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Food service anons: I know you’ve got some stories about a chonker coming into your restaurant and eating like a ruthless slob. And we all want to hear those stories. So tell us.
Come on bros. Surely one of you works at a buffet or some shit
Genuinely surprised this thread didn't go anywhere
I worked at a McDonald’s for nearly a year in high school and all the hugely obese women were my coworkers and managers lol. The store manager was an easily 500 pound woman named Tammie who worked the mornings so I rarely saw her. She overflowed the little chair she’d sit on while doing whatever paperwork she needed to do in the office and would stuff herself during her meal break. I wound up behind her once at the Walmart where our store was located and she was buying the biggest bra and panties they had available, and was all shy about it.
When I waited tables in college we had one semi regular named Jessica who was probably pushing 450 or so, again very bottom heavy. She was a huge bitch to everyone except one waitress she was sorta friends with. She ordered a sandwich from me one time and asked me for a soup cup - this would be about a half-pint - of ranch dressing to dip it in. Obviously I couldn’t watch her eat the whole thing but I caught a couple bites and it was pretty wild, she was a ravenous eater and was wolfing down her sandwich while it was literally dripping with ranch. The soup cup was completely cleaned out when she left.
I was dating my now-wife at the time and told her I’d like her to get fatter, when she asked me how fat I said “I’d like it if you were as big as Jessica” and she did not like that all. Unfortunately for her she’s gained enough weight to be in Jessica’s ballpark anyway so I guess I’ll have the last laugh on this.
I worked at Wendy's and had a lot of fat regulars, coworkers that got fat, etc. None will ever surpass the ultimate gain that from this one girl. Mind you, she was already quite fat when she was hired. I don't know how, but he must have gained 200+ pounds working there. And it's no wonder, either. She would eat triples and quadruples every. Single. Day. She would drink the milkshakes, eat extra burger, and basically do whatever she could to get even fatter, it seems. By the time she left, she must have been 500+ pounds. And young, too.
In my experience, fatties were always the easiest to upsell. In particular, I remember this one tubbo probably around 300lbs who ordered a pretty standard meal, but then I asked if she was interested in any sides, and I could see the slight hesitation before she gave in and asked for "just some chips". Of course i responded as i was trained and asked "would you like a large? It's only a bit more and twice the chips, it's a way better deal." That "value" was the only excuse she needed. Upon seeing how weakwilled she was, I did the same process with a large drink, and in the end she waddled away with twice the calories she initially bought
Feeders are honestly a top tier asset for fast food companies, it’s in our best interest to upswell fatties
>>11429 (OP)
Sorry for the long story, just a personal favorite from working retail/food

During high school I worked at a popular movie theater chain and I would go above and beyond for every chubby/large person that came into our establishment.

I was a jack of all trades there and would do anything from selling tickets in box office to cleaning theaters and doing mid movie checkups.

When I worked in box office and a large person needed to buy tickets I would ignore the policy that would force them to buy two seats and just sell them one ticket. Simple gesture but I felt good about it.

When someone asked for extra anything, I gave them EXTRA and never charged for it. Extra butter and seasoning, I would pile the chips and cheese on nachos, extra hotdog toppings, you name it and I piled it on.

Theater is located near quite a lot of fast food, restaurants, candy shops and a liquor store. If someone seemed suspicious I would of course check their bags if they let me but when it came to large folk, I never stopped them from bringing in outside food or beverages.

If a big person was in a theater I would do an extra couple theater checks and see if they ended up needing the extra seat that I didn't charge them for, many times my assumption was correct and they were too big for just one seat.

My personal favorite day was when a new employee and I were standing at the end of the hall waiting for theaters to get out so we could clean and usher in new viewers and after we exited the theater we watched this HUGE woman waddle down the long hallway to the theater we just finished cleaning and we both watched in awe as her huge hips swayed back and fourth in her tight leggings and her wide belly and fat tits in a fluffy grey sweatshirt.

By the time she got up the ramp and to the end of the hall she was out of breath and heading into the empty theater, we turned and watched her huge ass cheeks wobble around as she walked up the ramp into the viewing room.

After that we walked back to concessions and saw what we assumed was her chunky husband/bf coming down the empty hall with his arms full of food items. They must have arrived 10-15 min before the show was even going to start ADS and every time I checked on that theater she was eating something different every single time, half of which we didn't even sell.

After that theater got out we could clearly tell she was quite full and bloated as the couple waddled down the hall and out the doors. While we cleaned the now empty theater my co worker mentions to me he hasn't seen a woman that big in a long time and the conversation eventually led to us both admitting she was pretty hot and we were pretty jealous of her husband/boyfriend.

After that we would use a code word to alert the other to large women entering the building. After checking in on him via facebook it seems he got married to a big girl just like I did. Glad we both got what we wanted in life lmao.
One time I was driving around with a girl I was fucking. She was pretty big. 420+. We went to a chicken place and ordered a meal each, but for some reason we ended up with so much extra shit in the bag. Probably like twice what we actually paid for. I always wondered if the dude who served us was a feeder.

Anyway, I ate my meal and told her she can have all the extra shit and she was all “no way, that’s too much”. But lo and behold, like a true fatty - she managed to pick her way through the whole lot of it within an hour. God bless that server
>When I worked in box office and a large person needed to buy tickets I would ignore the policy that would force them to buy two seats....

So did you, the cashier, have to make that assessment on the fly? I can't imagine what that conversation would be like.
The idea of having your bags checked at the cinema spins me out. Like I get it. I get why you guys do it. But I guess it’s just alien to me because it’s not like that in Australia. You can waltz into the cinema with whatever snacks you want. And if some dweeb box office kid tried to check bags he would repeatedly be told to get fucked
I think because the policy has been in place for so long that people would ask for two seats if they knew they were that big.

My managers trained us to ask if they needed two seats and that seemed super embarrassing for everyone involved so most of us just never did it. Had a real Stacy co worker who would ask big people every time though, just to be snide i guess?
I think it might have something to do with either underage drinking OR it could be our vast amounts of shootings in the States.
It's because movie theaters now make almost all their profit on pre-movie advertising and their ludicrously overpriced food.
Movie theaters make the money on food. However, it would also be expensive to hire employyes that bother to check for outside food.
At my local UA theater it's the same people who check your ticket. If you have a bag they ask to look inside it. You know, for security.
When I was in college I worked at an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, so I've got a couple good memories. I worked the register during lunch rush. Lots of really big ladies would come in during lunch, like 300lbs+. Most of them were really bitchy though which kinda sucks. One time one of my college professors walked in, pretty big lady herself; probably 250 or so. We recognized each other so I said "fancy running into you here" or some lame shit like that. She told me that she was there to work on her "figure" and she waved a hand over her sizeable stomach just to make it clear what she meant. (I'm like 95% sure she knew I like fat chicks but that's a different story.)

Another time there were these 2 friends that came in. Both pretty, both super nice, both fat. We offered this thing where you could order a custom pizza that wasn't on the buffet and we would make it for you and bring you the first couple slices before putting it out on the buffet. So these 2 girls ordered something custom (I can't remember what kind it was) and I got the honor of bringing it to their table. Per restaurant policy, I asked if they'd like 1 or 2 slices, and one of them told me to just leave the whole pizza. Per policy, you were never supposed to give a customer the whole pizza, but one look at that pudgy smile and damn if I didn't drop that pizza in a hurry. Sure enough, a few minutes later I looked over and the whole thing was gone. Super nice girls, all smiles on their way out the door.

Oh, and one of my coworkers was big too, she was definitely pushing 300, maybe more. She and I used to eat most of the leftovers after lunch rush. She was in charge of the pizza area in the kitchen, so some days she would cook an extra dessert pizza toward the very end of lunch so she and I would have a hot fresh one all to ourselves. I miss those days.
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>(I'm like 95% sure she knew I like fat chicks but that's a different story.)
tell us that story too please :)
Let's hear that professor story, sounds interesting

It's not nearly as exciting as you're probably hoping for, but alright. This lady was my professor for an oral communication class, so basically just learning how to give presentations, that sort of thing. She had told the class at one point how she used to be in great shape when she was younger but then she broke her leg at some point and started gaining weight because she couldn't work out. Then even when she was recovered she didn't have the motivation to lose the weight she put on so she just kind of accepted it.

So one of our assignments for this class was to pick a topic that we found interesting and give a simple presentation on it (I picked the music landscape of the 90s.) One of my classmates chose worldwide standards of beauty as her topic and wouldn't you know it, the nation of Mauritania came up in her presentation. She started explaining how in Mauritania obese women are considered more beautiful and desirable, and our professor chimed in with something like "we need more people who think that way here in America!" and laughed a bunch at her own joke. That's when I piped up with "Oh there are plenty of people like that around here you just gotta know where to look" which I said with VASTLY too much enthusiasm. I glanced at my professor to see if she had any reaction, and she was looking straight at me. She raised her eyebrows at me slightly and smirked just a tiny bit, then went back to watching the girl who was presenting.
Damn shit, this thread is making me consider going into the food industry as a side hustle, just some cash on the side.
I just wonder if germany has enough fatasses to make it worth it
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I worked at a chicken and seafood takeout when I was a teenager. It was setup like a deli, with a display case full of cold food. I was standing behind the counter when two teenagers walked in with their mother. She was following behind them like the boulder from Indiana Jones. She was so wide, she had to turn to squeeze through the door.

This was in the pre-internet 90s. I'd never seen someone so fat. It was like seeing a sasquatch cross your path in the woods; Like.. I didn't think they actually existed, and now there's one standing in front of me.

Externally, I was like: "Hi, can I take your order?"
But internally, I was like: "omg... omg.... omg... omg... omg... omg... omg.... omg.... omg.... omg... omg..... omg.. omg..."

It's impossible that I didn't have a look on my face. And the two teens stared back at me with expressions that I read as shame. But mom didn't seem to have an ounce of it for herself. She seemed upbeat and comfortable.

She leaned against the display case with her elbows propped up on the countertop. From my side of the case, I could see the floral-pattern of her stretch pants, and the massive tomato-shaped gut behind it, smooshed flat against the glass as she looked in, perusing. Then she started ordering. And this is the part where you're going to think I'm full of shit.... But, whatever....

Normally, an individual would order a 1/2 lb. to 1 lb. of shrimp, fish, or whatever item for themselves. Mom was ordering 3lbs of this, 5lbs of that, 8lbs of those. And she kept going for like ten minutes. Every time I got one item wrapped, she orders two more.

The mortified daughter started chiming in, "Mom, don't you think that's enough?" or, "Mom, that's way too much." or, "Mom, we don't need all of this."

Mom reacted like this was a conversation they'd had before, and she was tired of having it. Every time the daughter made some chiding comment, mom would rebuff her with, "...and 8 lbs. of this...."


"....and 12 lbs. of those."


It was like her daughter was trying to convey how ashamed she was. And mom was trying to convey how much she didn't care. It went on to the point were I started thinking I was on some hidden camera prank show... any minute they'd all start laughing and telling me I should've seen the look on my face. But that never happened. Mom just kept ordering food. Then when we got down to the salads, and she started asking for samples. I was standing there behind the counter handing spoonfuls of potato salad and coleslaw to the most morbid of morbidly obese women I'd ever seen. In hindsight, I don't know how I got through it.

Finally they get down to the cash register. Mom leans against the wooden counter and she overwhelms it. It creaks like I've never heard it creak before. A coworker has to help me bag all of their items. I start piling it up on the counter. Not all of it will fit. There's still a pile on the counter behind me.

When the daughter sees all of the food piled together in this mountain, (and probably the perpetual holy-shit expression on my face) she throws her hands up and her raises her voice, "THIS IS WAY... TOO... MUCH... FOOD MOM! WHO IS POSSIBLY GOING TO EAT ALL OF THAT?"

Without missing a beat, in the most casual, matter-of-fact way, mom says, "I will. I'll eat all of it."

The image of this heavily breathing colossus of a lady, swamping the whole the counter with her pendulous bulk, and a mountain of food sprawled front of her, reassuring her family that it would be no trouble for her to eat the whole thing by herself has never left me. And like a sasquatch sighting, I've never encountered someone like her again.
That's honest pretty based, definitely respects your tastes!
Honestly, I've beginning to consider it myself especially since I'm in So Cal
Great stuff... I didn't work food jobs as a teen but a few gigs in retail. I know there's another thread for "encounters" that aren't food-related, but this sticks out in my mind because of a similar countertop thing like >>13920 describes.

My last job before college was at a t-shirt/gift shop. This was late-80s when people were way smaller and obviously no internet. It was a middle class/semi-wealthy area so you didn't see many fatties locally, but it was a touristy town and I worked weekends so there were always new people coming in, all kinds. Still, BBWs were rare and SSBBWs not even a 1/1,000 thing.

A mom and son came in while it was fairly dead. She was mid-30ish reminded me of Mama Cass (one of very few BBW references I had at the time lol): long dark hair, white ethnic features (Jewish, Italian, etc), very round face, and HUGE, apple-shaped with a giant belly that hung to her knees, which I'd never seen before. This is a long time ago obv. but my hazy memory says 450+, and not much over 5'. I don't think I'd ever seen a woman that fat in my life, even on TV.

She wore a hippie-ish poncho as a top that obscured her rolls fairly well but it didn't make it over her belly. She wore black "fat lady" stretch pants below, and the bottom of her gut had that camel toe-type cleft I've seen since but, again, was new to me then. That cleft was in my dreams for many years after.

I don't remember the son too well except that he was young and she needed a bathroom for him. She was exhausted, walked with a pronounced waddle and was really huffing and puffing. She leaned all over the counter as she asked me, and I could see how her stomach pressed into the front right through the glass. We didn't have a public bathroom but I was working alone, no boss, so I made an exception just to keep her around a little longer. When the kid was done she asked if she could use it and of course I said yes, but it was a tiny bathroom. I didn't think of this aspect til I saw her

May as well add a second sighting at the same place. A mother, dad, and youngish son came in, obviously foreign, not too dark-skinned but very exotic for the all-white area, maybe Arab, Greek, Turkish, Persian, etc. I don't remember the dad at all, but I do remember the kid was a fat little maniac, running all over the store and being a brat, hyped up on sugar or whatever. Again, fat kids were around of course but the exception, not the rule like now.

Anyway, more to the point, the mom was stunning, tallish with a really beautiful face with huge dark eyes, hair back tight in a bun. She had fairly big boobs and was stocky above the waist but the kicker was her ass. She had on a long black skirt, and this was the first time I'd seen a full-on shelf butt, and I'm talking like 2' deep and 3'+ wide. Seriously, like two people were hunched down hiding under there behind her. I'd seen big asses before but not that shape — think Viva Valerie or Asshley.

She walked very slowly and it bobbed up and down a bit as she moved. I was so fucking mesmerized there's no way she or her husband or other people didn't notice me staring, and I didn't care. They didn't stay long — the kid was really making a scene — and I swear I almost closed down the store so I could follow them. She was basically the embodiment of a fantasy I didn't even realize I'd had, and that's why I still remember a 5-minute incident, 35 years later.
Fuck, sorry, I didn't finish that 5th paragraph:

....I didn't think of this aspect til I took her into the back room and showed it to her and she quickly was like "It's okay, I'll wait." I swear I didn't make the connection at that moment, just figured she suddenly got skeeved using an outside bathroom or whatever, rather than realizing she might have a hard time fitting in there.
I briefly worked at a restaurant in North Jersey when I was in college. We had one regular who was young, very pretty, about 5'8ish and a very fat pear shape.

She would come in with her laptop to work, and would almost always get, just for herself, 2 large orders of chicken wings and 2 orders of fries. That would be 26 wings and two sides, and she would come in and eat it all in one sitting while she worked on her laptop. Since the bosses were never around and the chef didn't care, I started giving her WAAY too many fries, so that her 2 orders were more like 3 and a half. She never left a single fry on that plate, and all of the bones were picked clean every. Single. Time.
Former bartender, two or three women I can remember who would just absolutely guzzle beer regularly but one stood out. She looked like she had lymphedema or something but she may have just carried a lot of weight in her lower half.

She was pretty big when I started but not alarmingly so, just kind of a big fat ass, a thick set of legs, and some cushion in the middle (and the impression that I got was that even that was new to her, she gained *quickly* when it started happening).

She drank just about every day, not like a sloppy drunk but she'd bring a book or her computer or something and park it for a few hours after 5 o'clock and would just keep the tab open. Probably 5-6 beers a night (18 oz pours, we had "honest" pint glasses that account for the head of the beer), often times some food, she got fat in a hurry. Went from maybe 170-80 to pushing 300 by the time I moved on, legitimately 100 lbs in just over a year. I hope she's still there pushing that booth even further back. She'd do that fat girl thing where they lean back as they get more full and would waddle like she was pregnant. You could tell that she was pushing through it to get more of everything in there. No feeder fantasy stuff like unbuttoning her pants or rubbing her belly but it was always a show.

This is a little disjointed and rambly but f u c k I wish I had just sacked up and talked to her one on one more than just the usual "what'll ya have", she was a total black hole for beer and something about a girl who's all bloated and tipsy is exactly my type, I'd have loved to have taken her out with an open tab and just let her go to work lol.
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Not a food service story but feels like it's appropriate for this thread. I worked for years at one of the big box bookstore chains that starts with "B". One day an absolutely gigantic SSBBW Amazon comes in, over 6' tall and at least 450 pounds, maybe more. She was beautiful, a white brunette with her hair swept up in a bun, dressed in a cute jacket and the classic "fat girl stretch pants" >>13936 mentioned. This was around the time I turned 21, she was probably in her late 20s at that point.

Even from across the store I could read her bubbly, outgoing personality from the tone of her voice and facial expressions as she talked to one of my coworkers. They chatted for a while as he tried to find a book for her. I was trying to discreetly drink in as much of the sight of her as I could, so when my coworker left I decided I'd pretend I hadn't already seen him helping her and walked up to ask if she needed help finding a book.

>Yeah, I'm looking for this book by Mo'Nique, it's called Skinny Women Are Evil

That completely short-circuited even the extremely limited game I had back then. After confirming that we didn't have it in stock but could special order it for her, I managed to stammer out a mumbling, awkward "and, uh, about that book, there are some guys who agree with that!" Either she didn't notice what I was getting at, or she politely ignored it because she could see that I was a tongue-tied college kid.
Worked at a very well-known coffee chain. There was this younger, early 20's persian girl who worked next door at some kind of office.She was very short and wide, one of those nearly spherical type body shapes, with the hips and belly being the most pronounced. Anyway, every day she'd come by and order a large ice latte and we'd make some small talk. Eventually I figured out she was really easy to upsell, I'd often convince her to grab the extra large drinks, which were significantly bigger. At some point I told her drinks tasted way better with whole milk and she didn't seem to mind, so I was giving her extra-large whole milk ice lattes nearly very day for months. I'd write shit on the cup like "have a great day" and I'd do little designs with whip cream and caramel that she seemed to love. Sometimes I'd see her walk in with a bag of takeout before getting her drink and heading back to work. I stopped working there after about a year, but the last time I saw her compared to the first time she had definitely ballooned in the middle section.

Why didn't you ask her out bruh
Eh, she was kind of an airhead and I started seeing someone else around the same time so it just wasn't working out
As a teen I worked at a gas station which had one of those donut shops which "America Runs On" attached, and have almost no good stories to show for it.

The best one was when an attractive larger young woman (maybe late 20s, around 300 pounds) came in who clearly was a feedee of some sort. She started scooping up the (self serve) donuts, and making small talk with me about which ones were her favorite and how she was planning on eating them all. Maybe she caught me ogling and was messing with me? I was an idiot teenage who was VERY self conscious about being attracted to larger women at the time and there were coworkers around so I didn't do anything about it, but man was that day burned into my brain.

The only other story I have was a couple of thinner women who came in and tried to flirt to get me to give them some free pizza. The pizza had been sitting for about an hour and was just about to be changed out and thrown away so I let them take what was left of the pie.
(Forgot to mention that on top of the donut chain, tgere was also a pizza chain and sub sandwich chain. They all used tye same kitchen and ran from the same counter space)
I work at a McDonald's currently, but I work the graveyard shift so for a good majority of my shift we're drive thru only.
I don't have any really exciting stories or anything, but one of the managers I see occasionally is this big blonde woman. Not sure about her weight, but she's at least 200 something pounds or more. She's definitely a BBW.

Another one of the managers and the general managers have a mom bod with a little bit of chub to them, both attractive even if I can't stand the gm.

One of my coworkers is thicc, and currently pregnant. She probably has the sexiest figure out of all of them. An amazing ass and ever growing bulging pregnant belly. She's drives me wild.

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