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Let's hear it, tell us your personal favorite thing that you've witnessed at Thanksgiving! Whether it be a family member bursting a button or a huge burp from your hot cousin.
I've essentially been stuffing my girlfriend nonstop since Wednesday. She's gained maybe 50 pounds in the past year, so her family was already pretty shocked to see her. She munched on appetizers and pumpkin pie and drank fancy sugary cocktails all day, then piled her plate high with everything. I made the mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and macaroni and cheese so rich that most people couldn't have more than a few bites of each. The mashed potatoes were literally yellow from how much butter I used. It was around 2:1 ratio for potatoes:butter, plus 1/2 cup of heavy cream. The green bean casserole was cooked in the full fat from a pound of bacon, and I added a ton of cheese and heavy cream. She devoured her first plate, then leaned back on the couch and talked about how stuffed she was, rubbing her tummy. She was wearing a stretchy dress, and you could see every roll and the outline of her belly button. I would have preferred to see actual skin come out like it does when she wears her blouse, but the dress was nice because it gave her plenty of expanding room.

She wasn't done, though. She asked me to get her another plate because she was too beached to move. While I was getting her her next plate, she was rubbing her tummy and burping to make more room. I piled the next plate even higher than the first. It was hard for her to finish it. She was sweating and breathing hard and burping and rubbing her tummy t he whole time, but she made it through the second plate despite basically the whole family watching her and telling her she didn't have to finish and that maybe she had enough, repeatedly throughout the whole second plate. She needed me to bring over a full 16 ounce measuring cup full of duck fat gravy (we had duck in addition to turkey; she ate probably half the duck by herself) to help wash everything down and make it "easier to go down." When she finished, she drank the last bit of gravy that was left over down, then passed out, her belly absolutely massive and stuffed, full food comma with snoring only interrupted by burps (which occasionally woke her up). After about an hour nap, she wanted apple pie. I filled a big pho-bowl sized bowl full of apple pie and topped it with big scoops of ice cream. She was moaning, hiccup-ing, and burping while she finished every last bit of it.

After the last bite, she bit everyone good night, that she was going to have an epic food comma, and we went to her room. I rubbed her tummy, gave her some Pepto-Bismol, cannabis, and ice cold apple juice, and absolutely worshipped her bloated body. She could barely move at that point. I brought out the box of See's and she said she didn't think she could eat another bite, but started eating them anyway as I ate her out. She came a couple times, then I slid into her and she felt fatter than ever, so fucking full and bloated. Her skin looked like it was straining, and she had deep marks in her skin from her bra (that we just bought) being too tight. I had to fuck her gently because she was soooooo fucking full and didn't want to puke. She ended up eating probably about a pound of chocolate from the box, and came maybe 30 times. We have a sex blanked, which was absolutely covered in her juices and chocolate by the end of our session.

She actually wants to lose some weight, unfortunately, but feederism and stuffing is a huge turn-on for her that she never knew she had. We were talking so dirty, talking about how massively fat she's gotten, how she stuffed herself like a hog that night, and how it's all because she's a greedy piggy that is addicted to food and her daddy's cock (she has a bit of a daddy thing), which fucks her so well when she's stuffed to max capacity. She did puke a little tiny bit, but it was just a few burp barfs, and I had her wash it down with juice and told her that was just a sign that she was daddy's good girl, stuffed to the brim like a good piggy cock-sleeve should be.

I came my biggest load ever into her fat cunt, then she passed out. When she woke up, she ate an entire pumpkin pie with whipped cream for first breakfast, then basically repeated the day before, but with just us at home.

I'm good now. That was the hottest fucking shit I've ever experienced. It sounds like WG fiction, but that has been my actual life. She went to work a few hours ago and barely fit into her scrubs. Luckily, she can leave it untied and her lower belly/muffin top keeps her pants up. Her tummy is actually growing fat even higher up now, her tits are resting on bloated fat flesh while she's at work. So fucking sexy.
Right back at ya, bro
if this is real
1) her family prob knows what you're up to
2) youre living the dream
Hot fic, but that's not how actual human beings behave sadly.
>It sounds like WG fiction
you can say that again
So this turned weird real fast lol would love some stories but, I hope the poster above has at least some truth to that because hell yeah
Pics, please.
I am not a pervert FYI, I want to know if you speak the truth.
To is quite a fiar this seems like it may be legit.
I know there are girls who get off of seeing if they can get away with that in front of family.
It's an exhibition fetish. Also, they absolutely have some idea of what is going on if this is true.
Sad that this thread didn't really go anywhere, but I've got one to share, even if it's a bit late.

So this was actually Thanksgiving 2 years ago. I had just married my wife, which makes this whole story kinda weird. My wife is on the thick side, big round ass and a bit of a belly, good shit. But this story isn't about her, this is about my mother-in-law. My wife's mom is the perfect image of a glutton; she LOVES desserts, overeats frequently, drinks way too much beer, she's gassy, loud and in-your-face, you get the idea. I've been friends with my wife since we were in middle school, so over the years I've watched her mom pack on the pounds. The bad news is she's not exactly into the whole feedism thing, so she usually ends up trying to lose weight. The good news is she's really really bad at losing weight. She either tries diets (which I've ruined on more than one occasion, I can share those stories too if anyone wants to hear them) or by riding her bike without any ab exercises, which has resulted in her having thin, toned legs, a pudgy but nicely shaped butt, and a big, fat, round beer belly.

Anyway, on to the meat of the story. Two Thanksgivings ago, my wife and I decided we would eat thanksgiving dinner with my family and go to hang out with hers later in the evening. When we got to her aunt's house where their thanksgiving was being held, they had just finished eating. Most of the food was picked clean, except for some desserts, and most of her relatives had retired to the living room, complaining of having overeaten. She wandered off to join them, so I headed for the kitchen, cracked open a beer, and pulled up a chair not far from the dessert table. After a couple minutes, I looked up from my phone and noticed someone grabbing a few last minute bites of pie from the dessert table. From the back, I immediately recognized her as my mother-in-law. I decided to make conversation, so I asked her what I missed.

In response, she turned around to face me, and I was not mentally prepared for how she looked. She was clearly bloated from gorging herself all day, her mom jeans and tee shirt stretched tight against her bulging gut. One hand absentmindedly rubbed her stomach while she licked the fingers of the other hand. She then made a show of grunting, lifting her belly with both hands, waddling over to me like a pregnant woman, and sticking her gut less than a foot from my face (I was sitting down).

"Well, I don't know if you can tell from this big round belly, but there was a TON of good food." she said before burping and slapping her stomach for comedic effect.

Any normal person would have left it alone, but I was already thinking more with my dick than my brain, so I decided to continue the discussion. I did my best to calmly ask what sort of food there was, but in my horny state I might have quickly asked how much she ate, I'm not really sure. Either way, she was happy to answer my question. She lifted her shirt a couple inches and gave me a long, detailed description of all the food she had eaten, all the while rubbing her belly. I, of course, listened to every word she said like it was the best story I had ever heard. She wrapped up her story by once again echoing the sentiment that she was stuffed to the brim. I could feel the conversation nearing an end, so I figured I had nothing to lose and I decided to try and touch her stomach. I got up from my chair and stood next to her.

"Well damn, it seems like you really packed it away today." I said, as awkwardly as you can imagine, before giving her belly a couple hearty pats. It was jiggly and soft to the touch, from years of way too much cake and liquor.
I fully expected her to get weirded out and make a hasty retreat, but to my shock, she moved her belly even closer.

"Ooh yeah, you can say that again. You can really tell how full it is if you rub up here at the top." I'm no fool, so of course I did as I was instructed. She continued, "It's really firm here in the middle, I think that's where that last slice of pie ended up."

It was indeed very firm. Beneath those first couple inches of fat, her stomach could be clearly felt, filled to the point of tightness with what was likely a full day's worth of food and beer. So here I am, on Thanksgiving day, rubbing my wife's mom's stuffed gut while she continues to complain about how full she is.

I'm not exactly sure when or how she ended the conversation and wandered away to show off her waistline to the next relative, because my eyes had glazed over around the time that my hands touched her ball of a belly. Needless to say, that memory has served me very well since then.

Fast forwarding a bit, since that day she and I have started a bit of a tradition. After any celebratory meal, (holidays or birthdays) she and I carry the dirty dishes to the kitchen, where we complain to each other about how much we overdid it and rub each others bellies for good luck. This year she took it an extra step by leaning back and proudly unbuttoning her pants at the dinner table, so that was a nice treat for me. I never asked for this to be my life, nor did I ever expect it, but you definitely won't hear me complain.

I got plenty of these stories btw. I've often joked with my friends that I would've been a normal dude if the universe didn't decide to turn me into a belly-loving pervert.
OP here, you lucky dog! Damn, I'd love to hear more. Sounds like a goldmine.
I would very much like to hear more.
My mom and her sister have a bit of a weird relationship and don’t really see each other outside of holidays. I remember one year in particular we were hosting thanksgiving and my mom had gained a lot of weight in the months prior so I think she was feeling embarrassed about seeing relatives (particularly her sister). She tried her best to make herself look slimmer with her clothing choices for thanksgiving dinner. I don’t remember the exact outfit she wore but she said she was wearing both high-waisted spanx and tights and felt like a salami. During dinner my mom didn’t eat much at all, either because she was too tightly stuffed into her clothes or because she didn’t want to look like a pig in front of her sister. But as soon as the last guests left, my mom ran off to her room and came back moments later in her underwear, laughing and breathing heavily. She was like “oh thank god they finally left, that was the worst! I’m still starving!” and went into the kitchen to raid the leftovers. She stood at the kitchen bench and ate a good helping straight from the tupperware containers with the deep impressions from her spanx and tights still visible on her pudgy body.
Wooow! That's great, ballpark on how much she gained? Love imagining her sucking in so much and finally being relieved to let it all out and stuff herself
I know she gained at least 70lbs that year. Her weight would’ve been in the low 200s at that time, so not enormous by this site’s standards but she had a lot of extra plumpness, far more than any pair of spanx or tights could hide.

I’m sure it was an incredible relief for her to get out of those tight clothes and away from her sister’s judgemental gaze. It would’ve been great to have seen the moment when she finally rolled down those spanx and let her belly fat free, but seeing her pig out on a proper second dinner in her bra and panties without a care in the world was great too.
Ooooffff, has she gained more since than? Ughhhh. Or hearing the seams straining at having a heavier load than ever before!

That DOES sounds great. Seeing how much she was sucking in and then finally letting it all out, phew. The room suddenly got hotter
She has. Her overeating habits continued past thanksgiving and she was definitely looking even plumper after christmas. I think around the end of that winter she took a step back and realized what she’d done to herself and started trying to diet and get back into fitness. She lost some of the weight before plateauing and regaining it all plus more. She yoyoed up and down like that for a while, slowly losing weight before rapidly regaining and never really got close to getting her old figure back. I think it took her a while to stop seeing herself as a slim woman who had temporarily gained a lot of weight and just accept that she was plump and curvy. These days because of the pandemic, quarantine and a few other reasons, she’s the biggest she’s ever been.
Wait wait, so where does that leave her weight at? Have there been more of these, trying to hide it or contain it moments?
Stuffing sessions? Now I'm VERY curious lol
I’m not sure what she weighs right now, she usually doesn’t talk about her weight when she’s gaining, it’s usually when she starts trying to lose weight that she gets on the scales and starts talking about goals. I know just by looking at her that she’s the plumpest she has ever been, and it’s not close. I would guess maybe 270-280lbs but it’s hard to say.

I don’t really have any stories of my mom trying to hide or contain her plumpness quite like that first thanksgiving, that was probably the peak of her insecurity. But there were times when we were going to a wedding or other formal occasion where she would bust out the spanx and try to squeeze into a dress that was a little tighter than she remembered it. Because of her weight fluctuations, her wardrobe was a mix of different sizes, it must have been annoying trying to get dressed every day.
So... at least like 130 pounds minimum?!
Does she pig out a lot?

Oh boy, squeezing into dresses and everything is still kind of jiggling! I wonder if she's ever popped buttons. I love when someone gaining can't help it but keep eating because they enjoy the food so much! If you have any other stories, I'd love to hear, doesn't have to be just her
Yeah she’s gained at least 130lbs overall, if not more. You don’t double in weight like she has without pigging out a lot. My mom loves food and really enjoys cooking, whenever she loses weight it feels inevitable that she will put it back on again.

I’ll try to think of more fun stories about her weight gain and overeating from over the years, there are a lot, I’m just not sure what is worth sharing.

Our christmas will be small again this year, no extended family, but I hope she still dresses up for the occasion.
Honestly, any story is worth sharing! Especially with an appetite like that!

Oh right, I hope that there's a great story out of that too!
The first time my mom regained the weight she had lost was fairly impressive, I don’t remember it as fondly as her first gain because she was pretty stressed out and unhappy at the time, but it’s still worth sharing. Her weight loss had stalled for a while and she was starting to get stressed out with her job. I think the stress itself plus the overeating it caused was enough to make her start putting the weight back on. It was pretty gradual at first, her newer clothes started looking a little tighter, then it started getting more rapid. It was pretty easy to see she was filling out again, especially around her belly and face and she started going back to wearing older outfits, climbing back up the sizes. By the time she decided to leave her job, she was back to wearing the biggest size clothes she owned at the time, and even those were starting to get snug. She complained (and made some jokes) about her clothes not really fitting anymore, but because she was about to stop working she couldn’t be bothered buying new office wear just to see out her notice period. I think she wore the same stretchy black skirt to work every day for about a month, and then started tucking in her blouses and wearing the skirt up extra high so she could leave the lower buttons of her blouse undone. Actually just thinking back now, it was kind of incredible seeing her gain weight and dress like that, I’d just kind of forgotten about it because she wasn’t happy at the time.
Some of these posts are kind of on the incest side if we're being honest
>implying that's a bad thing
It's too bad the incest thread lost steam and fell off the catalog, we ought to make another some time
Agree, loved the stories of cousins eating too much and burping. Some s tier stuff for sure.
I keep getting asked questions so I keep responding. I’m not sure if people like hearing about my mom or just find it weird.
honestly I find it weird that you're telling people in detail about your mother's body in a fetish context so they can get off to it. if you're not personally jacking off to your mother it's acceptable levels of weird though lol.

90% of "incest vibes" stories told on chans are fake anyway so I'm not feeling super disgusted by it all
Haha no I’ve never done anything like that. It’s kind of fun to talk about her weight gain though because it’s still the most impressive one I’ve seen in person and it’s probably how I first started appreciating curves.
Got anything new from Christmas? lol
I don’t live at home anymore so I didn’t get to see any behind-the-scenes underwear pig outs like that thanksgiving I first mentioned, but my mom did look great this christmas. You can really see the pandemic and holiday weight on her, she’s plumped up in the body and face, easily the biggest she’s ever been. The dress she wore was really cute and probably a couple of sizes too small, judging by the way it was clinging to her. She made a couple of throwaway comments about needing to start her diet in 2022 but other than that she didn’t really do or say anything that drew attention to her weight.
I wish this high potential thread wasn't so focused on incest. Anyone have a friendsgiving where they saw some hot fat shit?
I don't disagree, I was just taking what I could get
Idk I guess the only thing I can add is I grew up in a small town and when I go back to visit it’s always nice to see that the thin girls back then plumped up a bit. One girl I dated about 7 or so years ago must have put on 100+ lbs.

When we dated I was in HS and she would eat like a champ. Back then I never would’ve dreamed of sharing this stuff with her.

Although, hindsight is 2020 but I guarantee you if I would’ve encouraged her that she could’ve been a BoBerry. She had the build for it. She was a farm girl too so she was built like a brick house and could’ve carried the weight without the nasty health effects for a while.

Anyways, when we dated she was probably mid 200s wouldn’t be surprised if she was high 3s now. I don’t have any pics she personally sent to me and I’m not sharing her stuff from Facebook.

Idk anyways it seems the chicks who stayed in my hometown became the fatties.

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