
Still living my life and looking for a wife.
It seems I have hit a nerve.
Imagine thinking the thread about trads was made specifically to complain about you and not the influx of threads being ashamed for jerking off too much to fatties. I thought pride was supposed to be a sin.

Are you 60 or something? Who treats a porn website as their own personal blog? You don't have an audience who cares.
How’s life been treating you man? Hopefully you’ve had some luck in finding a nice girl
Well, I have.
It's complicated. I found a very sweet girl but she is VERY NEUROTIC.
We are in the early stage of a relationship. Nothing official, but I am trying to get her to open up since she really doesn't like being this size.
I wrote the "how to introduce a girl to feedism and gaining" post.
Cool, man. My girlfriend is gaining steadily. She loves feedism talk in the bedroom. Nothing makes her cum harder. Yet, she's trying to lose weight.

Do you like jazz?
Um, okay.
Do you mean Jazz music? Yes, I do.
Take your meds, schizo
Ah, yes, the Dutch.
I'm not even Dutch, you fat retard. What about the Dutch?
Why do live in the Nederlands then?
(658 KB, 600x450, not sane.png)
>using fat as an insult on a chan dedicated to appreciating fat women
Hoi— Er staat een Nederlandse vlag op je post, smartass
Here is the link to my Discord server guys.
(15 KB, 500x252, f35272470cf8ec12ad20a8cbe25a4b28.jpg)
Rubens used mostly male models for his figures. Look at the back and shoulders on "her." That's not a female.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
last time i checked trad identity politics is like 99% crying about how fat bitches are degenerate. stupid thread.
Trad Caths are Catholics who rejected the Second Vatican Council. Of course, Trad Caths had forgotten that they were hated in America for being immigrants and it was JFK who and Pope John Paul II that made them cool. The Benedict the XVI pissed away all the good will, which made Catholics hated as God intended
This thread is legendary energy.
Yes, the further back you look trad-anything starts to split into smaller and more peculiar examples. The way "trad" is used online to imply some pan-European ideal is a very modern concept. A lot of those Catholics you talk about, Irish and Italian for instance, weren't considered European until relatively recently.
Pan European types like Richard Spencer tend to be so cucked that their inferior genes can't handle a pregnant woman and they get arrested on domestic violence. Just look at how Ted Cruz profess lust for actresses because his wife is ugly as sin. I am convinced that trads are just college libertarians
I am a Trad in good standing and violently opposed to racism dude.
I’m so confused
Did the mods delete a bunch of messages from this thread or something ? Why does none of it make sense
Or is OP actually just a schizo talking to himself
Nail on the head.
Trads like Matt Walsh are boring

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