
(423 KB, 1242x2208, 528FC60A-9B8D-462F-AEE3-AAD2D85CC473.png)
Seriously I’m tired of jacking off and even when I do no porn/no fap I keep going back to fat chick then fat furry... and God knows what... everytime I finish I feel disgrace of myself. Never even looking in the mirror. I feel like a irresponsible numb. I’m in college and still no driver’s license. Hell even my bro and friend have noticed...

>dude here wears warhammer 40k and believe that nofap grant him power and-
I just want to focus on other things but it comes back to me. I install porn block but it cost fucking money and I don’t have a credit card...

>who cares? Stop bragging
I’m not Im just looking for people who have the same problems as me... if you too jack off idc as well. It’s about me not you...

Just give me some tips or apps that block every single porn website and that is free... every attempt I fail...

>why are you on a fat fetish website
Idk I see other post about it so might as well do it here and like I say earlier...
There is no big secret, it’s just something you have to resist. Good luck
Worst case scenario, seek professional help. Otherwise yeah, minimize screen time and situations in which you jack off. I've found that keeping myself busy with shit throughout the day keeps my mind off of jacking off non-stop, and if I'm dead tired at the end of the day I can't be bothered to wank off before sleep.

Oh yeah, ALWAYS SKIP THE MORNING WOOD, FUCK THAT NOISE. That shit just makes me numb and dead inside for the rest of the day.
"The Bear that Sees the Trap does Not Get Caught". Right now I'm in my office to get away from homework I need to work on- but I realize now that whenever I get on my desktop it's fuck around time.

You need to realize when you're beating off and avoid it. The rest of it is you just need to get over yourself and power through.
add up all the time spent during the week sitting in front of the computer jacking off, then write a list of productive things you could have been doing instead and stick that list to your monitor.

Don't waste your college years touching yourself.
Jacking off is good for your health though. Moderation in all things.
The people that came up with that finding recommend it, like, twice a week to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Not 7 times a day.
The problem for me (aside from the financial drain) is how it affects my relationships. Porn use becomes much more problematic once you're in a committed relationship, especially if you're addicted to online interaction with sex workers
Porn Addiction is a myth made up by trads to help convert you to religion
Any association that claims that porn/sex addiction is real is always connected to some religion
Masturbation is natural for humanity
Anyone who disagrees needs to cope and seethe.

Mostly disagree.

Both my wife and I use porn and it doesn't negatively effect our sex lives. If anything porn gets her hornier. The only time it would be an issue is if I jerked off just hefore sex, but the trick is to not do that; if I want to jerk off then I check with my wife first and see if she wants to fuck.

I do think it becomes a problem when you're paying an individual model for sessions on onlyfans. That's blurring the line with cheating, but we keep it to the free softcore and literature as a rule, and that's been fine.
Yeah it's the livestreams & online interaction that causes issues, and also the fact that it's really hard to find someone who's into the fetish so ran into problems getting aroused with my partners. Can't share feedist porn with partners who aren't into the fetish - and my gf would be devastated if she knew I was chatting with sex workers and watching other women masturbate.
Do this. The root of your problem isn't watching porn, it's that you're giving yourself too much time to waste when you could be improving yourself and becoming someone who doesn't actually need porn.
If you're poor and lazy then masturbating is the easiest way to feel good. It's free and easy.
Alcohol addiction isn't real, it's made up by feminists trying to get you to stop disciplining your son
Strawman all you want, considering someone felt literally shamed by normal human behavior into shooting up massage parlors means we really need to investigate into these organizations.

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