
(44 KB, 1300x1390, flat-vector-illustration-of-a-fat-girl-with-low-self-esteem-standing-in-front-of-a-mirror-the-girl-looks-into-her-distorted-reflection-2EAYCY3.jpg)
Seriously I have never known any woman over 300lbs who doesn't exhibit signs of some kind of mental illness. Most commonly it's overwhelming depression, anxiety, and insecurity, but there's also plenty of big women I've spoken to who have ADHD, Autism, PTSD, and other disorders.

Another thing I've noticed trying to find an SSBBW partner and having tried to chat up lots of these girls is that they always seem very... dumb. Just all-around unintelligent - terrible grammar and spelling, no education outside of high school, no interest in anything that requires you to think deeply. I feel this is especially common with bigger women but I don't know why.

Sure, maybe there are big women out there who are able to uphold a relatively normal lifestyle with few issues, but the vast majority that I've met are honestly hopeless and miserable. It makes sense that obesity is correlated with a higher prevalence of poor mental health - there's no way a woman could be 300lbs+ without having some mental health issues. That's the sad, often neglected reality of dating these women - sometimes they're so much of a hassle they're not even worth it.

It sucks ass. I've wanted a dream 400lbs+ GF for so long now and of the very few I've been lucky to find, they're all miserable and plagued with so many problems.

Do any of you relate to this? Is this really the reality for most if not all of the obese women out there and the people who want to date them? Makes me want to give up. I'm exclusively attracted to SSBBWs though so I don't know what else I'd settle for.
Best of luck to you, I'm not sure how far you'll get conflating obesity with mental health disorder. If you're desperate for a massive GF with no intangible baggage my only recommendation is to build your own. If you must, consider it an art form and take a blank canvas of someone you think has no mental health issues, but is willing to be fattened up.

It'll be interesting to see if they develop mental health issues but I highly doubt their weight will magically place them on the autism spectrum.

Either way, if you truly want a dream SSBBW, you can find someone, it just depends on how committed you are.

Unless you're on your death bed, I see no reason why you should settle. Just keep in mind SSBBWs face health issues and thats a fact of life.

If you can't be a positive influence in their life that uplifts them from the sad reality that they are killing themselves to be with you, then might want to throw in the towel.
>>10964 (OP)
One in five women suffer from mental illness. Doesn't matter what size they are
>>10964 (OP)
Personal experience mostly confirms this for me, even with girls 20 or 30 lbs shy of 300. I would gather a big part of it is the fact that society has generally built up the norm that if you're fat, you're undesirable, which is hard to overcome, even with the recent fat acceptance movements.

On the other hand, heavy women might be that way in the first place due to the mental illness, driving them to use food as a coping mechanism. Now that I think about it, there's few reasons why one would be overweight without having some negative cause for it (like mental illness or glandular issues).

Fortunately (for me) I've managed to get a hold on 6' ~320 chick who isn't really showing any signs of that and is quite alright with how she is at the moment.
>>10964 (OP)

This hasn't been my experience. The fat women I know seem to have about the same intelligence and instances of mental health issues as the thin women I know.

Maybe this is more of a coorelation with women on the dating site you're using?
They are crazy or boring, take your pick
>>10964 (OP)
The vast majority of fat girls are obviously going to be insecure. And if a girl is fat (especially 300+), there's a decent chance she has an eating disorder, or at least overeats due to some kind of trauma (or whatever) in her past. That being said, it's a "chicken and egg" scenario: is she fat because she's fucked in the head? Or is she fucked in the head because she's fat (or, more accurately, because of how society treats her for being fat)? You can sometimes work with #2, but #1 is usually a lost cause. Unfortunately, those two things aren't mutually exclusive, which muddies the waters considerably.

I can only speak about my personal experience. Of the three BBWs I've been with; one was profoundly mentally ill, one was extremely insecure (and probably had some other shit going on but I didn't stick around long enough to find out), and the third was sane but very boring (both in conversation and in the bedroom, despite being a feedee).

I think it depends where you meet them, too. And I mean that geographically as well as "online vs real life". Obesity is more normalised in some countries than others. It's tempting to think of the US as a mecca for fat people, but it's a huge country and there's a lot of regional variation in absolutely everything, least of all the prevalance of obesity and the local population's additudes towards it.

Again, I can only speak from personal experience. Ireland is far from the worst place to be an FA, but it's not exactly great either. We're a fat country on paper, but young (let alone attractive) fat women are fairly few and far between. As is the case in the US, obesity is more common in rural areas. Rural Irish girls tend to fit the stereotype of an Irish woman: conservative, family-oriented, sometimes even shrewish and downright frigid. But most fat girls aren't like that at all, which is (believe it or not) one of the reasons I like them. I've had the most luck with rural girls who come to the big city because they're tired of how backwards their village is. Most Irish people have a negative view of obesity, which has the sort of effect you'd imagine. My family strongly disapprove of my preference.

Getting back on track, with the whole "online vs real life" thing: Fat girls are one of the few demographics among women who actually take online dating seriously (yet another reason I like them/keep ending up with them). However, unsurprisingly, they can be a bit desperate. Which is definitely a turnoff, unless you're an incel or pickup artist with no conscience.

What I'm trying to say is this: If you meet a fat girl face-to-face in a social setting, in a liberal/fat-friendly (if such a thing exists) country/region/etc, you have a much better chance of meeting one who isn't a nutcase.

Well, stories of child abuse sure are common in the origin stories of 600lb life women.
>>10964 (OP)
>treating ADHD as some sort of negative when at most it literally has no effect on individual intelligence
lol ok
Lets be real here; if she allows herself to go above a certain weight, chances are that they have some kind of mental illness
I've posted this before, but I'll reiterate it here.

Being morbidly obese is not a common thing to want or to be OK with. It's not only unhealthy, but it is also something that society looks down on. So well-adjusted intelligent people who have a propensity to gaining weight work against it and generally do not become morbidly obese unless there is something dramatic that happens (injury, trauma, etc.).

Some people in this community are morbidly obese by choice, which is a vanishingly rare number of people because it requires a very specific personality and sexuality. The majority of morbidly obese people are, as others have said, in that situation because of health or mental issues. Very few of them are people who legitimately get off on being fat and then decide to get fatter against their own better judgment.

Intelligence is not affected by BMI, so I don't think that there is any correlation there. What you might be seeing is that people who are intelligent generally live healthier lifestyles and have access to more money or resources, and as I said earlier unless they're really into being fat (which is unlikely) they'll try to not be fat.

Lastly there is definitely an echo chamber in the Feedee/Feeder community online. A lot of the women have been sexual outcasts for most of their lives, and then are suddenly exposed to a bunch of thirsty dudes who love the very thing about them that they've always struggled with. I'm sure it's a mindfuck.

TL;DR: it's complicated, yo
I would rapidly become morbidly obese if I could make six figures from getting fat lol
Most of the men in the dating pool are also mentally ill.
15.8 percent of males are mentally ill (25.8 percent of females are as well)
Who cares if someone is mentally ill, if they are a good person who cares about you, as well as being fat and sexy? This is such a pointless claim that gets repeated here constantly by fucking weirdos who seem to seriously despise the women they jerk off to.
Maybe the only women willing to talk to YOU are stupid, mentally ill women. My experience with BBW/SSBBW's has been entirely positive, almost like they're just normal women, whose personality is not governed by their dress size; isn't that strange!
I truly don't think I would. No way that would be worth the shame I would feel from the second I woke up to the moment I laid my head down at night, not to mention the health risks and lifestyle changes.

Agreed, my experience has also been very different from OPs.
>if they are a good person
This is the key point right here. What OP's talking about is more often than not things that run directly counter to this. The sorts of women who give off a "Will treat you like dirt if you don't kowtow to their every whim, and will flip out on you on a dime" vibe. And even if it's just something like hard depressive episodes, it can mean going upwards of weeks without hearing from them because they shut themselves out from the world, and dealing with that on the regular is a source of stress that isn't necessary.

Almost every BBW I've ever hung out with, dating or otherwise, has had some sort of mental issue, though many were generally tolerable, and not in the "Not even worth dealing with" category.
(269 KB, 1798x1628, 6knr2zvyh5j61.jpg)
>wants a gf who is too fat to function
>it's those fat bitches who are crazy not me

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