
I don’t care for Boberry. I don’t think she’s unattractive, but she does nothing for me.
Weight loss surgery is hot as fuck. I’m not fond of the weight loss itself, but the idea that a girl can’t simply bring herself to go for a walk or put down a fucking burger and has to pay a surgeon to hack her up and force her to do it is pretty wild. It’s about as slobby as you can get.
I have zero interest in BBW porn apart from actual weight gain. It doesn't matter how good their content is - if a model isn't actively gaining and doing regular weigh-ins and measurements, I simply can't get off to it
same tbh. I wish I wasn't so narrow minded but I like what I like lol. I'll never harass a model over their weight but I won't buy content from one who isn't gaining or trying to gain (unintentional gaining is still fine, they still do weigh ins usually).
I would genuinely prefer not to see sex in my BBW porn. I get off to fat women, not watching some guy fuck them.
yep, the only appearance of men I'm fine with is their hands presenting items to the model, their hands groping the model's body, and them being sat on lol (preferably with a face covering of some kind though). masturbation and fuck machines are fine - but with some link to their fatness tied in, like them masturbating to their spoken out loud fat fantasies, or eating food whilst the machine fucks them.

I don't watch BBW porn to fantasise fucking them, I don't need a stand-in to project onto for that, instead of relating/projecting on to the dude it just alienates me. I watch to admire their bodies and their weight gain. I think a distinction between people with a preference for BBWs and people with a fat/weight gain fetish is whether they like hardcore BBW porn.
When it comes down to it, big beautiful women are nothing more than the opposite of little ugly men.

I'm absolutely with you.

As much as I like the size comparison that comes with it, I hate to watch people perform intimate acts. That just doesn't feel right to me.
That's why the most business saavy models will pretend they're single or in an open-relationship and never mention that their videographer is actually their live-in bf.
BBWs are generally some combination of gross, uncomfortable, boring, and inconvenient to have sex with and are much better as a fap fantasy.
I'd say that's more related to it being harder to fantasize about being with a girl that's already with someone. Sorta ruins the illusion of desirability, ditto for women who consistently bring up their kids on their personal media if they have them.

OT: Older (40+) BBWs are absolutely god tier. Real shame so few have naughty stuff floating around.
Non-american accents.

This is weird for me because I always enjoyed hearing and speaking to people with different accents. Like outside of porn it's something I genuinely like, but as soon as they try to sound sexy it kills my boner... Esp. British accents for some reason. I have to watch Bonnie and Jodie with the sound off. Makes me a bit sad honestly.

Agreed on all fronts. Boberry is a unit and her gain is objectively amazing, but she does NOTHING for me. She just strikes me a someone who happens to be fucking huge, and not so much an insatiable glutton, which I what I look for.


Also agreed on these. I only buy/engage with content that I know is coming from a girl who is actively trying to gain. Roxxie, Jackie, Ivy, Reenaye, Mariabbw, these are the sex workers who get the most money from me.

I even have a hard time revisiting old content from previous gainers, just knowing that they're not trying to gain anymore ruins the mood.... how fucking sad is that? I used to think Kellie was the GOAT when she was trying to get to 600lbs, but now I find that old content sad, knowing the context of how and why she lost her weight. Bummer, because I know she was the real deal, and it shows through in her content.
My unpopular opinions:
>almost any fetish which is impossible irl (e.g. vore, giantess, inflation etc) is autistic cringe bullshit. hypnosis is actually the one that makes me the angriest but that's not really relevant here
>even though I like fat women, I find fat men utterly repulsive
>despite the abundance of fat art on the internet, the vast majority of it is garbage
>ditto for stories, but at least those used to be better
>the fat fetish community has so much goddamn drama because fat people are generally fucked in the head (probably not an unpopular opinion on this board, but whatever)

I'm pretty much the opposite, but with a major caveat. I wish the people in hardcore BBW videos were more attractive. BBW softcore models are so much hotter than BBW hardcore actresses that it's not even funny. Same goes for the guys fucking them. It's usually some old/ugly/fat guy fucking a "BBW" who doesn't exemplify the 2nd B in that acronym whatsoever.
But I understand why: If you're a decently attractive chubby/fat girl, it's way easier, more profitable and (arguably) less degrading to do videos where you just eat on camera. There's basically no reason why fat girls would even want to do hardcore porn in current year
I hate that I kind of agree with this. I've been with some who I preferred kissing and feeling up to actually fucking
>OT: Older (40+) BBWs are absolutely god tier. Real shame so few have naughty stuff floating around
Couldn't disagree more. I don't think fat girls age well at all, which is why I don't intend on marrying one. I love smooth, chubby fat. Wrinkly postpartum fat that sags due to age and not sheer weight makes my dick shrivel up.
Plus, fat women all start to get John Goodman face once they hit their 40s
For me it sometimes ruins my buzz because (for example) with Porcelain, when I hear her talk, she sounds like someone I could actually know IRL and I start to feel sorry for her. On the other hand, I never understood why people liked Shar until I heard her talk. Fucking hard as a rock instantly.
If you're actively trying to fatten somebody up who is mentally ill or already morbidly obese, you're in the wrong. Less so if they're asking you to do it and of sound mind, but you're still helping someone die an early death so you're not blameless.

The least blameworthy way to deal with this preference is to date an ssbbw and help her try to lose weight, banking on the fact that 99% of diets fail.
u r nut cualified
But the majority of feedee models have admitted that they struggle with mental illness, and they get fed by feeders the most lol
BoBerry is for sure a glutton based on her eating videos from her mid to late 200s sets with BC, but the issue is she's not into the scene as a fetish. She never wanted to do the sex work part of this, just do an 18+ instagram.

Same. I will nut to a before and after comparison picture a million times before I’ll nut to a hardcore video.
>almost any fetish which is impossible irl (e.g. vore, giantess, inflation etc) is autistic cringe bullshit. hypnosis is actually the one that makes me the angriest but that's not really relevant here

I dunno what to tell you - the dick likes what the dick likes. Believe me, if I had any choice in the matter I wouldn't be into any of this shit. It'd certainly make my life a lot easier.
Goddess Shar is spoiled and overrated
The people who encourage SSBBW Echos or any other "USSBBW" to gain to the point where they need medical care are seriously fucked up in the head. It genuinely makes me sick seeing people praising her hospitalisations as if they're a good thing, for fucks sake that's a person and you're celebrating that her quality of life is getting worse. She needs help, and it really feels like BigCuties has her trapped.

I don't think we can define exactly which point encouraging someone to keep gaining becomes 'unethical', after all being overweight is inherently unhealthy. But when they're being hospitalised regularly I think that's far past the line.

Bonus opinion more geared towards bbwchan itself: The people who actively post in the feabie threads are pathetic, Jesus fucking Christ. "Oh my god 'GothMommy420' said something stupid about Antifa" who the fuck cares, stop browsing!
>ruins my buzz because (for example) with Porcelain, when I hear her talk, she sounds like someone I could actually know IRL and I start to feel sorry for her.

I wish to experience that, closest I can even think of that speak my language is Lailani from Germany. But even the bongs sound a bit "closer" than the generic fatty from midwestern-U.S.A.
Afatvikingbabe doesn't talk in her videos me thinks, would be fun to hear her accent if she spoke English.
I don't actually find fat women attractive and only like it when their fat distributes itself in a certain (conventionally attractive) way
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You can wank to whatever you want as long as it's legal. I'm just some guy on an imageboard, so you do you.
If you wanna know why I was bitching about it, it just annoys me when stuff like vore/inflation comes up in normal BBW threads.
Afatvikingbabe is Finnish, right? The only other Finnish gainer I know of is Otoni Ogni (who's retired from gaining now). They're both hot, but both fucking nutcases lol.
Come to think of it, there aren't very many European gainers. Pic related is the only Irish gainer I've ever seen/heard of.
> Couldn't disagree more. I don't think fat girls age well at all, which is why I don't intend on marrying one. I love smooth, chubby fat. Wrinkly postpartum fat that sags due to age and not sheer weight makes my dick shrivel up. Plus, fat women all start to get John Goodman face once they hit their 40s

That's why it's an unpopular opinion. That said, from personal experience, older fat bodies feel every bit as nice as their counterparts. I can definitely sort of see the face argument, though. I think it's their generally-superior demeanor that really puts them over the top for me.
You spoke the truth for, 5/5.
Jae is GOAT level and the only reason bbwchan doesn't think so is because she went through a short haired phase.
- Massive weight gain is hot, but it's still an enormous red flag that something has gone really fucking wrong in their personal life.
- I'm attracted to large women, but I think you're delusional if you believe in HAES.
- Over-confident, confrontational BBW are just as unattractive as those that are on a perpetual diet and never happy about their body.
- Anal is disgusting, probably even more so with (SS)BBW.
- Like you, your BBW crush also poops.

I'll do you one better: They manage to gain all of their old weight back (and then some) even after WLS. There was some big name BBW web-model that had WLS more than once, but she just couldn't escape her inner blob.

Who is this in the pics? Is this a before/after? If so - holy fuck
Agreed. but I also hate the fact that she's "non-binary" because I don't believe in that crap and it makes me irrationally angry whenever it rears its ugly head
Agree with everything here. Even IRL I'm the only one of my friends with absolutely zero interest in anal sex. Btw the model you're probably thinking of is Destiny; she had WLS at least twice that I know of but gained it all back both times
Yes. Read the filenames, friend
I'm surprised my opinion on this seems unpopular, but I don't even acknowledge a person's gender identity as something to take issue with. Hot is hot, and however they feel best identifying themselves is their business. I think folks like Asstronomy, Jae, and Tubbytoni are some of the hottest fat folks around.

Hell, I would understand wanting to be referred to as "they/them" if you weigh as much as multiple people a few times over.
Mutual gaining/fat couples, real or drawn. I just think you get the best of both worlds with having a skinny or fit person in the mix for some nice contrast; there's better teasing and squashing potential as well. I do enjoy it when BBW/BHM couples struggle to fuck as they're both critically out of shape, but other than that, mutual content is boring for me.

I don’t think “BBWChan disagrees” at all. Jae is very highly regarded around these parts.

My guess is you’re referring to the three or four shitposters commenting incessantly on that one thread about that one photo of her with short hair and thinking they represent the entire board. Not the case.

And for the record, I agree with them. It does look like shit. But she’s still hot.
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I'm not into feederism in the slightest, I like plump bodies and fat asses and seeing said fat asses getting fucked. I'm not into any extreme shit either like inflation and blobshitting. As a topping to this point, people who encourage and enable women to gain weight to the point of medical assistance need serious mental help, this includes male gainers like Nikocado too.

I'm also going to be "that guy" and say that leftist politics have ruined the culture drastically. You see it on Feabie and you see it on Twitter. But then again, the modern internet is at fault for this. The loss of the "wild west" era of the information superhighway has basically fucked everything over. It's not a strictly BBW related opinion, but it correlates to the culture.

At the end of the day, I just want a pear-shaped plus sized right-lib gf who I can be fat with and whom will mommy dom me and sit on my face.

That may be the most popular opinion about fat women on the planet.
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>pic related is my dream woman.

I'm currently prefer observing BBWs irl instead of porn. Now I just hoard porn in case it's get removed from the web and it's all I can resort to it cause i'm still a permavirgin.

The most creative FA art i've seen was CGI, the drawn stuff tends to look samey and unrealistic.

I like both black and white BBW's but black BBW looks less shocking to me cause they are more common.

It's unlikely that a preference for fat women on the extreme end of the spectrum is a fully innate one (I could ruminate on this for hours). (high) test, creativity or a compensation urge might make you develop an interest for larger women but availability/abundance and erotic content fully push you over the edge, that was the case for me at least.
Agree completely. Most fat girls have at least a personality disorder. I've yet to meet a feedee who wasn't mentally ill.
I think anyone seriously trying for a relationship with one is setting themselves up for a lot of misery.
Yeah most feedees struggle with mental illness, but not having to work a crappy job and making six figures while receiving continual positive feedback/adoration from men actually seems to work better than medication for their issues
The people at r/BoberryBBW are borderline obsessed with her. Sure, she's a very good looking woman and I really like her content but Jesus, I almost cringe looking at that subreddit.

Especially at the people still obsessing over her weight loss. Yes, I was disappointed too when we first saw her looking smaller last year but I think she's still looking fantastic. The only disappointment I have is that I would have loved to have seen a fully nude set at her biggest.

Which leads me to say that I like BoBerry's current content just as much as her pre-300 sets. I love her extra jiggliness and still think she's got some good stuff to come. I just wish she'd actually strip down fully and show her bare ass more and her boobs.

Really depends on your definition of mentally ill. I can think of a few examples of girls I’ve been with who are completely balanced, normal people, who happen to be hopeless food addicts and are gaining weight anyway, so when I’ve introduced them to the concept, I think their reasoning is that overeating and weight gain is an inevitability, so why not have somebody get a boner over it? They’re not necessarily into it on a sexual level, but it fits with their lifestyle, so fuck it.

And that one depends entirely on whether you’re counting food addiction as a mental illness.
>>10406 (OP)
Its probably unpopular here, but my wife got too big. She can barely walk on flat ground without needing a rest.
I can't imagine a situation where this isn't a conflicted boner for you on some level. I totally understand the practical problems but sexual fantasy wise this is getting to the top of the mountain.

Pics or it didn’t happen, my man. Don’t bullshit us
For some, yeah. I'm not into "gaining" as a fetish, I just like a big arse, tits and belly.
I hate people who bring up their partners in a conversation without sharing pics too, trust me.

Is that really unpopular though? Mutual gaining stuff is pretty niche. I can only think of a couple of models who have ever dabbled in that. If it were popular, there would be a lot more of it. I rarely see that shit.
You’re right about couples and the actual “gaining” niche. I meant to say I’m not a fan of content where two BBW models collaborate as opposed to a BBW model and a skinny model. I just find the size difference content to be more scarce, particularly when it comes to drawn stuff
It’s interesting how this fetish can evolve for people. When I first realized and accepted my tastes and fetish I was strictly into BBW’s, I wouldn’t have considered myself a feeder but I just loved fat women. Eventually I found myself being attracted to the idea of being a feedee and being the huge one. Eventually the two links melded into one, and the idea of being with a woman where we both get huge has become my top sub-fetish within the feedism umbrella. Just the idea of being that comfortable with a partner where we can both let go, feed each other, and just get huge turns me on to no end. Also the idea of both partners being too fat to properly fuck, be it from lack of fitness or literally being too big, is something that just hits different for me.

To summarize my rambling, I get why you feel the way you do, contrast is definitely hot. It’s just funny how people’s tastes evolve and branch out within this fetish
BBWs seems to be perfect fap material, but most of them are disgusting to fuck in real life, and are not relationship material. I would never want to be with one long term, only for a quick fling.
>I think anyone seriously trying for a relationship with one is setting themselves up for a lot of misery.
I think the trick is finding one whose mental illness is a result of the circumstances they were raised in. It takes upwards of years to actually break them out of that funk to a reasonable degree, but with the right care, it's eventually doable. Basically find a fixer-upper instead of a place condemned due to being toxic to its inhabitants, so to speak.

>BBWs are generally some combination of gross, uncomfortable, boring, and inconvenient to have sex with and are much better as a fap fantasy.

I mean allot of this is obvious. If a woman is 300 pounds that's going to limit her physical activity, the types of sex positions she can be in, and is going to make it harder (but not impossible) for her to stay clean. Her hobbies will probably center around things that can be done from the couch, in bed, or at a leisurely pace, in effect making her "boring."

If you want to date a woman like that, you have to be okay with those things. If you want her to change and be active and less boring, she probably won't stay very fat for long.

I don't agree with the mental illness aspect, at least for women who are just big and not into the feedism aspect. I think that comes down to selection bias where the craziest people tend to be the most visible. I've met many bbw/ssbbw women and most of them are pretty normal aside from being large.
that is fair and pretty much exactly what I was going for, but I do think she gets a little under discussed when it comes to things this community tends to like: massive, noticeable weight gain, hardcore, fetish content, etc etc. she's done a little of everything, worked with tons of other high profile content creators, all that good stuff.
and unlike Boberry, Jae does nude stuff. she's got conventional looks paired with a body to make your peener diamond-rock.
For me what I enjoy most is the feedee starting off skinny and then getting fat. That's why I prefer girls in the 200-250 range, they most likely started off thin.
Long time lurker, first time poster… my unpopular opinion would be that while I clearly find many bigger women attractive physically, I could never date one personally. And before the pitchfork brigades come, it’s NOT because of the societal stigma or that I’m too chickenshit bite the bullet & date one. No, it’s because while they may be attractive on the surface, many of them are beyond repair underneath it all…

I’ve discovered that many of these women tend to be deeply insecure (for obvious reasons) & still try to be overly confident with how they present themselves. They often come across as fake, try-hard & beyond insufferable. I’m sorry, but they’ve got the equivalent of “Napoleon complex” & it just reeks of desperation/insecurity.

Many of the women also have Cluster B personalities, countless mental health issues & would much rather blame society for their failures as opposed to looking in the mirror. I’m sorry if this is harsh, but this is especially prevalent & pervasive in online communities such as Feabie. I cannot tell you guys how many first dates I’ve had with these types where I literally had to cut things off before a second one… I don’t mind a strong & independent woman, but there’s a FINE LINE between confidence & cockiness. I get that it’s probably to compensate for their insecurities & feelings of inadequacy, but if you’re not comfortable in your own skin I want absolutely nothing to do with you no matter how attractive you may be 🤷‍♂️
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Well said. Seems like you're one of the only people on this site who isn't a completely delusional and retarded fetishist. Most of these women are mentally ill, whether we like it or not. To knowingly make yourself gain weight to unhealthy proportions is a sign of mental illness in and of itself.

Like I said before, these women are only good for a hookup or fling, but as far as long term prospects go, I'm only dating women in the normal weight range.
I agree with all of this. Well said.
Big brain words. Cluster B personality is an instant FUCK NO from me. I'll jerk off to thembut I won't talk with them.

Please God, give me a mentally stable 500 pound qt3.14 girlfriend.
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>And before the pitchfork brigades come, it’s NOT because of the societal stigma or that I’m too chickenshit bite the bullet & date one. No, it’s because while they may be attractive on the surface, many of them are beyond repair underneath it all…
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>I’ve discovered that many of these women tend to be deeply insecure (for obvious reasons) & still try to be overly confident with how they present themselves
I feel you're barking up the wrong tree by acting like fake confidence is the worst thing about a lot of, if not nearly all, fat women having self-esteem issues.
To me the problem comes from these women being unable to love themselves because they are fat, and because they don't value themselves themselves they imagine that anyone who is interested in them must be a low value man. And women always treat low value men like shit. I agree with you, I have no interest in a relationship with someone who has glaring health mental issues (though that feels like more and more women these days), been there, done that.

The biggest problem with the lack of self-esteem fatties have is that it seems to inevitably lead to quick, impersonal relationships for most and cheating to anyone "lucky" enough to hold onto a girl for longer than I have. They're always chasing after things that make themself feel like they're more valued, and the easiest way to feel that is to hock up with some guy who will make them feel attractive for a moment. And even if they don't cheat on you it's frustrating as fuck seeing a fat chick whom you've flirted with, been given tonnes of affection by and treated like a lady suddenly lose interest in you when you return that affection, just because they don't value themselves enough to respect anyone who sees value in them.

I would prefer it if fat women had this over the top self-confidence, just because it would make dating them so much less of a pain in the ass. Either that or guys who aren't into fat women need to leave them for the people who actually are.
1. Don't know if this is unpopular but this fetish has become more schadenfreude than fapping to fat chicks for me. I really like the hedonistic, drunk and perpetually stoned fatties because I like seeing people destroy themselves and fuck their lives up.

2. Feeders like Chloe's, Kitty Piggy's former one, and Mochii Babii's seem crazy. These gains were a little too insane. ChubbyChiquita's gain is equally crazy, but that's all her (at least to my knowledge). Pushing someone to gain to those extremes is crazy. If we say most fat chicks are insane, then feeders like these guys are too. I know some of these women gained under some of their own volition, but they still got a really big push by their feeders. I don't know how you can push someone to do that, especially if you have to see her parents. I don't think people realize how truly awful gaining weight is.

3. Being trans and portraying yourself as a normal BBW is really weird. I understand that this goes against the whole idea of trans, but it really bothers me. Some models I avoid entirely just because I don't know whether they're trans or not. I support trans people generally but I don't understand why they get away with this.

4. Plump Princess is underrated. She's been putting out hot content for like a decade and a half now. She's like a chain restaurant like Applebee's or Buffalo Wild Wings. Yeah, it's not out of this world but each time I know what I'm getting and it's pretty good. If I need to nut, she will get me there no matter the circumstances. She's also finally getting fatter. Honestly she's gotten hotter with age and she's always been able to say the right things. That Sneaking Snacks video is in the hall of fame of feedee porn.

5. There's too many Curvage models looking for a quick buck. I don't even understand the logic--the long term consequences outweigh the benefits. Chicks in videos will talk about getting their gallbladder removed like it was nothing. I dunno, weirds me out. All the extra people generally just kills the vibe of the place. I'm constantly bombarded with this rando chicks I have no interest in. They need to implement some sort of filter feature. Honestly, there's probably too much porn in general. We need some sorta system or some shit so that the best stuff rises to the top.

6. Female Feeder porn is pretty fucked up and basically mental poison. It's basically designed to kill your self-esteem so you don't go live your life and so you keep coming back for more. All porn, particularly submissive/domination porn, is a little like that, but with female feeder porn it's particularly pronounced. It's like similar to cum and piss eating. It's very easy to be manipulated into thinking you want to be fat.

7. I don't mind girls who "aren't into it". At the end of the day, if they get fat, that's a net positive. It's the feederism equivalent of "still fucked tho". BloatedBarbie and Candii Kayn both quit, but they are still fat. That's hot to me.

8. Body positivity has been a net positive. I like that more girls think it is okay to fill their mouths with junk daily. We all benefit since thick is in right now. Makes it easier to move in skinny chicks into obesity (if you want to do that) and it makes girls at least a little more comfortable in their skin. Can't imagine living in a skinny chick era.
There's two kinds of insecure fat girls. The first is the type you mention: The ones that only "use" people for validation, as compensation for the lack of it they received throughout their formative years. They ultimately lead a self-defeating lifestyle, as building up genuine self-esteem ultimately requires longer-term, more meaningful bonds with people who truly appreciate them. It can take years of positive support from the right people to break out of that funk, I'd know.

The second is similarly a victim of circumstance in their formative years, but acknowledges this issue and genuinely welcomes those who appreciate them for who they are. Given enough time, they can return to some semblance of normalcy, so long as they keep their doors open, so to speak.

>I would prefer it if fat women had this over the top self-confidence, just because it would make dating them so much less of a pain in the ass.
Unless you're basically in the top bracket of guys, it would likely making dating as bad, if not worse, since over-the-top self-confidence ultimately leads to massive entitlement complexes, giving them standards of men they ultimately will almost certainly never find.
prime Plump Princess was GOAT'd
>Unless you're basically in the top bracket of guys, it would likely making dating as bad, if not worse, since over-the-top self-confidence ultimately leads to massive entitlement complexes, giving them standards of men they ultimately will almost certainly never find.
That's already every woman as of the Year of our Lord 2021.

> 3. Being trans and portraying yourself as a normal BBW is really weird. I understand that this goes against the whole idea of trans, but it really bothers me. Some models I avoid entirely just because I don't know whether they're trans or not. I support trans people generally but I don't understand why they get away with this.

I can’t think of a single trans model who isn’t open about being trans. Who are you referring to? Seems like a bit of a strawman.

>Plump Princess is underrated

No she’s not. She was insanely popular in her prime. She also had the upper hand back then because she was a young, hot model in a scene dominated by mostly pretty average looking middle aged women. As a result, the fanbase was handed to her on a platter. And because of this, she rested on her laurels and went through a decade of lacklustre, sporadic content and talking about gaining without actually gaining (until recently. And I agree, that gain is fantastic).

Within that decade, thousands of other young hot models with better content have popped up and she just fell by the wayside. It’s not that people don’t like her, it’s that she didn’t remain competitive.
I couldn't have put it better for Plump Princess. If I may expound upon resting on her laurels?

Roughly five years ago (probably farther back), PP was marketing her softcore porn as some kind of art performance. There's remnants of this today when you hear about her OnlyFans having poetry posted. She fell into that independent producer trap of updating sporadically, though when she did there was some kind of charm to her content. The photos were shot with professional intent, the editing was very high quality, and there was a unique theme with every set.

Problem was, though it was vastly different to the competition, people want the usual feederism stuff; they don't want to beat it to an art gallery and discuss artistic merit. That's why you can see a shift in what she produced while she was her own webmaster versus her OF content. Her current stuff is more in line with what people expect to pay for - gaining weight, hot outfits & bikinis, dancing, etc. Not that her artistic streak didn't have those, but that aspect wasn't front and center.

Never heard of her. Is she definitely trans and definitely trying to hide it?
My unpopular opinion is that it's so tiresome watching people on these boards moaning about how they can't get girlfriends and questioning why while simultaneously playing armchair psychologist and spitting the most venomous trash about the women they're so desperate about wanting to date. It just doesn't seem to occur to these guys that being an asshole is a huge turnoff to most women.

Can you provide an example for number 3? I've never seen this happen.
1000% agree on 6. I also think it's a way for plump girls who are in the scene for the money to make videos without reminding themselves of how fat they are. Some of the female feeder videos are premised on the feeder outright lying about how big they are.
I’ve found you have to find someone around 200-300, any higher and the mental issues explode
I don’t understand the appeal of BBW bash events. Yeah yeah, I get that there are lots of fat girls in one place, but from the many photos I’ve seen, the vast majority are middle aged, not very attractive and incredibly trashy. You can find that at a Walmart or buffet. There are lots of posts on this board sharing pics and videos of bash events and they’re all terrible. I would not attend one of those events if you paid me.
1) The notion that most of the SEA models on S31 probably aren't even into the kink, yet accept getting (under)paid to gain weight sounds incredibly hot. And with the Brazilian models, thinking about how they equally wreck themselves with the bottle as much as food is also hot on some hedonistic level.

2) As much as I like models that win me over on the legitimacy of their gaining as opposed to their objective attractiveness (Layla, Bonnie, ngl), I don't get the appeal of Ivy.

Half agree. I don’t find Ivy very attractive either, but her content is the best in the game easily. She has taken it to a level that no single model has before. Pretty much anything you’re into, she has it covered. That puts her above most models for me.
There was a time where they actually served a purpose back in the 90’s/early 00’s. I have no clue if you were old enough to remember but the fetish was even more niche than it is now, and it had also not been over saturated with scammers and women just looking for a quick buck at the time. Hence they made for great events to go to in order to network and actually get to know people. But I agree with you that these days there’s really no point and it’s just not a good time at all.

I do remember seeing stuff from the Brie era. It looked like a more civil affair back then, but even so - middle aged and unattractive for the most part. But yeah I get your point. It probably was important as far as community goes.
It's just a place to hook up now if you go in knowing everyone is DTF. Just don't go in expecting to become regular fuck buddies with your favorite model and you'll get some action.

Yeah but that’s the thing. I don’t want action from any of those women. Gross
I'd definitely agree on the trashy aspect, as one would expect from a hookup-related event, but in terms of looks, the women that attend seem to be largely straight up my alley.

But yeah, at this point, I'd say the appeal lies in easy sex, for people with different standards than you.
I don't know what your standards are, but there's some attractive women that go there. Not all, but some. Don't pretend you're above them or something - remember where you are.

If that’s the case, I’ve never seen them. Unless you’re talking about bashes from like a decade ago. Then I agree with you.

But recently? As I said - middle aged, trashy and unattractive. Feel free to prove me wrong.
There's a bash pictures thread on this board and Corie is posted. Ball's in your court.

The ones from 2015? And she's the only attractive one there? Yeah...pretty much proves my point.
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The second most attractive one there is the one in the blue dress in the middle and she's barely even fat. You wouldn't even look twice at the others if you passed them on the street. And this isn't just me "pretending I'm above them". They're just not good looking.
I'd gladly fuck half of them, dude. Whatever, more for me if that's what the buffet is offering.

And hence why this is in the unpopular opinions thread, my dude. I'm aware I'm in the minority.
I agree with all that is being said about bashes. I went to a few Canadian BBW Bashes, when I lived in Toronto in Ontario. It was around 2013 right before Craigslist shut down their personal classified sections.

I would say at the time I was in my early 20s. The majority of the women were in the middle ages and mostly accounted for, they came with other mans. Only maybe 2 or 3 women were around my age. The same people showed up for most events.

Not too many were that attractive, but they had no interest in me anyways. So whatever.

I've had more luck with POF, Tinder, Bumble, WooPlus and BBWCupid at just meeting people for dates and talking to them.
.... Huh. Forgot that was this thread for a second. It doesn't seem like an unpopular opinion on this site (people will find something to gripe about with ANY model) but it's def not mainstream with the rest of the community. Then again we're already conditioned to have lower standards since we find fat chicks attractive and they're already pariahs usually.

I completely agree with this, but (not sure if this is an opinion or a confession) I really don't give a shit about their wellbeing. I know they're real people, and that me paying them/encouraging them to keep gaining is considered wrong by almost any kind of morality, but I just don't care.

Echo is a bad example for me, as I don't think she is attractive in anyway, but I posted in a thread about BigBellyBridget basically commenting that I want to see how big she can get before her heart gives out. 400lb at 20 already, we're looking at Juliet Summers numbers for sure.

I didn't give her this fetish or force her to gain, I don't know her or care about her, and I don't feel bad about egging her on from a safe distance (even if I should). Millions of people die young every year, I don't mourn them, I don't feel bad about it, another mentally fucked up whale eating themselves to death makes no difference to me or to the world; but it does get my dick hard.
Oh and as an addendum, I would not want to be with someone like that in real life. I like being with big girls, but 300lb-ish max for a long term loving relationship, fat but not disabled and dying in their 30s/40s. One night stands and wank material, IDGAF, as big as I can find them. Yes I know, I'm cunt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Yeah I’ve fucked plenty of women from 350-400 and it’s nice but the best ones to settle down with and date are around 200/250 to me, still plenty fat and able to do stuff
Current gf is about 240 and it’s great
Fucking obese women is one thing, but if anyone unironically finds super obese women dateable, then they either have a low self esteem or low standards or both.
This continues, and will sadly continue, to be one of the only true things said in this thread. There are dudes in here who will spend hours and hours calling women they find attractive "mentally ill" and "only good for fucking" and then piss and moan about their shitty dating history...without a hint of self-awareness. It used to depress me, or piss me off, but nowadays it's just utterly exhausting.
Agreed, but I feel like my limit is 300-400, depending on height. After that you're kinda just watching in awe to see just how big they get, less arousing but still interesting to see how people that big live.

There's a real connection between feederism/gaining and that kind of thing I think. Lately I've found the idea of being drunk/on drugs really arousing I've only just gotten regular access to alcohol and I wasn't cool enough to go to parties.. Surprised I don't see more art like that posted tbh. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

Ultimately models are cringe, and I can't imagine following one seriously. I remember some from when I was a teenager but the idea of a porn industry and being a part of a "community" that jacks off to 1 particular person is kind of a turn-off to me. The models themselves can also just be really weird/crazy.

>6 - "Feeder porn is... basically mental poison"
I really wish someone had told me that when I was a kid, maybe things would have gone differently wrt my self esteem/how I took/take care of myself. (I'm not fat nor was I ever, to be clear)

My hottest take would be that actually all pornography is poison & garbage, to some degree. I'm just here because I fell off the wagon. I don't really know what I'm going to do next. /blog
this is gonna be a bit of a rant but fuck it, here goes:

A lot of videos have terrible audio quality or are nigh-upon silent. I can't jerk off to a video that sounds like it was recorded in a school bathroom with a 2007 flip phone camera, it hurts my ears.

If there's one thing I remember from my film classes it's that our ears are more sensitive to errors than our eyes, so you can have a terrible looking video with great audio quality and most people will likely ignore a lot of the flaws in the video, but if you have a great looking video with terrible audio, people aren't gonna enjoy it.

The fix to this issue is really easy: soundproofing/dampening and higher quality microphones.

Acoustic foam is available online for cheap prices (pretty certain that most bbw models could afford, at the very minimum, a 100-pack) and camera microphones that don't suck ass can range from about $40 to $200. Yet they don't do it and it pisses me off. Their rooms are always empty and echo like hell and they always use the camera's built in mic, which the cameraman's hand always brushes at random moments resulting in my ears being assaulted with a BWFFF FTHTHHPP noise.

It's a dumb thing to get pissy over, but I guess i'm a literal audiophile.

Yeah you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.
That’s funny, I started finding this stuff on YouTube in the late aughts/early 10’s so the shitty audio quality is almost Pavlovian for me lol, takes me back to the old days.
I don’t give a shit about weigh in videos. I have no objection to learning a model’s weight, but I don’t get it when dudes are hanging out for the next weigh in. Does she look fatter? Good. Jerk off to that. Why are you getting a boner over some numbers?

And that aside, my main objection to weigh in videos is that they’re usually boring. Model talks for ten minutes, model steps on scale, model reads numbers, model says “oh my god, I can’t believe I’ve gained so much”, the end. The only really hot one is the one with Candy Godiva when she struggles to get up off the couch, walks three steps to the scales, weighs herself (on a scale that projects the reading on the wall because she can’t see under her huge gut), and walks back three steps to the couch and then she’s so completely out of breath that she can’t talk and has to keep taking big gasps of air between words. That shit is hot. Everything else is bland
I don't personally pursue weigh ins, but there's something weirdly arousing about learning just HOW big a girl is. Also applicable to things like learning a busty girl's cup size, or hip measurements, or, on the other side of the coin, how big a guy's dick actually is.
Quality content > attractive model.

For example, I don’t find Ivy or Mochii attractive, but I’ll watch their videos 100 times before I’ll watch a BigCuties video. Despite BigCuties having the hottest models in the business on average, the content is boring so no care.
People who are into numbers are usually feeders who are paying for their groceries and funding stuffings, etc. They like to feel as though they are the ones who are personally responsible for making them fatter, and weigh-ins confirm that they've been successful
I don't understand feederism.

You can look at certain attributes of BBW's; big ass, big tits, big belly, arms - whatever. That's a very in-the-moment type of attraction.

But there's some temporal aspect to gaining I just don't understand.
But it's constantly misconstrued. Just because I like a lot of meat on a girls ass, DOES NOT mean I like every whale with a sagging gut.
>If you wanna know why I was bitching about it, it just annoys me when stuff like vore/inflation comes up in normal BBW threads

This right here. Holy fuck, I want fat chicks in my fat chick thread, not Dobson drivel.
Sex with big girls is great. Especially missionary and doggy style. But relationships with big girls? Long-term relationships? Not so much.

First you have to tiptoe around her self-esteem. Any sideways remark regarding her size could affect it. And second, if you are an active person, she can't be active with you. I don't expect an SSBBW to run a marathon. But just walking down the street, even without the "people are staring" part of it, she wouldn't be able to make it more than a few blocks. And if she did, she'd be a tired, immovable blob at the end.
And third, there are the health problems. Her back going out, knees going out, diabetes, heart disease, etc. In a relationship I'd be expected to take care of her through her ailments.

I just want to cum in between a couple of huge fat ass cheeks. But years of medical bills and sponge baths are not worth it.
All of those problems exists with smaller women as well most women have low self-esteem period. The average woman isnt gonna be down to walk for blocks and blocks either. knee back and heart problems are heavily prevalent in smaller people as well. Every big woman doesn't have diabetes either. You'd also be expected to take care of a smaller partner as well when they take ill as well.
True, and women who post risque pics of themselves online are usually needy for male attention/approval
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My unpopular opinion: The overwhelming majority of BBW collabs, especially those posted on curvage, are a huge waste of time and money. They almost always just consist of the women touching each other like some kind of crappy Mannerist painting (pic related) with the worst acting I've ever seen and, at best, only the vaguest inkling of an interesting RP scenario. I rarely see them do stuffing/feeding, let alone anything more extreme.

Solo stuffing and RP videos are consistently better and the time investment for the models and cost for the buyers of collabs gets in the way of actually producing high-end solo stuff.
im not about weight gain. not a bit. i just wanna see a chubby woman with good features
they want to think they're clever and can hide their inceldeology when theyre actually around these women (if at all) but girls are good at sniffing that shit out even if its not overt. not to say they're totally off about the issues these girls might have, its just that they don't realize that toxic people attract toxic people and extrapolate it as a women problem
agree. at the point where you have two fat babes just being around eachother you'd be much better off just getting a guy and making it a threesome. a guy getting sandwiched between two warm bellies is a billion times more satisfying than just watching them awkwardly feel eachother up and shit
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my 'hot take' if it even counts is that i prefer a belly cupped by panties over just a bare nude one. its got that pushup bra effect of making it look so round and appetizing especially on ladies like picrel. and all the better when you get to pull those panties down and play with it
Goddess Shar is the most overrated gainer, she's not even hot, she looks like plastic and she looks gross, idk how niggas even simp for her when there are sexier models
It's because she started documenting her gain from the beginning. Very few models do that. They usually arrive on the scene already a little chubby so the few that start selling content from day one when stick thin make the most money
Goes without saying "normal" sized women will also have their insecurities, due to the absurd standards imposed upon them. However, both self-esteem and health issues will be more frequent in bigger women, more often than not. There's exceptions to the rule, of course, but it seems to be the general trend, from personal observation.

Felt this when I banged a 330lb woman 2-3 years ago. Man, sex was awesome.. then she gets up to walk to the bathroom, and I saw the state of her lumpy, huge ass, and I thought "Oh.. that's nasty."

I've got a QT 190lb GF now, she hovers between that and 200.. but doesn't like the weight gain. Knows what I'm into though. For me, it's about compromise. You can't quit a fetish. Just learn how to live with it

I feel this way too... for about 15 minutes after sex, then it's back to worshipping that lumpy ass.
The fuck did I just read.
I am sexually attracted to really fat women. But I find really fat men disgusting.

I don't think it's because I'm straight and I'm not sexually attracted to men. But I just find fat men repulsive. I'm not sure what that's about since I like fat women. Maybe it's time to play armchair psychologist.
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Do 40 fat virgins await me in paradise?
>>11595 same, it's not just that I'm straight, but the gluttonous and piggish behaviour that turns me on so much when a hot woman does it would make me want to puke if I see some fat guy doing it
I'm mostly hetero and square. But something about a thicc hispanic boi puts lead in my pencil.
I love gluttonous stuffing videos and some make my dick so hard it can cut glass. But the thought of a man doing it disgusts me. It's definitely a weird double standard when it is something that sexually turns me on for women.

You're probably overthinking this. It's most likely because you're heterosexual. Put it this way:

"I'm only sexually attracted to women with red hair. But I'm not attracted to men with red hair at all. I don't think this is because I'm heterosexual, the red hair just fails to do anything for me when it's on a man. What's going on?"
there's a difference between being passively unattracted to something, and feeling disgust for them.

I find fat men sexually repulsive, whilst I feel indifferent to everyone else that I'm unattracted to. I think it's the appearance of qualities I consider feminine and sexually attractive on a male body. it creates an uncanny valley effect in my mind I think (even though most fat men are obviously not trying to look like fat women). Men with moobs, hanging guts, fat asses, and other fat parts are unpleasant to my eye. I might be slightly transphobic, which is a shame since my rational mind supports trans rights (or maybe it's more accurate to say I'm anti-transphobia lol, I'd never go on a trans rights march or anything like that) but lizard brain hates non-binary bodies.

Just rambling though, don't turn this entire thread into "REEEEEE transgender political posts" lol
Same i'm not even into sex IRL, just wanking it to women being fat and pathetic.

When using RL porn, I mostly agree. I'm much more interested in a woman being lazy and greedy, possibly getting herself off, than watching a man having sex with her.

In reality, I mostly get off to literature. I'm okay with male characters in erotic stories because I can use them as a stand-in for myself. I don't like it when the author makes the male character fat or gets too graphical about him, but anything else is fine as long as there's women involved.

Are you talking in day-to-day life you're repulsed by fat men just walking down the street, or are you sexually repulsed by them specifically when they appear in pornography (like if you have a BBW being fucked by a fat dude it's a mood killer and you move on)? If the latter I agree with you.

Then again, I don't really like seeing any men in my porn... but especially not fat men.
100% agreed. everything i've seen that was a collab was a huge disappointment. Solo stuff is leagues better, even with the same models.
Unpopular (for this site): Being attracted to BBWs and SSBBWs isn't usually a "fetish".

For starters, if you look up the word fetish you get a range of definitions all the way from being sexually attracted to literal physical objects to engaging in any form of sexual deviancy whatsoever. Nobody ever bothered to pin down the exact meaning of that word, because taboo.

But setting that aside and assuming a definition somewhere between the extremes, I don't get how having a preference (however strong) for a certain body size and personality qualifies as a fetish. We don't call it a fetish when somebody has a thing for shorter women, women with fiery personalities, women with large breasts, etc. We call those attractions preferences. Why is it considered a fetish to prefer women who are fat, very fat, sedentary, etc?

Unless you're attracted to literal underlying adipose tissue as an object, completely ignoring the human being it's attached to, I don't understand the fetish label that people on this site give themselves. It's almost always a preference for a body type, or the personality traits of a person who carries that body type.
I agree with you, but it sort of depends how you define "personality trait". Is gorging yourself on food until you're splitting your dress open traced back to a personality trait? Because that's a very fetishy thing that I would fantasize about. But also I just admire fat female bodies as aesthetically more attractive, and tend to like personalities that are more open, humorous, vibrant, all of which can often lead to someone who's a foodie and not bound to diet themselves to conform to society's conventions. What's the seperation line between a foodie girl who doesn't deny herself a tasty dinner, on one end, and a woman stuffing herself with thousands of calories and chugging from a diet coke bottle in her lingerie, at the other extreme?

This is tricky, because of how ill defined the word fetish is, so I'll start with how I define that word. A fetish, as I see it, is an all encompassing attraction to either a specific non-sexual body part (a foot fetish), a physical non-sexual object (cars, body pillows) or an extreme non-sexual behavior (leather play, bdsm.)

To qualify as a fetish, this must be the sole or primary attraction, not just something done occasionally and unnecessary for sexual pleasure. Someone who occasionally likes to rub their partner's feet doesn't have a fetish, but if the attraction is only to feet then it's a fetish.

To use your case describing a woman in lingerie housing donuts as an example, this might be considered a fetish if they absolutely must watch a fat woman gorge herself to get off and that's the primary focus of the attraction. I would consider that person to have a preference for fat women alongside some kind of stuffing fetish. However, if this person just occasionally got off to the idea of a woman stuffing herself with food, and it wasn't the primary focus, I'd say it falls under the umbrella of a general preference for fat women.

It's all up to interpretation, and I can understand arguments against what I've said, but that's how I see it.
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>it depends on what your definition of the word "fetish" is

sir can I interest you in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Saying ‘preference’ instead of ‘fetish’ is often a distinction without a difference when it comes to things like boobs or redheads or whatever. People use the terms interchangeably, and as you said, there’s no hard and fast definition of the word.

But imo, this in particular is a fetish. It’s nothing like preferring big boobs to small boobs. And you’re kidding yourself if you think this is just a normal “preference”. If you like fat women more than you like thinner women, that’s a preference. But if like me and most other dudes here, you’re soyfacing over weight gain, losing your mind over weigh in or measurement videos (literally jerking off to some numbers) and eating to excess, it goes well beyond just liking a little more to love. Comparing it to “fiery women” or whatever is a false equivalence.

If you're obsessed with weight gain, measurements, and eating to excess, you've def fetishized the fatness.

But the OP on this opinion said "being attracted to BBWs and SSBBWs" and I don't think that'sa fetish. Granted, it's very difficult for me to imagine a guy being attracted to no-joke SSBBWs without also having fat fetishes to go along with it. But simply being attracted to a fatter woman's body doesn't NECESSARILY constitute a fetish.

Yes. That’s exactly what I said.


These are fair enough points. I didn't think that this opinion would be popular, which is why it's here.

Maybe a better way to put it (which has been touched on): the underlying attraction to the body type isn't what I consider to be the fetish, it's a body type preference. Being mildly turned on by the lifestyle could also fall under that umbrella because if you have a preference for fat women it's natural that those women will eat more than average, not be as active as thin women, etc. You're just intwined with the reality of fat chicks, so they go hand in hand.

Now... that preference is often the foundation for related fetishes. Like you said, when one is obsessed with certain aspects of fat women that are 100% nonsexual, like many users of this site are. If you literally must see large numbers on a scale to nut, you have a gaining fetish (which is almost always tied to a strong preference for bbw and ssbbw body types). If the woman has to sit on top of you with her immense weight or you can't nut, you have a squashing fetish which is also probably tied to a particular body size preference. Then you have slob fetishes, humiliation, etc. You get the idea.

It might seem pointless to distinguish, but from my experience there are allot of variations in what turns people on here. The body size itself is, if anything, the foundation preference for the actual fetish. I think distinguishing the preference for the body size from the other, more fetishistic aspects helps to further understanding of what's going on in our brains here.
I used to assume that the yearning to get as fat as possible as quickly as possible was inherent in all feedees, but over time I've realized that it's actually quite rare for a feedee to be into the actual weight gain aspect. It's almost like gaining is a whole separate fetish.

I just wish it was easier to discern which models are actually into it since most try to cater to those of us who are into weight gain but don't actually offer that type of content.

Exactly! Just calling that a "fat fetish" is confusing. It's more like a gaining fetish, where a preference for fat bodies naturally is related.

It's not the same as someone with a squashing fetish, slob fetish, or someone whose just into larger women's bodies without an underlying fetish. Yet calling all of those things a "fat fetish" is the norm. It muddies the waters.

This segues into another unpopular opinion of mine: the fat preference aspect alone is, I think, far more normal than we'd like to believe, depending on where you draw the line (if the number of people subscribed to r/bbw and r/chubby and similar subreddits are any indicator). This makes sense given the rise in obesity numbers and therefore, exposure to fat women at a young age.

I don't think it's a majority of men, maybe 10-20%, but there are plenty of people into fat women in a general, less fetishistic way. Their body size preferences are likely smaller than what's average on a site like bbwchan but still conventionally fat, dipping in the obese range. It's just that, if their size preference is a spectrum and they have a choice to date someone on the thinner size of their range to avoid social stigma (because fat is a fetish and fetish = bad), they will. It's only when you get to men on the edges of the preference spectrum like you see here that you see related fetishes develop and people more willing to openly embrace their preference (because if the lower end of your body size preference is 280 lbs instead of 180 you really have less of a choice.)
SSBBWs talking about hygiene (or lack of) is hot.
I’m a belly and face guy more than anything (nice shaped-belly, typically prefer a double belly/thin, pretty face) and have a very specific body/weight preference so I’m often devastated when models have fucking balloon tits/ass with a gross uneven belly or when a model I liked gained too much and loses their thin face (ex: Bigsoftie and Littleyellowspider. These two were my absolute favs and they got fucked up, all I really have left is BBW PEACH and some misc models here and there that line up with my preference)
This ties into my previous opinion but I’m honestly happy for models who leave the scene after getting bigger than they would’ve liked to or just no longer being into it. Also Starstuffervlogs/StarSmoke got bodied as well that motherfucker got too damn big. What I really find hot is when a woman can be fat yet hide it well or appear smaller than they actually are so that in vids they can strip to reveal what they actually look like. Hence my preference of a thin face most likely.
There's this ssbbw on onlyfans
Her name is gorda bella she has a good body nd a beautiful belly
Maybe I’ve been around too long, but I actually enjoy a different spot on this arc, wherein someone can’t believe she lost perspective and let herself get so big. The Icarus feeling is hot to me

Maybe I’m just grasping at straws for when women lose weight

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