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That sounds pretty great. I've fucked a few fatties because they're much easier to pick up, but had to imagine fit women in my head. How did you get into enjoying fat women? Is it hypnosis like Shallow Hall or something? I still want to enjoy thin women so people don't make fun of me, but this interests me greatly. Frankly, I'm kind of grossed around by looking around here. If I learned to like fat women, I could go to Walmart for an hour and get fap material for a month!

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You don’t choose your sexual interest it’s basically “I didn’t choose the thug life, thug life chose me” sort of thing. Sexual interest starts when you’re a child and develops over time until you’re an adult, at that point you’re stuck with it (you can develop new interest but it doesn’t replace what you already like). So as an adult if you don’t like fat women and/or are disgusted by them then that’s that, you don’t like them move on and enjoy whatever you’re interested in. You can’t just learn a fetish like it’s a hobby, that’s not how it works, if it did I’d be normalfag by now.

Essential all fatfags here are stuck on a wild ride that’ll never end despite how some of us wants to get off, I’ve been wanting to get off this ride for 14 years, for 8 of those years I was yanking on the emergency brakes to no avail, I asked the conductor when the ride will end he said maybe when we’re dead, maybe.
I can't tell if you're being facetious or not, but the honest answer is; I don't think this is an acquired taste. We decided to be attracted to fat women the same way you decided to be attracted to thin women: One day you looked at Megan Fox or Scarlett Johansen or whoever, and something strange started to happen in your underwear. The same shit happened to us except it was when some girl in class that was too fat to fit behind her desk. Boners are mysterious things. Someday Elon Musk will develop a neural implant that will allow the wearer to select which stimuli gives them a raging boner. Until then where all stuck where we're stuck. Sexual attraction just ain't that malleable.
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It was definitely an acquired taste for me. I actually thought fat women were ugly and had zero attraction towards them until late in life. It was frequent exposure to BBWs in social media and porn that got me into it, but took a while for it to kick in.

Who the fuck is this and does anybody have her fart videos?
People's brains around here are wired differently. It might be do to finding a mate during apocalyptic times.
>>10332 (OP)
I'm the opposite. I need to imagine the fit women I fuck getting fat to get in to it.
I am kind of the same. Grew up thinking fat women were unattractive. I loved big boobs though. It wasn't until I met my ex wife who was fat that it changed. As we dated I found myself really liking her fat and as she gained some ( unintentionally) I found it more appealing. Thanks to the internets I came across some pics of really good looking SSBBW's and discovered feederism and from there got hooked into this. The ex even agreed to try to gain or at least not lose any weight eventhough she thought fat was ugly and disgusting. Now I just waste too much time with fat porn because I'm hooked on a visual. I"m not one of those who has gone overboard and needs to see models kill themselves eating to death. I just enjoy the curves and jiggles of a fat body. I don't know how else to explain it.
How big that girl be?
For me, I was attracted to fat women for as long as I can remember.

I genuinely can't remember a period of my life where I wasn't attracted to fat people. I know most boys aren't even really into girls until a certain age, but I remember being drawn to fat folks (even sometimes fantasizing about being one) at a very, very young age.

That eventually evolved into liking fat women once I hit 10-11 years old, and going full blown feeder by the time I was 15-16. I pretended to like thin, tan, blonde women until I was out of high school. Then I felt that I had the freedom to date whoever I wanted. Coward move, but if I had the knowledge then that I had now, I would have absolutely asked out the fat girls I was crushing on in high school. These days, it's rare for me to date anyone under 4 bills.

You say you want to be like us? I would ask yourself this- objectively, listen to your lizard brain here: do you want MORE, or less? Do you want soft and squishy, or hard and flat? Wouldst thou like to live... deliciously?! (sorry, had to throw that in) But really, learn to question what society expects of you, and how culture and society has effected your tastes or opinions. Process that shit!

If you don't consider contemporary beauty standards and stop considering what you think society WANTS you to like or are told what is attractive, do you find the features of a fat woman/person alluring? Soft, expansive bodies that feel incredible. Bellies that jiggle and sway. Soft arms. Plump fingers. Large breasts. Huge asses. Thighs the size of an average person's toreso. All of that is objectively appealing to me.

Without the context of contemporary beauty standards, you'll realize just how gorgeous everyday people are, and you will learn what makes you tick most likely isn't what you're told to like.

Also, I would consider how the diet industry effects people (cis women, especially). If I have to hear another woman talk about her diet, I will fucking lose it, I swear. Can you think of a more BORING conversation than someone's low calorie count, or what they can't eat anymore? How about folks saying "oh this food is bad/naughty!" Fuck that. I want my partner to get what they want and to have a good time. Fat can be evidence of someone enjoying themselves or being pampered or spoiled. Would you want to go on a date with a woman who would eat three bites of a 30 dollar salad, or do you want a woman who could match you bite for bite on housing a burger? I want a my partner to enjoy their damn life, and I love when if shows on their body that they eat/drink/do what they want.

For me? I love the softness. I love the size. I love a woman who takes up a lot of room. I also enjoy pampering and spoiling my partners, so watching them become softer and more expansive makes it even better. To me, there's something inherently badass and sexy about a woman who says "fuck your beauty standards" and loves their body unconditionally, just eating, drinking, smoking... just doing whatever the hell they want.
I'm sure a lot of what I could say about why I like fat women has been said, so I'll stick to things that I think are more unique.
- Seeing bones and tendons on girls grosses me out. I like a thick layer of fat to hide collar bones and such.
- Letting a fat girl be as lazy and gluttonous as she wants appeals to me. I've dated fat ladies who are big in part due to PCOS and found they genuinely don't eat or lay around as much, which I find unsatisfying because I want someone to absolutely spoil.
- Whereas other guys are shy about being seen with a fat girl, I kind of find it hot to think about how others would see me with someone and think "that guy likes REALLY fat girls."
- Thinking of what a girl would've looked like at any other point in history if she hadn't been born in a time period with so much fattening food easily available to grow herself into such a cute round butterball with.
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>>10332 (OP)
this is genuinely such an odd thread. why would you want to do that? by and large, most of us are just naturally attracted to fat girls.
people who try to force themselves to like fatties generally think they suck and are unattractive and they need to lower their standards. you on the other hand seem to just want to be horny all the time and fuck anything that moves which is a terrible idea.
but it is possible. a lot of what turns us on is learned, and gets associated with pleasure. the one thing i gotta say is, you must like fatties in some way right? like obviously 300+ pound girls are overwhelming, but what about chubby girls? Plus-size models like Latecia Thomas? if not, then you will be miserable trying to do this lol.
just start beating off to the thinner fat girls. look at whatever assets you like and enjoy how big they are. i doubt you like bellies so just pay attention to how fat their tits or ass is. especially if you're having sex, enjoy how their body jiggles with every bit of movement.
if you don't find the first two women attractive at all, you should prob just give up.

now that i've answered that, how about you tell us how to like thin girls lol. is it hypnosis?
Why do you want to know?

I don't understand why you want to know. It's an ex of mine who was fat, she hated being fat so I don't know what you're hoping I'll say

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