
ha, I’m never checking the kip thread again if it’s not bitching.
So is this where actual comic discussion happens now?
lol nobody is going to speak here, they'll just continue bitching in the bbwdraw thread despite getting reported and their posts removed. I expect the mods to get bored of policing it again within a month and it goes back to the same as before
the mod you guys managed to piss off is the mod that runs the main bbw board and hes done this before with people always complaining in the goodgirlgrow threads. that started months ago and he still enforces it now so i doubt hes going to be letting this go soon either.
dang, I enjoyed reading the multi-paragraph shitposts about "plot" in a kip comic people would post. I never posted there myself but the bitching was more entertaining than anything kip writes these days.

RIP to the most active thread on /bbwdraw lol
i dont think it will go that far. one of the first responses to the newest page is negative like always and thats still there. in the op it says hes doing it this because of all the reports and in the draw thread he said the same thing right after those retards were talking about one piece for no reason. so its possible he doesnt care about critique and its more the pointless shitflinging that crops up around it. i dont know i guess try to start a fight and see what happens. for what its worth i shitpost on the bbw board a lot and my posts get deleted sometimes but i never get banned so i doubt anybody will actually get banned for testing the limits for this either.
there was a legit reason for bringing one piece up. the conversation was about how kip can't remember the proportions of his characters. you may have noticed people swearing tessa has been bloating up in every scene no matter what. it was said that kip can't remember what size tessa really is. this is a common issue with artists, such as oda of one piece. the difference is oda can actually tell a story whereas kip can't tell a story, remember how big his characters are or anything else.

I actually liked the latest comic but I don't understand why tessa looks pregnant. kip is really defining "food baby" with this.
Why is Tessa 2 heads taller than Saiya? Jesus christ
once again proportions are off.
Yeah I'm aware that she's taller, but in this case it's a difference between "oh she's taller" and "oh she's a giant." In the new page Saiya doesn't even come up to Tessa's boobs. You can't argue it's a perspective thing because it's framed so straight-on
If you’re talking about panel 3, it’s quite clear it’s a perspective thing there, and in panel 5 her head goes slightly over Tessa’s boobs. Besides, she’s clearly curling herself up because she’s uncomfortable
No, it's NOT a perspective thing. If you know how perspective works, it's clearly not. Look at the perspective on the bookshelves and it's obvious that isn't the case. I don't doubt it's what Kip wanted, but it failed. Also, in the last panel it looks like she's leaning over. So still way taller than she should be.
Why was a seperate thread even made for this? I cant see anything against this sort of stuff in the /bbwdraw/ rules or global rules.
Because Kip's bootlickers keep reporting the criticism on the thread and getting it removed.
I see what you mean. I get that tessa is taller than saiya. saiya should be a little bit above her breasts. but in the new panel it looks like saiya is even with her breasts and thats only because tessa is hunched over a bit. it almost looks like tessa is about to bang her head on the ceiling because she's so tall. why is she so tall?

the irony is thats the only discussion there is to be had in those threads. I get people complaining about stuff going off topic but this is a discussion board right? its not like people were going off topic. people were discussing the comic. now the thread is probably going to die because the only thing that will be posted there is the comic and nothing else lest peoples comments get deleted.

I'm expecting this thread to be much more active then the original.
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well we finally got our burp.

and we got tessa running away. that ended quickly and didn't end anywhere near how any of us were expecting it to. no belly rubbing, saiya was fully composed, I'm kinda confused as to how tessa is going to try and play this off and what saiya is going to do about it.
I was willing to give kip the benefit of the doubt at first, but the last page really confirms that this shit is ass
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this? to me this shows tessa aint stuffing herself much any more lest she end up back in that toilet spitting up. tessa would be an idiot to stuff herself again knowing she can't handle it. she won't get any bigger because we already saw how big she can get.

but then, this is kip. man might have tessa and aika have an eating competition at the amusement park before they get on a roller coaster.

and no one wanted to see that kip. you could've just gotten away with saying she got sick and that was it. I guess every kip comic has to have something disturbing in it. the snowman made of gum wasn't enough. we had to see tessa vomit too.

if you go to the deviant art you'll see some people commenting that they're realizing this isn't a weight gain comic. one person said that one piece will end before we get weight gain in this comic. people may be starting to voice disapproval here.
>if you go to the deviant art you'll see some people commenting that they're realizing this isn't a weight gain comic.

It’s about time they finally realised the obvious.
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here are the latest three comics. looks like everyone is buying the relationship between saiya and aika. I'm not really believing it because they haven't had that much time to bond like this IMO. they need more time for me to buy them as a couple.

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