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>all of this "muh porn addiction" posting
>all of this "porn turns people gay/bi" posting
We have to be getting raided by 4/pol/ at this point, there's no getting around it. I just want a place where we can talk about fat girls and such topics but it's clear we've either turned into a bunch of authoritarian christcucks who think porn is bad for you because of research funded by churches or unironic sadsacks who are getting manipulated.
Do you really believe that everyone who feels like they struggle with compulsive porn use only thinks that because they've been brainwashed by the far right?
I dunno about the site being "raided" but there's a sort of ethos raid, for want of a better term. A lot more arguing and racism than I'd usually like. It's a board where I come to look at fat arses and big tits, I don't really need to see someone dropping the N-bomb just because someone likes a model they don't. Unfortunately you can't even go "Well that's chan boards, just ignore it" because it inevitably takes up the entire thread with arguing.
Short answer? Yes. Long answer? Everyone who thinks that way has been shamed into it by religious niggers. Christcucks btfo
Yes. Unironically yes
If you aren't experiencing any issues in your romantic/sexual life as a result of your porn addiction, you should be all set. In my case it caught up with me after a couple of decades, but not everyone is so unlucky
"Porn addiction" isn't real though, atleast in the mainstream terms about it though.
>>10486 technically i agree, but masturbation addiction is indeed very real, and that goes hand in hand with porn for most men
Have you ever tried to stop watching/buying porn? I've personally tried many times and the longest I've been able to go without it was 2 months. I end up re-subscribing to OnlyFans, purchasing GFE bundles, sponsoring stuffings, buying VIP streams/videos and PPV clips, etc.
Well, I definitely think there is a prominent religious right presence on this board. And there are a handful of threads bemoaning having this fetish to begin with. This self-flagellation I'm seeing over liking fat chicks is screaming guilt to me, and no one is a bigger purveyor of that shit than faith.

So yes. Also we have a thread with some retard promoting a discord for tradcaths in direct conflict with his faith for even finding women attractive.

Spoken like someone that doesn't have an addiction. I masturbate multiple times daily, man. It's affected my work, my marriage, my relationships, how I spend my free time & mornings. And this was BEFORE the pandemic. It's gotten out of hand and I need serious treatment. Normal people check Instagram a few times an hour - I check bbwchan.
yeah, the evils of porn are exaggerated by right wing religious types and old school feminists, but people do get addicted to it and overuse does have harmful effects. if you have a compulsive need to watch porn and masturbate that overrides your social and financial needs (e.g regularly turning down hanging out with friends because you *need* to watch porn and jerk it) then that's an addiction and that's a problem.

most people watch porn a... healthyish amount though. porn addiction isn't universal to all of its users like some religious nuts and old school feminists believe lol
My girlfriend broke up with me because I couldn’t get hard when we had sex, only when I was watching girls online. It’s real lol.
What is it with britbongs and being absolutely retarded as well as wrong about literally everything all the time lmao
Meh. Are most people who drink alcoholics? Nah. Are people who make being straightedge the central focus of their identity kind of lame? Yeah. But does that mean that alcoholism and binge drinking aren't real problems for some people? Nah. You can believe the same thing about porn without being a religious nut. Never felt like I had an "addiction" to the point of interfering with my job or IRL relationships, but there have been times in my life where the urge to stay online for just one more fap was seriously cutting into free time that I could have been using for actual hobbies.
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I'm a little confused at this trend as well. For me, porn and the eventual masturbation are just pressure releases. I'm single atm (and for the past 5 years), and if I don't jack it in the morning I tend to be anxious and easily frustrated / annoyed the entire day. Back when I was in a relationship, my porn use plummeted (tho still happened occasionally) because I wanted to be ready and willing for her whenever she was in the mood.

Can it be an addition? Sure! Almost anything can be. Moderation is key and as long as you aren't fapping to completion 3-4 times straight until basically nothing comes out and your balls are little shriveled raisins, I don't see a problem with it.

What's really confusing is these threads asking for advice on how to quit, as if the anons here in /gen/ are rocking purity seals and just waiting for the chance to guide someone to freedom from their 'prison'. This sort of outreach would be better on reddit, yahoo answers, or almost anywhere else. You aren't going to get a ton of quality life advice from here (sometimes you can!), so asking here just seems like an exercise in futility. But, at the rate they are happening it's almost as if I need to make sticky so those interested in leaving can have a place to... idk... loiter while they build up the inner willpower to kick the habit.
What is it with faggots posting retarded shit of no value and ending it with lmao like the lifeless retards they are?
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I don't really think you can call it a "site" problem considering the how do I quit porn posts are limited to this board, and that's the natural product of giving people a place where they're allowed to talk about themselves on a BBW admirer website. This is still one of the few places where you can (or at very least should) be able to talk about how goddamn horny fat women make you without getting shamed or asked to "explain the appeal" for the fifth-hundredth time. People are given a place to vent and a few of them use it to talk about something that they worry about without having to deal with the stigma you find irl. There's nothing wrong with that and it's not like they're making it harder for the rest of us to find the clips and pic sets we want.

I'm sure a lot of people, even the ones in this thread, would be much happier with a gf than they would be just wanking it to fat chicks every day. Personally I believe that what a lot of people call "porn addiction" is the product of circumstances that lead you to watching too much porn, and that it's useless to try and go "no fap" without dealing with the issues that make you rely on porn in the first place. A lot of people see porn as the habit they need to break because it's easier fixing those problems. But as I said before, it's not hurting anyone and it seems a bit silly to act personally offended when you see someone sharing their problems with pornography here.

Didn’t read, but who is that in the pic?
Model ID is in the post.

Just tell me, fuck ya
And reward your knuckledragging ways? Nah. Lurk moar.

Quiet, seppo. The Aussies are negotiating.
People are just waking up to the fact that porn is disgusting and lame. Not everyone wants to throw their life away over a weird fetish, it’s normal to change and develop
If you don't like the fetish, why the fuck are you here?
>>10472 (OP)
Oh my God faggot shut the fuck up

People just want to learn to stop cooming 7 times a day
Nope that shit is real, think back to all the comments on here where guys are like they only started off like slightly fat/ chubby girls and over time came to like full blown whales.
Go back to 4chan, we don't want you.
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I don't even disagree with you entirely OP, making posts on this site about wanting to stop watching porn IS retarded. Go to a nofap community or something more power to you. HOWEVER, you yourself have also proven you're a massive faggot, how is porn addiction a "right wing conspiracy theory?" What kind of coombrained shit is that? Gonna need further explanation on that one.
For me I just want to know what caused that boon of actual incest related posts earlier this year.
This is a thing that's sweeping through porn to the point "Stepbrother, what are you doing?!" has even become a meme. At some point in the last few years, half of America decided they want to fuck their sister. Seriously, take a traipse through Pornhub, you'll see no end of "Fucking Stepsister's Tight Pussy!" or "Stepsister Makes Brother CUM TWICE" shit.

The only reason they add the "step" prefix is because direct incest porn (even when fictional) is prohibited on Pornhub. Step-family sex is, of course, not. However, I'm afraid it's still fucking weird and the fact it's so prevalent is really alarming. I don't believe in kinkshaming when sex/fetish content is between two consenting adults but I draw the line at children, animals and wanting to fuck your own family.
I have always wondered why if the body positivity is so huge, why hasn't there been a boom in chubby chasers.
Without continued exposure most people just keep their normal preferences. Took me a full year before I started to find them even remotely attractive. Definitely did not come naturally
I think there has been, or at least a sense of obese girls being normalized. Women being the fatter one in the relationship is more common from where I'm sitting.
Probably because said movement still isn't completely normalized, and the people into fat girls are a natural minority, rather than one entirely dictated by social norms.
Conservatives don't understand Art. Art is supposed to improve self esteem, creativity, and culture. Conservatives think Art is for profit, but don't understand that they need to spend money for the Church Pianist, a Stipend for the Guest Pastor, and the Church Choir, and Vacation Bible School.

Look, I may be a Protestant, but even I don't want to be stingy.
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>>10472 (OP)
>come to the winge board
>Be upset when people winge

Imagine my shock.
BBW-CHAN is still a chan. There comes with it a certain culture, and really, comparatively it's not that bad. Still discussion on fat chicks, literally only a few threads even talk about porn addiction and they're all in this board. Just ignore them if you don't like them. They invading other threads? Ignore them there. ffs, just live and let live
This is the containment board for most politic posting anyway, so idfk what you want man.
Kill yourself coomer
I don't know what he wants either. Psychology says that boys are viewing porn by the millions or billions, but it often ignores that women view porn. This is why Psychologists who work with Government can't distinguish between indifference and disobedience.
Trad shit in general is retarded.
I can't think of a single thing more cucked than letting the expectations and standards of dead people control how you live. It's the kind of thing that only appeals to boring morons who don't have any personality traits other than a misplaced sense of self-righteousness.

Porn addiction is a thing, but some of you dumb cunts like to act as if wanking off more than once in a blue moon is some debilitating disease, which isn't true at all.
It's like that other poster said: do you physically feel worse if you don't rub one out? Are you getting into debt because you wasted all your money on Clips4Sale? Are you skipping work/social engagements to go on this site instead?
THAT'S a porn addiction. Feeling a little gross because you realised you have 50 tabs open after you came isn't. Feeling embarassed that you like fat girls after you cum (because as a tradcunt, your natural emotional states are either shame or smarmy self-superiority) isn't.
That's called being a whiny twat.
>not wanting to have a porn addiction is wrong
Your jew tricks won't work on me
hopefully ADHD meds might. If your attention span were bigger than your micropenis you might be able to read for more than two seconds.
Exactly. Post Nut Clarity isn't fucking porn addiction but the trads trick people into thinking it is because "jerking off in general is a sin". They promote shit to contrarian youths so they seem positive when really they're just shitting on natural human function. When people bring it up they act like this guy >>10661 and bring up "da jooz" like they are relevant to the convo.
>If I cherrypick a bunch of pictures they'll have to take me seriously
Why are you even here? This is a porn site. If "da durty jooz" are really trying so hard to make you cum, why feed into their hands?
Or is it some evangelist shit, like I know yanks love? Because it's not enough for you to make your own lives miserable, you have to Manifest Chastity on this shit and make sure everyone else is unhappy too.
You know what, I kinda wish there actually was some kind of conspiracy to stop people like you breeding.
"Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock."
Thanks for proving my point, qtard scumfuck
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I don't know who's worse in this thread, the obnoxious bong-poster or OP the retard who's throwing the Q label around. At any rate it's entertaining enough to check back in on every few days. Keep it going fellas!
"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”"
What's obnoxious is trying to have a conversation like an adult when it's constantly drowned out by the screeching and moral grandstanding of cucks yelling about how everything's degeneracy or a Jewish psyop. I have no idea how that's not exhausting to you.
It says a lot about your moral compass that you can't tell if the antisemite is worse than some poster that keeps taking bait.

Imagine unironically believing this

No. Keep it in your own thread, aspie.
.... Actually, yes. Yes we are talking about you. But figures you would show up after Q rears its retatded head.
It’s always funny to see people who didn’t grow up religious get into something like this.

There is no substantial difference between this and scene kids when I was growing up, you’ll look back on it as an embarrassing phase. real Catholics go to church 3-5 times a year and think Galatians is a national park.
Not talking about you, you fucking egomaniac. But then again you're unironically a namefag so I should just assume you're an egomaniac from the forefront.
Look at mister 'impulse control' over here
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I don't get why the Christian Right gets complaints. The Christian Right in America has always been comprised of Gun Owners and Protestants going Soul Winning who are merely opposed to Gore. It's the Radical Left who are pretty much destroying the Country with their obsession with Niche Drugs and delinquency. Take that nasty work accident with "Rust", that's what happens when a Radical Lefty treats a gun like a toy and fires Gun Safety Union Worker.

This is why the Christian Right has been chosen to pretty much restore Grand Theft Auto.
Keep it in church, Kisame.
Keep it in your pants, Catholic Cuck
>>10472 (OP)
To answer your question OP, Usenet had always been programmed and maintained by the Religious Right since the 1990s. It was never supposed to be profitable, but rather a private network maintained by people to share the news that isn't mainstream. It because a problem when ATandT started profiting off the far right

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I've been though this fetish for years without ejaculating once, the fuck you animals doing
Fetish Art, especially in America has always been about coming. In truth Fetish Artist was going thru puberty watching anime
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>Conservatives don't understand Art.
To say they do not, is Dionysian. The fundamentalist core lumped in with 'conservatism' reject most forms of art and music, along with masturbation, drugs, alcohol and the whole nine yards.
Read "Unclean Lips" by Josh Lambert. Jews wanting to corrupt society, America's currently, through sexual degeneracy isn't a conspiracy at all, it is just factually what's happening and has been for years.
What are you taking about? Jewish People in America vote with the Religious Right because they want a Judeo Christian Order. Israelis hate Bernie Sanders for being communist
>Alec Baldwin
>Radical Lefty
Thanks for the laugh. I didn't even know it was possible to be this politically illiterate.

Sounds like something you need to go see a doctor about.

You're arguing with facts against a man who doesn't feel the need to do the same, and that's like boxing by the rules against an ape who doesn't even know them. You're never gonna win.
Why do you type like this? You sound like a retard
I usually do not wear my corrective lens when I type.
"I don't look at what I'm typing" is quintessential Kisame
I am mildly near sighted and have been wearing corrective lens since high school. I just recently switched from the cheap brand to a high end brand as recommended by the eye doctor that the insurance company recommended. I only wear glasses for work, or reading the papers, but seldom for browsing the web.

What's your excuse for randomly blurting out things? Are you autistic?
Ok Fantano

Someone's mad at being called out, are they? Go back and take your buzzword with you.
Nobody's blurting shit out, everyone just thinks you're insufferable.
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Says the Brit who needs to be protected by Government from a mere knife.
too much text, i cant read
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>guise who hate porn and hedonism are far right knotsies

I hate both sides and even I agree porn is bad. I like chubby girls but why stare at a screen or only think of stuff you want if you can just achieve?
You can achieve shit and also look at porn.
why are you so desperate and angry? everything you've said in this thread really reads like somebody you know has accused you of having a porn addiction so you came here to have a chimp out about how you are totally normal and it has to be them that are wrong.
calling a jew a jew isn't antisemitism and quoting old writings isn't anger, sorry we aren't a JIDF approved website. nice try though i guess, 2/10 i replied
You don't get to appear level headed after posting >>10668, fag.
Yeah, you don't get to accuse me of shit when you're absolutely part of the conspiracy.
Go back to your repressed church, christcuck. If not then commit toaster bath.
Why are you a libtard in this thread but pretending to be a republican in the other thread you are shitposting in? It's obviously you in both threads, you talk like a total fag so you are very easy to spot. Do you actually have any of your own opinions or do you just have to be contrarian in any situation regardless of what it is?
What other thread, literally have no idea what psychobabble you're on about?
I've only been posting here, also politics isn't binary A or B.
There's liberal things I advocate for and there's conservative things I advocate for. It's not as simple as "pick a side."
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oh no, you're even worse than i already thought
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>:not believing in being a demotard or a republicuck means he's centerist"
Jokes on you, I'm bottom right on this chart.and a man of liberty.
I don't see how "I hate right wing authority" and "I hate left wing authority" somehow contridict with eachother, you absolute meltbrain.
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I am Lib Left due to being born in the 90s.
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>>10472 (OP)
i only TRADITIONALLY have a weird niche fetish for cartoon girls, alright
In America, Southerners are opposed to porn and video games because they think it's an attack on traditional gender roles. Northerners both Right and Left are okay with porn as long as it's not in the hands of children.

In terms of Cartoon Girls, Americans prefer Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Storm, or Starfire and Raven. We get a sensible chuckle when Anime Fans try to hype up Mai Shiranui, Chun Li, Cammy, Kagome, Sakura, or Bulma as sex symbols due to how immature the Japanese are when it comes to sex
>Kisame posts yet another weird rant nobody asked for and has no relevance to the post it's replying to
Also, by "we" I assume you mean the singular Royal "we", given that I haven't met a single soul who thinks like you do and it fits with your ego.

>understanding that Kisame is a shitposter whose tactic is to derail threads with off-topic posting
>responding to him anyway
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Suburbanites in America typically use the Royal We.Referring to oneself is considered arrogant and rude. Only Donald Trump, Eric Adams, and Douglas MacArthur refer to themselves. New Yorkers are trained to speak the Queen's English because our normal tone sounds unsophisticated.
Could you repeat that? I don't speak Eurotrash. Cranky cause you Merkel banned you from viewin pornography? At least Americans can vote and view porn.
Again, from the 90s. My generation doesn't believe in conformity.
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But clearly the fact he's here, on a pornography board, negates that point?
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
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don't respond to kisame. their posts will never make sense or express a coherent argument or worldview because they are a troll who will say anything to rile people up and derail threads (although this thread is already a cesspit so nobody gives a shit anyway lol). Don't feed the trolls, you are part of the problem
No idea what this convo is about, nor do I give a shit about christianity but this video was sick af man
I know see your argument.
The Super AI Emerges from an extremely pornographic ultra hyper suck and low metabolism…
…The world becomes engulfed in a paroxysm of fat induced frenzy.
Senior citizen dropping dead from brain frying giga-orgasms…
…It’s all because of the leftists honestly.
It's even worse. It's 5 in the Afternoon and North and South Jersey are fighting for governor. In New York, The GOP won Nassau because we have Drug Dealers operating near preschools, a violent shootout at a Shopping Center. The last straw for fatties were Pizza at $4 a slice, and working long hours at Walmart
North Jersey finally won for Murphy. It means going to Six Flags, or going thru Newark just to get to Philadelphia will be even more expensive
I actually have to agree.
Although I know my lust for plus sized women came before I knew what porn was.

I just want to live a trad life with 350-400lb home maker wife who knows how much I love her and our kids and that I will do anything to keep them safe.
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Holy shit, this thread's like watching a Metal Gear Solid cutscene in a language you don't understand.
The sheer amount of delusional conspiracy theories bouncing around your heads is astounding. You need professional help.
People are just harassing others over trivial nonsense. Really, Nerds just have anger issues and violent impulses because they were bullied in school. In truth, many nerds are just suburbanites and urbanites who blew their money at for profit colleges and are grifting to pay off their debts.

Nerds are not that smart. The truth is the School Board fixed their grades to get funding from the Government, or Nerds never outgrew the campus life. Suburbs used to have rock clubs and bars before those got cut because of public safety and health reasons.
Once again, your logic fails to accommodate for literally any other country or culture other than the US.
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America does not care about Europe. We elected Joe Biden so he can sleep at the job and ignore America's Allies. The Right so desperately wants to be like Hungary, Serbia, and the Sweden. In truth, Biden just wants to lift tariffs so Americans can go Christmas Shopping
If the Right wants us to

No, nevermind. This is retarded. Everything you have said is retarded.
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what is happening in this thread? is everyone here trolling each other? is anyone being genuine about their views at this point? either everyone is retarded and has stupid views, or everyone is retarded because they're wasting their time trolling other trolls who are also being disingenuous. this thread isn't even funny to watch anymore :(
Welcome to the Kisame effect man. Discussion goes to die. The guy is projecting so hard he could single-handedly bring AMC back to a thriving business.
A lot of "Trads" are grifters who don't believe in the things they say. Organized Religion has been on the Decline and Church are making up the difference in Latin America, The Philippines, or North Korea
we could very easily get rid of him. just mass report him. some autist in the kip thread on /draw/ managed to send so many reports that a mod from a different board came to tell everybody to fuck off. the autist didn't give up and got the entire thread split and now people have to discuss kip's comic here in /gen/ instead because the mod is so aggro about out all the reports. i bet enough reports could get kisame banned just so we would stop sending them.
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Dude uses a VPN. The Lieutenant intervened and said it was impossible.

Which when you know the guy has so many proxies at his disposal, it reinforces what everyone else has been saying: Don't respond to him. He is deliberately being obtuse to troll. My take is it's not good trolling - he just says something retarded and gets attention. It's not logical yet fallacious arguments designed to make you mad. It's more like listening in on a 7-dimensional conversation and you phase in and out of comprehension.
When you contact le funny mods, tell them to spare me, I only wanted to refference cruelty squad
If you didn't namefag the first time around, we wouldn't be calling you that. We'd probably just do Autist or something.
What the fuck did I miss?
Me saying porn bad some time ago is all I did know it's batshit insane?
Hold it, we are on the same side.
no infighting
>pace university btw
Gonna need a rundown on this
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Porn is awful but here we are posting on a porn board. My addiction started when I was probably around 10. Got a fear of sex after a drunk girl who I had a crush on tried to fuck me when I was 18 and I was so nervous I was shaking, didn't have any regard for how I was feeling. I just avoid sex now, even though I'd like to have it and have had girlfriends, I just finger them and eat them out.

I've pretty much just resigned myself to be a coomer, at least until I get therapy. I don't even jerk off that frequently, usually just once a day.
>Mass and Confession.
Hate to break it to you, but not even the Church cares about that anymore. Most are still locked down even in areas where restrictions have been lifted, and there are still no confession times.

Church is dead bruh
Thank goodness if true
Jerking off once a day doesn't mean you're addicted to porn you fucking retard
jfc a daily jerk ain't much different than a shave, shower, shit and getting enough fucking water to drink
Late but come on, panicking when people start reporting "Kisame" kinda just ruins your point.
So, let me get this straight, OP asked why the fuck are random trads popping up on the board, and the trads are getting pissy all of a sudden?


These nigs are too retarded to be bots.
I don't think you understand what conservatism even is. It is not some crazy far right ideology. It is more or less just a moderate take on politics with a strong will the preserve and uphold some very basic values, ideas, and culture fundamental to that society.

>>10472 (OP)
I think the culture of the western world is just changing. Porn and feminism in combination have effectively soured relations between men and women under 35. Women are pissed that basically all men are addicted to porn at some level, and also happen to produce most of the porn. While men are so afraid of being falsely accused of rape, sexual assault, or losing their children in a divorce that they just are afraid to talk to real women and resort to porn.
Good lord look at feabie, tell me with full honesty that you unironically would want to start a family with the average woman on there and not just go there for a quick fuck and nothing more.

Also worth noting the pro porn research is all funded by porn companies, many have ties to human trafficking. Nothing wrong if you are devout atheist. But I would put more trust in a partisan church group, than a partisan porn studio with a paper trail to people who do human trafficking's.

We can talk about a nuanced issue without crying about /pol/.

Just browsing around at some of the posts on here and stuffer DB would prove you wrong.

Kind of hard to not ever mention the Jews at some point. Lot of the companies that sell or host porn do happened to be owned by Jews, it is going to come up at somepoint.
I said I was a porn addict, not a masturbation addict. I can't get hard for normal sex without it.
Eh, that image can be used just as much against you dude.

Wrong, they (as an overall group condensed down to one) are typically very far left and are typically atheist too.
The jews who are religious in the US are more conservative, but are often spread across the spectrum.

It is what you are using to help you jerk off that can signify an addiction, or at least a dependence.
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What you are describing is judicial conservatism. My position is literally to crush rebellion of any kind under my jackboot. If the law wants me to be judge, jury and executioner, then I don't mind because I love that job. The closest thing to Far Right we have are the 1/6 Rioters who are now facing 3-5 Years for commiting a capital offense.

Porn and Vices can exist as long as it does not interfere with law and order. I don't care for the Far Left since they usually crumble under the weight of their own incompetence. It's why Communist China is not a threat. The best part is that the Far Left will implode once the House Speaker loses in 2022.
Masturbation is tied to pornography.
Do you feel the need to watch porn while working? Is watching porn actively dehabilitating your life? Needing it just for getting up isn't an addiction. You'd look like an idiot going to fucking rehab because you watch porn to get hard like a normal fucking human being.

>Most porn studios have ties to human trafficking
>I would put more trust in a partisan church group
Tell me you're an authoritarian christcuck without telling me you're an authoritarian christcuck.
Both sides of this issue are likely partisan as fuck tbh. But one has credit card companies by the balls and I'd rather stand by my constitutional right to free expression over some "fee fees" being hurt because "this thing that these pro-church scientists are telling me is corrupting my child is corrupting my child".
Go suck a dick.
Then again you revealed your hand at being a conspiracy-tard here >>11995 as well (we have IDs for a reason) so really nothing you say is honestly of value.
I stand with liberty against the fascists both left and right who want to turn the country I love into their own authoritarian hellhole. We fought hard for this freedom and now no one fucking cares and wants us to be like China/Russia with the jackboot pushing down on people's throat. Hell >>12011 even fucking said that shit.
It's clear the America experiment has failed, I hope all sides in this end up killing eachother so the tree of liberty may grow once again from it being watered by your blood.
Coming back to say the "human trafficking" argument completely ignores the fact that it's not 20-30 years ago, the porn industry scrubbed a lot of that shit and most people who are getting into porn actually want to do it.
Your semantics are confusing and that is the first time I heard that term "judicial conservative".
Also don't say "far right" that is vauge and can mean literally anything from anarcho capitalism to fascism.

Also I am posting from phone because my internet is worst than dogshit right now for some reason.
First of all. Stop using "authorian christ cuck" ad nauseum. It is just redundant and ad homien. It makes you seem authoritarian and intollerant to religon yourself. For your information I am a very libertarian christian, I am not some jerkdick who will go outside of some gay bar holding a sign that says "God hates fags" because I got nothing better to do.

Secondly my whole stance on those studies has more to do with the fact that a porn company will get ad revenue from you watching porn, where a church gets zero income from you not watching porn.

Also I don't see how that post is a conspiracy. I just laid out a simple social trend is brought about by how feminism and porn have brought a problem.

I probably was a bit too broad when I said "most have ties to human trafficking". Rather just a handful, I think it probably includes Mindgeek. But anyways I was not refering to the models themselves but the assisting the spread of sex slaves in black markets.
There is a lot of depth to that issue. I dont feel like going into it since it will just further derail the thread and you will just call it a conspiracy theory even though that word means nothing in regards to whether or not if something is true.
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Liberalism and Conservatism along Interstate 95 North of DC and New York are just judicial positions one takes in law. DC has always been a lawyer town, at least before the 1970s. After the 1970s Blacks and Women used activism to get a seat at the bench.

For example, Roe.V Wade is used to determine who is right or left. You support Abortion, you are left, against abortion, you are right. Kavanaugh and Barrett are considered far right for not upholding Roe v Wade, even though Planned Parenthood admits that abortion makes up 3% of it's services.

Biden himself is not controversial. He's more known north of DC as a law and order Democrat and the architect of the Anti-Crime Bill of 1994, and the American Affordable Care Act. He became President because Barack Obama and Hillary both bankrupt the DNC with their campaigns, which lead to Trump being President in 2016 and losing 2020.

Democrats are on track to lose 2022 because they keep using the Far Left AOC, who has the personality of a wrestling heel as the face of the party while Wall Street Chuck and Nancy do all the work.
How was your holiday, Kisame?
I spent three days offline playing GTA 3 and VC. Everyone has forgotten about politics because of the lockdown. Only News Boomers care about that stuff. Now the Left and Far Left are turning against each other over the vaccine mandates.

I had a pleasant holiday eating at Applebee's and going to church
I use it ad nauseum because that's who advocates for this shit, the censorship of the internet. Complaining about pornography on the internet is the furthest thing from being a "libertarian Christian" and is heavily fallacious.
Conspiracy is conspiracy, you saying nbo, it's not a conspiracy :(" doesn't make shit magically change.
Cope and seethe, anti-semite
I am skeptical. We have been having Anti-Vax and Anti-Mask people at Burger King and Applebees and Cheesecake Factory staging protests because the Big Ass Waitress won't serve them food. The Hamplanet Manager with a Business Degree has been calling NYPD.

Most people I see have been wearing masks on the subway and there's always food carts ready to serve Hot Dogs, or Delis selling food. I think it's staged because Burger King flat out sucks and Cheesecake Factory is overpriced. Cinnabon is better for fattening up.
I am trying to see if I can get back into art since people on Discord have been pestering me to do something.
Since this is now a Kisame thread, I'm interested to hear your take on Eric Adams. Personally, as a Bridge And Tunnel White Guy, I like that he's a Black Democrat willing to push back against the "activist" establishment.
I said that I am doing expansion art again since that's what people want me to do. I think Eric Adams is not going to do much for NYC
>Anti semite
wow so scary.
You go from one buzzword to another.
Look, pointing out that jews disproportionetly own the majority of the porn industry is not antisemetic. If I had said there was some nefarious intention behind them doing so then it would had been.
All I said that it would come up at some point.

And I can also address there is a problem in society, ie feminism and porn without being authroitarian about it. I am not advocating for a ban, censorship, nor restriction. You are the one here implying I said or believe any of that.

What ever kind of libertarian you think you are. You are so quick to assume disagreement with whatever worldview you hold on any issue, you seem to assume must be some totalitarian garbage.
It is stupid.
More power to them.
Fuck NYC, fuck NYPD.
They are like a little vax police now. Compltely unacceptable that this has happened in America.

In a purely hypothetical world, if had the power and support to do it. I would give the NYPD and NYC government an ultimated. Resign or get killed by firing squad and all of your realestate burned. Then rule NYC under a mandate to ban mask and vaccine mandates. Anyone who keeps a mask or vax mandate will be shot with the vaccine every two weeks until their pulse is flattened.

All in minecraft of course.
Oh this world is so devoid of justice and truth. These wicked assholes will probably fullfill the Geogria guidestones quota to at least 50% before the system collapses in on them. And yet they have successfully programmed people to accept anyone talking about their plan a conspiracy theorist and a sctizo despite the fact these assholes have spent the last decade talking sbout it in the Davos summits and UN meetings and openly fund politicians on both sides in nearly every western country. The very phrase Build Back Better came from Klaus Schwab just before the pandemic and is now used by Boris zjohnson, Justin Trudaue, and Joe Bidden. But oh that is all a conspiracy to merely repeat what sick shit these assholes have said they will do in televised broadcasts!
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Slippery slopes aren't fallacies, we've seen it with the pandemic.

You also did say that they were sex traffickers so in fact, you did say something nefarious was afoot.

Needlessly getting mad about someone calling you what you enable in society is stupid, just admit your thought process is wrong.
>You'd look like an idiot going to fucking rehab because you watch porn to get hard like a normal fucking human being.
You’re fucking retarded because that’s unironically why people quit porn and get therapy for it in the first place
>Equating my statement that human trafficking having ties to the porn industry and saying that Jews are the main people who run it means I am saying jews are sex traffickers.
Oh for fucks sake, no that is not what I even mean't to imply. You made that leap, and I even made a correction in a later post that said I did not mean to say "all porn companies", but rather a few.

I also think I can safely say that addressing that their is a problem with how prevalent pornography is today in modern society and how it is tied to feminism, without the slippery slope of banning all pornography. Which I never said or recommended, nor do I think is even remotely possible.

Well if you want me to acknowledge a flaw in my thought process then go ahead, but don't use a typo that I corrected in a later post as proof of a mistake like you just did. I am not opposed to acknowledging a mistake in my logic or worldview, it is something I worry about occasionally. However I am not going to be convinced if you are jumping to conclusions about my views or take any approach without an iota of nuance between the extremes.
I would diagram with your statements about Roe V Wade being used to decide left vs right, and about Biden being controversial.

Although I do think Roe V Wade is a good litmus test as to who is Left or not, in the sense the Left's often anti-natalist, anti-christian, and just nihilistic views on life are reflected in the "Le clump of cells argument". Mainly because there is a bit more to left vs right than that. For example a Randian Objectivist could be proabortion but still be considered politically right.

Secondly, Biden himself is controversial. Regardless of if it him who passes or proposes laws, he is right now the face of the Democratic Party, the face of vaccine mandates second only to Fauci, and the face of economic ruin. Worse still for him, a little over half of the country believes the election to be stolen or have irregularities that happened in Biden's favor. So many are extremely bitter not that just the election was stolen, but also that we apear to be on the road to ruin because of it. (I personally believe we where on that path to begin with, but I am just pointing out the optics of the situation from the perspective of hardcore Trump voters who number in the tens of millions and should not be underestimated as a political faction).

The left is not as screwed as you'd think, because they probably will cheat again anyway, so really they have little to be worried about as long as we dont have paper and toner shortages like in this year's election.
I would say that to be consist with anti-abortion stance you also have to be somewhat of a socialist. You look like a complete hypocrite if you don’t actually care about the life of those babies after their born.
I also think christianity implies a sort of socialism too but that’s another story

a virus can’t be blamed on either political party, let’s be honest

I also find it highly doubtful that the election was stolen. There are plenty of republicans in state government that would have objected if they had any evidence all
Porn addiction is a lie made up by conservatives. I am against banning porn because it would bring back 2000 Purity Politics that destroyed entertainment.
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Man, the politics thread was positively A+ compared to this shitstorm.

I totally agree, except for the political party bit. Trump and the republicans set everything up for a fuckslide to occur, and thankfully I have memes about it instead of talking constantly.
I find it better to focus on the real point of Roe V Wade and why even in the current attitude I doubt the reds will seriously repeal it. RvW is the law that is keeping Biden from forcibly vaccinating you. He knows that, and all his mandates that they strike down strengthen RvW. But it's kind of the only thing republicans have anymore to really rally around (since 2020 showed the youth why the 2A exists) so we will soon see if they still barrel ahead with no consideration for the consequences. Besides, like half the states including fucking Kansas have legallized it even above the Supreme court, so... here's to Texas trying to out-REEEEE everyone. If the left wing was smarter, I'd say they would keep pushing for legalizations like that to keep Texas being stupid reactionary in destructive ways.
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Nah, Democrats are going to lose the House and Senate because the party keeps rejecting Guns and God for Modernity and Science. Latinos are going fast and leaning Republican because they've been raised Catholic and Protestant. Florida is full of Cubans and Venezuelans who hate Socialism, New York is full of Dominicans and Salvadorians, and Columbians who love their business that's supported by Republican Mob Bosses. Only California and Oregon will be Deep Blue, and that's debatable due to Mexicans living outside of SF and LA leaning conservative.

To the Latinos and Black's defense, Democrats are losing because Whites are blowing too much money on meme stuff like NFTs, Crypto, and Alternative Medicine. That's what frightens Democrats. They aren't going to rule the world, they are going to Urgent Care managed by a Filipino with daddy issues who hates their guts while Latinos will most likely have independence.
It also gets promoted by sex negative feminsts that hate when men have any sexual outlets. They are the best friends of people who call themself conservative.

I love mocking conservatives who will tell us about free market economics, yet fight to keep weed and sex jobs illegal.
Hating Women or Feminists just because they are against porn is uncool bro. That's sexist which goes against the ethics of pon to be egalitarian wish fulfilment
*Porn, Egalitarian, and wish fulfilment. Sorry for the misspelling, I refuse to punch down on Feminism just to enjoy porn. It's regressive. If that makes me a softee then so be it.
There ARE sex negative feminists out there, though. Feminism is such a wide net that it almost stands for nothing at this point. They want women to have the freedom to do whatever they want but if they're happy being porn stars, stay-at-home wives & mothers, or in
Muslim-dominated countries, the vocal feminists fucking pounce and tell them they're wrong for their choices. We're not even touching the racial and trans aspects of it all - there are enough people that are screaming from the rooftops that the feminist movement needs to be intersectional or it's not going forward at all. Feminism is a good goal but my God we're going the Occupy Wall Street route to getting it codified.

Which, speaking as someone who has looked at a history textbook at least once in his life, is not how progress works in this country? Slaves were freed and got the right to vote but it took a good 80 years before we started treating Blacks equally (and I use that term LOOSELY depending on which state you've got in mind). I say this as a lefty that hates how the current administration is content to just let everything around them burn just as quickly as it was before in an attempt to maintain status quo - radical change in favor of the masses doesn't happen overnight, and will be fought over for years until the opposition gets bored or dies out.
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The Opposition is going to be Blacks, Latinos and Asians taking their frustration out on the Left by voting for the GOP. There's just not enough gallons of silicone heavily stored in big breasted strippers to keep them placated. Japan and China has Gacha to keep their population from rebellion, but America has nothing to placate their minorities.
Parents aren't going to side with the Childless Coomers. The GOP are already plotting bills in school boards to ban pornography in Red States and will attempt to Federalize that bill if they win mid terms. Trump and Neo Nazis are controlled opposition at this point to make Liz Cheney look good.
Go be a conservative nerd somewhere else and stop polluting places where people go to jack off with this shit
I have a difficult time believing that. Married men often end up with a wife that goes on a sex strike, and needs help from porn to rub one out.
Plenty of red state people also have the libertarian view of who gives a shit as long as they consent and are over 18?
The other ones say "Well, I'd like to ban it, but I'd rather not have an explosion in rape caused by a ban. Rapists are far worse than coomers ever are."
Heck, some will even take the St. Thomas Aquinas stance of prostitution. It should exist as a safety vent.
Equally? Whenever I see someone who wants to force "Diversity hires" should be the first in line to work with them.
I doubt it because Libs are whining that the new Black DA in Manhattan won't punish people for minor offenses. This includes fare beating, shop lifting, and sex work. It means you can own Hentai in Manhattan and get away with it
I mean i find amusing that coomers are raging on trads.
Me, I am legit a Catholic integralist who loves BBWs and also is for Fat Acceptance. Even I loath that term since it it is connected to feminism.
Well, I definitely think there is a prominent religious right presence on this board. And there are a handful of threads bemoaning having this fetish to begin with. This self-flagellation I'm seeing over liking fat chicks is screaming guilt to me, and no one is a bigger purveyor of that shit than faith.

*So yes. Also we have a thread with some retard promoting a discord for tradcaths in direct conflict with his faith for even finding women attractive.*

We are Catholics and Eastern Orthodox.
Not Calvinists.
The Catholic Church unironically teaches that unprotected sex between a husband and profile is properly ordered, meaning you and your wife are doing it out of love or desire for comfort or procreation and not lust,( meaning using each other as a dildo or masturbation device, respectively) is good and holy.
And God made sex fun so humans would procreate and reproduce.
This stuff is from Saint Thomas Aquinas and Father Francis Ripley.

Learn to greentext, you discourteous churl

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