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What are some ways to find a fat chick on Omegle? Do you know any tags like any tags to find fat girls there common? Are are some ways to find them on Omegle more often
>>11332 (OP)
I've met a couple, the RP sessions are fine but the real ones who I've stayed in touch with have all been nuts, and what else would you expect from people on omegle as opposed to real dating sites?

Also ChubbyChiquita is a goddess and I am in love with her.
>>11332 (OP)
You don't.
Omegle is
>90% guys who just type "M" all day every day
>7% catfish roleplayers
>2% girls selling content (most of whom are catfish scammers)
>1% actual women, almost all of whom are nuts
Seconding everything he said. I've also met a few (a long time ago, none recently), and they were all nuts.
inb4 whiteknights calling me a dickhead for saying they were nuts
Sigh... well shit is there any other website where I dm women for nudes for free?
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>looking for a real-life relationship on Omegle

I second >>11336 mostly, but there's also the %0.01 of users who identify themselves as F, have a believably "female" written voice, and are really good roleplayers into exactly the same depraved niche feedist shit that I am. Occasionally encountering that needle in a haystack is what draws me back, against my better judgment, to that otherwise godforsaken sausagefest of a website.
>Sigh... well shit is there any other website where I dm women for nudes for free?
No, dumbass. What the fuck lol. You might as well ask "is there any website where I dm people to send me gold in the mail for free so I don't have to work?"
>well shit is there any other website where I dm women for nudes for free?
Bro, just either A. Look at any of the metric fuckton of porn that's freely available on here and elsewhere, B. Put your money where your mouth is and buy an OF sub, or C. Build an actual relationship.
I absolutely have met some real fat women on omegle (confirmed with pictures and the occasional video). They do exist, but they are EXTREMELY rare and the ones who do want to keep in contact are even rarer. Conversations with most just patter out, one I've kept in contact with is really cool but it helps that we got mutual hobbies other than just fat talk.

All of this was with the regular text chatroom, never bothered with the video one.

That said though, this is after using Omegle for years and I can probably count the real confirmed fat girls on one hand.
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>>11332 (OP)
this is probably the stupidest (well, top 5) thing ive ever done but im currently on an omegle kick and extremely amused by this thread. ill probably be on tonight (vid) in an hour or two, and ill use the obvious fat tags. if u came from this thread and see me say,,,, watermelon if u wanna blow my mind
im a real live fat girl honest

(i guess u can also just say watermelon anytime u see a fat girl on there cause it might be me but u might offend a bitch ur call)

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