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Wanted to pose you anons a question: When will science advance enough so that the human body can easily handle being at least 1000 lbs? I'm talking solving internal problems such as blood pressure, heart attacks, visceral fat, diabetes, etc, etc, as well as solving outer problems, like skin tear and rashes.

And let's not stop there, when will science be able to manipulate weight gain so it is faster or slower, control metabolic systems so we can eat less and gain more and even change body shapes so fat is distributed where the user decides?

And also, will the fat fetish die in the future if science develops the oposite of this, or will it prevail as weight levels across the world are skyrocketing and the fat acceptance movement booms.

And finally, what will be the size of the largest person in the future???
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Skelebro here. Fun question, actually one I think of for "Fat Utopia" style stories. Your question can be basically broken into two, equally binary choices- on the internal problem, what will be solved with gene therapies versus drugs, and on the other what will be solved via Robot AI CNAs or other mechanical assistants?

>internal problems such as blood pressure, heart attacks, visceral fat, diabetes, etc
I would first say, that within 20 or so years thanks to RNA vaccines and things like CRISPR you'll likely begin seeing prototype genome therapies for making human blood better. Human blood in all honesty is kind of shitty; venous blood still has oxygen within it along with the metabolic wastes and CO2, and the way our red cells take away these wastes is slapdash in that it's all first-come-first-served methodology. It's efficient which is why mother nature does it, but it's not GOOD, so making red cells dump oxygen better and be more selective with waste uptake will be step one to blob girls. That change alone, even by a factor of 1%, will lead to pretty astonishing improvements in health so long as free radicals are controlled.

Second is perfusion. Keep the veins and arteries open from cholesterol and control sugars more so capillary beds don't rapidly shrink/expand from diabetic sugar levels will be your next massive change on the step to common 600 pounders and SSBBWs being the norm. That one will be tougher, since the latter is all pancreas and keeping the cells from becoming too used to insulin; you'll likely need machines and physical therapy for that, like HIIT training. Former tho, you can either make the liver convert cholesterols to bile salts better (and hopefully avoid cholesystitis, aka bile stones) or make the heart better by making it form more collateral arteries and veins to keep it fed. The heart will likely be the ticket here, since such a process would be an improvement for literally any human being, but doing so will either require wild targeted gene therapies or surgery.

Visceral fat will be genome first, exercise and therapies close second. Its' partially connected to stress levels as per current research (since visceral fat is closer to the organs that might need the energy stowage, like Liver Cirrhosis and Ascites) so a fatty who wants to blow up to 700 pounds of fluff will likely be routinely exercising regularly to control stress levels. I'm already making a kind of primer on fattening up as healthy as possible (for long term enjoyment) and I could easily see future AI programs being able to direct their users on this properly, since we're doing this for weightlifters and bodybuilders for proper eating and upper 1% performance. Right now for ease, it would likely be a daily split with minimum 2 mile walks, streching, weight training focused on accessory before strength, and calisthenics.

>skin tear and rashes
After the above, that would be mechanical CNAs, which when they are available and work NEARLY as well as a normal CNA will begin to pop up anywhere they can be afforded, simply for the legal liabilities and safety alone. At a minimum, their AI will be on-time every time for movement to prevent ulcers, and rashes will be spotted right away before they form. They likely won't look like humans at all tho.

>And let's not stop there, when will science be able to manipulate weight gain so it is faster or slower, control metabolic systems so we can eat less and gain more and even change body shapes so fat is distributed where the user decides?
That's the realm of individualized genome therapies. Once quantum computing hits, that'll likely become a reality pretty quick since such a machine will be able to track what genes of yours get expressed over years span and be able to correlate life events you tell it to what sequences were used, and then use it's astonishing computing power to simulate such therapies. But i'd still say 20 years outside, 30 for even the middle-class because of the energy and information involved before we see USBBWs waddling around with natural tits the size of exercise balls. You'd probably have to feed it detailed DNA samples and life events (think Buckminster Fuller Chronofile) for it to do so properly.

>will the fat fetish die in the future if science develops the oposite of this, or will it prevail
Prevail. Size will be considered your personal desire and want as a human being, and it's clear now that humanity as a whole is trending towards "Be who you want to be as long as it hurts nobody else" since even African nations are beginning to legalize gay marriage, for instance. I think it won't be SUPER crazy, but I think every so often like now you'll see someone trying to waddle around 500 pounds of butt in lycra; except in this future, you know that's what SHE wants and there might be ways she's focused all that fat right into her ass. But you won't care, because there's 9 billion people in the world and everyone is weird.

>And finally, what will be the size of the largest person in the future???
Technically, if you had a human who wanted to be as fat as possible but all physical requirements were cared for; i.e. bathing, toileting, cleaning, eating, ect- your problem quickly becomes what they put up with as a person (you're likely not moving anywhere much), the constant intake of food to keep it going (how do you sleep when you wake up every 2 hours to eat?) and what stressors come about from essentially being institutionalized. But assuming all those therapies above become reality and our legendary fatty is literally unburdened, and her blood pressure only rises as a need to push it around such a massive body and not from interference, that would only be constrained to the heart and it's efficiency. Hate to give such a non-answer, but you're limit there is literally just what the pump can do. Maybe a full ton? But then the lungs and the physical requirements of eating to keep it up will be constrained too, things like the liver can only take so much.
bump, i want a 2500lbs whale wife soon
I wish I was born a few decades later so I had a chance of attaining this life.
>>10098 (OP)

I myself am a Feedee (male) so it is incredibly important for me that science reaches such a point.

I'm only 310 lbs so far, but already the health problems have started. Blood sugar dangerously in the "pre-diabetic" stages, my heart rate regularly goes to 110 just from simple walking and I get out of breath just getting changed.

I'm trying to keep healthy and stop the problems while still gaining, but its hard.
I don't plan on stopping. I've been chugging weight gain shakes regularly and plan on reaching 600 lbs at the least one day.

I'm not some death fetishist, I want to live a long and healthy life, and the fact i'm already experiencing such problems terrifies me. I even have some skin issues starting that i'm barely keeping on top of.

I've done as much research as I can but am not particularly savvy in such matters, all I can discern is that you are better off gaining from fats such as heavy cream than from carbs, and that specific fats create subcutaneous fats more than visceral.

I hope this tech is available, at least in some form, in my lifetime. I'd give every dollar I have for the chance to reach super massive sizes and live.

The problem is it will be expensive. Prohibitively so, at least for the near future. We almost have a cure for diabetes, supposedly, but it will be expensive. Do you really think the companies charging $98 for $6 insulin will allow diabetes to be cured at an affordable cost? of course not

Actually that may be the problem with a lot of advances...we have a lot of medical advances that are HERE and AVAILABLE and yet people in many countries don't have access to them or are encouraged to use long term, expensive medication instead.

This is all just assuming obesity isn't made illegal. I know that sound ridiculous, but so many people call it an epidemic, a disease etc. How long until sugary drinks are banned, pastries, donuts, chocolates etc. are all swapped out for healthier alternatives "for our own good".... look at the sugar taxes they already are pushing
That is very sad, I hope you can reach 600lbs without the health complications soon.

Unfortunately men aren't really designed well enough to be fat safely, that's more women's area. But with that being said, during my gaining research I've formulated two ideas that I have yet to try, mainly because I'm not fat enough yet to justify it.

The first idea is constant exercise. If you look at sumo wrestlers you will notice that they have lots of nice, soft jiggly fat, i.e. subcutaneous. This is most likely to do with their exercise regime as well as their diet. They wake up very early and exercise heavily whilst consuming huge amounts of carbs and protein. Their trainers will often pause the exercise of their most promising wrestlers to make sure they gorge on a huge bowl of rice. It is unlikely that a sumo experiences any health complications during their career (apart from possible knee problems from carrying around all that thiccness) but the danger arises when they retire. They stop their exercise regime, their hormones return to that of a normal mans and their fat redistributes to be more visceral. Thats when health complications start to occur.

The second idea is probably the most radical. Change your hormonal makeup with supplements. On my regular browsing I came across a 600lb guy with the sexiest, softest body I have ever seen. On top of the regular lifestyle of a massively obese man he takes hormonal supplements. With a more feminine hormone composition you will gain more subcutaneous than visceral.

One day I might give those ideas a go.
Dude just went full college thesis on the subject
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>Dude just went full college thesis on the subject
Hell yeah man, anything so that it can be enjoyed as happily as possible, as long as possible. Cornerstone of this fetish is contentment and enjoyment, right?

>I'm trying to keep healthy and stop the problems while still gaining, but its hard.
Sorry to hear all your problems anon. To piggyback off of >>10188 comment, I gotta ask- do you exercise at all? Do you have any medical knowledge?

I bring this up because I'm trying to draw a picture in my brain of what is happening and what can be done to prevent or "fix" this before you go into needing metformin and needing to stop. This will partially get into why Sumo wrestlers don't have as many problems, but right now you're dumping sugars into your bloodstream on the regular and you're cells are becoming resistant to them, which is the hallmark for type 2 diabetes (and is why DM2 likely cannot be "cured", since you're cells are just getting too used to having sugars/insulin hormones knocking on their doors at all hours). I take it you're diet is heavy in sugar and cheap carbs, right? Sumo's don't do that. Even eating massive bowls of rice is a material the body has to expend energy to break apart it's glycogen, and there's numerous methods like all carbs to do so, unlike the literal straight molecular sugars in something like a 2L of pop.

The other detail is that resistance- Sumos WORK. If you've ever watched a match- and you should, it's actually super impressive- they are ALL POWER, ALL AT ONCE. Being a sumo is grappling and tosses, trying to keep your balance centered and low, and needing to exert as much energy as possible for as long as possible within the ring because you're trying not to be forced out. A common Sumo workout involves such activation measures as bench pressing against solid walls for minutes at a time- as if you were pushing someone away- so that they train the body to activate as many muscle fibers as possible, for as long as possible. Because it's all grapples and quick movements, they train fast-twitch, meaning they do power cleans and other exercises like them. What's my point with this?

The body of a Sumo's physically CANNOT be resistant to insulin, because their cells internal storage- Glycogen- doesn't stay long and their energy needs are so high. This is the foundation behind High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Fasting, two regimens known for reducing the body's innate resistance to insulin- the former through periods of constant exercise broken up by bursts of said high-intensity intervals, the second (where you do it either once a week or once every two weeks, currently it seems the latter is best) you don't eat for 12-16 hours to force the body into a lean "fast" state that makes it use internal glycogen stowage and eventually consume available fats in catabolysis- thus, priming the body for food when it's consumed. They're both huge in training circles because they force the body to use fuel in the most advantageous ways, and the human body HATES doing that.

If I can offer any advice- as an anon here that's a paramedic, nursing student, and has been an ameture lifter for years don't take it too far- start researching these, and have an honest talk with your doctor. I know it sounds fucking weird, but a Doctor is gonna be WAY happier that you're honest with them openly in a clinical setting for guidance than attempting huge weight gains that make them think you're being abused or something is horribly wrong. Some will judge, but let's face it- you'd gain the weight anyway because you wanna be happy. Might as well be open and honest so you can be as successful as possible in it. For the exercises, consider a sports medicine doctor or a trainer to get a good plan.

>Do you really think the companies charging $98 for $6 insulin will allow diabetes to be cured at an affordable cost?
Look into the literal Hepatitis C cure sofosbuvir - $84,000 for a month's supply in the USA, but barely $300 in Japan and India. These companies will always be foiled by another government or public health care system in the world that will be fine with you spending american dollars to fly over, be a tourist, get your meds, pay your way for a while, then return. Shit, such "Healthcare Tourism" is in fact being FLAUNTED in Spain where it's cheaper to have the Spaniards fix you're broken hip and keep you on a resort to heal for a month than to do the same in the US. The only reason it continues is because they make money off the poor, who don't have the resources to take advantage of systems. Think of the Sam Vine's "Boots" Theory of socio-economic unfairness.

>look at the sugar taxes they already are pushing
It's because they are easily bullied- take a peek at the rates on cigarette taxes on the east coast. Nobody is showing up with the capacity to cause extreme violence against a tax on soda (that doesn't work anyway but that's issue #2 for a government).

Ooof, big spook. I'd need a good dissertation on therapeutic levels and dosing from someone in endocrinology, as a man taking estrogens can lead to cardiomegaly ON TOP of being overweight. Also, the Chinese are (rumored) to be mass producing human hormones for young trans kids to take, i.e. the "Pink Pill", so you have to make sure you know what you're getting.
Just on the side, what this "skelebro" shtick about, I think its kinda funny and I want to know more
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>Just on the side, what this "skelebro" shtick about, I think its kinda funny and I want to know more

It came about randomly. When we had the politics thread during the primaries into the rise of COVID, I had used a pic of a skele during a discussion to keep track of comments I made, and some dude called me skelebro- and since I kept talking about medicine and shit, I kept it up instead of obvious namefagging.
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Don't worry, Guliani has been banned from Fox News for spouting kooky conspiracies while Drunk. I am Black, and Black Conservatives and Black Liberals are kinda on the same page: Focus on the Family and ignore the charlatans like Al Sharpton.
I was that guy! How's it going fellow New Yawker?

I kinda miss the politics thread but that's basically been spread across the whole board now.
New Yawker here. Guilani and Cuomo's antics caused Politics spread across the nation. To be fair, this is what happens when New York Attorney Generals created conspiracies to cover up their affairs with the mistress.

I am trying to see if I can get some time to watch the Islanders, Knicks, and Giants play.
I really appreciate your thoughts.

>I gotta ask- do you exercise at all? Do you have any medical knowledge?

Up until recently, not at all. I had been almost completely sedentary since the quarantine restrictions. I've recently started doing cardio and walking more often but i'm extremely unfit from years of gaining without any thought for my health.

No medical knowledge to speak of except the basics.

>. I take it you're diet is heavy in sugar and cheap carbs, right?

Yeah, my diet up until I found out about my high blood sugar a couple months ago was pretty much 2 L of coke a day, alongside heaps of other unhealthy shit. Pasta was probably my main meal

I'll probably try and start doing a lot more exercise and hopefully learn from the sumo diets and regimen that you and >>10188 mention
New York has many loanwords from Native America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. This means that New Yorker draw out the vowels and butcher grammar. Manhattan is the only part of NY where people use proper English due to the Rich living there
It's just the one person and I keep saying it's autism. Ignore it.
Friendly reminder that Kisame is /gen/'s one regular troll/shitposter. (He used to post with a name until he realized this was making it easier for people to ignore him.) He claims to be a black weeb from New York City, and he tries to derail threads by replying to random posts with nonsensical, off-topic "political" comments. He's probably a deliberate troll rather than an actual schizo/autist, because he uses a VPN to evade bans and some of the things he says are too factually untrue to be believably sincere.

I have no idea what he gets out of it, beyond the petty satisfaction of clogging up a slow-moving board with a low effort gimmick, but it's a consistent enough schtick that everyone should learn to recognize and ignore him.
You forgot to mention he's lazy with his tells, too. That's why I think it's autism as well - he makes no effort to conceal how he acts and only traps anyone new. If it's not Black politics, it's New York elites and liberal professors, or the furry who produced Fritz the Cat having an opinion, or his LaGuardia Community College, or one of a couple of other things. You learn the tells and he never deviates.
Sounds like you guys are just appealing to stereotypes and be being racist for no petty reason. Weren't you laughed our of /co/ for going off topic on a Golden Girl thread about Kisame? Maybe you guys are just autistic since you spend your time talking about him and bringing up in a very superfluous manner.
New Yorkers don't use psych terms. Easiest way New Yorkers can spot a tourist is by how they speak. It's like how Three Texans were caught assaulting a Waitress over the Vaccine Mandate.
I spot five. Anyone else wanna take a crack at it?
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I spot autistic retard. You were laughed out of /co/ for being an aspie. Besides, we can pretty achieve blob sizes with fat, sugar and salt while figuring out ways to improve cardiovascular health.
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>No medical knowledge to speak of except the basics.
Okay, no biggie.

>Up until recently, not at all. I had been almost completely sedentary since the quarantine restrictions.
For what we're trying to do here that's actually a good thing! Well, not for your health, but we're gonna change that. The great thing is that means, any change we begin to make is going to have obvious effects on you and your body. Before we begin, do talk with a doctor soon.

First, we have a goal. You're Pre-diabetic because a value called HbA1C is over 6.5% and you're existing blood sugar is over 200m/dL. HbA1C is a percentage of "Glycosated Hemoglobin"- remember how I said earlier that human blood is shitty and carries just, whatever? HbA1C is a factor that shows over 3 months how much sugar your blood cells have been transporting; it's how doctors know you've been cheating your diets and not exercising well, because once the red cells carry it they don't like to stop. 6.5% literally means that percentage of blood is devoted to sugar carriers at this point, whom are just floating around with them. Combine that with high blood glucose just -in there- and you're blood is thickening; it's why diabetics get neuropathies.

The name of the game is, go slow and go low. You're doing low-impact exercise here, not simply because you're new but also because if you go too hard you'll smash your knees like a mortar and pestle and your future lover would likely appreciate it if you could still walk. I am not a doctor- take everything I say with a LOT of salt- but I'm gonna advocate for 2 30 minute splits each day, with one full day of "resting" where you'll only do your normal daily activity. Start by basically fucking around and warming yourself into it- DONT MAX OUT. It is always, ALWAYS better to do 50% of your max effort 6 times a week than 70% 3 times a week- it's how Russians train, and it fucking works.

You're gonna walk to your tolerance every day after work- by the sound of it you already have, but ideally we all should be doing ~2 miles each day on top of our normal. I also don't want to overburden you, because your not gonna like it and we all have times where we kinda just *cant*, so know the difference between you're bitching about getting up versus actually being exhausted. Trust your body. Since you're super sedantary, look into Joe DeFranco's "Limber 11" to open up your hips and pelvis after work to start streching:
https://www.youtube [DOT] com/watch?v=FSSDLDhbacc

... and Kanta Barrios for beginner Yoga, since it's also low impact. To do the full Sumo style workouts you need a base to start from (and most of that will involve complex work) so talk with your doctor for a plan, and be ready to do these along with basic weight training for about 3 months to get some stability and body perception before you work on anything more. While I'm thinking of it- don't worry about increasing your metabolism at all. You might burn ~200kcal from walking 2 miles and get all the benefits of being in the sun, but it'll make you hungrier, happier, and sleep better. I don't know how any of our gainers don't do some excersise.

Diet's gonna be the hard bit. Do you constantly graze? Eat huge meals at at time? If you can swap pasta for wheats it'll slow down the sugar breakdown and creamy alfredo like sauces can keep your calories up. You'll have to cut back on soda- for now at least- but you're gonna have to reassess anyway in 2-3 months.

LOL, getting the gang back together except that one tard. Good to see you dude. Honestly after Jan 6th there's just "yeah, reds are bad" to politics now. But that needs it's own thread.

My current clinical rotations haven't provided me with any recent ideas for blob girls yet, aside from that we as a species need to find the genes black women have that let them blow up with those ABSURD proportions. Precious Mensha Di Asa looks like a waddling chocolate cloud of femininity, and some of the gals on WooPlus look like they have 50 pounds in tiddy alone.
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Yeezy voter from /bbwpol/ checking in to the reunion. That was an unexpectedly comfy thread, it was nice to have somewhere to talk politics during the 2020 shitshow that wasn't a normie social media platform where I would get dragged into dumb arguments with people I know in real life.

Skelebro, you're in a Midwestern red state that got hit hard because they didn't take COVID seriously, right?

As the "NY moderate Dem" from that old thread, I actually agree with Kisame's substantive political platform of being an ordinary NYC working man who's fed up with elite yuppie liberals. I just wish he wouldn't shit up random threads with it.
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On topic response to this discussion, I think OP's speculation on a potential future dystopia is unfortunately correct:

>will the fat fetish die in the future if science develops the opposite of this?

The mechanics of physiologically healthy extreme obesity are interesting to speculate about, but the obvious commercially profitable application for advanced obesity biotech will be to "solve" obesity by developing techniques for minimal-effort fat reduction, as opposed to developing techniques for making superfatties less unhealthy. As a potentially tappable consumer demographic, "people who want to be thin" is orders of magnitude bigger than "people who want to be huge but would like to be healthy while doing it." I'm not a bioscience guy at all, so any of my speculations on what those techniques might be would be ill-informed handwaving (fucking around with leptin somehow?), but from an economic perspective, assuming we're not in a post-scarcity/FALC or Singularity situation where private sector profits are no longer the main driver of biotech innovation, the desire for thinness is likely to be the primary consumer demand driving technological developments around obesity.

Although I do like Skelebro's hypothetical future in which a niche market of people pursue extreme obesity as a form of avant-garde body modification. He's probably right that this is most likely to involve enormous SSBBW Jenni type asses.
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That's a good counter argument towards my hope, lol. Reality is tho, Americans will always pick the choice that allows them to sit more even if the economics make no sense. We already have some drugs that allow for this that block carb uptake and the like - Acarbose for instance - and that's why my concepts will just be general improvements that will *end up* being really good for fatties, and few things that are geared towards them. Acarbose is also a good example of that, because it can really make you're guts cramp up, and all you do is just shit them out and that's not pleasant.

Aw fuck, whatup Yeezy!

>Skelebro, you're in a Midwestern red state that got hit hard because they didn't take COVID seriously, right?

Yeeeeeeep, we got turbofucked in the worst ways by COVID. I don't like people knowing where I live so I'll make it difficult, but essentially-
>Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota pretend COVID doesn't exist, and still doesnt. Nebraska's state legislature barely shows up to work.
>South Dakota is still feeling the economic aftershocks of Sturgis last year. So many fat old fucks got sick and just spread it to other states.
>Iowa is only doing "okay", but partially because their economy doesn't revolve around one thing.
>This Missouri Ozarks are either on fire, or smoldering.

Basically, we have these massive wax/wane problems with COVID where the towns only avoid huge outbreaks because of distance, will go into huge surges that'll take up all resources and sideline a hospital (Omaha was last month, all hospitals filled to capacity with 5/7 on diversion, one had deaths in the ERs from waiting) which then require patients to be shuttled around to try and spread the load. It basically means that if someone is suffering in healthcare, everyone is.

Because of the Antivax / Antimask crowd healthcare worker violence is increasing; I've never seen people this openly... psychotic, I guess I'd say. I have had serious run-ins with family who are so deep in the Q-tard hole I'm about to start carrying some kind of weapon on shift. We're easily kicking out a family every week. Most of them are elderly, but all of them are desperate and crazy.

Seems like really good advice. I'll give it a go and hopefully stick to it.

Thanks for the links.
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No problem dude! Please, let us know how it goes with regular updates and shit; I'd love to make better advice for future users.

Tangentially related, I might start doing calesthenics with a classmate of mine and I'm gonna study and see if there's anything to add into a sort of fatty-plan from there. Obviously no SSBBW is gonna do a muscle-up, but wall sits and other basic squats would probably keep mobility and preseve walking and standing up as the pounds pile on.
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Some DA boys might be reading this thread, because EBC just made this story...

https://www.deviantart [DOT] com/extrabaggageclaim/art/The-Weight-of-Genius-BBW-SSBBW-XWG-Light-SF-894279866

... and it discussed changing Leptin like one anon mentioned and a few other specific protiens. When I get free time i'll fire up EBSCOhost and see if they're for real, but to be honest- I had completely forgotten about Leptin.

Still, fits our theme of future-fatties.
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>>10098 (OP)
Personally, I believe that within the near future we'll be able to fulfill these fantasies within full dive true virtual reality rather than having to risk our real bodies. Facebook is already banking on the "metaverse" as they call it being the next big thing. They recently hired a ton of people for it and just announced that they'll be rebranding with this metaverse in mind so they must know something we don't. The technological ai singularity will likely happen in the next 10-20 years, at which point super ai will be able to figure out all the bullshit required for fully lifelike vr, where you can satisfy out whatever fetish you wish for.
what a good thread! Bump.

I have a question, will not the organs be crushed with too much weight? you know, belly fat prevents the lungs from pumping air, or would the blob be a big cake?

Maybe this sounds... insane, but as much as it would be enjoyable, it wouldn't be the same.

Something about the permanence of feedism is part of the appeal. If you could just take it all off and be thin again whenever you wanted, it's not the same. It's why seeing the progression is usually better than just seeing the result, it's something you have to work for/earn.

Also, in regards to "full dive" virtual reality, i'd be looking at valve and elon musk, not facebooks metaverse (which they never plan on becoming "true" VR). Gabe Newell and his son, however, having been hinting that the technology is FAR CLOSER than we realise, and that they have been collaborating with Elons Neuralink project and a few other companies in the field.

In fact, Gabe says that within the next 5-10 years they believe they will have prototypes, and that the reason VR isn't 10x better than it already is is because the technology has been advancing so quickly that they would actually lose progress by stopping to manufacture it instead of continuing the development.
ye they kno something you don't, alright. they know it's a crack of shit and that idiots such as yourself would literally believe every lie you're ever told because you're a litter panzy from North America.

You want to get lost in your litter video games and fuck fake fat 3D models when there are real problems facing humanity there are actual real fat women out there that desperately need dick from a normie such as you. Ever thought of that? Na. You prefer your litter sakura chan GPU guess what the game's over the US economy is fucked and it's all the old people's fault ages 35 - 80, they destroyed everything that was handed to them and there's nothing you or I or anyone can do about it.

Technically speaking now is the best time since likely the 40s to go out and go wild and fuck a fat cunt; which by the by, it is a 'something' that is unlikely you will regret doing, statisticaly speaking, of course. Data analysis is not my area of expertise, but I do more than my fair share of engineering, not that I'm complaining.
Lmao America man he's a britbong it doesn't matter to him or I that US economy is fucked.

That being said, while all us little people are being squashed and complaining about the economy the stock markets are making records and the rich are getting richer...the economy isn't getting "fucked" it's us that are getting fucked my friend

true VR is just a little escapism and I don't think you can hold that against us. it has the tremendous ability to improve lives. Imagine people with disabilities, people living in tiny homes and squalid conditions, people who work shit jobs 9-5 and all they have to look forward to in life is their game.
you are an actual monkey lmao.
>I have a question, will not the organs be crushed with too much weight? you know, belly fat prevents the lungs from pumping air, or would the blob be a big cake?

Eventually yes, if only from how our super-fatty lays. I already take care of COPD and obese patients who can't be on their backs for long because it suffocates them.

The Satan trips do not lie.
I don't even see the point of genetic engineering in this matter, unless you are talking about girls over 2000lbs being able to live for 100 years or more. You could probably get people to reach 1000 to 1400 and live the same lifespan as someone between 500lbs to 650lbs with proper drugs.

Aside from just poor design of the human body to deal with increasing size. A lot can already be done to compensate with it.
The two biggest thing to overcome is obviously the heart, the other is the physical problems of being immobile.

As far as the heart goes, it is by far more simple. Bigger bodies have to supply more pressure and the heart can only get so big, when it can't get any bigger congestive heart failure develops. So that means we simply need to find a way to either allow the heart to pump more blood with less effort or increase the oxygen in the blood. Right now various drugs exist that can dilate the blood vessels and breakdown plaque build up. As well as other drugs that improve the oxygen content of the blood. Both do have serious side affects and complications that would need to be balanced out, but can be done.

The other issue is immobility. Although it seems super sexy, and it is. The health issues brought on by being immobilized are easily worse than being at 700+lbs. Muscle atrophy would ensure that regaining physical strength is difficult, meaning any sort of exercise that can help the bone strength and muscular strength & endurance to live at such a size impossible for very long. Not moving also brings on hygiene issues which increase the risk of infection in a person who's immune system has to take care of a person who's volume is already 6-10 times larger than normal.
So to keep things simple, being truly immobile is undesired. But being able to move at a size that someone should be immobile is technically possible. If you can increase the bone and muscle strength so someone who looks like they should be immobile, but can move somewhat is doable. That is sort of the reason why someone like Boberry could reach 600lbs and still move around somewhat normally and have no where near as serious of health issues compared to other SSBBWs.

Myostatin inhibitors can increase muscles strength with minimal exercise, reducing the risk of muscle atrophy and ensuring that physical exercise can still be done.
I suppose osteoporosis medication could also increase bone strength, but I do know to what extent is possible.
Not to dash your dreams, but you may never reach 600lbs.

Since you are a male, you are at a massive biological disadvantage in regards to heart disease and diabetes.
You can reduce the risk of developing diabetes if you cut alcohol, high fructose corn syrup, and just excessive sugar entire. Yes you will gain slower, but you will be more likely to feign diabetes.

I would also highly recommend you try cardio exercises weekly to make sure your heart is as strong as it can possibly be to prevent congestive heart failure. The body will begin to give out around 450lbs to 500lbs depending upon your height, age, and over all health. It is a slow process once it begins, and not give out all at once. If you see fluid building up in your legs that is an early sign of heart failure and you should stop gaining immediately.

Also do not count on these phrama companies making a diabetes cure anytime soon. Although it can be made, they make more money off of selling people treatments not cures.
If you where an evil company like Pfizer why sell someone a $200 drug that cures them of diabetes when you can sell them $70 treatment drugs on a monthly basis for the rest of their life.
Also I am pretty sure some pharma company has a patent on it to ensure it never reaches production.

Trust me, you do not want this. That will be the great reset where you will own nothing and told to be happy.
Stop listening to how good they tell you it will be, because it will literally be a form of hell on earth.
This is a very interesting thread. I'm not a feeder or feedee so allot of what's being discussed about health is over my head, and I tend to agree that it's more likely that a weight limiting drug will be developed before we get to maintaining a society of immobile super whales, but I want to mentally explore the narrow streets that might lead to this sort of thing happening.

First off, we're already pushing towards an American society that's much more accepting of morbid obesity than even 10-20 years ago. The main reason for this is obvious; there are more fat people now. If you grow up around fat people and that's normalized, then you're going to have a different perception of what an acceptable amount of body fat is. Since weight in America only seems to be increasing, the baseline keeps going up.

Nowadays, especially with women, plus sized (200+ pound) models are common. You can see plus sized mannequins and frame ups at your local Target where 10-15 years ago they would've been exclusively in the 110-140 pound range. If this continues, in another 15-20 years it shouldn't be too unlikely to see this push to 250-300 pounds.

As we know, once a substantial amount of weight goes on, it's very difficult to get it back off. A young woman at 200 pounds is most likely to get fatter as she gets older.

Also, fat people generally eat more, consume more media, put more money into healthcare, use less public resources (less likely to use park, public transit, etc), and are all around better consumers. The movement to get people to accept obesity is partially fueled by this fact. For example, snack companies know that being slimmer means consuming less of their snack products, so they pay big bucks to confuse the matter (is it down to diet or exercise) blame the consumer, and shower us with ads telling us to "satisfy the craving". They only benefit from people accepting the effects of this consumption on their bodies, and moving to normalize women being ever fatter.

Imagine this continuing generationally. A daughter sees her 250 pound mother and friends living mostly sedentary lifestyles and normalizes it. By the time she's her mother's age she's 350 pounds, and her daughter normalizes that.

Nothing is done to counter this consumption. Normal weight keeps climbing and people keep consuming, becoming more dependent on an ever more profitable health care system. Healthcare sells treatments that keep these people alive but doesn't cure them, because that's the best way to make money. Eventually, if universal healthcare passes, everybody gets the rights to this treatment on uncle Sam's dime, so the industry pushes even harder to confuse the matter to expand their customer base even more.

At some point, we butt up against the limitations of the human body, and that's where weight plateaus. From there, if it were to continue upward, it would be because there's further profit motive in people getting even fatter. The healthcare industry, in this case, is reluctant to develop a cure because they make a huge amount of money on surgeries and procedures to get the weight off when it becomes too much to sustain. But here we're talking about massive people, 500+ pounds, and the lifestyle that such a large person lives has become the normal. Some people with more resilient bodies get up past 1000 pounds before needing these life saving procedures, and we've effectively hit blob territory at that point.
Youre not a feeder or a feedee?
What brings you here?

...fat chicks?
(56 KB, 461x347, thank you mr skeleton.jpg)

Hey, just a quick bump from the Skelebro to see how this anon is doing! Hopefully he'll chime in.
>the obvious commercially profitable application for advanced obesity biotech will be to "solve" obesity by developing techniques for minimal-effort fat reduction, as opposed to developing techniques for making superfatties less unhealthy. As a potentially tappable consumer demographic, "people who want to be thin" is orders of magnitude bigger than "people who want to be huge but would like to be healthy while doing it." I'm not a bioscience guy at all, so any of my speculations on what those techniques might be would be ill-informed handwaving (fucking around with leptin somehow?), but from an economic perspective, assuming we're not in a post-scarcity/FALC or Singularity situation where private sector profits are no longer the main driver of biotech innovation, the desire for thinness is likely to be the primary consumer demand driving technological developments around obesity.

My money is on this guess. Assuming cultural trends are even somewhat like what they are now if and when the biotech becomes widely available, people are going to want to slim down with it. Even if there were a tiny minority of feedists who wanted to do otherwise, it's hard to imagine the services would be available to anyone but the very rich, if that, and the overlap between feedists and the very rich has got to be microscopic. I'll hope for otherwise, though!

>I'm already making a kind of primer on fattening up as healthy as possible (for long term enjoyment) and I could easily see future AI programs being able to direct their users on this properly, since we're doing this for weightlifters and bodybuilders for proper eating and upper 1% performance. Right now for ease, it would likely be a daily split with minimum 2 mile walks, streching, weight training focused on accessory before strength, and calisthenics.

If you get this polished enough, Skelebro, would love to see you share it here and elsewhere. It would be great to see you have a section on best practices under current conditions, and another on various possible tech and therapeutic developments, how likely they are, and how they would change the game.

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