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(this is all regarding USA law) i never really thought about this until recently. i looked on wikipedia, which had the best info i could find, and it looks to me that drawings of underage characters are illegal. that 17 year old anime girl that's been drawn obese-ified? could be illegal. its fetish material, maybe if the character is fully clothed and not doing anything sexual it would pass, since its just a fat version of the character, but im not a lawyer, and there could be no lawyers who browse this site. dont really know where else i should discuss this. i wanted to start a massive (no pun intended) collection/archive of art, however i need to be 100% in the clear. can an artist draw an anime girl who's canon age is 16 and say the character is drawn as 18+? what if the character looks underage but isnt? what if the character could possibly be interpreted as underage and there's no listed age by the artist? if my drives are ever looked through i dont want accidental cheese pizza in them.
Sort it out with your lawyer. Don’t bring that shit here, nonce
The legality of lolicon is grey, it depends on a case-by-case basis, which state you love, and you’re at the mercy of the judge/jury.
>>11365 (OP)
I have a really hard time thinking that you would ever even remotely get in trouble for having drawn stuff unless it's something extremely extremely fucked up. That being said, instead of a 17 year old, just jerk off to a 18 year old and you don't have to worry about being a nonce.
>>11365 (OP)
generally if the anime girl is just a drawing and isn't based off of someone real, no one in the US legal world gives a fuck, it's just a drawing, especially if they just look old enough

people that throw fits over the fictional age of the fictional character should focus on real CSEM for a fucking change

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