
(134 KB, 1300x864, 133727783-a-fat-woman-is-engaged-in-fitness-in-the-gym-a-girl-with-a-lot-of-overweight-trying-to-lose-weight-w.jpg)
Hi guys, I've been dating this girl for almost a year and she went from 70kg to 90kg during this time. It wasn't purposeful gaining it all came down to a lot of stuff like some health problems, a lot of stress or quitting smoking. She is pretty tall, 180cm, so her fat isn't really that visible to others except for her belly. After the gain I told her that I don't mind it and that I'm into bigger girls and she kinda embraced being chubby and stopped crying that she's fat all the time. She likes kinky talk during sex and recently she started to talk stuff like 'imagine if I were bigger and fatter' or shit like that so I thought that maybe she wanted to get into gaining. Unfortunately her health went to shit, her knees are really fucked up from all the weight she put up. I wanted to ask for your experience, is there a way to keep being healthy as a BBW? Any special gaining diet or excercises that help you stay healthy but dont make you lose weight? Cheers.
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Exercise is the most important thing for health. It will help with joint issues as well. Try to focus on weight bearing exercise instead of cardio. Avoiding too many sweets and processed foods can also be useful in preventing various obesity related illnesses.
Quick derail - I wanna fuck WWT so bad. Piggy style. She's face first in cake and I take her from behind.

Not so much the later seasons though. Like around the time she was having a breakdown with a tub of ice cream.

Okay, continue..
>>10276 (OP)
As a cook, I can safely say that keeping within the 2000 Calorie intake is the best way to stay healthy. Make sure to have lots of fruits, vegetables, and water while doing some exercise. Stay away from fad diets like Atkins or Jenny Craig because they hardly work
>meet gf at 190
>around 230 get back pain
>240 and months later it goes away
>265 she's fine

might just be adjusting, but exercise is always ideal. it distributes the fat better, reduces effectively 100% of the health issues, and make the fat squishies (emphasis on subcutaneous)
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>he wants his fatties to exercise
OP, who is that woman exercising in the purple tights?

Nothing get me more rock hard than seeing plus size women going through my gym. Like muscle-fat women are the top of my criteria.
>>10276 (OP) Was she still weighing 90kg when her health faltered? That's odd, coming from a 180cm tall woman: she was barely overweight.

Daaaamn she's cute...
I don’t think it’s the 20kg at her height, it’s probably lifestyle. Try biking or something together?
>>10276 (OP)
I would imagine the knee issue could be from how she is walking or standing.
Possibly could be a posture issue.
Get her to do some basic walking and screeches. Because if she is walking or standing in a way that is harming her knees that hurts her mobility, and being unable to do basic exercise is going to cause all sorts of health issues regardless of her weight.
Once she develops a bit more muscle in her legs she should be fine.

Also keep her off of high fructose corn syrup, trans-fats, and poly unsaturated fats and that should prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension from developing or being super serious, even if she gains 50kg.
Bro, who is that chick? Reverse image search ain't helping me
Whitney Way Thore. She has a TV show that has devolved into her being someone who would make your skin crawl, but the earlier seasons has some good material.
nice dubs. first thing that came to mind, as well. there are a lot of portly powerlifters, so it's win-win in my book.

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