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I’m gonna bite the bullet and just ask bbwchan for some relationship advice.

I got my girlfriend into feederism and she seems to be genuinely into it for the most part. She put out around 50 pounds and about 2 years and both of us agree that she looks better and sex is better etc, etc.

The weird part comes now, when I mention gaining even more weight. She seems really conflicted about it and now is even trying to LOSE weight, because she “only likes that size when she’s turned on” or some other bullshit.

My question is: is there any way I can convince her to gain weight to at least 200+? And if not, is there a way I can make her gain weight subconsciously. I mean shes already “into it” through sex and stuff if she’s being honest.
her body her choice. it’d be scummy to go against your SO’s wishes and sneakily alter her diet and habits to get her fat. that said, have you asked what it is about being fat that makes her uncomfortable/insecure when not aroused? maybe that could let people give you more measured helpful advice.
She usually mentions that she finds it “sad” to be that big or she wants to have “better clothes”, which doesn’t really make sense to me. I mean she’s REALLY into it during sex and stuffing like a motherfucker. I just don’t understand her thought process, it’s very confusing :(
Also, if it matters, she used to be ~135 and is now hovering around 185.
Because once the sex is over, she has to live in a body she may not want to be in. She may be turned on by being 185, but that may not be what she wants for the rest of her life. And it’s true that fat girls have a harder time finding clothes for their wardrobe. My gf gained close to 100 lbs over covid and the only clothes she can wear are stretchy pants and a few shirts because she can’t afford to buy a whole new wardrobe.

My advice to you: support her no matter what she does. The goal is to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Not to take a woman and use her to satisfy fetishistic urges. And, if it makes you feel any better, she may not be successful in losing weight regardless of your doing. She may lose the weight and gain it back, which Larry David refers to as “YoYo-ing” she may be a YoYo. Either way, it’s her body and if you really care about her, her happiness should trump any sexual desires of yours.

Also, just fyi, I love fatties and I love what a lazy slob my gf is, but I do wish she’d workout just a LITTLE because it helps keep her pussy tight. Your gf’s pussy will get tighter if she starts working out again.
A 50lb weight gain is an absolutely massive amount of weight to put on for most normal people. A lot of women into gaining/feedism only want to gain that amount of weight since while they'll obviously be fatter, it's not a debilitating amount of weight to be carrying around and wouldn't have the same social stigma.

As >>10642 said, she actually has to live in the fatter body 24/7. A lot of women in the 300lb+ range struggle with a lot of basic tasks. The fetish experience doesn't just end for her when you're done having sex or groping her fat.

If you have to "convince" her to gain more then you've already lost. Pushing her to gain more wouldn't be fair to her, and wanting to make her 'subconsciously' gain more weight is just fucking weird and manipulative on your part.
I'm amazed at the positivity and pro consent messaging in this thread. listen to the others. any coercion would be bad and ultimately put a strain on your relationship. if she's into gaining when fucking, then just try role playing.
Some of us have internalized what it means to be respectful to our partners and treat them as human. It's the ones that try to be manipulative and sneaky that think this is an episode of Malcolm in the Middle.

There's unethical ways sure - always having food around and a stocked fridge, but if you care about someone you'll want to keep them around a long time and keep them happy, and the super obese usually aren't.
Hey man, I agree with pretty much everyone in the thread I'd also like to add that if you do "subconsciously" encourage her to continue gaining against her wishes she will most likely begin to resent you and the relationship will likely break down. Like other posters have said, role-play is a good idea, but make it clear to her that you support whatever she wants to do with her body and that you'd like to continue to explore feedism in role-play scenarios, if that is what you want. If that isn't what you want and you genuinely want someone 200+ lbs you are in the US and you can't toss a stone without hitting one of those.
the more you try to convince her, the more you'll push her away from the fetish and from you.

support her, take off all pressure. hell, work out with her

the majority of the time, they'll lose discipline and gain it back and then some while they've internalized being bigger as normal

my ex went from 190-220, said that we her limit, wanted to lose weight. i supported her, but she eventually started wanting to go to restaurants again and eating pizza etc.

got up to 245~ same shit, wanted to lose weight, supported her, shit flickered out, went back to old habits

ended relationship at 265 and really embraced being big and mentioned she might like how it feels to be bigger. i broke up with her for my own reasons, but that's just my 2c

also had an ex that i was madly in love with, and the more i tried to hint at this stuff or push it on her the more she resented me and left me after 6 years

gl hf
>because she “only likes that size when she’s turned on” or some other bullshit.

It's not bullshit, I'm in the exact same case. I've been bulking recently and when I'm horny having stomach fat is fantastic, but when I'm not I feel like garbage. So I had to cut, cause obviously I can't fap 24/7. For some people having some fat is hot but it's not comfortable (kinda like the idea of having a 20 inches dick).
So don't be a jerk trying to fatten her sneakily, she's going to feel terrible. If you want a fatter girlfriend, find a new one.
>I had to cut, cause obviously I can't fap 24/7
Really strange for a bbw chan user.
>>10622 (OP)
If you know her really well, you you if her dieting will be efficent and true or she will stop after few weeks.
As rest of dudes said, support her as much as you can.
If her will is not strong, she will lose diet and gain even more. I can see it with my gf now, i said i like her fat, but she wants to eat healty and go on a light diet, but on the other hand she loves good food and cheese to much to let it go... so i see her slowly gain, but still i fully suport and encoruage her.

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