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Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild?

Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
When I was in high school, we did Hello Dolly as the spring musical there was this really fat latina chick who was super funny and they had her playing the like obnoxious date Dolly sends Horace or whatever his name is on later in the play. The gag was that they put her in this really garish and too small dress and by the end of the sequence she's ran off with the waiter and abandoned the character she was on a date with. They made sure she fit in that dress near the start of rehearsals and it was already tight, by the end of her senior year, when the show premiered. she was bursting out of it, literally. I played the waiter, as a sophomore, that she was running off with. They had her sitting on my lap on stage and her waistband pretty much exploded. She grabbed my hand and made me try and hold the skirt together for the rest of the scene while she was on lap. I still remember how heavy she was and how her skin was so flushed, hot to the touch, some sweat between her rolls which my hand was pretty much buried in. I've nutted to that memory probably hundreds of times and it was the moment I think I realized that this was all I was gonna care about the rest of my life probably. So hot. Funny thing is I know for a fact my boner must have been poking her like crazy though that whole sequence but she was still super nice and grateful about helping her stay clothed on stage. She was also the girl in charge of the green room behind the scenes. After that show all the girls who ran the green room warmed up to me and let me hang out there during set strikes instead of having to dismantle shit for eight hours. Good times.
Fuck yeah, love a Latina who just outgrows the clothes. I can't even imagine seeing that happen in front of me and seeing her burst through the waistband and knowing that you're the one holding it all together ughhhhh
The pandemic seems to have made a lot of people far more candid about discussing weight gain.

During thanksgiving, two of my aunts had a long chat about how much quarantine weight they’d put on and how badly they’d been eating. One admitted to having gained at least 45 lbs, while the other said that she was too scared to even look at the scales but has needed to get bigger clothes twice, and joked that she regretted wearing pantyhose because she was worried they might burst during dinner. It was a shock to hear them speak so openly about it, but fun to listen in.
Can you imagine their pantyhose struggling to hold all of their fat? Not wanting to move to suddenly or having to constantly suck in despite being so full and gaining so much weight?
I’m sure she was exaggerating for comedy, but depending on how long ago she bought them, it’s possible that her pantyhose were too tight and she was struggling a little as the day went on. She didn’t end up bursting them, but there’s always christmas I suppose.
Do you have any other stories of people being candid about their pandemic gain? I love it
A lot of people have made some sort of comment about their pandemic weight gain, especially if I joke about my own gain first. Last year, a friend of mine said that she couldn’t button up her jeans after spending 6 months in leggings and sweat pants. Another friend talked about getting way too much food delivered and called her gain the “quarantine 15”. My sister made a joke about gaining the “covid 19” after her gym closed. There have been others too, similar comments about weight gain and lack of exercise.
>>11534 (OP)
Had an ex few years back who was built total hourglass gain a bunch of weight while I had been away in military.

When she came over for sex she couldnt fit her wide hips through doorway and literally got stuck. I following quickly behind her not paying attention bounced off her ass, lost my balance, and nearly as quickly had a huge boner.

Went into my bedroom and she stripped naked in front of me, teasing me to weight, then got on all fours on the floor and well rest of it was history. ;3

Definitely a hell of a way to have one last hurrah before settling down.
How much did she weigh if her ass was that wide?
Random selections relating to my wife:

- Big burps are basically nonstop and unapologetic.

- When she has some of her fat lady friends over, only three of them can squash onto our oversized couch and it's very close quarters. They laugh it off.

- She doesn't usually eat huge portions, but this one time she housed almost a whole loaf of buttered cinnamon bread in one sitting (in her underwear on the couch). That image lives rent free in my brain forever.

- When she forgets manners in front of people who care and lets out a big soda burp, only to sort of half apologize with an "oops" or something.
Do these fat lady friends also burp their faces off?

Does she graze all day long? How much soda is involved?

More details, please!
One of my exes fucked up her ankle months before she graduated and then went into a very sedentary office job. She went from literally working out everyday and clinically underweight to being on crutches and borderline obese in like 8 months. Which is surprisingly easy to do as a short girl. There were a lot of fun little things, like buttons bursting around friends because her clothes were too small cause she couldn’t confront going up a size.

The best moment though was when it had been nearly a month since her last period and she was 110% convinced she was pregnant because she had a nice chubby little pot belly. So we go to the store and get a cheap pregnancy test and it comes back negative. Did that make her face reality? Nope, it must have been the pregnancy test. We go back to the store and get one of the expensive ones because they are “more accurate”. She takes it and it’s still negative. At this point, standing in nothing but too small panties cinching her love handles, she grabs her belly and shakes it saying “I’m guess I’m not actually pregnant, just fucking fat”. That was still a few weeks before I told her I was into fat/wg so I just had to hide my massive boner and pretend everything was normal, then change the subject and make her feel better so we could fuck asap
I've seen women binging in person that easily beat any in person stuffing session I've been a part of. Most notably was a girl I went to College with- I think she was a sophomore when I was a freshman.

Every time I saw her in the cafeteria, she was eating at least two entrees, and was GORGING herself. Just absolutely going nuts. A particularly hit moment I always remember is when she filled two cereal bowls with condiments. One with Mayo, another ketchup. She proceeded to eat two cheeseburgers by DUNKING them in the condiments. Absolute madwoman.

I remember her looking noticably fatter each time I saw her- I'm fairly certain she was a feedist, but that's a whole other story.

I had another that happened recently that made me essentially fall in love; the fancier of the grocery store options in my area usually has mostly boomers shopping there- but recently, I saw another alt styled millennial who was in sweats, and may have been at least 450lbs. She waddled past me and I was in awe- I saw her later in the frozen aisle, grabbing 7-8 pints ot Talenti gelato and B&J ice cream. No cart, just frantically grabbed them and stacked them against her chest and ample belly. We checked out around the same time.... That was all she bought. I swear if I were single I would have complimented her Talenti selections to try to respectfully hit on her. I can only imagine the hurt she put on those pints upon getting home.

1) Depends on the day.

2) Yes to grazing, but less soda than you'd think. Her weight is mostly down to laziness and snacking.
Went to a buffet with my wife a few weeks ago when we went away for a weekend getaway in Amish country PA. She’s 5’4”, 340 lbs. She ate and ate and ate. We got back in the car, and she had to pull her pants down under her packed belly. She mentioned more than once that she ate too much.

When we got back to the hotel room and she took off her pants, underwear and shirt, sitting on the couch only wearing her bra. We had gone out earlier in the day and bought some fudge, pretzels, and some other goodies. Anyway, she saw the bag with the pretzels in it and asked me to give it to her. On top of everything she ate at dinner, she ate 3 soft pretzels.

I had to help her get up and when she stood, she bent over rubbing her belly, groaning to me that she can’t believe she was that gluttonous. I rubbed her belly and couldn’t believe how tight it was. She then lay down on the bed and rubbed her belly, groaning the entire time. Unreal!

I’ve been keeping the house well stocked with snacks. She eats a pint of Ben & Jerry’s about 5 nights a week. Sunday I went to Sam’ and bought their big pecan pie. There’s left than a quarter of it left. I love going to places with her and notice she’s the fattest woman in the room. I also love that she weighs 60 lbs more than her 2 closest friends combined!
>fucked up her ankle
I find this more sad than anything, but I know some of you will find it arousing: my ex broke her ankle doing nothing. She rolled it stepping over a kerb and it broke because she was just that heavy.
>>11821 Ah I figured she must be so burpy because of a soda obsession but I guess some people are just naturally gassy like that
>>11824 Huge girls with skinny friends is ubderrated and hot af, especially when they eat like absolute hogs

I should clarify. There is beer, cider and seltzer involved more than traditional soda. My brain just equates soda with sugary drinks but the seltzer probably counts.
Just as hot, especially with some drunk lush vibes
I love all of these stories, keep 'em coming!
These are ALL gold!
Is she at all self concious about this type of gluttony? Or does she just accept it as totally normal for her? Cuz that is a wild amount of food to eat. And did she start obese or pig out to get there?
Yes, she is self conscious about it and no, she doesn’t eat like this all the time. Every now and then she eats like that. Now being holiday season, she’ll eat like there’s no tomorrow. We’re together 17 years. When we first met she was around 225-230 lbs.
I'd love to hear more of these types of stories. Her spilling her belly over her pants sound incredibly hot!
That was the only time she’s ever done that. But she’s put on a few pounds, and clothes are tight. She just ordered some new shirts & pants and went from a 26/28 to 30/32. She now needs to order a new winter coat, as she’s outgrown last year’s & it doesn’t zip up.
>>11534 (OP)

one time, I was walking home from hanging out with a friend after school, and this girl who I was aquaintences with in school, but didn't know very well came up to me in the middle of the street as I walked by her house to chat with me. She was holding a soccer ball and was wearing just a sports bra and those short shorts. She was a very fat Latino girl with very fair skin. I like to think I was doing a good job of keeping eye contact but in reality I was too busy staring at her exposed gut, which was glistening from her sweat. She had a beautiful smile, too. I've fapped to this memory for years to come. I wish I wasn't so socially awkward in high school because I totally should have made my mood on her. Apparently the skinny girl she was with when we chatted was rumoured to later tell someone else who I was friends with that "she wishes I looked at her the way I looked at [Latino aquaintences] obesity". That sentence alone makes me diamonds
This wasn’t really a wardrobe malfunction and more of an inadvisable fashion choice, but the irony of the whole situation made it great. Back in high school, one of our teachers was hosting a mini assembly with our grade. She was standing in front of everyone wearing clothes that clearly didn’t fit her. She’d either gained about 10kg or was wearing the wrong size, because the waistband of her jeans was digging in and the tank top or camisole she was wearing was way too short, leaving 5 or 6 inches of soft belly fat spilling out. The best part was that her talk was about reminding people, mainly the girls, about their uniform being appropriate and not wearing anything inappropriate or too revealing on the casual clothes day later that week. The irony of a nearly 40 year old teacher lecturing students on dressing appropriately while her fat belly spills out of her undersized clothes was hilarious. It must have been obvious to others too, my friend brought it up on the bus home because she hated that teacher and everyone else knew exactly what she was talking about and started making jokes about it.
It's an impressive gain in total though! 225 to around 340? Oh yeah, she loves to eat and overall, the desire for food overpowers her shame and I love that. She gave in! Seems like it's not the first time outgrowing stuff, love it
Damn, how tall and what do you think she weighed? Do you know she's looking nowadays? I wouldn't be able to stop staring
Something about people making comments about someone's gain or their choice of clothes, it's hot. Imagine if she bursted out of something in front of everyone
I mean we were both in HS but she was still pretty short, if I had to guess I'd say 5'5. Weight always looks cuter on short girls. Found her on Instagram, she's definitely still a hog but looks like she's slimmed down, whether intentional or not. Hopefully she falls victim to her vices and blows up some more
sorry I'm a retard and forgot the add, she probably weighed around 260-300? I mean, she was large. Belly spilling over shorts and everything.
Idk why but a jiggly, round belly shake from the bottom really does something else to me, I turn into a horny teenager again.
No it certainly isn’t. And I’d really would love it if she outgrew the new clothes she just bought. Sooner rather than later. She’s been baking cookies for Christmas, but she eats the majority of them. Every now and then she’ll comment on how fat she is after eating, to which I pat her belly and tell her she needs to keep her strength up!

I absolutely love her big round belly, her huge arms, backfat, stretch marks, and cellulite on her ass & thighs. Truly amazing!
Sounds like you're a lucky person, indeed!
What ever you have to share about her or stories, I'm always welcoming of more. Maybe comments from others about her? She sounds great because she lets you enjoy her softness!
Phew, trying to imagine how she looked and wow. That sounds amazing, like a hot mess! You should hit her up!
Would love to see moar posts thx
I saw once at a McDonald’s what I could’ve sworn was a stuffing but I didn’t realize what was going on at the time.

It was 2014 and I was dating this chick who was thin but had huge tits. Not important but she wasn’t into the gaining thing at all. We tried it for a bit but not her thing.

Anyways, we’re at this McDonald’s in a podunk little farm town and these two women maybe early 20s are sitting in a booth across from us. One was thin maybe 110 lbs at most. The other was maybe low 200s nothing crazy.

However, the one in the 200s was going absolutely crazy on food, nuggets especially. At the same time I swear to god she had her shirt up above her stomach. It wasn’t a huge stomach but it was definitely up there.

I still can’t help to think it was a feederism situation, but I couldn’t make it obvious I was watching. Needless to say I left that McDonald’s rock hard and fucked my thin girlfriends brains out when we got home.
A while back I was on a tour of a historic lighthouse and there was a short but fairly hefty (300ish), very pear shaped woman with us. There were a lot of stairs (lighthouse) and she seemed fit enough, able to climb them all though she made sure she was at the back of the pack the whole time. (Maybe so her ass wouldn't be in people's faces...?) At the very top, to get to the room with the actual light, there was a short ladder and then you went through a fairly tight, porthole-like opening. Everyone climbed through it except her, and when I looked back down at her I realized it was iffy if her hips would make it through. Obviously she thought the same thing, because she stayed one level down while the guide did their spiel. The view was pretty spectacular, basically what everyone was waiting for, and someone with her (can't remember now if it was a spouse or friend or whatever) called down to her, multiple times, some version of "XXX, you should really come up here!" She made some excuse about heights or something, though looking back down the spiral staircase we'd just climbed would have been way worse.

Once saw an absolutely massive (600, 700?) woman in a powerchair try to get on a bus and break the lift. I was just walking by, saw her steering herself onto the platform and suddenly had to, you know, check my phone. It was getting into rush hour, the bus was very crowded, and so it was a huge hassle to bring on a disabled person of any kind in the first place. She finally parker herself on the lift, it started going up, and I was ready to move on with my life, but then it stopped, leaving her hovering about 2' off the ground. The driver, who'd been operating the lift from inside, had to come out to see what was going on. Meanwhile she's just sitting there and I'm trying not to make eye contact but checking out the passengers through the windows and a few who can see what's going on are freaking. The driver was messing around with the lift for at least 5 mins, then calls someone on his radio. I'd been hanging around way too long already, and even my black sadistic feeder-fetishist soul couldn't handle the pathos so I left, never seeing the outcome. I imagine they had to get everyone off the bus and put them on the next one while someone came to fix the lift. Yikes.

Was walking with a friend and spotted a gigantic (5'6" 500ish) woman using a walker. When we walked past her and I saw her face she was younger than I'd assumed, 35-40ish, homely-cute but no makeup, whatever hair, etc. Her shape was "big all over" but she had gigantic calves and cankles that hung over her shoes. This friend knows I'm an FA, more or less, but has no idea I'm into feeder stuff and USBBWs (though I may have outed myself in this incident...). Once we were past he said something snarky about her walker and I Yeah'd and that was that. A block later we crossed the street to a small bakery-cafe to get coffee and a snack, and sat down near the door. I saw the walker gal approaching through the window but figured no way was she coming inside, assuming someone that big wouldn't go solo to a place that's basically all sugar and carbs. Little did I know... The door flung open and there she was. There was a very short step up into the place and she'd thrust her walker inside to hold the door, while trying to navigate the step. White Knight that I am, I jumped up and held the door for her, and it took an inordinate amount of time for her to push the walker forward to just the right distance where she could lean on it and lift her legs one by one over this literally 4" step. She seemed frustrated and sweaty, but overall practical and upbeat while she struggled, like it was just a problem to be solved. She thanked me the whole time and again once she'd managed to get inside. I held the door for another awkwardly long amount of time while she cleared the arc of it. My friend and I were poker-faced after that, trying to restart our conversation while both waiting to see what she'd order. She wound up getting a giant chocolate cupcake that I'm guessing was 750 calories based on similar (much smaller) stuff at Starbucks, and a loaf of bread. She put it in the front pocket of her walker and then shuffled out the door again, though this time the clerk came from around the counter to do door duty. Lucky for both of them it was way easier getting down the step and out the door than coming in.
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I once overheard a conversation of two students, one telling the other, who was a slim thick brunette of average height who was wearing a tight purple sweater exposing her midriff and tight jeans that 'she loved her confidence and would never dare to wear something like that.'

Another one involved a group of students who were waiting by a bus stop to go to a cafeteria spot, one of them who was a slightly below average height pear-shaped fat blonde girl dressed in a tight top and tight pants with Adidas stripes, had a tic where she shaked her thick tights from side-to-side every few seconds, she lamentally said out-loud 'I really need to stop doing this'. Later on she and her group and friends who weren't exactly small either all ordered a big plate of fries at the cafeteria, (where I walked to instead of taking the bus, takes 10 minutes).
One of the former regulars at my gym has really piled on the weight during the pandemic. With all the lockdowns and gym closures, she definitely hasn’t been keeping up a regular exercise routine. I’ve seen her many times over the years before covid hit, shes probably early 50s and used to have that typical middle-aged woman figure where she was sort of fit but still had a little extra weight around the stomach and hips. I saw her again a few months ago at the gym and she had really porked up. Not in a graceful, curvy older woman sort of way either. She got fat. Her face was puffy and round with a pronounced double chin, she had a big, round, bulging stomach and thick fat legs. I’m surprised she was willing to come back to the same gym looking like that, but credit to her for being brave. She struggled her way through a light gym session and I tried not to stare. I haven’t seen her again since but that might be because I haven’t been going to the gym much myself.
I was on a commuter train, trying to transfer, and a few of us misheard the track instructions. We wound up on the wrong platform and had to go downstairs then back up to the correct one. We had like 1 minute to do so and so we ran but didn't make it.

Among us was a midsized BBW, 5'6", 260ish, mid-20s, blonde, very pretty with a doughy, pearish body. All of us were out of breath from the sudden burst of activity, but she was in *really* bad shape — red-faced, heaving, sweating, cursing. To the point where I asked if she was okay and she nodded Yes, thank you and I backed off. We had to wait for about 20 minutes for the next train and I swear it took like half of that for her to recover.
I love this thread
I'll share one.
Went to an all you can eat hot pot and sushi. Saw a girl sigh, reach down to unbutton her pants and lean back a bit. She took a big breath, giggled to a friend to not make what she did obvious but we locked eyes... my mind was swimming thinking about how much she must have eaten. She had a starter double chin but couldn't see her body too much sadly! Couldn't stop thinking about her smug face after unbuttoning her jeans
I don't generally like sharing personal stories, but this one is too good.

My SO, who is about 325 pounds, knows my preferences. She occasionally uses them to get food she wants. Never in an overt or overly manipulative way, but occasionally she'll "accidentally" have her stomach pooching out before she nicely asks me to please run out and get her a croissant or danish or something. If I refuse, she might start playing with her belly and talking about how hungry she is in a "sexy" voice. Saying how mean it is of me to deprive her. That sort of thing.

It usually ends there, never gets overly graphic, and that's that. She's not doing it to be mean or becasue she's a feedee or anything, but because at one point or another I told her that if she did this, it would probably work, and she found it hilarious. Sometimes she gets cravings, and watching it actually work cracks her up every time. Sometimes she gets whatever she wants, sometimes she doesn't.

Now the story.

This one time a few summers ago, she made a vow to lose weight, "starting now", and we were about a week in. I love my wife, so honestly had every intention of supporting her. She's my partner and best friend.

There was just one problem; due to an I.O.U. for her birthday, which I made before she told me about her plans, I had promised to bake her a cheesecake. Of course, we'd have to call it off! I promised I'd get her some other gift instead.

Except, no. She still wanted that cheesecake.

I reminded her that she was only a week into her diet, and that baking a whole cheesecake and having it sitting around in the house would probably be a bad way to start off. It's literally the densest, fattiest dessert ever conceived by man! Despite the loud protests from my little man downstairs ("give her the caaaake you idiot"), I told her that I was going to refuse to make her the cake. It was for her own good.

Sensing that she might not get her precious cake, she turned to seductive manipulation.

It started with the normal talk about her reeeally liking cheesecake, and how nice it would fill her out, but knowing her history with diets, I was prepared for it and held my ground.

I don't know what little voice was talking in HER head, but that's when she decided to ratchet things up to eleven:

"Baby. I want you to make me that cheesecake. I don't want any jewelry or new shirt, I want that cake. And not just a plain cake, or a smaller cake, or a diet cake. I want it to be full sized and decadent. I want it covered with strawberry confit. I want it served with whipped cream, and ice cream on the side. You promised me that cheesecake, and I want it. Do you understand me?"

I still tried to refuse, but I'm only human and my will was clearly breaking. So she delivered the killing blow.

"Baby. Let me tell you what I'm going to do with that cake. First, I'm going to cut myself a nice big slice. I'm going to eat the whole thing after dinner while you watch. Then I'm going to put the rest of the cake in the fridge with a big spoon in it, and whenever I feel the slightest bit hungry, or I need to take the edge off, I'm going to take a bite. A bite after breakfast, a bite between meals, whenever I feel like eating cheesecake, I'm going to eat cheesecake. I'm going to finish the whole thing. And you aren't going to have any, not because I won't let you, but because watching me put away a whole cheesecake will be the hottest thing you'll ever see in your life. Do you really not want that to happen?"

So... she got her cake. And she did what she said she would, and it was hot. And her diet failed shortly after. And I feel dirty like I'm complicit in a crime, even though it was 100 percent on her.

But, hey, at least my dick is happy.
I used to work in a restaurant, fairly high-end Inn. Two coworkers I can mention. Let's call the first one Stacie. Stacie was about 5'4, mid thirties. Stacie was curvy and had that kinda thick figure that mums have. Stacie LOVED food. She was never discrete. She fucking loved food. On breakfast services, she'd literally pig out. Sausages, bacon, eggs and all - literally eat before work, eat at work and all. Very fun to work with too. Not just because I got to see her ample figure, just generally a lovely person. One day, she literally talks about how much weight she's piling on - literally points at her arse when we're walking in the same direction and talking about how big it is (not giant giant, but big enough). Christmas came around, and after - she literally had her hands over her belly under the waistcoat and talked about how much she overindulged at Christmas.

Another one I'll call, for anonymous reasons, is Angie. Angie worked in the company and used to roam because of shortages in the company. Angie was a BIG woman. 5'10, VERY thick thighs and a huge arse. Very lovely red hair too. Had to have been in her forties. Couldn't really make belly out because of workplace attire, but definitely had one. One time, she got food for herself from the kitchen. Service isn't too busy at that time, was going into the busier service soon. Sat on her own eating a House Burger. She laid back after, hands on stomach like those feedees do in clips and let out a huge gross burp (had to have smelt of what she ate too, like one of those burps that come from the very depths of the stomach) without soda. Had to say, will never forget that. I always saw her picking at food.
I met up with my gf on her lunch break today. She'd been working like crazy all morning and hadn't really had a chance to eat anything. I've been trying to lose weight recently and she's been letting herself go, knowing how much I love it. She ordered a chicken sandwich meal (Wendy's) and was eating so fast that halfway through her sandwich she let out this huge sudden burp. Now, I've been "training" her lately to really let out all her burps without holding back, again, she knows how much I love it. And I think between how used she is to eating around me and how unexoected it was, she just started laughing and never excused herself. I definitely caught some folks looking at her, but she seemed clueless about that, even though there was no way not to hear her (the dishwasher in the back might have heard her).

To top it off, she even finished the last of my chicken salad and grabbed a frosty for her drive back to work. I came home, jerked off like a maniac, and now I'm waiting on her fat ass to get home. Sometimes shit is just real good.

Both of these are FANTASTIC! I love the unrestrained burping and the absolute lack of control. It's like being aware but enjoying being a fatass WAY more than being proper.
Oh yes! I meant to reply to this one too, that sounds super hot. I love a woman who indulges and knows that it's indulgent! Might have to try this with my own partner
She definitely seems to be getting a little less aware of how she's presenting herself in public. I think all the time we spend together at home and my constant encouragement is helping remove some of her ingrained social habits. Caught her slightly rubbing the bottom of her belly as she waited for a cashier at a store today and she let out a small burp, but it was not rrstrained and the person in front of us definitely noticed. I almost passed out lol.

Fat girls burp way more bassier, louder, and smellier than any thinner girl. Would very much like to find out the actual science behind it.
I don't know if that's always true but its def true of my current girl. She's something special in lots of ways, but seeing a wild belch come out of that sweet cute face is like no one else I've been with.
>>11534 (OP)
Not really an example of hot stuff happening in front of me so much as it literally happened to me:
>Be me, 2017, depressed studio art major
>Spring semester managed to get an internship at the university art gallery
>Besides installing artwork for exhibition I spend most of my time sitting on my ass manning the front desk
>All semester have been making biweekly trips to Domino's and thanks to Piece of the Pie rewards those trips sometimes became more frequent
>Have been lanky all my life; haven't updated my fashion sensibilities much since hipster phase in high school; haven't noticed my skinny jeans have gotten tighter over past few weeks
>One day in art gallery alone as usual getting ready to close, get pizza and go home; I get up from my chair
>Hear a loud ripping noise
>Start feeling the coarseness of chair fabric on my left inner thigh; look down
>The fucking seam on my left pant leg ripped from my crotch halfway to my knee
>Get the hardest boner I've had in a long time
>Why oh god why; it won't go away
>Had to walk across campus to my car with a pitched tent and thigh fat bulging out of the hole in my pants
Needless to say I didn't get pizza that night; still a fond memory.
Hell yeah! Something about burps can really get me going sometimes
I can't fap to this. [spoiler]or can I?[spoiler]
Has the expansion increased since then?
>be me
>go to pub with friends last night
>one of the lads has a new gf
>haven't met her before
>9/10, very pretty, skinnyfat with a pot belly/muffintop
>shows up wearing a crop top and a navel piercing, munching on a bag of doritos
>later on we get pizza
>she rubs her belly while eating it
Sounds like bullshit but it's true. Motherfucker doesn't know how lucky he is
A little bit. I stopped using Domino's rewards after I graduated and moved away but the weight gain has stayed and then some—it's been gradual enough for people to still comment on it years later. I've noticed a potbelly forming and have started to struggle with pants again this past year; chalk it up to pandemic woes, I suppose.
Fuuuuck. I just witnessed the biggest gain I've ever seen and now I'm all conflicted.

So this semester I picked a class where there's only six of us. It's one of those chill, blow-off classes where the professor is super cool and embraces the laid back mood. So, it's last week and we're having the first class of the semester. I get there on time for once, and start going through my notes. And suddenly, in walks the largest girl I've ever seen in our building. I'm talking two beach balls in the trunk, fupa barely fitting inside a comically tight pair of jeans (they don't even sell pants of that size where I live). She takes a seat to my right, in the next-closest row to the professor, so every now and then I can pretend to look out of the window and steal a glance. Halfway through the introduction to the syllabus, as she's chatting with the exchange students, she takes of her jumper to reveal two lumps the size of a kid's head under her t-shirt. Even her arms are all fluffy, with several streched out tattoos, which I think is a super hot combo (think tess holiday but smaller). She's pretty pear shaped, which I don't find too appealing, but it hardly matters, there's so much of her even in the "skinny" bits. Needless to say, I went to bed late that night.

And so, this week's class rolls around and I'm still thinking about her. I've been trying to find her in the classes' online platform, but none of the pictures match. It's pretty odd but oh well, nothing a little imagination can't fix. When class starts, the professor does a little roll call and this time I'm focused enough to catch her name, which I immediately look up on the platform. Suddenly, it becomes pretty clear why I couldn't find her before. As it turns out, the picture is from our freshman year, when she was umm, "thinner". I actually remember her now: she goes to another group in our degree. I noticed her back then because she was pretty thick, but she wasn't that remarkable, besides her punk-ish sense of fashion. I'm shit at estimating weights, but she must've been about 170 pounds when I last saw her as a sophmore. Well apparently, the pandemic really got to her. Now I reckon she can't be lower than 340. That's Two. Years. She doubled in size in two years, and she was already fat to begin with. It's no wonder she dropped the whole punk aesthetic, they don't make 5 ft long bullet belts.

At this point my head is spinning a little, but I shake it off and distract myself by actually listening to the lecture. As the class wears on, we all start to get a little bored, so I make a joke about another professor in the group chat, and the girl laughs a bit more than I expected. I reason she must know who I'm talking about, and indeed she does. Turns out the guy is tutoring her final paper for the degree. Guess what? He is tutoring mine too. But she's having trouble reaching him, so I offer to relay some questions to him, since I have a class with him tomorrow. There's nothing flirty going on at the moment but holy cow, this whole situation reads like bad erotica. I sure hope it made for good reading.

That's the story so far for the wankers in the crowd. Now you may listen to my predicament if you will. The thing is, I'm too chicken to actually get with a fat girl, let alone the biggest one in school. Hiding this fetish has never been a problem for me: I like slim chicks all the same, and all my flings/crushes have been average simply because there aren't many fat girls where I live. Given the choice between a fringe fetish that I nurtured by being too online and a normality that is just as sexually fulfilling, I picked the latter. And suddenly, I'm served this prime piece of pork on a silver platter. I've been trying to wean off the fat stuff due to the lack of big girls in my country, but this whole thing has sent me back to square one. I swear I haven't been this horny since the first quarantine, and it's been ages since the last time I did the do. Don't take this as proof that I'm delusional about my fetish, I think it works like redheads. They might not be objectively hotter, but the rarity makes everything more special. If you saw a unicorn in the woods, wouldn't you try to fuck it? (this metaphor got away from me real quickly).

Well, that's basically where it's at. Sorry for the novella. I'm not really looking for answers, just sharing a hot thing that happened and venting my feelings is all. Happy wanking.
>The thing is, I'm too chicken to actually get with a fat girl

wtf dude, yes try to hook up with her. Assuming this is true, you'd be a bigger loser for letting that stop you and wasting the situation than you would be a "loser" for fucking someone you find attractive.

The older you get the less you care what other people think. Might as well start now
Take it from someone who could have fucked the fattest girl in my course and didn't: you should 100% go for it. I still regret not taking the chance to this day

You say a girl like her is a rarity in your area. She sounds hot and kind of stylish. Is in your major, so you may share a lot of interests... What is the downside here? If you can score a date with this girl, it sounds like you've hit the jackpot.

I wouldn't just say try to 'hook up' with this girl, I would genuinely pursue her as a romantic interest. I would ask this babe on a date before someone else does.

And dude, get over your internalized fat-phobia. Would you want her to be hesitant to go out with you because of your appearance? Get out of here with that shit. It's a global pandemic. It's 2022. No one gives a fuck who you're attracted to. You will thank yourself for going out on a limb to take your shot with this girl.

(Also, of she's gained this much over 2 years, imagine how much relationship weight she could put on... just saying!)
Just go for it, you'll be so happy you did.
Relationship weight is such a hot thing! She already put on about 85 pounds a year, imagine how often she wants to go out to eat and how often she'd probably eat more because she just enjoys that?
Just go for it! You will regret it forever if you don't try.
If nothing else comes from it, then at least you can be proud of yourself that you tried, and will have some good memories of being near her amazing body.

If it goes well then.. you don't need to marry her, you will get to play with these kids-head sized tits.. and more. Just think about it!
If you really like fat girls and you settle for someone more 'normal' then you will still fantasize about the fat girls you see and meet..
I used to be really closeted on liking fat girls, but I eventually sucked it up and wifed up a girl I met on FF. Two kids later, absolutely zero regrets. I dated skinny girls, and found them objectively hot, but I'd always check out fat girls despite my best efforts. When I got with my now wife for the first time it was night and day between her and skinny girls, it was simply so much better. Wife and I had sex last night and it's still amazing, almost a decade later. I've also gotten exactly zero shit from people for dating/marrying a fat girl, you might get teased a bit, but seriously who cares? Nobody is going to ostracize you, it's be light teasing at worst. Go for it anon, and if it's not for you, then go back to doing what you were doing before, but I have a feeling that you won't be able to go back after you get with a fat girl like that.
Most people will just think that you're not shallow and well principled if you date a fat girl. Especially if you've dated thin girls in the past.
Short one but when I was 13 years old I went on vacation with my friend's family to Rhode Island. We did a lot of fun stuff near the sea shore, going to the beach, taking hikes and such. The day before leaving we went to a seafood festival which was honestly more like a county fair, there was this woman there that really lit a fire inside me.

Late 20s early 30s, bright blonde hair, might be my 13 year old boy brain but in my memory she was like six foot something, just extremely tall for a chick. And hanging out from below her spaghetti strap shirt, above her belt buckle and jeans was a huge pot belly, just round with the bottom halfway out.

Pretty big tits, no ass but you can't have everything. She leaned back to stretch and yawn which exposed her deep belly button, joked about being really full and tugged it back down but I saw what I needed. Made a photocopy of the event in my head, spanked it multiple times before we left the state.
I have two, unrelated, stories to share.

First one happened last summer. Bought something on Amazon. Something was wrong with it. Need to return it. Go to the UPS in town to ship it. Big line. Ugh, great. But the person directly in front of me is a ssbbw. Probably 5'6 400+. I live in the SE USA, so seeing someone that size isn't rare at all, but it was the way she was dressed. She had on a black ankle length skirt worn at waist level. Pretty tight on her ass. And basically a sports bra. No shirt. All of her back fat rolls hanging out. All of her stomach showing. Some cleavage from what i saw when she left after finishing her business.

Second one. Was dating a girl 5'3 about 265. On again off again dieter. Tried to feed her all the time. She knew i wanted to fatten her up, just wasn't that into it. Had fat, soft tits sns a double belly. Not a flat ass, but not very big either. Lots of back fat. Well i was leaving work on Friday (on day shift for once) and she asks me to stop by taco bell. She ordered on the app and i picked it up. Two big bean boritos and 2 orders of cinnamon twists. Get home. Devours it all before i even realize it. Says she is still hungry. Asks for ramen. She liked to have ramen cooked but dry and them American cheese on top. Make that, two packs, 3 cheese. Still hungry. She would buy these 6 inch diet keto cookies that still had like 60 calories each, ate like 4 of those. Then a whole 8 count box of granola bars. Chill and watch tv for a while. Hungry again. Wants cereal now. Eats like 4 bowls of cereal. Then asks for ice cream. 2 bowls of ice cream. Finally full. Says she is ready for bed. Can barely get up off the couch. Get in bed. Face each other in bed. Her belly is rock hard, super tight. She still let me fuck her belly button though.
I miss cooking in restaurants I got a good story of a waitress gaining weight as well
So we'll call her Macy. Macy was 22 and always skinny through high school (I went to school with her) and we worked Sundays together at a restaurant back from summer 2018 to about 2020ish. So anyways beginning early 2018 she broke her ankle and gained about 20lbs bringing her up to 130lbs. So when she started she was already slightly thicker. Around the middle of September that year I noticed she was suddenly getting thicker and eating more. By October her eating had escalated further and clearly was sporting a little rounder belly. Constantly munching on food McDonalds every morning shift for breakfast followed by a couple bowls of soup. Lunch we would bring out a few pizzas for the bar for the football games always had leftovers. So munching on chips the whole time during the games followed by normally at least a couple slices of pizza for lunch. Dinner she would often have a prime rib sandwich which I would always double up the meat and cheese for her. On top of her job she was drinking pretty heavy on the weekends too and would get the drunk munchies pretty bad. Once me and her stopped at a taco joint after the bar and I bought her 3 super tacos which are pretty big. The next day she told me she woke up with wrappers in her bed lol. Another time that November she came in complaining about how bloated she was that morning because she ate a whole pizza to herself the night before at the bar. So by November she had clearly gained noticeable weight her big constantly bloated belly was her dominate feature she was starting to look pregnant. Her work hoodie that was loose in September was now straining against her belly. At this point she claimed she was eating an AVG of 5,000 calories a day and was 170lbs and "had to stop". Of course this didn't happen this continued if not worse into December. The best story from December was a day she stuffed herself absolutely huge at work. So it started with her usual McDonalds in the morning and complaining about being sooo bloated already because well she was just permantly bloated at this point. Followed by a couple bowls of chicken noodle soup. Then a bunch of snacking during the football game. After the game she had a whole 4 slices of leftover pizza. Then before the dinner rush really started there was a mistake order of chicken alfredo. Chef said she could have it but she has to share. Well she didn't share ate the only thing herself. By now she visibly very bloated going into dinner rush, sporting a huge round gut with no way to hide it black can only be so slimming. But that didn't stop her from grabbing a basket of fries to munch on during dinner rush. After dinner rush she still wanted her prime rib sandwich which was 10ozs of meat and 3 pieces of cheese when I would make it for her. She ate it all of course. By the end of this shift you would've seriously thought she was 8 months pregnant she was so stuffed her shirt was straining against her belly hard. So by the end of December she was up to 190 lbs and looked like she was due any day. 130 lbs in September to 190lbs in December. I should also mention that sometimes we would bump our big bellies together as a joke because at the time I had a good size beer gut as a guy. And sometimes she would let me rest my hand on the top on her belly and joke about when "our foodbaby was due". At least she could joke around about gaining so much weight so fast. I wish I could've dated her I was trying too.
Sup, I posted way back in the Thanksgiving Happenings thread about my Mother-in-Law who likes to overeat, and I'm back with another story about her.

This happened just this weekend. Last Christmas, my Father-in-Law got a pasta maker as a gift. The only trouble is he doesn't know the first thing about pasta, so as a guy who does a lot of cooking, that's where I came in. We decided that we should make a day of it, spend the afternoon making and eating pasta. My MIL was very excited at the prospect of this. She told us that we could handle the cooking part and she would handle the hard part: plopping her pudgy ass in a chair and eating whatever we set in front of her.
When all was said and done, we made 9 pounds of pasta (just the dough, not counting sauces and fillings.) After the first course, which was deep fried ravioli with marinara sauce, my MIL told me that it was going to be one of *those* days, so she went and changed into sweatpants. 3 courses later, she was standing in the hallway, and when I tried to walk past, she intentionally pushed me into the wall with her stomach.
"Oops! Sorry anon, I can't help it! My belly is getting pretty big already, so it's hard to control haha" she said, very obviously teasing me. I've gotten more comfortable with this sort of thing by now, so I squeezed her belly a bit with my hands and told her that I could definitely tell she still had room. She told me "I said it was getting big, I didn't say I was full yet!"
3 more courses go by, and we've finally run out of pasta dough. My MIL made sure to eat at least one portion of every dish (for taste testing purposes of course) plus the second helpings she had of some of them. All the while she made sure that I was eating at least a full portion of each dish too (I'm a pretty big dude and I'm into that whole mutual gainer life, so I didn't complain one bit) but she still managed to eat more than me and I was hella stuffed.
After a while of us bumping our bellies together to compare foodbabies, and her teasing me that my appetite couldn't keep up with hers, eventually it came time for me and my wife to head home. On our way out, my MIL rubbed my belly and asked if I needed her to roll me out to the car. I responded by rubbing her belly in return and told her that she should be more worried about rolling herself to bed. I swear, her belly was firm to the touch with all the food packed in there. I couldn't help but make a comment about how full she felt.
"Oh yeah, it's stuffed like concrete in there, haha. I can't believe I ate as much as I did, but it was all just so good!"

I've been thinking about this a lot the last couple days lol. Like I said in the other thread, I have a lot of stories like this, maybe this time I won't be a bitch and actually post more of them.
Nice, I made both this thread and the thanksgiving thread! I'd always love to hear more! Love that she's continuing to stuff her face
We would all love to hear more. Also what about your wife does she stuff her belly too like this?
I had a hunch both threads might have come from the same person, seeing as they both specifically mentioned burps lol

Sadly, no. My wife has a rather small stomach capacity and she doesn't indulge any of my feedist fantasies. However, she is a major fast food addict and she's pretty lazy so she's definitely put on a few pounds since we got married. Most of them have gone to her ass instead of her gut, but you still won't hear me complaining.

I know how unlikely some of these stories are gonna sound, which is a big reason I didn't post them before, but just keep in mind, my MIL is a middle-aged, overly flirty alcoholic who answers her phone "This is the goddess speaking" so she's anything but normal. Imagine her like that loud aunt who's always hitting on younger men.
We typically do big meals like this every couple of months or so, and she usually starts dieting the next day, which absolutely kills me. However, one time she had been dieting for a few days and she complained to me and my wife about how she was going to waste away, pretending that her husband was forcing her to diet (we all knew it was her idea from the start, but we played along with the joke.) So I mentioned that I had the next day off from work and she doesn't have a job so I suggested if she needed someone to help her "cheat" on her diet, I could assist. She agreed a lot faster than I expected.
The next morning she sent me a message saying she wanted soup for lunch. I asked which kind, and she said she didn't care so I made the thickest, heaviest soup I know how to make: cheesy chicken and rice. It's got like a pound of cheese in it and it's the consistency of porridge. I had made it for her once before and she LOVED it. I baked up some bread bowls to put it in as well as an 8inx8in cherry cobbler, grabbed a 2 liter of root beer then drove over to her house. (The root beer was to hopefully get a good belch or two out of her, but that part of the plan didn't work.)
Everyone else in the family was working a the time, so it was just the two of us and a whole pot of soup. I kept the dessert in the car until the end as a little surprise. I served up the soup into the bread bowls and we both started going to town on them. After her first bowl, she said she was getting full and should probably stop, but when I served myself a second bowl and laid on some peer pressure, she agreed to have another. After two full bread bowls of soup, she said she was actually full now, to which I responded that I had a surprise.
I took out the cherry cobbler with two spoons, not bothering to put it in bowls or anything. She told me she would have a bite or two, but she was very full. After the first bite, she moaned a little from the flavor (absolute slut for desserts) and continued eating. When all was said and done, we had finished the entire thing. She leaned back and groaned, hands on her stomach. She reminded me she was supposed to be watching her weight, not trying to get fatter. I told her I wouldn't want her wasting away, to which she stood up, turned to the side so I could get a good look, and slapped her belly, saying I won't have to worry about that!
We packed up the leftover soup for her husband to eat when he got home. The next morning, my wife and I came back over to hang out. I asked my FIL how the soup was, and he replied "What soup?" My MIL just patted her gut in response. We still joke about this, and since then my FIL has started calling her a bottomless pit. He labels all of his leftovers now; it doesn't help.
I'm ok with being known as a burp guy, I know what I like LOL

Another great story and I'm glad I'm not alone in wanting to get burps out of people!
Wife weight gain sounds like heaven in and of itself so that's always nice!
Ugh acknowledging that she failed her goal and is only getting fatter, that's the good stuff. I don't remember if you've mentioned her actual weight or weight range? As always, appreciate the stories!

I don't actually believe this is real (sorry bro), but my boner right now is as real as it gets.
I'm willing to believe this guy has an overweight mother-in-law he's had very elaborate fantasies about for years
Idk if these stories are true or not, but regardless I’d love to hear more. They are genuinely interesting/hot to hear.
I just saw some beluga waddling down the street and her CALVES were touching as she walked. That's right. Her calves. SSBBW thighs rubbing together is nothing new, but that's the first time I've seen legs so big that they touch all the way down. First time I've seen it IRL anyway.

She really did not look happy to be walking either.
I've always been awful at trying to guess weights, but I can tell you she's not particularly huge. Think CouchQueen but with small boobs and thinner legs, then you can come up with a fair estimate lol

For those of you who don't believe a word of these stories, that's completely fair. Obviously there's no way I can prove they're true, so the best I can do is keep em coming. So here's another one.

I believe my wife and I were engaged at this point. Her family was planning a trip to the Twin Cities in Minnesota, hit up the Mall of America, and they were going to bring me along. Sweet. When we got there, after a night in our hotel, we went straight to the MoA. After a few hours of walking around and shopping, we all started getting hungry, so we wandered up to Bubba Gump Shrimp. My wife sat next to me and her mom sat across from me. We ordered our food (pretty good sized portions) and once everything arrived, my MIL says "Remember everybody, I don't want any leftovers! I'm not gonna carry any takeout boxes around the mall for another three hours."
So the eating began. I polished off my meal with no difficulty, as did my wife's mom. My father-in-law steadily worked through his, and my wife was still slowly making her way along, but her brothers (both a couple skinny bastards) had given up less than halfway through their meals. My MIL looked over to me and noticed that I had finished my meal. She reached over to one of my wife's brothers and slid their plate in front of me.
"Well anon, you better keep eating."
I slid the other brother's plate in front of her. "I'll keep eating if you do."
"But I'm already getting full!" She leaned back and gestured to her stomach. She definitely still had room.
"So am I!" I said as I gestured to my own stomach. (I lied.)
And so, with mock frustration on her part, both of the boys' plates were cleaned in fairly little time. She once again leaned back and rested both hands atop her belly. At this point my wife threw in the towel on finishing her meal (she was quite thin back then) and slid her plate in the direction of me and her mom. My mother-in-law looked at me, then at the plate. She silently slid the plate in front of me. As I looked down at the plate, I had an idea. Without a word, I divided the food on the plate into 2 piles, then slid the plate between me and her. She let out a very heavy sigh, but looked at me with a smirk on her face and kept on eating.
On our way out of the restaurant, she rubbed her stomach and joked that I might have to roll her through the rest of the mall (which I eagerly agreed to do, if she should need it.)
Fast forward about 40 minutes and I met back up with the rest of the group, carrying with me a big box of those frosting-cookie-sandwich things (professional fatass over here.) When I wandered up to the group, my MIL was arguing with her youngest son (about 10 at this point) about something trivial like his tone or his choice of words, you know, typical mom stuff. I decided to press my luck.
I strolled over to her, pulled out the biggest cookie sandwich from the box, and held it under her nose.
"I think you need one of these." I said.
There was a pause, in which she looked at me, first slightly annoyed, but she quickly seemed amused that a smart-ass like me had found her weakness. She grinned and took the cookie. After a big bite she told me "You know, I really didn't need any more to eat."
"I'm pretty sure you did." My wife agreed.
"I just want you to know that THIS is all your fault." She said jokingly, sinking a finger into her pudgy middle and waggling her cookie in my general direction, before tossing the rest into her mouth.
"What? You're the one who said you didn't want to carry leftovers around!" I reminded her with a laugh.
She shook her belly with both hands. "Yeah, but I'm still carrying them, aren't I?"
Recently my wife has crested 400 pounds. She’s gained about 100 pounds over the course of the pandemic, and I know she’s sensitive about it but she went on a bit of a rant the other day that was super hot.
Her sister, who’s recently hit about 300 pounds, did some diet and lost about 30 pounds. My wife went after her in private with me, remarking that “what’s the point, you can’t even tell she lost any weight.” Her sister has been pretty shocked by her gain to 400 pounds, and has tried to pressure my wife into WLS (which she’s roundly refused).
So, I've been dating this girl for about 6 months. She's trans and recently started taking a new medication that REALLY accelerates breast growth (Progesterone). Over the course of our relationship she's gained about 50 pounds already.
It's been incredible to watch. I had to encourage her to eat more since she had a habit of skipping several meals a day, and just today when we went to a gas station she grabbed not one but TWO breakfast pizzas. She's done a complete 180.
It's so hot to see the old pictures of her pretransition when she was a colorguard twink that was quite underweight. She complains about how I've "fattened her up" all the time, but she knows I'm pretty into it. I know this is someone's TF fantasy out there.

Regardless, it's been incredible. Most recently she told me that she's clinically obese, which means she has to lose weight for her bottom surgery. I don't mind because I think she's pretty when thin and when chubby, but that moment was particularly hot.

The amount of times she's complained about her weight only to immediately ask me to go out and grab her two bags of candy or sandwiches has just been *chef's kiss*

Not to mention that she gets free food from her work, and she often brings back a bag filled with sandwiches and fries. She's had to size up her uniform twice already, and her belly is now hanging out over her belt . It's just 100 percent fetish material.
That’s a man, baby!
Dream relationship tbh
My 300 pound girlfriend is hanging out in a hotel room with three other fat friends. They have been drinking and snacking all day. My girlfriend and the two smaller fat girls are cuddled up in a queen size, barely fitting, sending me pictures of their legs and stuff. Her 450 pound fat friend doesn't fit and sitting at a table with a table full of chips, cookies, and other snacks, just grazing away with her belly out. I think my girlfriend's ultra pear shaped friend that is in bed with my girlfriend has been sending me pictures of the 450 pounder eating all the different snacks. I know my girlfriend wouldn't because she knows I like fat girls and gets jealous easily. They are just about to get some dinner. I am sitting here at home, jerking off to the pictures of these fat babes on their little fat girl fun vacation.
This would be hot if you weren't sucking cock.

You and your girlfriend are sick men.
What happened? Is 4chan not the most popular chan anymore? Why are you here? if you need a list of chans visit lynxchan website made by the developer of this board. There are plenty of places to shitpost. By the way, if my girlfriend had a dick we probably wouldn't have ever broken up like we did and I would be sucking her dick right now. That or if she had bigger boobs. Wayyyy bigger boobs. No matter how beautiful a woman is there is only so much nagging that a man can take before he snaps. It is a good idea to never let the nagging and the fights begin in the first place. What you want and need is a girlfriend that never argues with you not even once. That is the girl you should marry as soon as you meet her. Do not waste any time dating or getting to know eachother. That is all bullshit. If you know in your heart that the love is true and you never argue with eachother, do it. Do not hesitate. The abscence of fights or if she never nags you it is not a sign of true love, but it is a sign of good things to come. She probably loves you and she's probably content with you.
I have not trolled in this topic, but I am a bbw-chan.nl troll with dozens of successful troll posts under my belt, including around a dozen posts where I have received virtual awards for my efforts. I am not trolling right now. I agree with you 100%. Even if she's thin, if you can spend, say, a solid week mostly together without any nagging... Marry that (not a) bitch. Now.
Some people look loke asshole.... some people are asshole
Yeah, I suck cock, grow up lmao. Try it sometime.
>ya no

What? Did I say something wrong?
Trans "women" aren't women.
What is this, your third try? Lmao
What is this, your third try?
>For those of you who don't believe a word of these stories, that's completely fair. Obviously there's no way I can prove they're true

Well you could try a little harder to make your obvious fiction a little less obvious
Bro I would never have a transvestite girlfriend. There are many things wrong with it, and yeah it is a lot like infidelity to womankind, to our creator, to any potential children and family. No. And you misunderstood what I said. I said if my girlfriend had a dick. Like a hermaphodite or whatever some birth defect and we were married and she asked me to suck her dick that I would not hesitate to do it. I am not above doing things in private for my wife whom I love. I thought you were talking about something else. And if she had to fart really bad in the middle of the night I wouldn't force her to get up and walk to the bathroom just to fart. I would hold my nose.
wtf did I just read^
Y'know,this was a real fun thread once.

This ain't much, but in the interests of getting back on track: this morning I saw a very roly poly girl do that fat girl tug up on her yoga pants while eating a kitkat bar. Her belly and love handles desperately wanted out of those undersized clothes. Only saw her briefly and her face was nothing special, but its those little moments when you witness the everyday gluttony of a stranger's life that are so enticing.
Very interesting. What else did you see? Did you see yourself almost getting knocked the fuck out by someone so you quickly walked away?
Pawg comes into my job. Takes candy bar. Rethinks it. Puts it down. "I'm trying to lose weight."

Big dumper, low self-esteem.
Is the thanksgiving thread still active?
I agree, we not descend into this transphobic conversation?
Tranoids aren’t women
Y'know, I might not live in the US, or have a fat GF or even go out that much, but I'd like to try to ever so slightly contribute to this magnificent thread by at least mentioning my favorite post here so far.


That made me wish I had a fat GF that would tell me such BLAZINGLY VOLCANIC things...
This is a somewhat recent one. I work in a lab university setting part time, and one of my duties to help out TAs with various tasks. There's this one named Sarah who spends most of her time with her chubby ass planted on a seat doing sweet fuck all. She's probably a good 250lbs, and growing based on how she's bulging more and more out of her clothes (fairly spread out, except for a ring of fat hanging around her tight pants). One day she left early without really saying anything, and nobody knew where she went, but then I saw her in front of a vending machine, with a days worth of food in her arms, still ordering more as I left.
why don't you ask her out, then
Let's bring this thread back, let's hear some more stories
I'm a hipster fuck and I was at a concert and there was a chubby girl walking with her bf(?) with her belly completely out of her crop top shirt, over the waistband. She wasn't huge by our standards, but for that scene which is mostly skinny girls chain-smoking, it was really something to see. I caught her eye after looking at her belly and she had this look like "Wow, another guy who likes this!" I didn't pursue it because I was still kind of closeted, but it was my first IRL feedee/gainer sighting.

My first fat girl was a friend of my buddy Steve, he invited me to his friends house who had a pool and unknown to me, both his friend and hers were about 300lbs or so, they weren't wearing anything immodest, but obviously, I was excited. I couldn't get her out of my mind, so eventually I broached the subject with my buddy and asked if he could set us up for a date. I begged him not to tease me, but he was 100% cool and a good dude about it. It didn't end up working out, but it was a nice intro to the world of fat girls.

Last one, I was once again at a hip place and the female bartender was this beautiful exotic looking(I later found out she was part Persian) bottom heavy girl that seemed to be mostly composed of fat hips. She had a cool band Tshirt on and I eventually asked her out, and we went on a date, but I had trouble finding the place I was thinking of and eventually she was like "look, I'm starving, we have to stop somewhere." She was the best cuddle buddy, never went further, but she cemented in my mind that I could never really, truly be happy with a skinny girl.
Yes I have and it is an experience I wish all my fellow architects could have.
Just saw an an absolutely massive woman just yesterday at the store. She was short, around 5'3 - 5'5, average face with some faded blue streaks in her otherwise brownish black hair. Easily the largest woman I've ever seen in person, had to have been 500lbs or maybe even higher, and was struggling just to walk down the aisles. What really made it hot was her attire though. She was wearing a black shirt and jeans, but also had a massive green apron that was there solely to cover her gut that was easily spilling over her shirt/pants. It didn't work though because her stomach was so large you could still see it spilling out from her sides. It was a sight to behold, and I loved every glance I could get of her.
>go out for lunch with colleague
>she has a seat-belt extender
can't stop thinking about it
>>11534 (OP)
>work cash register at office supply store
>customer base is geriatric boomers who are absolutely retarded
>most young people there are thin
>rare I see attractive larger woman
>today a 350 pound beast walks through
>she’s even wearing a crop top and I can see her back fat spilling out
>she walks straight to the back and leaves so I only saw her for a split sec and didn’t even get to see her belly
I am actually going to kill myself, I hate this shithole.
This just happened last week
>plan on moving out of my current apartment and moving into a new one
>shopping around the local area for potential places
>go into leasing office for one place
>woman is sitting at a desk eating candy while looking at her computer
>she looks up at me revealing a noticeable double chin and greets me
>I talk to her about what I'm looking for etc
>she says that she can give me a tour of available units and I agree
>she stands up and her belly is immediately exposed as her shirt was riding up her belly
>when she was sitting down I didn't fully grasp how wide she was until she stood up
>when we left the office to look at the units, I saw that she was as wide as the door frame and both of her hips could touch the frame
>she shows me a unit on the third floor and we took the stairs and I followed
>I'll admit that I was checking out her ass and it looked really good
>we get to the third floor and then she starts breathing heavy and says, "sorry I'm out of breath from all those stairs"
>I said, "nah it's fine"
>she said, "I should probably stop eating so much candy and snacks at my desk"
>she said that last line while having her hand on her belly

She didn't even realize that unintentionally turned me on. The apartment was nice but I'd rather live in a few different places instead.
Dude, amazing. What happened to her since?
Shoulda followed up with a compliment saying something like "Nonsense, you look stunning". Just saying I think she was fishing.
The lord must have heard me because I saw two 300+ pound women with their bellies hanging out of their shirt today. One of them was out of breath from just walking around the store. I work in the city so I’m praying this continues bc it’s pretty unusual.
Phew, that one has me all flustered! How much do you think she weighed?
Exactly. Dude dropped the ball

You don’t need to rent the apartment to ask her out, bro
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If I had to compare her body to another model then I would say she was built very similar to Lisa Lou (pic related).
It would be nice to go out with someone like that, but dating, relationships, and even sex isn't a priority of mine at the moment.
I don't think she was fishing. But damn that really turned me on. Never had a conversation play out like that similar to a video that any of us would watch.
Well it took her like a year and a half after she gained all the weight to lose it. But yeah she lost it all and then some. She recently moved out of state so I've accepted I might never see her again in person which sucks. There is hope though, I see her shotguning beers almost everyday on her stories. She also just broke her ankle (which I feel bad about) but the last thing that triggered her initial weight gain was just a broken wrist. When she gained the first 20 lbs, that lead to her spiraling out of control with the binge drinking/eating later that year. When she gained 65 lbs Oct - Dec. So really she gained 85lbs in a year after breaking just her wrist. So maybe I'll get to witness a good rebound weight gain.
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This thread has became the reason for regularly checking on here, so I thought I should share this with you all.
I was going through my old unedited photos, and this one brings me back to last Halloween at an amusement park. The haunted houses were ok, but it's definitely watching the people waiting in line made the evening
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Fuck it here's some screenshots
>First is AUG
>Second is beginning of NOV
>Last 3 are shit video screenshots from DEC but they can at least show of how round her belly got and how tight her cloths got
Hi! I'm the OP and I'd like to thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that others seem to enjoy similar types of experiences.
My coworker let me fuck her big noisy belly while she kept buriping like crazy. I almost came right before I stuck it in her belly button because her belly gurgled loudly, while she was giving me fuck-me-eyes.
Oh, I think we're going to need more details. Sounds spicy


Well I was over her place for what started as a Neil Breen marathon and she had finished gorging herself but not to the point of being stuffed and let out one of her trademarked belches. A little backstory this girl burps so much she actually has rating scale for them which is hot as fuck. Non-stop burping, she turns over she releases a comically long, obnoxiously loud and deep burp. She stands up, she burps, it's crazy i've never seen anything like it on what's otherwise a very dainty, prissy, slightly snooty girly-girl which makes it even hotter.

Honestly I didn't even have a burping thing tell I met her now just thinking about her burps and my dick is diamonds but I'm getting off topic. Anyhoo her huge disproportionate gut is bulging out of her tube top while she's mindlessly snacking. Just to give you an idea off her proportions she'd definitely be an hour glass if not for her huge belly, I wanna say its an apron belly but it sticks out too much to be considered a true apron idk it's a really unique shape with beautiful symmetrical stretch marks with a wide cavernous belly button. From the shoulders up you would think she average size, she's like a prime example of FGAS. When you get a little lower that she has big soft upper arms with slender forearms, big fat tits, disproportionate wrecking ball belly, big fat ass and thighs and slender calves and feet. I only mention all this cause her proportions are so unique but again sorry guys I'm getting off topic.

Right so anyway she notices me looking at her bulging gut (at this point in our friendship she about the wierd shit I'm into) so she starts fingering her belly button using two fingers and says something like "you really like this big gut huh?" I say nothing cuz I've basically been reduced to a horny animal at this point.

She gets up walks over to me and shoves her fat belly in my face and tells she's on the rag but I can try fucking her belly if I want. I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity like this so we go back to her room and hop in the bed and she starts giving me a sloppy bj to get nice and lubed up. When she decides I'm lubed up enough she positions me so that while we're both on our sides. Before I enter she takes two finger and gets them nice and spitty before shoving them in her black hole of a belly button. She repeats this process a couple of times and she starts kissing me, she starts guiding my cock to her navel but before she shoves it her huge hanging stomach with the glistening navel let out an incredibly loud gurgle and I almost cum right the and there and she says (and I'll always remember this verbatim cause I've added this line to my spankbank) "Sounds like this monster is ready to get fucked." And gives her massive gut a big slap.

I shove it in cause fuck I can't take it anymore her belly is so soft and her navel is so fuck deep and I just start thrusting away. Because her gut is so fucking fat we both use both pair of hands to squeeze her belly and make things nice and tight while she occassionally gives her belly a a slap or a jiggle. Then the sounds I making coming in and out of her belly are absolutely sublime a beautiful symphony of plap-plaps, combine with sloshing qnd gurgling of a not quite full tummy, and her constant belching was already too much but then the dirty talk started and my God for someone "who doesn't get the whole belly obsession" the stuff she was saying certainly seemed to prove otherwise.

She would talk about fat her stomach is and talk about times her belly inconvenienced her, and kept calling her navel "cavernous" (I told her I liked that word prior to this) but the coup de grace or should I say coup de gras (sorry) came when she told me to "Nut in her fucking gut."
At that point I couldn't take it anymore, the sounds, the visuals, the tactile sensations were bad enough but when she said that I just came so fucking hard and filled that abyss of a navel. Not gonna lie to you guys I only lasted like four minutes due to sensory overload but sweet Lord what a glorious four minutes. She sucks the last of the semen from my dick, then dips two fingers in to her belly button and scoops up what's in there, eats and let's out another one of earth- shattering belches for good measure. Then we cuddle a bit for I pass out. That's my story, sorry for that long ramble but I had to tell somebody cause shit it was hot. Also sorry about the shitty writing and oddly flowery prose. I'm not a writer no one will ever mistake me for Ursula Le Guin.

Tldr coworker with huge belly let's me have my with the belly equivalent of the Ginnungagap.
That was a fantastic story, I gotta give her props for being so open minded towards her gut! That sounds incredibly hot, I'd say that you struck out with her. I'd definitely be interest in any other stories, what's her weight and height? Seems like a unique body type
Just got back from an amusement park and my god there was so much belly. Muffin tops, potbellies and thick, juicy asses everywhere I looked. You could see the panties digging in to their butts and their thighs bulging out of their shorts. And they were young women too, like 18/19 young. Nothing hotter than seeing society enable young, beautiful girls into getting fatter and fatter and showing off their beautiful chubby bodies.
Shameless bump
After high school one of my friends decided to take a gap year and went to America to work as an au pair. We stayed in touch and she would talk about how the stereotypes about American food were true, how the family she was staying with were workaholics who had food delivered constantly and always had snacks around. She would complain about how much she was eating and how she was gaining so much weight. She had always been a bit overdramatic so I just assumed she was wildly exaggerating and had probably only gained a few kilos, but seeing as she was in another country and she hadn’t posted any pictures of herself on social media, I had no idea.

In school she had always been pretty slim, she didn’t really play sports or do anything athletic so she was very untoned, but stayed slim because she ate well.

When she finally got home, she messaged me to arrange a time to catch up, then made me promise not to say anything about her weight when I saw her. I thought, again, she was being overdramatic and mostly joking, so I agreed. When we finally did catch up, I barely recognised her. She hadn’t been exaggerating at all, she looked like she had gained at least 30 kilos and had become soft, round and chubby. She had developed a fat round belly, thick legs and a double chin. True to my promise, I didn’t say anything about her weight gain and tried to hide my surprise. It was definitely something she was incredibly embarrassed about, but over time I think she got out of that old high school mentality and started to relax, starting to jokingly declare that “America made me fat!”.
>>14959 Your writing sucks dick and if there's so many supposed fat hepher families here then why is it so difficult to find even one fat female my age? Even an ugly one. As long as she's huge if she has at least ass or tits it would be enough. No anon. You're a fool. It would be far easier for me to hookup with a young, thin, cute white blonde (of which there are abundently) than to find a moderately attractive fat chick over 250.
Sheesh someone is upset they can't find a chubby girl.

You live in a skinny county man. Sorry to say. Middle class and lower are the ones eating all the junk food and in car heavy areas
So south and suburbs
>be me,18
>In my last year of high school, I went to a boarding school.
>It was run by a cabal of vegetarian Indians, who decided that the school menu must be vegetarian.
>They put no thought into it at all-- It's just potatoes and rice and bread and loads of other fattening starch bullshit, and it was the only thing you had to eat.
>Start exercising at the start of that year;I am quickly indoctrinated into the gymbro cult, pack my weights to school and any other gym stuff i can carry
>I'm shaping up so quickly that people are impressed, and some start asking me for fitness tips
>One girl approaches me, she's like 5'4, has huge tits, a little potbelly and not much ass, but her legs are thick and well-shaped.
>All the starch shit has been doing a number on her lately--Her tits got big enough to sit on a table and she sometimes wore this too small shirt that showed off a little stripe of belly fat.
>She asks me for fitness advice and I'm sort of beating around the bush,telling her she's not that fat, cause I think it would be a shame for a girl like her to lose weight.
>She's insisting though, and gives me various illustrations of how fat and unhealthy she's getting to try and convince me.
>She gets ridiculously tired going up the stairs, literally after the first flight she grips the nearest persons shoulder and uses them as a crutch to get her the rest of the way up
>A hundred metre dash brings her to the edge of death; everyone else recovers in like 3 minutes but she has to plop on the ground and wheeze for like 10 minutes before she's ok
>Apparently one time while up in the dorms getting ready, her pants had gotten tight so she had to use force to get them closed--right after she succeded the button blew off.
>Since I'm looking kind of convinced now she presses the negotiation;she wants me to give her the lightest set of dumbells I have. She aims to use them to develop her upper body strength so she can start doing pushups.
>She cant do a pushup. Not a single one.Apparently she really tried. Until the shitty school diet started making her fatter she'd avoided exercise like the plague, so she had to 'build up the strength' to do something basic like pushups
>I got such a profound boner that afternoon I could probably have done 1000 pushups with just my cock.
One other brief incident I remember from that time, but with a different girl this time

>be me
>free time one day
>am with a couple of friends
>we are joking about the teachers and their boomer morals and how they always try to get girls and boys away from each other
>This one girl is really into it, making all kinds of jokes and laughing.
>Eventually she says
>"What do they think will happen if they leave us alone for minute? We'll rip our clothes off and shout 'let's FUCK!'?"
>To emphasize the joke she actually rips her shirt up a bit
>In the instant before it falls back into place I get a peek at her midriff.
>She doesn't have a potbelly, exactly, but she has this fleshy, rippling sort of belly like a potbelly just waiting to happen, or maybe she already did have a potbelly and was just sucking in.
>Her trousers are also tight enough that she has a little muffintop.
>As soon as her shirt falls it's like nothing's there.

Definitely picked up a new minor fetish then; girls who look totally skinny--till they get their clothes off.
There's this girl I've been friends with since high school. Currently she's married to my best friend, kinda cool. She's super thin, mostly because of her insane metabolism. She's told me that she tried gaining weight back in the day but it just never worked, not like she wasn't trying.
Back in high school I had a huge crush on her because she could rip the loudest and bassiest burps I had ever heard out of a girl, especially one of her size. I didn't talk to her much after high school until she and my best friend got married, now they come over and hang out on a pretty regular basis. No, she hasn't magically gotten fat since high school. However, she's only gotten gassier, and she drinks a lot of beer, lucky for me. She and my best friend both know that I get turned on by fat girls and burps, but she's been really cool about it and doesn't hesitate to let them rip around me. She told me the other week that she had gone to Easter dinner with her husband's family and she's gotten so used to not holding back that when she finished eating she let out a huge belch in front of everyone.

If you're not into burps like I am, there's more to the story, don't worry. A couple months ago, we were all together drinking and she commented how she hates having "the body of a 14 year old boy" and she would love to gain enough weight to give her either tits or an ass, or both. I reminded her that she should be careful what she says around her feeder friend, but she told me that if it would make me happy I could try my hand at fattening her up. My best friend doesn't mind either, mostly because he's hoping any weight she gains will go to her ass. She personally guarantees me that it won't work because of her metabolism, but I told her I was confident. Turns out she has a HUGE sweet tooth, which works out because I bake in my free time. So on mondays or tuesdays I find new recipes online and bake up full batches of sweets that I take to their house. Throughout the week in our conversations she'll casually mention how she's "stuffing her face with cookies" or "lazing around being a fatass" and then on weekends, we'll all get together and order a bunch of takeout, she'll eat until she has a foodbaby and burp frequently for the rest of the night while she gets drunk. She hasn't actually gained anything yet as far as I can tell, so I wouldn't mind some tips on that front, but damn have I been having fun so far. I don't think she fully understands her effect on me, but every little "oooh, these are gonna be so bad for my waistline" makes me diamonds.
GREAT post, absolutely based
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So, I'm waiting on line for "organic" pizza (grass-fed toppings, I suppose) and I see this enormous person in her twenties with turqouise hair (shorter than mine, unsurprisingly) and belly almost covering her knees. Her diet must consist of ice cream sandwiches and she looks like she's pitching yoga pants for 7X people to a bunch of investors.
Girls often tuck their phones into their waistbands because they don't have functional pockets. I don't know why I find it somehow shocking when a big girl does it. The phone glommed onto her muggy, pale fat. Then the waistband snapped shut.
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>be me
>back in high school
>hate sports but on the soccer team because my mom wanted me to
>there's a cute girl on the team
>she's at most 5 foot, just over 100 pounds
>athletic build, with a round butt that filled out her uniform nicely
>always has tight muscles in her back and shoulders
>have idea
>get really good at massage
>rub her back whenever she gets a cramp
>she loves it
>start talking more often
>she burps like a madman
>notices I stop whatever I'm doing every time she belches
>she starts to figure it out
>she starts doing it more
>she loves to eat
>she's lactose intolerant
>fartfag mode engaged
>never have the balls to ask her out
>too skinny for me anyway
>lose touch after high school
>look her up a couple years later
>she absolutely ballooned
>her thighs are the size of whole children
>double chin
>double belly
>ass you could drown in
>she's engaged
>>14964 Why would you assume he's upset about anything? If I were to get upset about something I would probably start with the users that frequent this site. I am not often in a bad mood, but I do admit that I absolutely can't stand stupid. Stupidity angers me unlike anything else and stupidity it would include your lame, boring, deadbrain comment. It would not be enough to get angry about, but enough to make me want to leave this site and never return? Sure! Everyone is aware of your evil intentions, fool, but you're the only ones who think it's funny. How does death penalty sound to you commies? Does it sound funny?
Just saw a bitch split her pants while walking up stairs. She wasn’t huge, just chubby. But those pants were definitely too small for that ass. So that was good.
Saw a couple sisters in their 20s (im assuming) out with their older mother at a restaurant that has a seperate window to order ice cream. One was very fat with a bubble butt, tbh she didn't have the best face but it wasn't ugly and her body was amazing. The other sister was basically thin with a starter belly slightly poking out. They were at the window treating their mom and the fat one, taking charge, was reading out items and saying How about this How about that to the mom. And I couldn't hear every part of the convo from the picnic table I was at, but when they walked away, the mother just had a small vanilla cone, the skinny sister had a medium sized colorful cone, and the fat one was DOUBLEFISTING a shake of some kind and a HUGE mint chocolate chip waffle cone. They were walking back to the car and fatty had skinny hold the cone while she opened her door, and she did a fat girl tug on her stretchpants before sitting down and making the car rock with her weight. Skinny handed fatty back her cone and they shared a laugh about something, making my mind run wild.
Was at REI this weekend, an outdoorsy store (hiking, camping, climbing, biking, etc) and so the last place I expect to find FA fantasy fodder. Then again I'm the dude who posts the Tribeca Whole Foods sightings stories so I guess that's my niche.

Anyway I pick up a couple of things and I'm waiting on line to check out, all the cashiers busy checking out 400 items or doing a complicated exchange. I don't mind however, because there's a short blonde 20-something at the register directly ahead of me, also doing something that's taking a while. She's not fat-fat but has a little thickness to her with a biggish, beautifully round ass and chunky thighs, packed into very tight black leggings. It's a nice way to pass the time.

Waiting, waiting... The girl keeps turning around, looking for someone. Eventually I look where she's looking and a short, 300ish, VERY pearshaped ginger MILF is furiously waddling her way over, in that way large people do when they can't actually run or jog. She's wearing jeans but they're tight and stretchy so her thighs are jiggling like crazy. She has a prominent FUPA belly as well, the kind that looks like an upside down heart, and that's bouncing around as well.

She's gasping "I'm here! I'm here!" and I realize the blonde was waiting for mom to go find another color or whatever. Mind you, mom-daughter, sister-sister, etc combos like that are 100% my jam. I feel like I'm in one of my own stories.

Mom gives the cashier a shirt or something and then leans hard against the counter, like she's presenting her 3' wide, super-round, pillowy-looking ass to me. Somehow it's that much hotter next to her daughter's half-sized version. She's breathing hard for at least a minute as they complete the purchase.

Finally I watch them walk out together, happy Mother's Day indeed.
Fattest girl in my grade in high school just came through my job. She was big then but nothing ludicrous. Fast forward 5 years and she is huge, over 300 pounds for sure. Her hips have jutted out making her really wide and her belly grew too. Her double chin is deep now too. I’d say 50-75 pounds heavier than she was in high school
Her little sister was bigger than her too, but she’s slimmed down significantly. It looks like she found all of her sister’s lost weight.
Holy shit today i was riding the subway and this chubby girl was wearing a sports bra and some exercise pants, her belly was fully exposed, tried so hard not to get a boner, was lucky to snap some pictures and jerked off like 3 times, im a bit autistic and I get scared of posting pics because, well its creepy to do that, she also noticed I was looking straight into her belly and probably felt ashamed, it made me even harder, damn just wanted to get that off my chest
Pls share, sounds GREAT
Love the super jiggly, super wide ones. Congratulations on finding gold when you least expect it.
This is a pregnant story so kinda relevant
I remember a pregnant waitress made me put my hand on her belly to feel the baby kick
and hold it there for a minute or so
And she was defiantly bigger than AVG like when I first met her she was already 4 months but looked full term
Took all my will power to control myself from getting a raging hard on
Would've been awkward if a hard on started poking her belly cause it would have
As she's innocently showing off her baby move lol
ps the baby ended up being a 9+ pounder so you can imagine she was pretty big
My (regular person) friend once told me that he hooked up with a girl and she asked him to bellyfuck her. He declined, though told me all about it because he's my bro. Sometimes I still imagine that happening to me....
I went out on a few dates with a girl who had a huge apron belly. We were in a local food court walking to a table with our food trays when she suddenly yelped, and almost dropped her tray. I took it from her and put both trays on the nearest table. She told me that she uses clothes-pins to help keep her pants from falling and one of them came loose and pricked her, and she didn't have a free hand to fix it. Man that made me hard. Good thing we were already at a table.
Oooo would love to hear anything else about this!
She had had gastric bypass shortly before I met her and had apparently already lost a bit of weight, though she was still very large and it was mostly in her belly. She told me that was one of her first time wearing jeans out again, but she was nervous about them falling down, thus the safety pins.

She usually wore leggings, and the other thing she did was wear two pairs, one over the other, because she said it made her flab look more firm.
this happened a couple months ago. my best friend of several years was moving so we decided to hang out and do all sorts of stuff in one last fun filled night. Now, befoire you ask, our friendship is platonic and she had a boyfriend at the time anyway, so don't ask me why I didn't fuck her or whatever. We booked a hotel room because she had already cleared her stuff out, and we had been all over town doing random bullshit, and now we were just chatting on the couch in the hotel room watching tv.

She had always been a little chubby, kinda short blonde cute nerd girl as long as i've known her. But recently, and especially during the pandemic, she had definitely blown up. like 230lbs. I didn't think too much of it, But I definitely found it the behaviours that caused it.

We had just eaten a large dinner at a place nearby, and on our way back we smoked a joint. Once we got back into the hotel room, she said she was still hungry, and ordered a pizza on doordash to the hotel room. i had like, a slice but she devoured most of it. she started relaxing into the bed and at this point her shirt was riding up which proved that she had *definitely* put on some weight, fresh stretchmarks and all. shortly after finishing the pizza, she still wasnt finished and ordered dunkin donuts delivery too. I don't know if she just had the munchies, or what, but she lugged herself out of bed to go down to the lobby in clothes which were being stretched out by her belly to pick up... more food.I tried not to show it but I was incredibly turned on, even though it was my best friend and I have never had sexual thoughts about her before. Felt really skeevy of me, but it was just too hot, and it didn't help that she was saying stuff like "im gonna get fat if i keep eating like this".
needed to get that off my chest. Hopefully itll bring some wank joy to you guys without the morality issue i face
Gotta ask...does she know?
It would be easy to come to that conclusion after reading that but as far as I know, I don't think she does. We're pretty honest with eachother as friends and I doubt something like that would slip by her without her bringing it up. If she does know, I'm sure she'd be cool with it though, she's a very kink positive person and honestly I know more fucked up shit about her in that regard than she does me. I like to think I'm pretty good at keeping my spaghetti in my pockets
You didn't make sure she doesn't have to lug herself out of bed and go down to the lobby for her instead...
Took my BBW wifey to a public swimming area today and my goodness, the number of BBW's and SSBBW's was really remarkable. I live in the Midwest, so it shouldn't have been surprising, but it was really hard not to stare and make my wife uncomfortable. There was a SSBBW directly in front of us that looked like Adeline in an oversized camp chair, completely filling it, her belly up to where her elbows rested on the chairs arms. My favorite however was a young SSBBW who was wearing a two piece bikini and a t-shirt, her double belly was well rolled over the top of her bikini bottom so I guess the Tshirt was her idea of modesty. It seemed like she'd just outgrown her swimsuit and said "fuck it, I'll just wear a shirt to cover my lower belly". Super hot. I got me to thinking about how as a young boy public beaches/swim holes were the best place to see BBWs and SSBBWs, I had to pretend that I wasn't staring, but I was absolutely etching every inch of their bodies to memory.
Wardrobe malfunction of a sort. Saw my wife's sister change from a swimsuit to a t-shirt and no bra. Her wet skin made her 36G naturals fully visible. Had my phone at the ready, snapped some pictures and fapped happily for years to come.
I really need to move to the Midwest...
Sounds really hot, but also incredibly risky..
It has its advantages. I met my gf at a "beer and donuts festival"
Incredibly risky and incredibly hot. I sensed a once-in-a-lifetime chance that I needed to take no matter what would happen.
Can it get any better than that. She's massive too I take it? Here, you'd be lucky to see anyone over 300lbs. It's a fat girl desert.
Nah, I deleted the pics long ago at a sober moment, and I wouldn't post publicly even if I still had them
>>11534 (OP)
I got one.

I worked in housekeeping. I'll call said woman Jane for privacy. Jane was general manager. Didn't get on well with her, but never thought she was a bad person.

Jane had a tyre belly, a fat butt and big thighs. You could always see her stuffing her face on various items. That is hospitality for you. Saw a Facebook picture of her and she was VERY slim, doing lots of cardio. She must have ballooned. In most conversations, she inhaled burps when speaking to you after eating. I could tell that if she wanted to, she'd release those gassy, smelly, fat girl burps. Always seems to be the big girls that release the biggest and foulest of burps, because of probably the fatty foods that pass their guts. Hot.
Last year, I was at rehab, (alcholic), and there was the cutest nurse. Just out of college, had quite the weight gain from what I saw on her social media profiles. There was one pair of stairs at the clinic, and I remember once walking up those stairs with her. She was breathing heavily, (she was like 13 years younger than me), and she was sweating. "I'm such a fatty" she actually said. I was turned on like crazy.
In my Junior year of highschool, I transferred to a new school. For the first few weeks, I didn't really talk to anyone, however one girl in particular caught my attention. We'll just call her Jane. She was around 5'8 and pretty thick set. Decently big ass, lusciously thick thighs, a really nice rack (Ds, bordering on Es), and barely a belly to speak of strangely enough. She was maybe 220lbs if I had to guess. I'd only get to see Jane during gym class but when I did see her, she was the only thing I could focus on. Soon enough though, I ended integrating into a friend group which just so happened to include Jane. A few months later about midway through the school year, Jane began dating one of the members of the friend group and some interesting changes began to occur. For one, she started becoming less and less physically active. I gradually saw her participate less and less in Gym until she just didn't. Secondly and most critically, she began to express her love for food more. Whether it was through just talking about food endlessly or eating insane portions, she did it all. And third of all, she began gaining weight. At first it was negligible but by the end of the year, her relatively toned stomach grew into real meaty potbelly. It really hit me on a hot day at the beginning of June when we were standing in the school court for Gym role and I saw that her gut had actually grown PAST her tits. It was absolutely insane to see and I couldn't take my eyes off it for the rest of the day.
I had several great interactions with her but this one has to be the standout one to me.
A few days after her gain donned on me, we hung out with most of the friend group after classes ended for a few hours. The place we were was at a park where we all admired the lake view and had some fried chicken and root beer. Jane let out several beautiful, bassy burps throughout the ordeal and it was just great.
The second location was at a friend's house. The four of us were all sitting on a bed watching American Psycho when one of them pipes up with the bright idea of all of us sitting between each other's legs sequentially, similarly to how shopping carts are organized. I was the one tasked with sitting between Jane's incredible legs and when I leaned back... Bros... It was the most heavenly goddamn thing in my life. The softness of her belly against the back of my head was just pure euphoria. And for a reason that I can't remember, the room went silent and all I could here was the sound of Jane's stomach churning away. Absolutely unforgettable day.
Me and my Gf broke the bed yesterday
It started creaking more and more (that made my dick go diamonds beyond normal) and suddenly there was a loud crack and there it was, lowered quite a bit ;)
But moments away from cumming I didn't stop while the remaining piece of bed was crying for us to get off of it..

I don't think I've ever head a that intense orgasm before ;)

Now we need to get sth more sturdy tho ^^
NICE! What did your partner have to say about that? I'm sure there's alot to unpack with this story ;)
Went camping with some friends a few weeks back, basically spent whole weekend high and drinking with my wife, two other women, and another couple. My wife and two of the other women drank and smoked all weekend, and we 'accidentally' brought too much food. Way too much food for just the six of us, I kept asking my wife why she was buying so much and she said it was so we'd have some stuff to bring home so we don't have to go shopping next week. I shrugged and went along with it. All weekend I got to watch the three of them stuff themselves every day. My wife is the biggest in the group, but for a few months now the other two have been packing on a fair amount of weight and I suspect it's partly because they've been hanging out more with my wife.

My wife is pretty big, 325ish, she carries it all over extremely well (kinda like Lauren Lush but bigger tits) but she's not always happy with her weight, but you'd never know given how much she ate. The second night there she didn't want to fuck because her stomach was so full and moving it hurt to much. It was massive, and she already has a pretty big belly. Fucking hottest thing. We ended up fucking around other ways and she was grabbing her belly the entire time, rubbing it and stuff. I went down on her at some point and I heard her say she couldn't see me any more and I knew it was because she had stuffed herself so completely her belly blocked me. Almost came right then.

On the last day one of the other women, who is a bit more open with her body (she's maybe 200lbs), kept pulling her leggings down under her belly and letting it hang out, saying they had gotten too tight and it felt more comfortable this way. The other friend is smaller, maybe 160-170, but she had been putting on a lot of weight recently and had to go buy a new swimsuit at a local shop since it didn't fit from last year and she hadn't tried it on this year. She got a one piece instead of a new bikini.

When we finally left most of the food was gone, so was all the booze and weed. And on the 30 min ride back home my wife had me stop twice for food. Best long weekend in a while.
Well, she didn't say that much actually
Apart from things like it was a matter of time or I told you this would happen any time soon ;)

It was already weakened at some spots by her weight and us having sex, so yeah it wasn't wrong ^^

She first wanted to stop, but noticed I was doing quite the opposite ;)

She knows I like things creaking under her and stuff like that, but I guess she was kinda unsure how to deal with the situation especially with sth actually breaking..

We both had the best session in a long time tho, so that's alright ;)

Just need to get sth new soon now, so that she doesn't get too much back pain..
God damn, some amazing stories! Congrats on a wife that can't seem to stop stuffing herself!
Phew, imagine having leggings but having to pull even those down because you're getting so fat? These girls can't help themselves!

It was fucking great. She's been complaining lately about some of her clothes not fitting, including her favorite pair of shorts that she wore that weekend and I instantly go back to her eating four hamburgers and shotgunning like five beers in one night before saying maybe they shrunk in the wash cause we're trying a new detergent.

She doesn't really indulge in the fetish stuff that often, she is big and body positive but wants to lose a little weight which I love and am 100% supportive if, but then she begs me to buy her ice cream late at night so I can't complain! Since she's put on some weight though lately she's been more in to me fat shaming her kinda in bed. Last week she even told me about a 'funny dream' she had where I punished her for gaining so much weight after marriage by tying her up and forcing her to eat a bunch (maybe inspired by the camping trip?? I dunno). I kinda playfully asked her if she wanted to be punished that badly and she seemed somewhat open to really doing it.

Fucking fingers crossed.
I imagine she had some huge burps with that much packed into her! Let's hope she's down to get punished, for your sake ;)

well, it finally happened. my girl weighs more than I do. She doesn't weigh herself that often, because even though she's gotten very into being a fatty to please me,she doesn't like constant weighins, says they make her feel like a piece of meat if she does it like every week or whatever, and makes her more self conscious than anything to do with fitness or clothes fitting.

So anyway, she hadn't stepped on a scale in a few months, and turns out we kind of blew past each other weight wise without really noticing. I'm down to 196 lbs (my highest ever was almost 290, but that was a long time ago when me and my gf were just friends) and very proud of myself.

She is 232.8 FUCKING POUNDS. And she's over a half foot shorter than me! She's totally let herself go, she eats a lot in general (healthy stuff too, lots of fruits and nuts when at work) and she's pretty much addicted to sugary drinks now.

Obviously I could see her getting fatter, but I had noooo idea it was going to be that much so soon. Plus I still think of myself as a pretty fat guy in my head, so it wasn't until I made it under 200 lbs personally that I really pressured her to hop on the scale. Tbh she wasn't very happy about it, but she certainly didn't say anything about dieting! It's pretty hard for me to picture her doing that, the way she is now.
>I'm fairly certain she was a feedist
Why do you think that?
I've been pleasantly surprised at seeing so many stories of women rubbing their tummies and seeming to like their fatness like >>12387 and >>12462 .

Maybe I need to be around real fat women more cuz almost every girl at my high school/college has been skinny.
I was hanging out with my girlfriend (around 220lb at the time) and she was casually munching on snacks, but nothing impressive. After a while, I've got to take off for the gym, so I'm gone for an hour or two...

When I come back, I find her surrounded by wrappers and boxes, glutted to her limit. She ate an entire box of hostess cupcakes, two cans of soda, and also ordered jack in the box which she finished most of. I couldn't help myself from teasing her at least a little, poking her belly and saying "wow, looks someone got a little hungry?" After swallowing her latest bite of onion rings, she unabashedly said "you know I can't help myself around food!"

Tldr: The reason my gf went from 160 to 230 in the one year we've been dating.

Also lemme know if you want more stories, there are a fair few
We would always love to hear more, I love when a girl can't help but stuff themselves!

Too many very specific coincidences for her NOT to be.

My girlfriend at the time was acquaintences/kind of friends with this garbage disposal of a lady. She would mention going to her apartment a few times- she lived with her boyfriend (who creeped my ex out) and apparently all they would do whenever she came over is he would play FPS games and she would just sit on the couch next to him and eat mass amounts of takeout. My gf at the time was a smallfat and hated her body, so she was disgusted with how much this girl ate multiple meals worth of food in a trance-like state when company was over. Makes me wonder how she ate behind closed doors. Man, that dude was lucky.

The biggest reason I think that lady is/was a feedist wasn't just her eating habits- she was in a community play with my ex; they both had multiple small roles in the play (I genuinely don't remember what it was, it was something contemporary that had a lot of people aging throughout), and there was a part towards the end with a pig character. Nose, Ears, tail, everything.

According to my ex, this girl was apparently ADAMANT about being the pig, and quickly and loudly volunteered for the part, and made a big deal of a bit part that was maybe onstage of five minutes total.

She apparently stayed in the pig costume long before it was needed on stage, and had worn it for many hours after if there was an after-party with the cast and crew.

Can confirm, I saw the play once and was jarred by this great big fat lady choosing to be portrayed as a pig onstage, even doing a couple snorts. I'm not even into pigplay, but I was still so impressed to see a fat lady put her heart into a role that most would think a fat woman would never want to do. It was a ballsy IFGAF moment I honestly respected her for. That element also made it low-key hot, more than anything else.

I saw her still with the rosy cheeks and ears on at the one after party I went to (she honestly had a snout-like upturned nose already, so it still worked), and was surprised all over again, as half the cast had mostly changed into their normal clothes already. To be fair, some folks still had old person makeup on even if they had changed into t-shirts at that point.

All that, coupled with her Herculean eating habits makes me feel almost like I KNOW that's she's a feedist. There's just way too much evidence there.
Alright, next tale of tubbiness

Before I met her, she was actually a very athletic person, and got to the state level for a sport she did in high school. However, by the time we started dating, she had drifted off from that a bit, but was still fit(ish).

After her initial gain of like 20-30lb, she started bugging me to take her to the gym. Naturally, I sort of gave half-excuses before finally giving in. She shows up in an outfit she 100% had not worn in half year, protein bar in hand.

To her credit, she actually did pretty alright, despite not being able to do pushups and her tits straining her sports bra. The next day though, she said her "back was sore" and she would just go tomorrow...

She hasn't gone since, nor has she made a reference to wanting to go. I give her (loving) shit about it sometimes while she's stuffing her face, asking "hey, don't you wanna go to the gym later?" She usually just turns a little red in the face and laughs it off
Lol bro are we dating the same girl mine sounds like this to a t
(46 KB, 934x970, 20220210_224409.jpg)
Any new stories fellas? I started doing delivery drives as a side hustle and hoping to get something story worthy like a big ass order from a real heffer or something like that but alas, nothing like that yet since I just started it.
Went to Basic training with a girl and I got too watch her balloon almost immediately after graduating. I'd seen her around because she was in my sister flight but we actually ended up in the same tech school class. 2 months into training she put on like 40 pounds and compeltey refused to buy a new uniform. Towards the end of training she had taken to ditching her belt entirely and always unfastening the first two buttons on her trousers. Her OCPs were so tight she had to waddle around and literally couldn't march properly. As class leader I had to march my group a mile to class and she would wine at me saying my cadence was too fast but really she just had too much ass and fupa in her pants to do anything other than waddle. Eventually she outright quit marching to the DFAC so she'd ask me to bring her back food instead. Once she got it she'd stuff herself all the while complaining that her clothes were tight and about how she gained all her weight back and more. We would just be sitting in one of the trainer planes and she would get all pouty and start burping and trying to cram her muffin top back behind her belt before just giving up and eating even more. At this point her top didn't even fit and she was starting to poke out inbetween her buttons. It was so hard not to stare because she was constantly asking us if she was too fat while she was grabbing handfulls of herself.
Got any more stories of her ? Also, what did she look like by the end/at her fattest ?
Which brings up an important question: are people/women allowed to get fat while in the military? Certainly not all positions/posts require a super fit body—cyber warfare for example.
(500 KB, 769x359, belly.PNG)
Depends on the branch or career field but female fitness standards are invariably more lax. Both of us are aircraft mechanics and she's a reservist now so there are almost zero consequences for her. 2/3 of the women in my unit are overweight.

By the end she was totally pear shaped. She probably even fatter now after being set free from training to go back to her guard unit. She was pretty tall. about 6 foot, and thin but she had almost doubled her girth. Grew a double chin and she filled out the creases in all of her clothes. Competely deleted her thigh gap all the way down to her knees. I don't even think I saw her in the last blues inspection. Her blouse was so tight she could barely lay her arms flat and was forced to shuffle in her heels after she burst a seam in her skirt when she sat down. Looked like she was actually gonna pop in them. Imagine pic related but in OCP
As the OP, I'm going to need moar. This is such an insanely hot situation, anything even slightly related to her is probably hot
former Armyfag here

You are required to pass a physical fitness test. On top of that your body fat is not supposed to be a certain percentage based on your height and weight (BMI). If you were regularly lifting weights and carrying more muscle, like I was, then being overweight doesn't matter since you get taped and your body fat percentage is verified.
This happens more frequently than people realize. I know were here to talk about fat chicks, but quick story about a guy in my unit.

When I re-enlisted and went to my new duty station, I was in processing with this brand new private who just graduated basic trainig/AIT and eventually became a Stryker mechanic who worked on our platoon's vehicles. He was an averaged sized guy. Then over the course of 3 years, this dude blew up and had to have put on at least 70 pounds (not even joking).

In basic training and boot camp, there are restrictions on what you can do (in addition to food and eating). When people get to their units and have freedom, they lose their discipline and get fat.
I got to cuddle with her a few times. It was super cold on the tarmac and my cycle wasn't issued much cold weather gear. One particularly cold day we're waiting at the end of the flightline and we wrapped ourselves up in the AC system to stay warm. She kinda straddled the air hose between her thighs and wrapped it around the both of us while we gentely pressed into each other face to face. She put her head on my chest but only after overcoming her belly by squishing it into me. Never felt anything so comforting before that. You have no idea how nice that feels when the only thing between your flesh and a blizzard is a thin layer of ripstop.

Other times we would just huddle together on the plane to stay out of the freezing rain/wind. It wasn't unusual for her to fall asleep on my shoulder during an engine run after lunch. She'd be lulled into a food coma by our warmth and eating 3 helping of whatever the fast food line had that day. Speaking of which her diet was the most embarrassingly sterotypical fat person diet ever. Burger with fries and cake for every sinlge meal. All of this was of course after she was done massaging her bloated tummy out of her trousers. The moment her belly was free to spill out her face would just wash over with a drunken haze.

We all called her the mom of the group and she even cooked for us a few times at the chapel kitchen. If we didn't finish she would eat most of the leftovers herself just like she did at our graduation. Woman packed like 5 or 6 chimichangas into her belly. For all she complained about her weight gain it really never stopped her. I walked with her to the burrito truck outside the hangar after breakfast and we'd do the same thing again after lunch. As if she'd forgotten all the time she spent poking the fat bulging out from inbetween her buttons and complaining about not being able to hike her beltline above her belly button anymore.
Most of the women in my unit are plump or at the very least stocky. Part of the requirements for my job are being able to over head press 100 pounds so any womaen who qualify are naturally bigger. The only thin women are officers are specialists (nerds). Even if they aren't popping buttons like my aforementioned friend you can certainly see that they're filling out nicely and eating well in order to lift stuff. Its pretty cute tbh especially when they have to squeeze themselves into dress blues during formal events. They also tend to completely blow up once they get hitched.
I was in LA recently and took a long walk down the beach from Venice, wound up in Manhattan Beach looking for lunch and a rest. It's a fairly steep hill from the boardwalk to the main drag, and walking up I found myself across the street from a 40-something mom with her son and daughter making the same climb.

They were white and pasty, mom was a 40-something curly redhead in flowery loose top and capris; daughter 20ish, goth-lite/emo with dyed black hair, piercings, the whole bit; son an older teen with darker hair, awful red starter beard, and standard issue t-shirt and shorts. The gals were tallish, 5-9 or so, son about the same, mom by far the biggest, 400+, and kids 300 or so. Shape-wise they were a matched set, all with huge bellies, a lot of back, side, and shoulder fat, thinner (though not thin) legs and very fat faces.

The tubby trio were palpably struggling up what was a short but admittedly tough climb. I was pretty tired from my long walk so it wasn't hard to keep pace with them. It was middle of the day in June, the fog had burned off and it was getting warm though we were by the ocean where it never gets -that- hot. But they were obviously overheated, which their intense midwestern-type whiteness and fat faces exagerrated, super-sweaty and beet-faced. Mom was understandably struggling the most, hunched over, head down, visibly breathing heavy even from 30' away.

Finally she stopped and sat on a low wall, while I stopped and pulled out my phone to, uh, "check directions." She was really heaving now, holding her chest, sighing, the whole bit, and the kids stood there looking miserable and self-conscious. There were a few thick POCs in the area, but they were pretty much the fattest people around, definitely the fattest white people by a fair margin.

I saw they were gonna be a little while so I put my phone away and went to move on. Then mom says, loudly, "Guess we get to eat a big lunch after all this exercise, huh?"
Just started texting a girl who I haven't really talked to since high school, in the first couple minutes of texting she just casually drops that she's gotten fat now and she told me her weight
waht the fuck does this mean am i thinking too much into it
If she thinks you’re interested she probably was just being honest so you weren’t picturing her body from years ago.
Managing expectations, totally normal. She's self conscious about it and doesn't want the trauma of a WTF reaction if she winds up meeting you in person. Little does she know you'll be WTFing in the best possible way...
>she told me her weight
How much does she weigh?
Sounds like you should def hang out with her irl
Sounds like a shit test.
she said 245, but I remember her being kinda short and she was very skinny when I knew her, so that's quite the improvement. She was also talking about how she gets her "breakfast" from Rite Aid and its a bunch of junkfood
This is kind of what I figured, it was just so out of the blue my hands were literally shaking when I made that post lmao
That's the plan, I'll keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens. Hopefully I don't make myself look like a sperg
>>11534 (OP)
I've seen a coworker jiggle her fat thighs while eating cookies and telling me "see, this is where all these cookies go to" and "I can't help but eat these, you shouldn't bring all these donuts to work, unless you're trying to make me fatter"

That happened several times. I'm pretty sure she was into this. Too bad she found another job
Back in my senior year of high school, I was part of the drama club and there were some girls in the club that I have a few fond memories of. The biggest girl in the club was around 5'8 and easily over 300lbs, and she was one gassy bitch. During one of our rehearsals she burped (rather loudly) in the middle of her line, and since the role she was playing was supposed to be a tomboyish redneck girl, our director told her she could definitely do that in the actual performance. She didn't, unfortunately.
Another time before rehearsal, one of my cast mate's mom brought in tacos and sodas for an after school snack since we had a while to wait. The mom, for reference, was a spunky middle aged lady with a pretty average frame and a good-sized beer gut. Everyone had a couple tacos, while this girl's mom was packing away a decent number of them. After a few minutes we were standing around talking, and this lady strolls up with one hand on her lower back and the other hand on top of her belly, like a pregnant woman, and she made some joke about how much she ate, I can't remember what exactly she said. She chatted with us for a couple minutes before taking a small step back, putting a hand to her chest, and belching loud and proud. Rather than being embarrassed or anything like that, (her daughter was feeling embarrassed enough for both of them, and she quickly left) she challenged the other girls in the group to try and do better than that, so she and two other girls in the group grabbed some sodas and had an impromptu burping contest right there in the cafeteria.
And last one that I remember, our club couldn't start until the volleyball team was finished with practice, since some of the girls on the team were also part of the club. Toward the end of the year they were running late because they ended practice with a pizza party. When they showed up, several of them were annoyed with one girl in particular, who looked very proud of herself. I asked one of them what the problem was, and she told me that they didn't get to eat much pizza because the other girl took way more than she was supposed to. I looked over, and the other girl was laying on the bleachers with her food baby in the air, her uniform riding up just a little bit so you could see a couple inches of her belly.
I'm surprised no one has made a thread like this yet... In order to kick it off, I'll give one of my own stories. So, I had this private violin teacher in middle school (I was a nerd I know shut up), and the first time I met with her, she looked to be about 200 pounds. She still looked pretty chubby, though, since she was very short. I don't know her exact height, but she was definitely around 5'0" to 5'2". Anyway, I took lessons with her for about 2 months at first, and she didn't really gain much weight for those two months. However, I took about a 6 month break from lessons, and when I came back, she was fucking huge. It looked like she had somehow gained 100 pounds in half a year. And, after the break, I was doing lessons with her for about a year. Her weight fucking skyrocketed during that year. I thought she was huge at the start, and that she had gained a lot of weight during the 6 months I was gone, but that weight gain only accelerated. She always wore white tank tops so I could see her bra, and she also only wore leggings and sweatpants (probably the only things that fit her). So, whenever we started a lesson, she'd come out to the waiting room and I'd follow her down a short hallway. Obviously, I could see her colossal ass, which was wear a lot of her weight was distributed. During that short walk, she'd always breathe super heavily and get out of breath. The room she taught me in was EXTREMELY small, as well. It was the size of an elevator, that's how small it was. This, of course, resulted in her bumping into me. At first, it didn't happen very often, if at all. But, as the year progressed, she got so much bigger, and it would happen more and more frequently until I had to sort of lean against the wall when I played, so my elbow wouldn't dig into her fat. Yes. The room was that fucking small. I don't know when it started, but at one point she started bringing in food to eat during lessons. I would be playing, and she would just be stuffing her face. Every once in a while she would wear a tank top that didn't fit her current size. This, of course, resulted in her belly showing, usually up to her belly button. Now, all of this happened in late middle school and early high school, so I was very awkward and very horny. Whenever she would demonstrate how to do something, she usually would have to grab my bow or even my hand sometimes, which would result in my hand digging into her boobs and belly. I honestly think she was doing it on purpose, but I don't know for sure. By the end of the year, she was massive. Her ass would brush against the wall, and I'd have lean back to avoid brushing against her. And, she'd bend over to pick things up (usually food) out of her bag. Keep in mind, I'd also have to get my violin out of my case while she was in the room, so I was usually unzipping my case and putting rosin on my bow like less than a foot away from her belly (or ass, depending on which way she was facing). That about wraps up my experiences with that teacher. She started at about 200 pounds or so, and she was definitely over 400 by the end. I haven't talked to her or seen her since, so I don't know if she lost weight or somehow gained even more. Anyway, that was just one of my stories, so I'd love to hear other people's experiences as well.
Completely understandable if you were bringing her those rasberry filled munkkis.
amen to that
Alright, classes have started back up for me. Which means plenty of new faces to see. And in one of my classes, the chairs are normal sized, but they've got armrests that go all the way around them.

Lo and behold, girl walks in, baggy as hell clothes but you can still tell that she's easily obese, and wedges her fat butt into the chair.

No action taken on my part because I'm a nervous wreck, but the possibility remains.
Bro, you could have had it.
I was at Bay Beach amusement park earlier today. While I was waiting for the rollercoaster there were three girls in line with me. All three were chubby and the blonde one was eating while in line, really stuffing her face with cotton candy and a slush puppy. I saw the trio again in the middle of the park but not after that. And the blonde girl was eating again. Things were closing by then.

Not sure if anyone went to Bay Beach the same day I did and saw them. I see a lot of chubbier ladies at that place in particular.
Me thinks this thread perfectly illustrates the difference between men and women, I don't think I live rent free in the head of a woman atm just because she liked my body.

>live rent free

Why are you talking like a gay?
I can't help it i'm a pajeet.
Should've added her on social media.
You should bring a big box of donuts for the class, and make sure there's extra.
Give her 2 and break the ice.
You can repeat this another time which will make her normalize you giving her food.
And then you could share snacks with her outside of class when you are able to socialize.

If you have anxiety, I recommend eating more meat and some cardio.
Hope this helps.
I'll share a few Random stories from my apartment complex (there's a lot of bbws there and its only gone up since covid happened and caused people to either get /fit/ or fat lmao)
>the one loves walking her dog late at night in nothing but a very small tight black bathrobe
>the one time I woke up in the middle of the night to piss and looked out my balcony window (I get a nice view of every apartment) and saw this dude smack his girlfriend on the ass and grope her ass cheeks (dont blame him, honeycomb leggings are dope)
>the one who comes home sweaty from the gym in her sports bra (cleavage windows) and shorts
>the one time I was walking upstairs and was one stairwell set behind a couple before I noticed just how much her ass fat was hanging out from her shorts
>the one who wears dresses way too small for her body (her T&A are screaming for air)
>that one asian chick (rare I know) who likes walking her kids around in nothing but a crop top and shorts
>this one guy who use to coach football at my high school has a rotating cast of fat chicks who come by. Caught one smoking outside late at night in nothing but a nightgown and robe.
>a set of twins my dad dubbed the daisy duke twins when my parents visited me (like that one family joke "it's like a walrus flossing!")
>that one chick who I swore was skinny dipping (I have poor vision and it was late out so I couldn't tell if she was just wearing a flesh colored swimsuit)
Also anytime a woman as to "adjust" herself and does the little ass wiggle to fix her pants
when girls close doors/cabinets with their butts <3
>that one asian chick
Now I'm interested. What kind of weight are we dealing with here?
OP here bumping the thread please don't let it die! Updates would be nice too :)
Its nothing much really, most of these womens probably however around the mid to late 100s in pounds with a few being low 200s. Her thigh fat is nice though
I have a couple
>woman who walks her dog in her black robe now has an even smaller hot pink one with fur...how does she get away with it?
>saw the gym bbw coming from a party in a very tight dress. Her breast were fighting to release themselves
>football coach guy got into a dispute with his favorite fatty (smoker who sits on the balcony in nothing but a night gown) and his neighbor who
began airing his dirty laundry out for everyone to here. Dude gets a bbw who facesits (his poor neck) and moans his name, what a chad. Sadly they broke up since he, again, has a rotating cast of fat women
>>17038 After stagnating over the summer, I think my girl's weight is on the rise again, she's got a distinct feel of new pudge. She's very resistant to ever stepping on a scale, which is fair, a lot of that is childhood trauma for her, but I'm dying to know.

Anyway if I had to guess the main culprit, it's that she's become a real soda addict just over the last month or two. She always enjoyed it, but it's become a twice a day (at least) thing with her to get a can of something, and she likes mixing it up, trying different flavors, all that.

So a phrase that has become very common around her is "I gotta burp". She'll get quiet and concentrated, and then announce it, and then burp. I don't really get why she started doing this, I guess cuz she knows it turns me on and maybe she feels weird not acknowledging it at all? So she had some a couple of her work friends over on the back deck for joints and bbq. And she's cranking back the cans, root beer, ginger ale, some glass bottled local thing. And she keeps muttering to herself "I gotta burp" and then stifling them to the best of her ability. But at one point one of her friends is telling a fairly serious story, about some harassment she experienced at an old job, and my gf just blurts out "I really gotta burp!" and barely gets the words out before letting out an epic belch that left her friends stunned. She's just patting her gut, saying "I needed that" and "wow that feels better" and then she asks me to fetch the pie she's been saving, oh and can you grab me another can, maybe coke this time, oh oh and arent there some hot dogs left, bring me one of those too!

And she ate away and smoked with her friends, who were all done eating at this point. These are people she works with, one of which is technically her subordinate, and she was a total fatass in front of them. I don't know what's come over her but she's definitely turned a corner.

My girlfriend has definitely gone over that point, to where to she doesn’t even apologize for her burps anymore.

Which is really funny since she still tries her hardest to not look like a “typical fat girl” in public, like getting me to order extra food for her, stifling her burps, or switching restaurants often to make sure she doesn’t become the “fat girl regular.”

But in private she just lets loose. Sometimes real deep ones too. And because she’s also addicted to soda, she burps quite often too.
But in private
>>21226 only time my girl burps is when I spank her. I wish she burped more, but spanking a burp out of her is one of the hottest things.
Got a story to tell there bumper?
So in my university class there are these two girls who are sisters, identical twins in fact. And seeing them side by side is very interesting. One is sporty, very athletic, toned and always wearing shorts to show off her legs. The other twin, however, is a complete whale in comparison. Must be 250 pounds, got that double chin, snacks in class constantly and dresses in track suit bottoms and stuff, but you can still totally see the weight.
It's interesting to see two of the same face, but one is fit, the other fat.
this could make for some insane content. lol you should pitch to them
Haha, fuck no.
As hot as that would be.
I had the same thing in my high school. Both started fairly thin but one twin really chubbed out, probably gained 100 lbs in three years. She had kind of a blocky body but looked super-soft and pudgy so I didn't miss the curves.

Side note, all through the gain, the bigger one wore outfits til she was busting out of them. I still remember this one skirt she favored that got so tight you could literally see the seams and it split her ass into two units.

Second side note, I didn't really know her but we had a few mutual friends. I asked her to the prom but she rejected me, saying she was already going with a kid from another school. But then she didn't show up at all. Ouch.
Last year, my wife and I attended a friend's wedding. It being a buffet dinner, my wife, then ~380 pounds, had several plates of everything on offer. Eventually, she unbuttoned her sundress somewhat so as to not lose any buttons. Several of her friends tried to keep pace with her, and we gave one of them a ride home after the night had ended. In the car, her friend let rip with several burps before claiming 'Well I've got you beat on some things, anon's wife.' Moments later, my wife exploded with a burp before asking 'Who else feels like some slices of cheesecake?'
My wife had an ice cream craving last night and far be it from me to deny her. It was late so we had to drive a bit to find something open (princess wanted fresh scooped stuff, not from a container lol). While we were ordering she got a text from a close friend of hers who had to take her baby to the ER (he's fine). It wasn't how I imagined my Saturday night going but my wife took the text as a plea for moral support, correctly, and so we headed to the hospital to join her. We park and start walking towards the hospital, my wife feeding from a 3-scoop cup of ice cream. I warn her they might make her throw it out before we get inside and she says she'll take her chances. Wife claims to be her friend's sister so they let her inside. Security, reception,etc all don't mention it and she keeps her ice cream. So there's my wife walking around feeding from a Baskin Robbins cup in the middle of the ER, talking to the nurses, etc. My wife isn't actually that fat for the US, just kinda plump, but she really doesn't GAF about eating in public, or what she eats in public.
Does she have much of an appetite? And what's the most that she's eaten out in public before?
Her appetite is up and down. She can go an entire day without eating, and I'd say I eat more than she does, net. But I've seen her finish a huge restaurant meal, go to work on my leftovers, then crave ice cream 30 minutes later. She really gives zero fucks about other people's opinions of what she eats, which is pretty unique for all women in my experience.

And it's not an SA, fuck you thing either. When we're out with other people and they start diet talking, "Oh, I shouldn't be eating this..." she thinks it's ridiculous but nods along, sort of not thinking it applies to her. Sometimes if it's over the top she'll pipe in, saying "Just eat what you want or don't but shut up about it," which is my philosophy as well.

Hard to explain, I guess, because it's not like she's unaware of her weight, either. She was a chunky kid, born to be big, just refuses to diet. Instead she works out daily to keep from blowing up, and when circumstances or hormones or whatever start causing her to gain weight she'll bum out and lay off the carbs for a while, with mixed success.

She's gone up and down about 40 lbs since we're together. Right now she's on the upswing, not freaking out but not happy about it either. She's aware I'm an FA of course, but we're in unspoken agreement she needs to be cool with her body more than I need my fantasies fulfilled.
She sounds similar to my wife before she started gaining - likes to eat, born to be big, and unbothered by others' opinions of her appetite. I wouldn't be surprised at all if your wife eventually accepts gaining as well.
anything new or any updates? :)
My wife and I, and several of our friends spent a couple days away at the beach. All of us stayed at our apartment. As is typical, things turned to my wife's appetite. We had had lunch at a ribs and burger place, and on the way to back to the apartment, the ladies all got ice cream after my wife insisted. But what really amazed them was dinner: tacos. The ladies each had one, and the guys including myself had two, but my wife had four.
"Where does it all go?" one asked.
To which my wife replied jiggling her belly and bust, "Here."
My wife is a fucking menace around a green bean casserole, I found this out first hand at the first thanksgiving I spent with her extended family. Her and her SSBBW pear friend go in on a banquet tray of casserole and it’s gone in ten minutes. They each grab another tray and it becomes something of a competition. They slow to a crawl tied halfway across their troughs. My wife unbuttons her jeans and it creates just enough space for her to shovel the last bites of her tray into her packed stomach. She fishes a deep fried bit of onion out of her cleavage and devilishly crunches into it.
You just lasered into one of my deepest, dearest fantasies, bravo.
Are there any fat chicks in Ukraine? I see some at the embassy here in DC sometimes, but nothing like we have here in Ohio
Let's hear it!
Tell us about thanksgiving
Yes, they have beautiful, milky, silky skin and huge boobs. No, you are not likely to fuck one. Not in this lifetime.

As you may have guessed, Thanksgiving was worse than any of my previous Thanksgivings. I enjoyed the good food despite the annoyances. On the bright-side I expect Christmas and New Years to be far superior.
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>>11534 (OP)
1. There's not much to this anecdote, but my lab partner in second-year of undergrad was a big girl. Double chin, round body, definitely medically morbidly obese, probably >200lbs at 5'2 or something.
We both stayed at the same university for grad school so I ran into her again 3 years later. She looks like she has somehow fucking TRIPLED in size. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She barely fits through doors now, like legit one time I was walking behind her and we were both about to go through the same door and I wasn't sure she was going to make it.
She's definitely one of the biggest girls I've seen irl at this point. It's hard not to stare when I see her despite all the fat girl porn I look at. I cannot comprehend how a person puts on this much weight in just three years. She's still with the same bf she was with in undergrad so I wonder how he feels about her gain.

2. This one is about my bf's sister, I don't know if that's weird but she's big and really gorgeous. She has thick round thighs that I often get to see because she walks around in loose dresses, big tits, and a serious gut with stretch marks. She also has a gorgeous face. I'm honestly bad with size estimations so I searched catalogue for a pic related that vaguely gets across her size/body type. She's struggled with her weight since she was a teen but she never successfully lost any. I know she used to be very athletic until injury forced her to stop so I imagine it's that classic case of never losing your athlete's appetite. She fancies herself an authority on nutrition because she studied something vaguely related and chalks it up to fatlogic shit like "starvation mode" and "set point" and "metabolism" but my bf told me that she just eats snacks all day without counting them towards her calories. Whenever I go over to their house, she spends all day grazing. She'll have a meal, then pour herself some nuts, then get herself some yoghurt, then a drink, then a wrap with meat and cheese, then have a good portion at dinner. That kind of thing. It's really hot to just watch her get up and fix herself yet another a snack. She also burps pretty regularly, especially when she drinks, but they're usually stifled. It's still hot because she puts her hand on her ample chest and then she'll sigh and excuse herself like she's kind of tired of burping all the time, like "ugh ex-CUSE me!"
Two specific memories stand out:

One time we all went out for groceries, and I was eyeing some mint oreos because I can never find any where I live. To be nice, she secretly buys a pack for me, which was actually very sweet of her.
A couple days later, I've had a grand total of maybe three, when I go into the cupboard to find them completely empty.

>"Oh, anon, sorry, I might have stolen some of your oreos."

Something about the fact that she couldn't restrain herself from eating basically the whole pack of oreos she bought for me was so hot.

The second anecdote takes place at dinner time. She has a proper MOUNTAIN of food on her plate, like I don't even know how she managed to stack the food vertically so high but it must have taken skill. Shortly thereafter, the movie we're watching while we eat is interrupted by a HUGE burp. I turn around and her plate of is CLEAN like it was never used. Not a crumb left. The burp goes on so long that her mom has time to scold her and there are still a few more seconds left before she's done burping. She replies, "Well, I had to finish first before I could excuse myself, didn't I?"
>This one is about my bf's sister

Boyfriend or bff best friend?
...boyfriend lol
...Fair point, but just from my first impression of the guy I don't get the vibe that he's a feeder. They're both nerdy and he was a chubby guy himself in undergrad (seems like he's lost weight while she's been gaining), so I feel like they probably got together because they matched for wholesome reasons, and he just chose to stay with her because he loves her. I obviously have zero substantiation to this though, maybe the dude is a fat fetishist reading this very thread
You almost certainly know more than me but an already present woman gaining over 100 lbs in the course of 2 years and her boyfriend not leaving her, all while getting in shape himself gives reason to suspect
*obese not present. Idk what the fuck my autocorrect was on
I honestly think a lot of non-feeder guys would put up with a lot of weight gain for their gf, even more so if they're already chubby themselves. Just look at all those pandemic weight gain tiktoks where fomerly-skinny girls are showing off like 50lbs of weight gain while their bf smiles next to them. Okay, maybe all of those guys are feeders that happened to date skinny girls who happened to balloon during the pandemic, but more likely they're just guys who didn't want to leave their gfs. Guys will put up with a lot for a woman in my experience.
But like I said, I don't really have any insight into their relationship. It could really go either way.
So I actually got a few of these that might be relevant. I'll start with the earliest and I'll do the rest as I get time.

So girl #1 was probably the earliest, I think. I've known her since we were kids but in high school she FILLED OUT. Like think mini Plump Princess body type. Huge ass, gorgeously thick thighs, a small but chubby belly. I really don't want to guess weights because I'm probably totally off but I'd ball park 180-200lbs as it got closer to junior/senior year. 2 instances stand out.

First, she had this somewhat constant problem that with her ass being so large and the desk being those connected types, if she wasn't paying attention, her skirt would catch the top of the seat. Leaving her entire ass just hanging out there. Truly a fantastic sight.

Another instance I remember, we're sitting in class and I'm sitting next to her. She's arguing with me over something stupid so she's turned 90 degrees towards the opening for the desk. Side note, these were wooden desks and even smaller than the regular metal ones. The teacher calls her to come up front for something and I guess she forgot the size of her ass. She tried to stand straight up but her ass just didn't fit out of the desk that way. She actually lifted the desk up off the ground and she had to sit back down quick and turn. A couple people noticed but I was obviously looking right at her because we were talking right before that.
was out in Poland at a tourist spot, sopot, and went down to the beach and saw a couple. guy was regular but the girl had a tight white dress with thin black stripes running horizontally accenting her juicy frame. first time i saw my fetish in person couldn't believe how gret they looked together and how beautiful a plus sized girl was. to top it off I saw her with a full dinner platter, sausage schnitzel mash potatoes,etc and a full pint, happy as can be just shovelling food down in her face while her partner laughed and enjoyed the scenery. I'll never forget how casual it was and how good a plump girl with cankles and a wide deep belly button looked in a sundress
another time i was out camping and we'd all go to an outdoor mass at this church that was built when pollacks settled up north in canada. there were these little fences made out of logs that could be benches if you couldn't find a seat. CRACK! everyone turns as the barrier is uprooted and snapped. two embarrassed blushing girls are helped up midservice. they broke the fence under the pressure of their own weight! I remember seeing their plump upper arms in their tight summer shirts, two heavy breasts overflowing from bras just a little too tight and cutting into the juicy sweet back roll thicc girls get. cut off jeanshorts, which were super in vouge back then, filled out by their plump thighs giving way to full calves and swollen little ankles. I felt guilty for staring but couldn't look away wanting to soak in their full bodies amazed at how attracted i was to these two full bodied queens. for the rest of the trip I fantasized about filling my hands with their muffin topped waists and feeling my penis rest up against their deep oval shaped belly buttons.
I was dating a this girl years ago, I guess she was around 5’4 or so and over 300 lbs. Huge round belly, I’d say more than 55 inches. Think of Mochii/adorethebelly. On the first date we sat in a booth at a restaurant and I could see her belly squeezed up by the table and I was hard as a rock the whole time…

Anyway fast forward to the third date or so, we we were making out on my couch first—and yes I was grabbing that belly and she seemed to like it too—we then decided to “move to the bed”. So she went ahead to my bedroom and onto the bed while I followed there. What happened next is something that will perhaps be engraved in my mind for the rest of my life. As she tried to move and make space for me (yes, she was at the size where she’ll need to move to make space), the whole bed cracked into half! Like not just cracked, but into half so that she was literally stuck in between. Had to pull her out of the bed. Didn’t get any that night but it was hotter than all other date nights I’ve experienced.

The date didn’t work out but that’s a different story, sometimes I still wonder what would’ve been otherwise.
So another one from high school were two girls both ahead of me by a year. Both were practically orbital. Again, I don't want to guess weights but I'd say at minimum both were 300 but probably over that. The one was a cheerleader and apparently there was a rumor floating around that her uniform had to basically be custom made from 2 smaller ones. I don't know if it's true but you could tell it was slightly different. It was always crazy seeing the two of them in the same space though because they occupied so much of it. I remember the one time they both came up to double doors and one had waited for the other to go through because they probably wouldn't fit at the same time. I've also seen the cheerleader one almost get stuck climbing onto the bus when we were going on a trip. She totally filled out the gap in between the first seats and actually had to go at it again sideways.
I'm 29 and happily married and think about this girl I knew when I was 15/16 way too often. My sophomore year of high school, RIGHT after I met the girl I ended up marrying (who ended up gaining almost 100 lbs since then, but that's a different story), I met a friend of a friend's gf and we would all hang out in this dude's gf's basement all the time. The gf's friend's name was Katie, and was super weird. Home-schooled, pretty annoyingly immature, but still sociable and funny enough to hang out with. She was the only high school sophomore I had ever met over 300 lbs. I have to assume I was the only person her age to have actually be flirty with her (which I shouldn't have been because I just met my now wife, and she was involved with some 40 year old dude, another weird tangent) and she was SUPER into me, I assume just because of that. A generally fit and OK looking dude on the football team of a school she presumable never heard of. We would shoulder tap to get beer a lot and would regularly drink on basement nights. She was either faking or a legit lightweight, but she would always act super trashed after only a few beers and would come onto me hard. Trying to cuddle on the couch (which was difficult but I managed), trying to make out, rubbing my pants, always trying to find an opportunity to talk about blow jobs, etc. She would constantly act like she was too fat to be attractive and one time asked how much I thought she weighed. I said 380, she said I was right, but who knows. The kicker was that her grandma who was kinda demented and who she lived with was a former cafeteria cook who made the bombest pizza when I was in middle school. So when we would hang out, she'd be upstairs cranking out cafeteria-style sheet pizzas to entertain herself I guess. We always ate well there. So one night, which I think was the 2nd to last time I saw her, we played truth or dare teenager style. There were two fresh sheet pizzas upstairs, and I dared her to eat them both. My only friend who shares this fetish was there too and took a video of this girl eating two 36x48 deep dish pizzas, a banana, and a pint of ben and jerrys by the time it was over. Everyone was just howling laughing while this girl ate with no shame and I've never seen someone eat so much anywhere else, be it online or irl. Afterward we continued to drink and at one point she offered me a blowjob, handjob, and sex, which I refused because of wife, but she did put my hand under her bra (only G-cups I'll ever touch) and let me rub her stomach after "my dares". I have spent the last 14 years wondering if I could have gotten away with it, and if I truly regret not getting physical with her. Our relationship could have been the pinnacle of this fantasy. Later on some guy got busted for grooming minors and she lost like 200lbs but god damn what a night. I also deleted the video a few years ago along with all the pre-18 stuff of my wife and other girls from HS. I want to believe that was a good decision.
Was up in Boston on business, stopped for coffee mid-morning at a trendy bakery-cafe near my hotel. Gal at the next table facing me was brunette (white), 30ish, round-the-way pretty, more chunky than fat-fat, medium height, 200(?). Fairly thin face and curvy with a big, round rack, big legs and hips, black top over a slightly too-tight red skirt.

She had a gigantic cinnamon roll in front of her, covered in frosting, and was eating it in the most focused, sensuous way, taking it apart and lovingly shoving it into her mouth, piece by piece, not looking at her phone like everyone else. I was totally mesmerized and got caught staring, but rather than a glare she smiled at me in a slightly embarassed way.

Took me all day to shake it, though that was 2 weeks ago and I'm still thinking about it obv so maybe I haven't lol. Oh and before you ask I'm almost old enough to be her dad and have an SO.
I remember reading a story about a guy and his Fat Fiancee.

She was worried something was wrong with her tiny car because while driving it would make this odd screeching noise. They asked their Mechanic friend about it, and he came over, couldn't see anything wrong so he said to take over to his place so he can take a look in his garage.

She got in her car, and her Fiance and their Mechanic Friend got in his and drove behind her. At an intersection they had to take a turn and in that instance he could see the car sink really low for a second before coming back up at the end of the turn.

The Mechanic friend calls her up on her Cellphone and asks her if she just heard that sound. She was shocked and said "Yes, how did you know?".

In private after the Mechanic friend tells the Fiance that his Fiancee is so fat that her weight is wrecking the suspension on her small car. The guy didn't seem bothered by it. Just in awe. He ended up marrying the Woman, and she has put on more weight since that day.
Didn't see this but read it: Saw an FB post the other day about the benefits of being fat, and the OP mentioned being good in the water because fat gives you buoyancy. A 300+ lb woman chimed in saying she was once in a pool with a guy who was complaining about how he was getting tired treading water. She legit didn't understand what he was talking about, and kept saying to him, "What do you mean? You don't have to do anything — just float." Only way later did she find out about her fat-enabled "superpower" and cringed herself to death.
My 330lb American girl recently knocked a small child over with her hip whilst trying and failing to navigate around it.

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision staying with a girl who’s constantly aware of how fat she is, rather than a girl who’s oblivious to it.

Because I absolutely desire taking a fat girl out to a buffet and watch her clean house. My gf would never set foot in one.
Lol, my fat wife absolutely hates all types of exercise, but positively loves swimming, I guess it'd be more accurately called "floating around" though. We bought an old house recently and the stairs to the basement were pretty thin and rickety from being old, she broke a step near the bottom nearly in half. It was kinda hot, but I was more worried for her safety and slightly annoyed at having to redo all the steps with beefier lumber. Our bed frame is a metal one now because when she was skinnier we tried to use an Ikea frame, but the slats were too weak for her weight. She grew up in a family that burps a lot without embarrassment, I wish it was a thing for me, but I actually don't like it.
not really anything crazy but i was talking to my friend and she said her company was taking them out to dinner with 50$ per person. I told her to use as much as she could (as in buy the nicest dishes), but she said she wouldn't use that much, she would be "soooo full"
I find it so hot she thinks she could eat 50$ worth of food. She used to be pretty chubby but she's slimmed down a lot over the years so it's hot to hear she's still got an appetite
Where in the US do you live that $50 at a decent restaurant buys you "a lot of food"?
Not trying to be snarky, just... jealous, lol.
it was a chain steakhouse lmao i guess dishes sounded too fancy
My Mrs. ordered $45 dollars of food and 2 beers at a restaurant last night - double serve of ramen, dumplings and fried chicken against my $25 worth.

She's about 95kg, when the waiter came out he was listing all the extras she ordered in her ramen which was a long ass list (extra noodles, extra broth, extra egg, extra pork) - she interrupted him mid way and just said THANKS - looking embarrassed. That was the best moment for me, she knew she was being gluttonous. As far as I can tell she planned it, asked me to drive us that night and smoked 2 bowls before we left to 'make room'.

After complaining how stuffed she was, we got 2 scoops of ice cream. and I saw a finished packet of crisps on the couch after we got home.

Hot stuff happens in front of me all the time :')
>>24008 You eat less food than your woman? Aren't you ever afraid of her leaving you for a real man?
This is a really weird thing to say on a forum dedicated to male Fay Admirers and obese women
Lmfao, Yep. Fyi that's how you'd help maintain athletic/muscular physique - you might pick up some fatties if you do the same.

Nah mate not at all she's too busy enjoying my magnum dong and all the food I cook.
>>24019 Ok cool good for you. You're still a bitch. Congrats on the cute fat pawg girlfriend, though. I hope she doesn't leave you because you sound like a punk.
w/e man, all love here, hope you find an Amerifat for yourself!

I will, but only because I am meant to.
Today her mom complained that she kept burping out loud while they were out together. She retorted that she was holding them in so they were only as loud as a grumble in her chest until she had to let out a final one which her mom described as "the motherload".
Apparently she found some dietician that told her she actually has to eat MORE because some starvation mode/intuitive eating bs. She's now making sure to eat 3 meals and snack in between. She let out a nice belch after dinner today and another closed-mouth growl while she was making herself a snack.
>>24255 My girl does a lot of those closed mouth burps. She thinks they're more polite and less noticeable but they really sound piggish, don't they?
On my last year of high school, me and this other girl used to be the first ones to arrive to our classrooms. Because we were always early, the homeroom teacher asked us if we could help prepare the classroom by opening the windows and cleaning her desk (which she was supposed to take care of). This girl wasn't the prettiest, but she was nice enough to have small talk with me from time to time. She would always wear a sweater, no matter how hot the weather was. She even took her sweater to P.E and would only take it off when one of the teachers told her to do so. While in one of said small talks, I asked her why she's always wearing a sweater despite how hot it was that day. She managed to dodge the question, but as the days passed the answer became obvious: she was getting fat. What gave it away was her facing getting rounder and her pants tighter. It was a rare sight since all the other girls were getting slimmer and watching their diets (to get the attention of the pretty boys, I assumed) and yet this girl managed to make me hard each time I saw her packing some extra pounds. While preparing the classroom I would glance at her whenever she wasn't looking to see if I could take a peek of her belly. And surely enough, each time she raised her arms, her small sweater would lift and expose her hanging belly on that size L shirt of hers. If it wasn't for my socially awkward ass then I would've most definitely made friends with her or at least get to know her better.
High school memories:

There was a girl in my school a year ahead of me, short and maybe 250ish but with particularly enormous breasts. She was excluded from PE because she basically couldn't run, jump, or do much else without her boobs bouncing all over the place.

There was a "cool" Biology teacher whose class was actually a lot of fun, though he said all kinds of un-PC and sexist shit. He would be fired today, if not in jail lol. Anyway one day he was describing the difference between "hyper" and "hypo" and picked out the skinniest girl in the class and the fattest one to demonstrate.

I think I already described my extremely pear-shaped history teacher earlier in this thread, who lost a bunch of weight then gained it back and more on top of that. But I forgot to mention that after her weight loss she was specifically called out by the vice principal during an assembly. He brought her up on stage and complimented her for it, and we all cheered (well, everyone but me lol). Wonder if she thought about that moment after she gained it all back.

I think you should be imprisoned for being such a massive stain on society's thong.
I've read a lot of good stories here, so I thought I'd start sharing some of mine. Lemme know if you guys like this one:

There's a close friend of mine that I have a bit of feelings for. While she is by no means fat, something I like about her is that she likes to belch a lot (especially because she LOVES bubbly sodas and drinks). For an example of what they sound like, watch Alena Love's burping videos. Most people will try to hide their burps by covering their face or trying to release it as quitly as possible. But not her, she doesn't give a fuck if anyone finds it gross. When she feels it coming, she just lets it out and says "excuse me" afterwards.

The loudness of her burps and the fact that they usually come right the fuck out of nowhere is something that I find really hot. I'm not too sure why tho, something about her belches feeling like an overwhelming force that she can't control is a turn on for me, even if she herself isn't a bbw.

Also, sometimes she will jokingly yell at her stomach. For example when she hears it rumbling, she say some shit like "shut up, tummy, I'll feed you later". Or when she burps but still has some gas left she'll make a pouty face, gently grab her stomach, and go "aww c'mon!" and try to push, squish and churn what little chub she has to get more massive burps out. That shit is cute af to me
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This text has sparked two weeks of the hardest bing eating I’ve ever seen my wife do. I have no idea what prompted this. Last Sunday she ate 3 McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches, a large peanut butter flavored coffee drink, a big bag of M&Ms, two meals from the local thai place for lunch, a whole pizza for dinner, and a pint of ice cream for dessert. On Saturday we go to Costco, I’m going to recommend we get a whole cake for her to eat.

Rest in peace, my man
Bumping since the othe thread is derailing
I saw a big black girl studying in front of me with the lower half of her belly sticking out while eating a snack
>>27562 I saw a big whale of a black girl reading at a coffee shop and her ass crack was sticking out above her waistband. She didn't realize and fix it for a good fifteen minutes.
I've got a couple anecdotes. A few years ago I was on a walk and this girl came walking from the other direction in leggings and a tank top, and from about her belly button down was just a free swinging fat apron just flopping up and down with every step completely outside of the leggings. I refuse to believe she was unaware of it so I don't know if she either didn't care or liked the stares, who knows.

Second anecdote I was at a street fair before covid and there was a girl wearing a top that stopped just below her tits, and jean shorts that were pretty low cut. Basically the entire middle portion of her belly was bare but this girl had a belly button piercing and long red stretchmarks etched all the way across her entire front. She wasn't pregnant either because the whole exposed midrif was just slopping around like jelly while she walked. I wanted to compliment her but she looked like she might have been fresh out of highschool and I would've felt like a creep even though I also couldn't stop staring lol.
I remember one time back in preliminary school the class was playing hide and seek. By this point the game had devolved into everyone going behind the same wall to hide and some people crouching to hide behind the mass of people that was the rest of the class. I was among that last group. I was crouching as others were still running to this hiding place, when one fat girl bumped into my face with her butt! Unfortunately for me I was just too young and way too stupid to realize just how hot that was, I would've cherished that memory.

In high school during history class, the subject was Marie Antoinette and her famous "let them eat cake". During that class I overheard two girls talk about how a hypothetical classmate named Marie Antoinette would be bullied if she were part of the class. Their fantasy involved everyone in the class going up to her, saying "let them eat cake, huh?" and force-feeding her a cake. Everyone in the class, every hour of the day, every day of the week.

Lastly, I was with some others in an extra class of some kind (I don't remember what it was). The teachers brought some treats as a way to apologize for taking our time, but everyone was too awkward to take them. The teachers kept insisting. Some (skinny) girl nearby turned around and jokingly asked me something along the lines of "are they secretly tring to fatten us up or something?" I don't know whether it was the heat, it being late, or just my sheer boredom, but in my head I went absolutely bananas when she said that. Moral of these two stories is that people outside this fetish could say the hottest shit without knowing it.

Actually, I just remembered a more recent example. I was joining in on a conversation between two people who suddenly came to the subject of "1000 Lbs. Sisters", as I had seen an episode they hadn't yet. Later on, I was with one of the two and they were talking about some YouTube personality and drawing parallels with Tammy (not size, but general negative attitude towards weight loss). They asked if I'd heard of it, and since I hadn't they decided to show me their YouTube page.
You must know of me that I am personally not really into watching online people perform sex, their genitals and that kind of stuff. For me simply a fat girl existing while being fat is all I need to get me hard. So this person showed me two YouTube shorts of this woman who was dancing around in outgrown, form fitting clothes while jiggling from all places and exposing her belly was my equivalent of two people coming together to watch porn in public.
(168 KB, 840x473, wagner.jpeg)
I took my huge (300lb approx) Latina Texan girlfriend to an opera recently. Our seats were at the other end of the row against a wall so only one side of the row could be entered. We came quite close to the start of the opera so everyone had already sat down, but because she's so large she knew she was unable to squeeze past anyone whilst they were sat. So she said "excuse me" to the row and being the polite Brits that we are they immediately understood what the issue was when their eyes took all of her in. So the entire row had to stand up and vacate their seats just so my girlfriend could get to her seat(s). I say seat(s) because opera hall seats tend to be quite narrow so I was sharing half of mine with her. I couldn't help but think of that one Family Guy scene once she had been comfortably situated. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/120Eir0W_pI
All this was whilst she was wearing a Skims (skin tight) dress that showed off her expansive figure, leaving little to the imagination with cowboy boots that were filled to capacity by her calfs. Being a serious German opera in a major city the majority of the audience were white upper class old people so they must've been quite shocked at seeing my American girlfriend.
>there was a girl wearing a top that stopped just below her tits

I'm old (Gen X) and BITD the only women who didn't wear bras were flat-chested, or yucky hippies too old to give a shit. Recently I've noticed bustier girls free-boobing as well and it's a wonderful trend. Almost as great as the invasion of low-cut jeans and muffin tops back in the Aughts. Anyway the other day I was crossing the street and a pretty, chunky, youngish millenial (28ish?) came bouncing towards me in a brown halter. She was buxom beyond her overall size, an easy G cup, stiff nips and everything. They hung down pretty far but were fairly buoyant, not flabby. Just so big and heavy gravity had no choice. Of course I gawked — even women stare at shit like that — and she gave me a sweet smile like, Yeah, I know and don't care. Beautiful.

Chose the wrong place to live. That's all. If you complain they'll come looking for you. If you complain more they'll suck your dick in your dreams.
You’re just spraying schizo all over the site today, huh. Did the NHS run out of Thorazine?

No just joker

I'm not sure what you mean, actually. I've been replying quite normally as I do today.
Oops, sorry. I guess I didn't understand your reply and then mistook you for someone else with a UK flag.
I went to a private school and my science teacher in junior and senior year single-handedly made science my second favorite class (my English/Spanish teacher was just too good at his job to forfeit the gold just because he was a dude). This woman though, easily 450 pounds, full-on cantaloupe size breasts and a lovely round belly that overflowed her lap when she sat. The best part was getting to see, day in and day out, exactly how she got so big. The school had neither a cafeteria nor a teacher’s lounge, so students would pick a classroom to eat lunch in while teachers ate in their homeroom. My science teacher’s lunch, every single workday, was a TV dinner with all the fixings, a liter of coke, a little tupperware dish full of pasta, and either a bag of chips or a large cupcake. No idea what she ate at home, but I kinda assume she just has a big appetite in general. She was a bit temperamental, but she always seemed to like me.

Another fond memory was with my ex. Her weight fluctuated between about 250 and 290 pounds while we were together. I suspect she had Cushing’s Syndrome; she had proportionally thin arms and legs (keyword: proportionally) but a huge, bulbous belly for her weight, and this really nice, thick ring of neck pudge that rested on her chest. One time we were lying on the couch in her apartment, watching a youtube video about Edwardian fashion on the TV. I was reclining with my head on her bare belly; she’d peeled back her sweater and stretchpants for extra comfort. Half my face was sunken into her stomach, so half of what I could hear was little gurgles of her belly processing lunch plus the “snack” she was then enjoying. With one hand she was rubbing my head, while the other was tucking into a fifty pack of assorted donut holes, with occasional gulps from a grande pink drink from starbucks. Well, all of a sudden I hear this pretty loud grumbling from her gut, sort of like a water cooler being emptied, and the second it stops I look up and see her open her mouth, and just let loose this resounding belch that drowned out the TV. I swear I could feel her belly jiggling from the force. It lasted maybe a second and a half. When it was done, she didn’t excuse herself, didn’t act coy, just went right back to gorging on donut holes. I have never been rock hard so quick, I had her bent over the bed in half a minute.

But my current girlfriend takes the cake by far. She’s one of the most wonderful people I know, I fully intend to marry her by this time next year. And her body, holy shit. She’s close to 400 pounds, and I take some pride in her telling me she’s gained quite a bit since we started dating. At her size it’s a bit hard to tell, though. Whenever we come home from eating out, the first thing she does is she unbuttons her pants and pulls the hem down to let her doughy beachball belly breathe. We eat out fairly often, and when we do she often eats until she’s brimming full. Besides that, she never wears pants at home unless she has to, which is A-okay in my book because she’s got this big-all-over physique, and when not restrained by clothing her whole lower body just jiggles and wobbles hypnotically. I ain’t skinny myself, and her thighs are, no joke, as big around as my torso each. Her ass is magnificent, wider than two average women put together, spreads out even wider when she sits, and even though I’m taller than her standing up, she sits higher than me. And brother, there’s no sight on earth like when her ham-sized arms are pushing against the headboard, her double chin spread out over her plump shoulders with a lip-licking grin plastered on her angelic face. She’s got an appetite to match, too; she’s told me in so many words that she’s never not in the mood for chocolate cake. Sure enough, I surprised her with a family-size chocolate birthday cake one day, for no occasion in particular, and it was gone inside 48 hours. She told me about how she “inhaled” that cake. She wants to go on a diet, and honestly, with how much her joints and feet seem to bother her, I want to support her. But I do really love the side of her that wants to just eat and fuck all day, and I love what that side of her has done to her figure.

>I went to a private school and my science teacher in junior and senior year single-handedly made science my second favorite class (my English/Spanish teacher was just too good at his job to forfeit the gold just because he was a dude). This woman though, easily 450 pounds, full-on cantaloupe size breasts and a lovely round belly that overflowed her lap when she sat. The best part was getting to see, day in and day out, exactly how she got so big. The school had neither a cafeteria nor a teacher’s lounge, so students would pick a classroom to eat lunch in while teachers ate in their homeroom. My science teacher’s lunch, every single workday, was a TV dinner with all the fixings, a liter of coke, a little tupperware dish full of pasta, and either a bag of chips or a large cupcake. No idea what she ate at home, but I kinda assume she just has a big appetite in general. She was a bit temperamental, but she always seemed to like me.

What state? Do you know how to draw breasts well?
at my local grocery store theres an SSBBW who works the checkouts. she has a cute fat face and subtle double chin and really fat arms. shes friendly but also quiet. I usually go to the self checkout but I decided to chat her up. I flirted pretty obviously with her but she wasnt biting, I think she might be a bit autistic.
So you flirted with a woman whilst she was at work and because she didn't show any interest in you, you think she might be autistic?
> I think she might be a bit autistic
>because she didn't show any interest in you, you think she might be autistic
Honestly, anon, you sound like the autistic one in this scenario
I’m a junior in hs and ig I live in a pretty healthy area because I almost never see fat girls, especially hot ones. Last year in my law class, there was an absolute whale of a senior girl in one of my classes who sat in the row infront of me, one seat to the left, so I had a perfect view of her. She was maybe 5’4 and I’d guess close to 300 lbs. Yes, that’s a whale to me, as she was the probably biggest girl I had ever seen that I actually found attractive. Like whenever she would walk around, I could feel the floor vibrating. She’d be in the hallway and you’d know she was coming. Whenever she wore leggings, you could clearly see an outline of her entire stomach, and she frequently wore crop tops. It was like she didn’t care she was the fattest fucking girl in the school. I could see her back rolls thru her shirts too. One day we had some scheduled drill where we had to leave the class and go outside, and when this girl stood up, I kid you not, she took the fucking desk with her. She was stuck in her desk and had to pull it off her and put it down. I think I was the only person who noticed but that was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life
TIL students in the UK study law as sophomores in hs

Also, you should definitely talk to her. You think you will regret it, but I promise you that you will not
lol. i didnt mean that she wasnt interested, she just seemed like she didnt even register that I was flirting.
Actually I’m from the US I just use a vpn lmao. I haven’t seen her since last year and she’s graduated now, and I’m a junior. She was probably too big for me to date or anything tbh. I’d hook up but that’s about it
Doesn’t mean she’s an autist, likely a result of low self esteem. She’s an obese cashier. She prob doesn’t get much attention
I work at Shake Shack. We don't put fat women in the front cause their anxieties flare up and they take the stress out on the skinny chicks. Fat women prefer to be bunner. They're doing a new age thing where they put fat women on custard but the speed give them anxiety.
Was on a plane today, I was sitting in the front row and the flight attendant was THICC. She looked about 280 pounds, maybe more cause it was clear she was wearing spanx even though her uniform was super tight on her belly. Supper easy to see the curve of her belly and the outline of her underwear when she was turned around. She was snacking during the flight too.
I hope you spoke to her.
I was on a plane, what was I supposed to say besides "hello"?
Depending on the local time at landing, some variation of "What are you doing after this?"
I'm usually all for shooting your shot but flight attendants are like the one type of gal you just can't approach. The specific circumstances just prohibit it
I disagree, and I think the commonness of your opinion actually increases the likelihood of success.
In the air or while she’s busy I’d agree, but if you got off last and spoke to her, I’m sure she wouldn’t be offended or upset.
Hard disagree. I’ve got phone numbers of flight attendants plenty of times. Approach them when they’re not doing beverage service and be nice. They’re all tired of assholes, so just don’t be an asshole. I find them more approachable than average, actually
When I was a sophomore, I had to take some language class for college, chose Spanish since it was the easiest one and god damn, the teacher for that class was fuckin huge. Like, she was kind of a dick teacher, got mad for no reason but damn, you could literally see her shirt fucking struggling to hold that gut in. Plus she was pear shaped so any time she did that teacher thing where they leaned over to check something, I was deadass trying not to look.
Was she short as well?
I had an Italian teacher, 5'4" at most, in high school that was all tits and belly. She would organise these quizzes for the class where each correct answer won a chocolate for the students, and each incorrect answer she'd take those chocolates. After each quiz, she'd spend the next lesson gorging herself as we studied.
was at a mates place for dinner the other night, his gf joined us in the loungeroom afterwards just chatting and drinking. she used to be super twiggy (plus shes tall), but has gained a bit of relationship weight, and fuck. she leaned back and her shirt lifted a bit and I caught a look at her little starter belly and lovehandles. fucking diamonds, had to make an effort to avoid looking for the rest of the night.
he's said before he doesnt mind it and likes playing with her gut while they cuddle, godspeed to him becoming a fully fledged feeder
I don't know what it is about teachers, probably the stress of the job is a big contributor.
I had a maths teacher in secondary school who was relatively young, maybe mid to late 20's and she was HUGE. I was young, so maybe she isn't as big as I remember her being, but she probably was about 300-400lbs and carried it very well.
Every time she went from the front of the class to the desks, she literally had to turn sideways otherwise she wouldn't fit in the spaces between the rows. Used to think about her all the time.
In my case, the teacher had a cushy job and just loved to eat. I'm talking two pizzas was standard fare for her Thursday lunch.
>>28603 Yeah, if I remember correctly she was around 5'6ish, again she was mostly belly, thighs and ass. She would always get food from this food truck across the school, can't blame her though, they made some damn good birria
stopped at trans.
How was her appetite in public? Or did she clearly save her gorging for home?

My Italian teacher had us celebrate every feast day and cultural event as a further excuse to have easy workdays and be paid to eat
>>28663 I had her for my last period so she'd usually have lunch or something if we were just doing individual work. I remembered that some guy shown up late after going off campus for lunch, and she said she'd let him off if she could get some of the food, which worked a lot of the time at my high school
Nothing better than that. I brought my Italian teacher desserts a few times as a "thank-you" but I'm pretty sure she knew what was up.
>>28679 Usually nobody does that and they still fuck. I remember and in my case I ate dessert sometimes next to fat girls so that when they ask me for some I could say no. It felt great to do that, and afterwards they still let me cuddle with them because I'm a real man. Stop being a pussy and you won't have to throw away money on girls that don't have any interest in you. If you ever had a meaningful conversation with a cute or attractive girl they would tell you that all they want to do is suck your dick and eat your ass. It's simple. All you have to do is get their pussies moist so that they want to be with you.
are you seriously bragging about not feeding BBWs on a feedism oriented forum?
>>28681 I'm not bragging at all. I'm a real man so I would feed fat pawgs cock instead of desserts what is wrong with your penis? When they're horny for me I know it because I feel it.

what grown man eats dessert in the first place you giant pussy
The only reason that a man should get dessert is so that his woman can have two in a socially acceptable manner.
This is very funny because my GF and I were recently talking about how/why it isn't "manly" to eat sweets. I had a hard time explaining it to her. I told her it's just something I know inherently without having ever actually discussed it with another guy, or even having read anything to that effect. Til now.
anything “sweet” should go to children and making fat women’s fat asses even fatter
Imagine thinking there's a red pill on sweets & desserts. Terminally online, the lot of you.
Are we arguing about how men should not be allowed to eat desserts in this thread?
Kill yourselves, faggots. I eat ice cream for breakfast.
The thread was derailed when the Canadian (>>28680) misread a post about my childhood (>>28679) and thought that I could have fucked my school teacher.
Would appreciate more posts about seeing hot stuff in front of you, thanks :)
My wife was challenged by one of our friends to see who could eat the more cheesecake last week at a hens' high tea.
My wife. She even let the other girls add their totals together, but they could not match her.
Your wife is hot, she seems feisty
Thanks, I'll let her know, but what do you mean specifically by feisty?
She's bold and herself, being that big and not being embarrassed by her ability to est so much by her peers. I love that
She mocks her friends for not being able to eat like her: >>22771
Well, how much cheesecake did she eat?>>22771
Does she burp like that normally or was that just to one-up her friend?
I wish you and your wife have a long well mannered life together, she sounds like quite the woman. Waiting for it to be my turn next to find someone like that
Well it was meant to serve 10, and she had about 60% of it.
She is quite free with her burps at home and with our friends.
Any thing else I can answer?

Thanks anon, I wish you luck.
I would like hear about if she's had struggles with clothes or wardrobe malfunctions, that's my personal favorite thing
She has a saying: A meal isn't done, if the buttons aren't undone.

Lately, she's been a bridesmaid for a number of our friends and been consistently disappointed by the outfits and their ability to handle her figure and appetite. In protest of a recent choice, she burst the side seams of the dress during dessert.
Do her friends ever comment on these types of situations? She just doesn't care or does she think it's hot, herself?
On the tears? Of course, but many of them have hopped on the "gain train" and long for the day when they can do such things.

My wife's opinion varies: sometimes she is nonchalant, others she draws attention. There's an element of dominance to her display - she's been more keen to show off if the bride has ever attempted to challenge her.
The gain train? Do tell!
I'd also love to hear any misc. stories about her and her gain, how it started
Quite simply, her friends have started gaining at least semi-intentionally.

We first started dating because she was a size queen and had heard of me from a friend. After we had been together for a time, she asked if there was anything I was into and I suggested that she gain some weight or try stuffing. She agreed to try it for a couple weeks and has been hooked ever since.

Misc. Stories? You might need to give me some direction
Oooo!! Now THAT is a treat!
I love the fact that she can't help but gain weight!
Oh just any kind of random situations about her gain or her belly
Met a foreign exchange student in my college class, she told me how she put on weight ever since she came to America.

She’s a pretty stand up person and I’m glad to be friends with her
What has she told you about her friends and their urge to get fat like her?
When we all have a meal together, the girls have wished that they could eat like my wife.

They've complained about the size of my wife's bust compared to theirs - especially at the beach or when my wife "forgets" an item of clothing and needs to borrow something, and stretches or destroys it.
>>11534 (OP)
I was in Uni the other day, we were using one of the virtual production studios to film and whilst we were on our break between shooting scenes, a couple friends of the producer come in with a bunch of sweets and just start snacking.

Pretty sure some of it was stress eating cause we are getting close to the deadline. Then after that, she literally just lay on the floor of the set whilst on her phone, no idea her belly was showing.

Very unprofessional, but I ain't gonna complain.
Not sure if true, but I find there's a lot of fat girls who are into film.
Lowkey regret not studying film myself...
So we went to our local car dealer today to put on summer tires on my gf's car today

While waiting the salesman wanted to show us some cars he has right now and did the average you could get this car for just this little money and so on stuff, but in a good way

He showed us a Dacia Spring electric car with financing and all its benefits and advantages we could profit from
She acted very interested even tho evs are not on our list right now (I think at one point she actually was interested tho)

He did everything from financing to what a contract could look like (I had taken a seat in it already)
At the very end of the presentation I said she should try it too to see if she likes it (knowing that not every car might fit too well) even tho it seemed rather spacious from the outside and my pov

And guess what
She couldn't even get into the car
There simply wasn't enough room for her to even get in (seat all the way back and steering wheel all the way up)

I guess none of us really expected that..

The salesman has never experienced anything like that before I guess, judging by his slightly irritated and at a loss like expression ^^
He was trying to make it work for her and admitted that he made a mistake not offering a test at first before anything else
He was friendly and seemed kinda embarrassed for not taking that into consideration (how should he know of course)

And I was just watching, witnessing one of the hottest experiences I ever had ;)

(My gf was not overly embarrassed, even tho i expected that..)
Bitte Kamerad post her belly
I'd love to, but I guess I'd be killed if I ever did that and she found out somehow ;)
Still wanna marry her this year, so being killed doesn't help :Þ

I give you 420 lbs at 5'8", shape very much like reenaye with better back rolls and a bit of violet james in it

The rest is left for your imagination ;)
What does she smell like? Seems a bit big for hygiene.
What's her appetite like?
Was on the bus a little while back, and there was this ENORMOUS Asian woman in both height and weight. A bit plain otherwise, but when the bus abruptly braked, her huge gut wouldn't stop jiggling for a moment. I didn't stare too long but it's burned into my brain, that's for sure.
We had friends over for dinner tonight. After dinner we all moved to the couch for a bowl of ice cream; my wife, >>29227, ate 8L for her dessert.

No she didn't, bro
8 litres of ice cream? isn't that the equivalent of 16!! tubs of ben and jerry's? please tell me you mistyped lol
Idk, I've seen overweight blobs waddling around yet they shy away, doesn't matter how huge their clothing is: it's not hiding their jiggliness, plus the seams are so stretched making the clothing transparent you can see their parachute bra.
It was two 4L tubs of cookies and cream - her favourite.
Lol that’s just not possible
Idk dude she weighs 400 lbs. I'm definitely incredulous though. Would love to hear more details
What more details can I provide that would serve as proof?
What kind of mad man just has 8 litres of ice cream at hand.
This thread is just one guy making up shit and jerking off at the idea of it being real
A man whose wife is capable of eating 8 litres of ice cream, evidently.

Either that or the local ice cream man. (Mind that child.)

Photo of the empty tubs of ice crean
Difficult when they've already been taken by the garbage truck. Something else?

Yeah i figured you were going to wait until after the weekend to reply to that one. Pretty pedictable, my man
Your belief is of no concern to me, mate.
And, unlike you, I don't trawl this site every day.
proud of you soldier

I eat little girl ass but I would gladly destroy all enemies of America who oppose truth, liberty, love, and decide to do so in my own backyard, and I don't GIVE A FUCK how old or senile a terrorist is/isn't.
I claim self defenese and you've violated my privacy. Prepare yourself.
My ex used to burp nonstop and would wear her older, slightly outgrown clothing, or just revealing clothing in general.

My ex would constantly complain about putting on weight and that she was "puffing up" and stuff, but she absolutely loathed it.

When I was a cashier, this beautiful woman comes up whose belly is just hanging out of her t-shirt and over her waistband. I remember specifically making a mental note NOT to look so I didn't draw attention and make her feel weird and halfway through the transaction, she looks down, notices, frantically pulls her shirt down which rolled back up and her face was tomato red and it was honestly so fucking hot.

Your ex's a whore

Yea I'm not gonna deny that but damn was that direct
Also forgot another thing I witnessed as a cashier.

I worked at a CVS so there was a place to develop photos, and it was super slow one day so the customer and I were just talking to a while. At some point she said something like "You might not want to look at those photos, I've easily put on 50 lbs since then" but didn't say it in any sort of shameful way. She made a few more comments about being big and lazy now. It surprised me that a stranger would be so open about her weight gain.

A different ex of mine who was always pretty skinny, only had some thick thighs and a teeeeny tiny belly, no chest. I had opened up to her about my fetish and considering her mom had put on like 100+ lbs judging by old pics of her where she was legitimately skinny, and was like 250-275 lbs when I met her, I figured that her gaining weight was probably inevitable considering how much she ate, and the fact both of her parents are fat, and that she would say that she wouldn't mind having the body type of her mom which was insanely pear shaped.

She didn't really gain maybe only like 10lbs or something. But after we broke up she had just began working at a "Shakeshack", she started getting just a nice round potbelly that sticks out from her tiny chest and hangs over her waistband now and my god. To bad she's a cheating piece of shit because this is one of the first times I've found myself actually attracted to her, and not just having to convince and cope my way to arousal with her lol.
(186 KB, 606x978, Kandy Cute.jpg)
Wondering about when loving big women became a thing for y'all?

three early moments for me were this time I had a nap at my grandparents, musta been 4ish. the blanket my gran tucked me in with was a really thick duvet. I just remember feeling so blissful under the weight of the soft heavy duvet. the feeling of being crushed by a soft even weight was beautiful
fast forward.
first time i had a boner was around 9 or 10 we had a girl from highschool come help out around the class room. she had wide round hips and her pants and bra strap dug into her sides presenting soft little rolls and love handles. I just wanted to look at her all day. i couldn't really understand it but seeing that made me feel good. next time i felt something like that was seeing an ad for pregnant yoga at a rec centre the round full tummy really turned me on it was confusing since i was only 10 or so and just starting to get hard. again, the way the bra cut into their rolls and their thick legs excited me, to add on to it some pregnant ladies had these heavy full looking breasts, i would see them leaving the centre, and feel a little ashamed, but turned on.
a couple years later I went to a dance at the rec centre, this is probably around middle school times. the was this latina girl who lived not far from me and went to the same school as me. we talked and hung out but weird tight or anything like that. she was cute, a little chubby and developed pretty early, her boobs were pretty big, not huge, but like pretty obvious. I'd usually mess around with my friends and try to slow dance with a girl or two. anyway at the dance I decide to shoot my shot and asked her to slow dance to whatever song was popular round 2007.
had an instant boner, but to my surprise it wasn't because her tiddies were pressed up into me, it was because my boner was poking into her little tummy.
she was shorter maybe like 5'3 5'4 and im a taller guy was probably around 5'10 5'11 at the time and the way our bodies lined up slow dancing felt just amazing. she had to reach up to my shoulders which brought us in tight. I could feel her titties pressing up again my tummy, but the major turn on was feeling my penis sink into her belly just around the belly button. to top it all off my hands were just above her jeans full of love handle. having my fingers gently sink into her soft hips after behind aroused by the sight of them so long lives in my head rent free.
that dance awoke a full fetish inside of me, I wanted nothing more than to feel that softness again.
started exploring my sexual attracttion a bit online. stumbled across bloating and was into that round tight belly look and explored that for a while, comics like craving control, and youtube stuffers opened up my world bit by bit. girls with love handles jiggly round tummies and double chins were my main thing at that time.
since then I've tried my best to scratch that itch sexually. Im semi open about it, as society puts a lot of pressure on beauty standards, and you gotta have a girl you can bring around because of that.
wanted to start this as a new thread, can anyone help my out with that?
>1. Copy text
>2. Delete post
>3. Post new thread from top of board page, with image.
>4. ??????
I'm pretty sure there are at least a dozen threads relating to early memories, but another one can't hurt I guess.

Personally I can distinctly remember fantasizing about fat, lazy women from my earliest memories, around age 3. They were always specifically fat, lazy, spoiled women. I didn't know why I liked that but I did. As a young kid I was excited to go on family vacations because our destinations tended to attract more bigger women. I think the first thing I did when I was able to get on the internet was find the Dimensions story boards.

In other words it's always been there. There was never a moment in my life where I didn't find very fat women attractive. If there was an awakening moment, it was before my conscious memory, otherwise it was wired in from the very start.
Was asked to take a box over to the company daycare yesterday.

Walked in, and the lady who runs it is this massive fat woman, she's laying down on the couch and her belly is just hanging right out.

Had to go back today as more stuff had to go to them, sure enough, that lady is there, she's standing this time, but again, her belly is just hanging right out, and she's walking about and not giving a shit about it, like she knows she's fat, but doesn't give a fuck.

I so fucking hope I get to deliver something tomorrow.
Same, and I'm kinda fascinated by guys who discovered they were FAs in their teens or even 20s. One of my first memories is being in my dad's office, crawling around a female coworker's desk and being obsessed by her huge calves and ankles. Knowing my dad's work history, I couldn't have been older than 3. I always fantasized about my action figures and stuffed animals getting fatter and pretend "fed" them to make it happen. I started stuffing my pajamas with pillows at 5 and had crushes on every chubby girl and fat teacher I knew, long before I knew what sex was about.

Makes me think we're wired for it, though I suppose it could be something that happens during infancy or toddlerhood. It amazes me how little study there seems to be as to how we tick. At least compared to other fetishes. Most of the world seems to feel it's a preference, like red hair or Asian women, but I'm pretty sure with most of us it's way deeper.

The lack of study also bothers me, especially with how common obesity is these days. I can only really infer knowledge from studies on homosexuality, which seem to be much more common.

My prevailing theory is that, just like recent studies pointing to homosexuality being a positive adaptive trait for a tribe in small percents (essentially by acting as a population buffer, allowing more adult caretakers to exist in a tribe and mitigating resource scarcity when there are already enough healthy children, hence why younger siblings have a much higher tendency to be gay) a small percentage of men preferring fat women might be an advantage in a tribe for the exact opposite reason: as a "backup plan" in cases of extreme famine. Fat women have a tribal disadvantage most of the time (they are less physically fit and take up more resources), but a major advantage when food is scarce. There's likely a historical advantage for some ratio of preference for such women... but that's all hypothesis.
For me it was in my teens. I developed a crush on a fat girl at school and it went from there. For what it's worth, I don't recall being particularly interested in girls at all until I hit puberty. I mentioned this in another post (that got eaten by the most recent wipe) but I did see some infamous WG cartoon episodes growing up, but I don't think they had any effect on me - perhaps subconsciouly, but that'd be it.
The study has shown that America is divided evenly among conservative, moderate, and liberal. Jordan Peterson sees fat as a sign of chaos, decadence, and disorder. I am skeptical cause the Japanese see Ryza Stout and Chun Li as fat and sinful cause of their large thighs. Fat women are undesirable in the sense that they can juggle ten boyfriends while skinny women hit the wall and die.

As for gays, it totally makes sense the military would want gay people. Gays are weak willed, obedient, and need the approval of a stern domineering father figure. The government tried drugs, that turned people into hippies. They tried philosophy, that made people become pagans. Being gay and troon is the only acceptable form of brainwashing.

I think maybe you misread the post you're quoting, there's absolutely nothing about politics, drugs, the military or Japanese anime preferences in there.
Just got home from a night out and I just realized this big girl I met was super nice and wanted to dance together and I was literally grinding on her and then she left and I was like yeah okay and went back to dancing with my friends.
What the fuck is wrong with me, this hot like 250 pound girl was all over me and I was like “yeah that’s cool, whatever.” I’ll have other chances prob but for real I cannot believe I did that lmao wtf
Happens to all of us. In trying not to seem to eager, we overdo it and blow it.

>big girl
>250 pound

She’s a regular there apparently so I might run into her again and hopefully last night made me look good lmao
Oh get a load of Willy the Whale Impaler, I’ve been with a girl that’s 350 pounds, suck my balls ho
Small if you're into SSBBWs, sure, but undeniably visibly big and fat. Just because there's bigger people doesn't mean 250 isn't a hefty woman.

Especially if they're short. My ex was 180-200 when we dated, and you'd swear she was like 250 with how it sat on her small frame.
I saw an absolute slob at the shops today. Barefoot, wearing a fucked up grey and yellow food stained singlet top that i think was white at some point in a previous life with her gut hanging out the bottom and spilling over the sides of her tights which had massive holes all over them, greasy unwashed hair, yellow teeth, stunk of cigarettes, horrible trashy tattoos all over her arms. Would have been at least 400lb. Red faced and out of breath waddling around. Wouldn't fuck her. Far too revolting for me. But it was hot all the same.
I know I'm so, so, so late to this, but also being a maintainer and knowing exactly where everything is and being able to picture it makes this the hottest thing ever.
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So I often shop at thrift stores for a resale buisness and found a total chubster today. Shr wore a super tight Hello Kitty shirt and was constantly pulling her shirt down. I caught several glances of her playing with her belly button too. I had to run to the bathroom and whack it. My underwear was already a mess by the time I walked into a stall. Stuff like this is rare for me irl so it was a huge deal for me.

(Dropped pics, her belly looked alot bigger in person too)

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