
(264 KB, 1080x1323, 3a013f2e7854bd819aa07b345603d840c3bdef49ceeca1ea923850cac8c2af9b.jpg)
I'm tired of the false advertising about an obesity epidemic. I've only seen one fat girl on Hinge and like two at my school. I'm at the point where I feel like I'm going to have to settle on a slightly chubby girl and hope she gains some heavy duty relationship weight
Larger partners are more common as you get older. If you're looking for someone really fat, you might have expand your age range upwards.
>>10199 (OP)
Fat girls don't exist!! WAKEUP SHEEPLE
So you can't find BBW conventions in your area? They don't mind being SSBBW and going to the convention.
I was under the impression that the US was the place to go for fat women?
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Dude, you're in fucking America. If you can't "find" a fat girl, you aren't looking.
I mean, are you limiting your search to wealthy gated communities or rich parts of Manhattan? Otherwise there should be plenty of fat girls around. Your definition of "slightly chubby" might just be really warped; I know mine is.
I guess he just has a very skewed perspective of what is "fat". I'd say even here in a major Scandinavian city I have no problems finding fat girls in their 20's as long as you accept them being 120-150 kilos, anything more is very rare.
he probably does, look at the OP picture
that bitch is enourmous
Oh, I remember her, and I can tell you, it's a pity we broke up 2 months ago.

I even remember the beginning of our meeting - March 15th. It was at night, I finally finished the file for my music homework. I was so embittered with this job that I threw it into one of the VK chats about fat, in the end I met good people there, so I could make a joke about it. But nobody answered. Except her.

I was in a bad mood, and then she appeared - from now on I will call her Mushroom. Mushroom wrote to me in a rather cheerful tone, and I thought it was a bot, but I started chatting with her and I felt better. Then it turned out that she was quite real, and moreover, she had been following me for a long time, and then a little later she told me that she weighs 120 kilograms / 250 pounds, and I did not believe it, because I did not see anyone fatter than my mother live, but she only weighs 95 kilograms / 200 pounds. to prove it, she sent me a photo of her cute, little belly. I could not believe that an unknown girl just threw her photo away, before that I had not been able to go that far with girls.

Later that night, at her request, I threw a picture of my ass to her, lol. besides the poor quality on the phone, I just never did such a thing, and did not know how.

A little later, after the usual chatter, before going to bed, I asked where she lived. Surprisingly, it was not that far! Only some 60-80 kilometers and the state border between us. I was very happy, and jokingly wrote her something in the style of "Eh, imagine if we met an Irl", and it baked into her and my soul so much that we both really wanted it.

From that day on, I began to flirt with her very often, play minecraft, talk to each other, and just miss each other. She really liked it, and I too, probably, we even loved each other. it seems she was the one in a million. She was my first gf who had mutual feelings with whom I could feel alive. and I was the first bf for her, if she didn’t lie to me. We were happy.

you can also answer the fun fact that we essentially had the same fetishes, absolutely. we both wanted to fatten each other as much as possible and love each other, although I had problems with me - my weight is 60 kilos / 130 pounds. It's funny that she is 2 times heavier than me.

and then, summer began, schools closed for the holidays. We spent a lot of time with each other, discussed various things, including how I would come to her, what I would do with her there. Unfortunately, I knew that most likely I would not come to Grib - my mother, the only parent, works in a call center, and she could not work in the spring, her voice broke, and she did not have enough money to travel. But we continued to believe.

Closer to August, our relationship grew colder. She began to access the network less, and I also sometimes began to hush up some things, but we already understood that this year we would not meet. later, it turned out that her fucking mother swears at Grib very much, and she is very impressionable and fragile. She wrote to me about it, and I truly felt sorry for her, but even worse, I just didn’t know what to do, and I probably looked like a pervert asshole in her eyes. In the end, a few days after my birthday, she confessed to me - she does not love me, and invited me to become her friend. knowing everything about her conditions, I knew that most likely she would say it, and I was not worried about it, I thought that she should have a little rest without me, and then she would come back again. but after....

"This relationship is kind of stupid."

I was hurt to the depths of my heart by these words. I was broken. I stopped believing in a happy ending. I realized that I could not provide her faith in the best, and she really stopped loving me. But I accepted it.
I let her go.

I could not cope with the gift that I so asked fate.

After this conversation, we almost stopped communicating. She knows that I feel bad without her, so she invites me to enter her friend zone, but I politely dodge. I really miss my angel with a belly, and I want everything to be as before, but I'm afraid it won't be.

phew, it seems to have spoken out. I hope I will forget about it after this text. I want to say, for those interested, she is a pretty sweet girl, white as snow, with fair hair, a beautiful face and voice. She has a double belly with soft ass and hips and small breasts. I could throw pictures of her, but it's dishonest and also a little illegal, we are both minors, we are both 15 years old.
(175 KB, 1060x823, whitney.jpg)
Was going to suggest BBW dating apps but Whitney Thore apparently has trouble finding people to date so not sure those work
Dawg everyone knows she's on TV and they need to watch one episode to know she's not worth the spike in blood pressure. Plus she's not as hot as she was in the first few seasons. Whatever poor sap she's with on that show needs to enable some of those bad habits again.
Sorry to hear about this. Honestly, if you’re 15, you will have a few more broken hearts over the next years.

Stay strong and good luck out there. (Also, as you get older, the girls get fatter, so lucky you)
>>10199 (OP)
>I'm tired of the false advertising about an obesity epidemic.
It's real, most of them are old
>>10699 dude, whitney would be an absolute handful after only a couple dates and scare most men off. plus she probably has a massively inflated sense of who she'll date based on her huge ego.

just not a good example of a hot fatty who can't find a man lol
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Let's detail for a sec here. I'm very surprised she hasn't dived into the plus size community as a plot point on her show. Or maybe she has, I never watched for the content. But there's absolutely a camp of people who jack it to that show. Hell, some clips on YouTube are just as good as softcore mixed with /elite/. Ripped pants? Belly dancing? That one music video where she's dancing and crams a bite of baked goods? Any port in a storm, maybe.

Спаси́бо for sharing your story, underage Russbro. Every man has a friendzone story or two from his teenage years, and now you have your own. I've been there too. And yes, moving on and not staying in her orbit was the wise decision. I know the heartbreak is tough, but these things will get easier and less painful as you learn the rules of the game. At your age, the best thing to do is stay on your grind, focus on your studies (and eventual job) and self-improvement. The more you improve yourself as a man, the better things will get as you get older.

One question, what's "Grib"? I can't figure out what it is from the context of your post and English language google doesn't return any relevant results.
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There really is no worse pain. Funny how a man can get stabbed, and recover from that quicker then if a girl he really believed he truly loved breaks up with him.
>>10199 (OP)

I'm thinking that you might have a skewed perception of what it means to be obese.

Say a woman is 300 pounds. Even in America, that puts her above the 98th percentile for a woman's weight in this country. That means that if she walked into a room with 49 other women, the odds are good that she would be the fattest one. That doesn't account for her age, race, mental health, dating chemistry with you, or if she's otherwise attractive.

If you're going to a school with 200 kids, half of which are girls, when you factor in that people tend to gain weight as they get older, maybe one of those girls will be 300 pounds, and less than 10 will be over 200.

Now compare that against what you're seeing on these fetish sites, where the models can be 400 pounds or more. Women of that size, even in America, are rare. 400+ poinds is insanely big, but because you're viewing sites where women of this size from all over the world are concentrated, your perception is altered. You're setting 300 as a baseline in your mind when in reality that's quite large for a human being, especially a young woman.

But none of that answers the question of where you find fat women (300+ pounds based on your image) who want to date you.

The best answer that I've found is to live in an area with a decent population size, and use dating apps while filtering on tge "fat", "curvy" and "a little extra" body types. Then just go on dates until you find someone that you have good chemistry with.

Thanks for the advice!
Your words and the words of another anon warmed my soul. You are probably right, I really should pull myself together and find a passion for myself, like my artist friends.

oh yeah, "Grib" is Mushroom, but for some reason the google translator didn't translate it.
mexico better
Taco here. You'll have better luck in America, because down here there are almost no SSBBW/BBW like you see in this board. Mind you, you can still find them here and there, but they are not as common and the few that I have seen are tourists most of the time

Good luck broski, it's much better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, plus you still have plenty of time in life

Anyway, I was planning to open up a thread but since I don't want to clog up the board I'll ask here instead. Just as I said to the british anon, fat girls are somewhat unccommon in Mexico. However, some do come down here for spring break or vacations. My question is, how do I even approach one of them without doing an ass of myself? By the way, cold approaching is not as common in Mexico as it is in the U.S.so I have no experience with that
> how do I even approach one of them without doing an ass of myself
They're tourists, which makes it 100x easier; you can ask them where they're from, why they're visiting, if they like it there, etc. When they say where they're from say "cool! I've always wanted to visit there!" everyone loves that shit (myself included, lol - I've been on both ends of this conversation) Also, teach them how to order shots in spanish; that's a popular one, too
Nah, this is cap, even the Mexican women in the USA are fatter than the native-born American women.
idk I’m an ssbbw and I’m wondering how I find a guy for a relationship
If you're not LARPing, I can kinda see why

All the fat girl dating websites are completely busted and suck complete ass in terms of clientele (Basically glorified porn websites *cough cough feabie*), and on normal dating websites, you'd get filtered out because of the algorhythm.

In my virgin, dateless self, the fat girls seem impossibly hard to find online because I have no idea where tf to look for them, and fuck going outside to find em'

idk mang, where do you hang out? I've been trying to find online fat nerdy chicks for years and every website fucking sucks. Where tf does your kind hide?
Idk what part of Mexico you’re in, but whenever I go visit my family I always love it because there are tons of overweight people in Mexico and I feel like I fit in there lol pun intended. Most Hispanic women here in Texas are also overweight. Just my experience growing up down here and being half hispanic. I’ve met way more hispanic ssbbws than whites or blacks.
Lol, I'll try using those, even know some shots. The only problem is I can't find the perfect chance to strike a convo outside a bar/pub and even then I don't go to those or outside that often
Keywords here being "not as common" and "not like the ones you see in the board". Try finding them in non touristic states or that aren't close to the border
Without doxxing myself (lol), I'm around the southeast side of the country and I assure you, most of the bigger gals I have found tend to be from other places, either from other states or countries. Anyway, which part of Mexico do you tend to visit when you come to see your family?
Well tbqh, idk if you'll find many prospects on discord or especially anonymous chans. Honestly, no offense, but idk where girls can go online and NOT find prospects. Speaking from the viewpoint of a dude, girls are the ones that post themselves online, and dudes are the ones that go out of their way to try and get them.
Like, feabie might suck complete ass, but legit if you're not a creep that preys on the fetish coomers there, or starts drama for fuckall reason, or are insufferable, then guys will line themselves up to talk to you. Sure you'll have to wade through all the horny but the guys come to you at least. Not so much for the dudes, and that's kinda why this thread exists lol

TL:DR, advertise yourself on targeted sites, and guys will come. Girls are the goods, guys are the consoomers. Sad but true.
>>11322 You act like any woman who willingly posts pics of herself on a chan isn't likely dramatic and insufferable
My experience is Boxxy, and Isabella Janke, so there's a gigantic spectrum of dramatic and insufferable autism they can be on lol
I’ll just say I’m a border gal. I guess I can see your point, maybe other parts of Mexico aren’t as fat? Either way there is no shortage of mega fats around this area
I’ve had feabie for years and never really had success with it. I live rurally though so I guess it’s my fault. Maybe I’ll just take initiative and message men myself more. “Girls are the goods, guys are the consumers” I mean you have a point for the most part but I think men have more value than that, especially a guy that isn’t just a coomer
Even if a girl acts like you described, they'll still have guys trying to get with them, unless they're a legit 1/10, even by BBW standards. No shortage of women on Feabie who are like they and can still regularly find relationships somehow.

That said, I'd say the dynamic is more akin to an employer-job seeker relationship, with guys the job hunters, girls the employers. While guys commonly have to go though a lot of attempts to get any sort of meaningful attention unless they're already in somewhat high demand, women will get a comparatively high number of inquiries, but have to sift through the guys that aren't relationship caliber. Similarly, it's not unheard of for the "employer" to message the "job seeker", but more often than not it's because the latter party is unreasonably desirable.

Feabie and similar sites are always gonna be rough with a small local pool, and LDRs certainly aren't everyone's thing. Definitely worth reaching out if your inbox isn't being actively flooded. I can't speak for most guys, but I appreciate being messaged first, even if it's just the generic "hey".
>I think men have more value than that, especially a guy that isn’t just a coomer
Always a good mindset to have.
So not a single fucking answer in this thread

There are plenty of answers. You’re not going to get some miracle tactic to lure a fat bitch straight into your bed. They’re normal people. The way you meet them is by interacting IRL. You’re not going to find a fuck buddy on Omegle or Feabie. Go outside, go to a bar and say hello to a chunky bitch. They’re everywhere.
Literally all you have to do, I’ve been lucky on feabie meeting some gorgeous women, but have met plenty at a bar or club. Just don’t be fucking ugly or a sperg
any suggestions about what areas of town to go to bars to find them? Almost all the ones I go to are filled with skinny to average white girls.

I don’t know. I’m in Australia. I agree that fatties aren’t abundant in normie nightclubs, but if America is anything like here, go to the alternative bars. Rock shows, metal nightclubs, that sort of shit. Almost exclusively fatties. I don’t know what it is about belugas and goth shit, but they love it.

That's gonna be true in most places. Even in the US, only roughly 1 in 50 women is 300+ pounds. The majority of them are in their late 30s or older.

I think there are some good points about larger women preferring alternative types of entertainment. Consider heavy metal concerts, ren fairs, conventions, and places like that.
Of course, I'd try to choose places based on your actual hobbies with the main intent being to find like minded people to share your interests with. If you happen to do that in places where larger women also tend to hang out, your odds of dating one naturally increase.
there's no hope for me, then. none of my hobbies would put me in those environments. time to rope
dang maybe i’ll get blazed and go to a renfair, fuck it
>>10199 (OP)
There's fat girls all around. Do stuff outside and gather hobbies. Since you have a pic of AveryBBW, Do not let something like Feabie though be the basis of hoping to get laid. Many of them, despite being hot, are mentally broken and politically insufferable - i don't give a fuck what you believe in, but christ don't bring it into the bed - to where they'll flip if you don't follow their beliefs.
Literally just do normie shit and one will appear. I went to a generic nightclub for the first time since corona became a thing and saw a shit ton of genuine BBW's.
Got rejected by every single one tho lmao, but that's not the point of my comment. (In my experience it's just as hard to hook up with a BBW than a thin girl when you're going out, but much easier online).
Women say they want to meet a guy irl, but women, whether they're thin or fat, actually seem to hate meeting guys irl. But my while adulthood has been defined by dating apps, I don't know what it would have been like in the 90s and before. Fatties were probably desperate for any male attention back then.
Since I am on the verge of leaving this site for good, getting rid of everything that is garbage or blue from my life, and dating any transvestite I can find, I thought I would share a funny story and make you guys hurl.

Long story short: I know somebody who had always been fit and who's husband was also physically fit who had an affair with a coworker from her job who was not fit but was indeed a fat half-mexican half-white that allegedly always stunk on every second of the day.

That shit was so..... hysterical. Nobody I mean nobody saw that one coming. The affair was going on for a good 4 years before it was uncovered. Take that as you may, but if you're a virgin people are going to always assume that it is by choice. More so depending on where you live.
I like eating at Mexican restaurants partly because the food is good, but also because I love seeing all the huge Mexican waitresses. They're fucking gorgeous

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