
uhhhhh big yellow shirt lady gets really fat and transfers fat into people to save them from... health conditions I think? and she has fat nurse pal who is also fat because she gets fat absorbed into her for... reasons I can't remember. I think there was a mcdonalds in it and a southern country lawyer was mad at them too.

I'm subbed to dr-black-jack's patreon and I'm just waiting for the game projects to finish tbh
>The plotline is incomprehensible
I hate that this can be applied to a lot of expansion (not just wg) media. Like, just make the stories simple and the art about girls swelling up, it shouldn't be rocket science.
Which is wierd, because Black Jack was one of the best fic writers for a time.
>>10303 (OP)
Hell no, I really tried too. I liked the recent thing with fattening that twin for being bitchy but besides that nothing makes any sense. I think it's unfortunately a lot of wasted effort. What's up with fat artists doing fuck tarded plots? (Kip's latest)

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