlfriends” simp bro.
Lifting made it easy bang fat chicks and wife up exceptional people.
Fat chicks aren’t that different than normal hoes.
The entity of your post was hot garbage , no offense. I'll address this

>Being more than average isn't appearance based. Being jacked won't make you a better person or get you more in life.

Yes it is. its not the only thing but its on of the things. Being jacked(natty or not) by default you are better then people who lack discipline and are fat sacks of shit. Delusion. Being jacked puts you about majority of people on that alone. Intelligence, high moral ,sense of justice and the others traits put you even further above the average man.
The entirety of your post was hot garbage , no offense. I'll address this

>Being more than average isn't appearance based. Being jacked won't make you a better person or get you more in life.

Yes it is. its not the only thing but its on of the things. Being jacked(natty or not) by default you are better then people who lack discipline and are fat sacks of shit. Delusion. Being jacked puts you about majority of people on that alone. Intelligence, high moral ,sense of justice and the others traits put you even further above the average man.
i think this is sort of a really inflexible value system that doesn’t even take your own sexual preferences into account

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