
(99 KB, 258x171, 48D849EB-9BAD-467E-8643-D4795F23DB91.png)
I’m done with this shit, no more of this.

My brain may actually be permanently fucked due to the amount of depraved shit I’ve jerked it too over my life.
I can’t view women like a normal person. I'm starting to realise just how much of a degenerate piece of shit that I am.
Im lucky my GF hasn’t left me already due to how much I ‘encourage’ her to gain, or to maintain a weight she’s not comfortable with.

She told me her BMI like an hour ago. I assumed she was something like 25-28, genuinely surprised that she was almost 35. I now realise just how fucked it was I got aroused by that. Didn’t occur to me how she might feel about it. I don’t want to be this person.

I’ve lost all concept of a healthy weight in women and I can’t take this shit any more. I’m done, I’m handing her my drive with all my porn next time I see her and telling her to never give it me back. This way if I relapse I know she’s gonna be disappointed in me, ought to keep me strong.

Wish me luck annons.
Its been a dishonour.
Nobody cares. Jerk off to porn or don’t. Makes no difference to me.
You can't shut this shit off. Dump her and find another girl capable of the size you need.

Or maybe she will finally let go and do what you need of her.

One or the other will happen.
>>10176 (OP)
Share your collection before leaving
Most women don't want to be with a man who is addicted to porn - especially not feedist porn where her boyfriend is chatting with sex workers while they masturbate on camera lol
Yeah this part. Even the feedee models have trouble finding boyfriends because of all the guys addicted to jerking off to other girls. It’s pathetic.
I feel like that may be more related to girls of that sort primarily attracting people more into the fetish aspect of things than the actual relationship aspect.
I don't get why anyone would want to date a sex worker, knowing she's chatting up other guys every day
The guys probably choose between sharing a star with everybody, or having no GF at all.
I wouldn't mind having Miyabi Hayama or Mariko Morikawa as a GF.
Right? Your GF is highly fucking desirable and while other guys attempt to chat her up and think they have a chance, you're already holding the brass ring. I wouldn't worry about it.
Except a lot of them actually hook up with their fans lol.
“It’s okay that she’s talking to other guys because I have her” is the archetypal cuck mindset. Whores are too broken and warped for a relationship, eventually they’ll lose interest in you and move on to another guy to get their fix
GGG only sees her feeder once a month max, but the guy she met locally who films her in her apartment & accompanies her on all her trips obviously gets to fuck her more than her feeder does

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