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For me it’s that dude on /inflation/ who calls himself “The Babylonian”, refers to himself in the third person and addresses other users as “mortals”. Inflation isn’t really my thing, but he seems to share a LOT of content, which makes him better than most people here, but I just can’t read his posts without cringing myself to death.

Also, the excessive use of the words “wins” and “legendary”
This thread.

Found the guy who says wins and legend.
attack ships off the shoulder of orion, c-beams glittering in the dark above the tannhauser gates
>help guys, what are these mysterious letters and numbers?

At least once in every single thread, without fail.
Every single Boberry thread.
The guy who's obsessed with how the fat art he doesn't like is LITERAL MSPAINT CIRCLE TOOL GARBAGE and absolutely can't let it go

Fuck, I do like watching a good sperg out. I’m going to go find that post.
GGG thread, dont get how people fall for her grift
sounds based
A discerning connoisseur.
And my choice would probably be myself for choosing to spend time on this site.
There's one guy who insists on bringing up farts with every model. At first you think he's being funny, but as someone who talks with models, turns out he makes those requests regularly to them directly.
wait, that guy's not just an annoying troll? I know lots of people are into farts but the way he went about it provoked such a predictable response in every thread that I thought *that* must've been the purpose.

To the fart guy, if you want to get actual fart content you need to go about it another way; Be more targeted in your efforts instead of shouting into the wind at every opportunity lol

>as someone who talks with models

Lol this just seems so ridiculous. Aside from the fact that you couldn’t possibly know that the guy on here asking for farts is the same guy asking for farts in models DMs (seriously, they must get bombarded with weird shit from weird dudes all day every day. I doubt it’s just one dude), the fact that you’ve even discussed it is just hilarious. How does that even come up?

“Oh hey Boberry, I’m a huge fan. So uhhh how about that guy who asks for fart videos on BBWChan? Crazy, right”

>if you want to get actual fart content you need to go about it another way; Be more targeted in your efforts instead of shouting into the wind at every opportunity

I don’t know about that. I mean, it’s not even worth discussing because the dude is most likely trolling. If he’s hitting up every model for fart videos then he obviously doesn’t care who they come from, and if he doesn’t care who they come from, there are already thousands of BBW fart videos online, so it’s a pointless exercise. It’s almost certainly low effort trolling.

But for the sake of the argument, if you were that desperate for specific content, and you really don’t care who it’s coming from, it does make more sense to hit 1000 models with a quick and easy “you should do [insert fetish] content” comment rather than spending a bunch of time on a small pool of “targeted” models who probably aren’t interested. That sort of shit is a numbers game. Especially for something relatively obscure like fart videos that most models don’t do and don’t want to do. If you hit up 1000 girls, 10 will probably agree.
/bbw/ should be for models
/bbwalt/ should be for fetishes of real girls
all the drawshit in /bbwalt/ should be imoved to/bbwdraw/
/booty/ being an absolute argument hellhole. Especially that Hourglass Leigh thread that's currently up
Yeah the arguments on /booty/ are next level, but I think the thing that makes me cringe most about that board is the amount of dudes with a candid photo of some random Walmart milf’s ass and making a new post asking if anybody knows her name and if anybody has wins.
The absolute brain-dead arguing about haircuts is embarrassing. Just shut up and share content.

The Jae thread? To be fair, that haircut is awful. They’re not wrong.
It's devolved into full blown transphobia and homophobia. It happens every thread with her threads now and frankly this time it was just pathetic to watch.
Sounds based
The poop thread on alternative. Idgaf, it's gross.
I mean... You get what you paid for on /alt/. I hate it too but it's in the right place. Just hide, my man.
The real problem is the people looking for the shit video from Layla. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have one to begin with

Wouldn’t put it past her though
/booty/ is just filled with porn addicted black people, and I think that's the problem lmao. 90% of threads there are either NAME?!?!?!? or WE NEED A HERO WITH A MEGA AND WINS

Also I've never seen anyone use fucking emojis and YouTube videos as reactions on an imageboard before, but there it is
>see that poster is from the netherlands

>ignore because it's that guy
Same with the following shitposters:

- Aussie with a fart fetish and clearly has a chip on his shoulder about FatMissT

- New Yorker that constantly brings up politics or comics

It's embarrassing, both of you.
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>New Yorker that constantly brings up politics or comics
I fucking hate kisame. I hate the way he randomly capitalises words when he types. I hate the way he constantly namedrops American literally whos as if any of us are supposed to know who the fuck he's talking about. I hate how he rambles incoherently about politics and claims to have had every job under the sun. If you're reading this, he-who-shall-not-be-named, go fuck yourself.
circle tool artists. not even autistic about it but i like muh immersion. Also edit threads never fail to dissapoint.
In one of the old Omegle threads an anon posted along the lines of "How do I get people to keep talking to me, I thought it was going well ;-;" and in the screenshot he posted after a bit of conversation with a bbw, he suddenly jumped into discussing a homestuck rp causing her to suddenly disconnect.

Additionally, not really a specific thing but it's really fucking funny when people post here about "degeneracy in western civilisation" like they're not posting on an image board dedicated to lusting over morbidly obese women.
Leave and never come back
Iirc K-word doxxed himself, so if any amerifag fancies a drive up to upstate NYC to beat the shit out of some hyperpreg autists there's a whole sleuth of people who'd pay to see that fucker cry
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>Most cringe shit

I was gonna make a thread on using the BBW-focused dating apps soon, but I'll bring some of my conclusions here for now as a kind of warm-up.

Dudes. Men are the most cringe shit, bar fucking none. I do not know what the FUCK has happened to us as a whole, but in any dating arena- Straights, gays, Albanians, whatever- Men act in a way that I cannot understand. My best friend is Bi and his relationship with his wife is dream worthy- he uses Grindr actively, and frequently gets full asshole or cock pics on the 2nd or 3rd text. Another mutual friend is a large gay black man. He has told me to my face, that even with my EMS background he won't show the fucked up shit dudes send him. Fuck, I even brought this up to my MOM and she agreed, and we bullshitted over just the deluge of thirsty comments, or how years later after her profile's down and she's married guys will still try to message her. I know apps are hard to get to work, but most of these "men" can't even manage to fill out the bio let alone dress in a way that makes them look good- meanwhile half these ladies are putting foundation on before taking bathroom selfies!

To be a man on a dating app is to be filling out for job applications, except you're applying to spend your money in hopes of a good night. It is aggressive and dehumanizing, and to show you're real you have to keep up a façade of community. But to be a woman on a dating app is to be under constant assault mentally AND sexually- no matter what, you're just a fetish to most of these "men" who haven't accepted they want a fat girl, a walking fleshlight with opinions, and if you're black? Good god, I already had a date with one long ago who showed me all the times dudes would hit on her, only to turn 180 and call her a nigger. It was easily 3-4 every week!

Is this what the rampant dehumanization and disposability of men has wrought? A fucking legion of coomers?
I don't know what the turning point was but there definitely came a point at which swathes of men forgot how to communicate- if, indeed, they ever knew. I've ummed and ahhed about joining a dating site but, honestly, the entire thing seems exhausting to me. I have enough self-worth issues without having to rub shoulders with blokes who think women are like their anime waifus or just a walking fucksleeve.

dgmw there are plenty of apps to find someone who wants to be a fucksleeve for a night, I'm not judging. But why sign up to a DATING site to just be a creep? You don't get shit that way.

Eh. The grindr example is kind of dumb. 99.99% of dudes are on there to find somebody to fuck. If you’re using it for meaningful conversations, you’re doing it wrong. Of course dudes are sending dick pics after a brief introduction. That’s what the app is for.
Honestly, this. I thought it was bad on my end but when you actually take a look at what the ladies have for offer it's a fucking horror show. Just drooling morons who take selfies with their clothes and cumrags all over the place, their hair all fucked up, just opening with "hey :)"

And yeah, you're forgetting that on average, every male watches porn to an unhealthy degree, distorting his view on sex and women, and they're more often than not, too dense to separate porn from real life. I think it's been a constant process ever since pornography got big in like the 70s, home VHSs, porn theaters, exacerbated and accelerated further by the availability of tube sites when the internet got introduced to the mass audiences.

The final nail is now the lockdown; I've never seen or heard of this before the lockdown, but now there's a genuine fetish/thing called "gooning", which is just straight up getting off to being addicted to porn, plastering your walls in prints, having a multiple screen and audio setup, wacking off 10 times in a sesh. I'm going off track, but my point is that the lockdown made everyone start jacking off en massé because there was not much else to do. The result is, well..

Like women on dating apps aren't sunshine and roses but goddamn, how did we devolve to like Indian men level of communication?

Also sorry, what's EMS stand for?
The flip side is that if you're a moderately attractive guy with decent pictures on a plus size dating app, and you filled out your bio and you can hold a conversation, you're miles ahead of a lot of the men on there. That's what I tell myself, anyway. Dating apps are exhausting, and I haven't had much luck with wooplus, but it could be a confidence booster.
I don't actually know what EMS stands for and I'm too lazy to google it, but it basically means he's a paramedic. I think it might be "Emergency Medical Services" but I'm not 100% sure.
also that "goon" shit is fucking wild lol. honestly I kind of got into it a little bit, until I realised how intertwined it is with the whole "sissy" kink; i.e. guys basically being so addicted to porn they become bisexual/gay. miss me with that shit
man, I'm a 6'4" guy in decent shape with "body positive <3" in my bio and I clean house. all you gotta do is not be a complete coomer and they think you're fucking Prince Charming lol
A retired model's ex constantly posting that she's old on the SSBBW board because she won't take him back.
>>10049 (OP)
People who get off on women suffering from their weight are pretty cringe.

Also dudes who take it personally when a model loses weight lol
those are the biggest cringe
Like when big-boob models get a reduction.
"They're so ungrateful! They're only famous because of their tits!"
Yeah, and maybe they want quality of life beyond making sweaty geeks get a hard-on. Maybe fame isn't their aim.
When models come on here masquerading as fans and vehemently deny how much money they're actually making
>man, I'm a 6'4" guy in decent shape with "body positive <3" in my bio and I clean house. all you gotta do is not be a complete coomer and they think you're fucking Prince Charming lol
>The flip side is that if you're a moderately attractive guy with decent pictures on a plus size dating app, and you filled out your bio and you can hold a conversation, you're miles ahead of a lot of the men on there.

Total Truth- I'm actively sleeping with the first woman I went on a date with from wooplus, and I get opening comments from other women at least a couple times a week; I can't imagine how big a confidence injection it is for these women if you show up for a little date and you're exactly whom you said you'd be and it goes well, even if you don't click.
Also on the side for wooplus, other girls have started jumping on the ones demanding men be a certain height or more. THEY'RE PROTECTING THEIR SHORT KINGS

>guys basically being so addicted to porn they become bisexual/gay.
>but now there's a genuine fetish/thing called "gooning",
Fucking hell, that is goddamn terrifying. Like I've asked other femboys is part of this is being driven by us men being just fuckin' lonely and wanting ANY contact at all, especially since it seems like every internet subculture has one in it now. Meme's are getting weird, and pervasive. There's gotta be a way to lead other men out of this, because I gotta agree with >>10322 about men just watching too much porn and getting lost in the dopamine hits. Brave New World.

>Also dudes who take it personally when a model loses weight lol
>Like when big-boob models get a reduction.
Ha! I wanted to forget those, partially because I went through a phase like that when I was in high school. Those dudes need to touch grass.
dudes posting in threads focused on a particular BBW model that claim to have slept with them or regularly conversate with them. One or two of them are probably telling the truth but damn it's annoying when people just say that shit for attention and have no screenshots or unknown info to make their posts worth reading...
Okay but for real, most girls who get a reduction keep having back problems solely because they never heard of exercise, not because of their E-cups or whatever. Like just do yoga half an hour every day, damn
That still doesn't mean they should have to keep their tits if they don't want to just to please some stranger on the internet. We're not owed anything by them. This is really not a difficult concept. If my favourite tit model got a reduction, I'd probably go "That's a shame, never mind". She's not my fucking wife, it's really none of my business. I look at pictures of her and tug on my dick until spunk comes out, I'm not entitled to her keeping her breasts at a certain size because of my kink.
And, further to that, I know she's DEFINITELY going to get a reduction one day. No point crying and gnashing and wailing and moaning when she decides she wants a 9-5 job and a normal life with her husband and children. "No, no, please, carry around some J-cup boobs into your 40s because I- someone you have never met- find them aesthetically pleasing" Fucking come on.
Tho I can guarantee you any girl that got or gets one regrets it eventually. And those titties look fucking BUTCHERED afterwards.
They literally do not care because they don't exist to be a sex object for someone they don't know.
Why are you so pressed about the boobs of a woman you'll never meet?
I assume you worked that out prior to sniffing a bunch of it.
this isnt as much cringe as it is really fuckin annoying, but i frequent the /inf/ board a lot, and motherfuckers there will make a whole new thread for shit when theres a thread already that matches that exact fuckin theme. For example, some guy a couple of months or so ago, was posting in the suit inflation thread begging for this one group of clips right? after a couple of days, no one responded or replied because that thread is half dead lmao, but point is no one replied. Fucker goes on to make an entirely new thread with the same request (and i could tell it was him because he was a namefag). Then someone replies to him with link back to the main suit inflation thread, because someone uploaded the clips he already wanted. Shits irritating imo
i know this isn’t on bbwchan but it’s still really cringe. there’s this weird person spamming all the fat fetish subreddits with weird emoji filled posts asking people what they think about pictures of models and they have this weird thing about calling every fat girl (morbidly obese, not just chubby) “curvy” and refusing that any of them are fat. are they some weird inexperienced FA who only just discovered reddit? are they a high effort troll? are they an insecure fat woman trying to feel better about their body by seeking reassurance of the beauty of other fat somen? they confuse and annoy me and I hate that their cringe takes up so much of my attention on the subreddits I’m in. I accept that I am also cringe for talking about reddit on bbwchan

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: most of the women on r/ssbbw are neither super-sized, nor big, nor beautiful
agreed, I don't go on r/bbw or r/ssbbw since so many of the posters are either too small, have terrible image quality, have terrible posing, are old and unattractive to me (I'm a 21 yo, I won't be attracted to a lumpy 45 year old), or are just advertising their OF without providing particularly exciting content.

the best subreddit for fap material is r/wgbeforeafter imo - it can be a bit boring a lot of the time but when the content is good it's *good*
I've been scared for life by the amount of fucked up clunge I've seen there.
That's a goddamn given. The larger a community gets, the lower the bar is for quality accepted content and Reddit is the golden rule for this. /r/ssbbw is barely worth a glance, /r/immobile is full of pretenders, /r/ussbbw has one girl reposting her Instagram and another sin-ugly girl with stupid tattoos.

/r/ssbbwadmirer at least has content but I don't sperg over emojis so I didn't notice. The model-specific subs have full clips updated so I'm happy about that.
it's not the emojis that most annoy me about atlanticblonde123xxx, it's that they go into the comments of all their posts and rebut anyone that calls the models in the pictures fat. then I see them in other posts call the models lardy and posting cake and laughter emojis. are they just teasing the models? if so they're being super basic about it.

also they keep spamming r/fatadmirersmemes with the same "what do you think of this curvy girl 😂😂😍😍😍💓💓" type posts and it's all so cringe.

r/fatadmirersmemes is already a shithole that I'm pretty sure has minors posting in it though. I don't post there or enjoy its content. on 2 occasions people from there have created separate subreddits to organise creating a "WG anime" where they expect a professional animated and voice acted anime to be made for free by anonymous redditors.

All the FA subreddits are filled with varying degrees of cringe tbh
I finally looked into it and holy shit you're right. It's bad. Dude straight up is editing videos with cringe audio and "defending thy honor" when someone calls them fat. He's a troll with a humiliation kink.

/r/fatadmirermemes was good a few months ago. Now it's garbage tier.
wgbeforeafter has been completely ruined by the amount of ugly boring OF chicks spamming their pics constantly. It used to have none of that and then during lockdown they all discovered it and now every pic is some gross chick posting her 20 lb gain with a slightly different after pic for the fifth day in a row. Someone needs to make a new version with self-promotion explicitly banned.

I used to lurk the dating/sex subs because the people there are amusingly deranged and one chick I saw posted in some pro-humongous labia subreddit. It's literally called roastielove or something and it was captioned "guys I've dated have always bullied my for the way my vagina looks, I hope you guys like it!" Against my better judgment I clicked it and it was a pic of her from behind, just standing up straight. Spoiling because this is disgusting.

First of all her ass was extremely discolored, it had like big brown spots towards the bottom of her cheeks. And then hanging down between her thighs was a poo brown string of flesh maybe 4-6" long and half an inch wide. My old dog has completely lost the plot in terms of lucidity and does all kinds of dumb stuff and one of the things he does is eat napkins whole. I go out to shovel frozen dog shit in the snow and find poops that are clearly the twisted up napkin stretched out long and thin to get out of his ass. And of course they're covered in shit. That's what her pussy looked like. It was so much worse than goatse or blue waffle or anything like that.

Of course all the comments were like "Looks delicious, I'd love to eat that, you are so beautiful."
I think he got banned from r/ssbbwadmirer so now he's spamming his shit in random non bbw subreddits and goading random people into body shaming the people he posts. peak cringe
Not the most cringe, but honestly asking if anyone has “wins” is cringe for me.
Bro wtf are u som kinda raycis cracka??????????
>Fellas is it gay to think women should be comfortable

I nominate this guy for biggest cringe in a week.
>the britbongs just casually being the laziest and biggest cucks alive
Honestly I'm just happy your govt is doing everything in its power to kill all of you
what are you babbling on about now?
He's extremely upset that women who he doesn't know who suffer from debilitating back pain due to their breasts might opt for breast reduction surgery.
What are you talking about? Her sets suck. Everything about her videos suck. The only reason everyone watches her crappy videos and she's probably the most popular fat woman on Earth is because she's sexualy attractive and a human female who is pleasing to look at.

She's always been a pleasure to look at, even when she was younger and not as fat but there are mysterious phenomenoms that are just outside the reach of these wanna be scientists who can't explain why certain women look better the fatter they get, which is the first; the other being women that look better as they age, and that phenomenom, to the disatisfaction of both parties involved, is far more rare.

Purely coincidental, from a mathematical point of view, berry so happens to be one of those women who look more attractive the fatter she is, and her semi-large skeletal build of likely caucasian ancestry allows her to make use of that fact by packing-on pounds in stylish fashion. Now, me personally if for example she was my partner I would advise her to do some weight training whilst she does all that eating but guess it that's only because I prefer fat women who's fat is tight and structured as oppose to loose and flailing about but honestly I like all fat women reguardless especially while they wiggle or jiggle. I also have a preference for the more hefty and weighty heavy round sort of boob as opposed to the liquidy saggy water-boob but guess it I love them all the same even the tiny boobs so I guess I've always prefered the huge ones.

Sure berry is going to look fuckable no matter what she does she can put on a chicken suit and start clucking and believe me that it would not stop me from assuming position by her rear and fucking the living day-lights out of her; but it must be ascertained that she doesn't look as good now as she did when she was fatter. It is a fact.

People are going to watch her videos either way but if her videos were done by competent hollywood talent and they gave her acting classes and a choreographer or whatever perhaps a director and budget then that would make her videos complete right now the rest of her videos are out-classed by she, her face, her body, and the subject, her butt. She's too large for the frame. I'd say since maybe that halloween video when she put a spell on me and won my heart she's been too large that way for a few years now. She's bigger than the scene, and it isn't helping anyone.
You're supposed to post examples of cringe, not post cringe. Sheesh
Literally anyone referring to any women as a goddess.

Get a hold of yourselves, holy shit.
what about the women referring to themselves as goddesses? doesn't ariana perez go by "red headed goddess" or something like that now?
I don't know who that is, but a women vain enough to call herself a goddess is also off-putting. Although it's less cringe and more insufferably arrogant.
Shut up nigger lover. /booty/ is the asshole of this website.
Guys that start threads and post pics of women but don't name them or give their socials to see if they're a sex worker, so no can help or see if she has content to share. The candid and stalker threads are also really cringe. Mods usually leave them up unless the retards start fighting in them.
It took you more than a week to come up with that response and it's still wrong.
yes because I have to check this board every day of my waking life. Touch grass you retarded crumpet stuffing faggot
You're clearly gay and coping hard
I honestly think this site needs a 18 and Up or 21 and up disclaimer or age verification. I am tired of people trying to police the net. I am saying this as a person from the Yahoo Messenger days
>>10049 (OP)
I'm late to the party, but The Babylonian sounds based as fuck. Especially if he's sharing content. Good on him.
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>>10982 Stfu you fucking schizo
Schizo in the Netherlands is obviously reenacting the tale of Hans Brinker using his scrotum and paying the price physically, mentally and spiritually.
Also, I'm not a fan of the front page saying "weight gain image board". I think you can be into BBWs but not support "gaining".

That’s why it says BBW / Weight Gain, goober. It’s both
Based indeed.
Another Dutchman
That is fucking disgusting and did not need to hear of such faggotry.
My guess is Frisian since he’s so scared of gay people
Honestly, thank you for this post. It’s so fucking true—it's fully astonishing the shit that dudes spew at women. Not sure if it’s a mental health issue, if some people just shouldn’t have access to the internet, or if masculinity is just in a phase of genuine deterioration. Fucking crazy man.

ETA: Also, if this guy’s post pisses you off—that might be a sign we are talking about you…
>I honestly think this site needs a 18 and Up or 21 and up disclaimer or age verification.
>I am tired of people trying to police the net

Tired of people trying to police the net. Wants to police the net with restrictions. Ok
I remember once I went on a catalog of /draw/ and saw a Souþ Park þread, it had a pic of Heidi as its preview pic, I couldn't force myself to check it out.
Now that's some grade-A cringe. I can't imagine fapping to fucking south park - not only is the art style unfappable, but most of the main characters are literally children
Yeah, it's not even like anime where one can pretend ðat ðey're 18, most characters in Souþ Park haven't hit fucking puberty yet, and even if it was mostly ðe moms (or ðey age ðe girls up), like you said, it's not a sexy art style
Ðere was also ðat time PSRM made wg sequences of Kyle and Cartman
everything outside the tits booty and real threads
Every single irl related thing.

That’s interesting because I think the majority of cringe content is in /booty/ and /tits/
The Jae threads on /ssbbw/ are almost always shit, but now there's an incel using military education as a reason to dump on her personal life. It's crazy how much guys who love super fat chicks hate super fat chicks.

Yeah that guy is a cuck. But also the guy defending Jae’s life choices with no other rationale beyond “it’s the current year” is also a cuck.
I think the thread is gone now but yesterday there was a post by some guy claiming to have a feedee who did 80s themed content or some shit. The model looked like a dude and the content was low quality. When some people mentioned these two things, he had an autistic meltdown and called everybody jealous.
To be honest, I'd prefer the cuck that uses the "current year" defense over a cuck foaming at the mouth to shit on their fetish material. There's levels and frankly one is more redeemable than the other. Even if he's wearing a John Oliver mask.
That sounds like some serious cope and seethe to me tbh
lol how. they're both cringe but one is cringe for expending unnecessary effort arguing on a chan and the other is a weirdo with disgusting views on women and sex workers.
Agreed they're both cringe, I just have an opinion on which one is better to have around. But typical 4chan NPC sees an opinion he doesn't like and immediately goes to "cope and seethe".
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"Haha I've flipped your script on you, YOU'RE the NPC ackshually!"
I also don't understand why you're complaining about imageboard users... on an imageboard. What are you honestly expecting?

I don’t know. The whole current year thing just bothers me more than it should. If you’re going to the trouble of arguing about something, explain your position. Don’t just point at the calendar and decide that you’re right because it’s the current year. You may as well just not comment at all.
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On the one hand, it's silly to be too invested in models' personal lives. Have a wank and move on.

On the other hand, "how can you criticize her when you're the one fapping to her?" isn't actually a gotcha argument. You can enjoy someone's product while regretting their life choices. Kurt Cobain and Lane Staley made good music, but that doesn't mean that it's okay to be a heroin addict or that the junkie lifestyle should be acceptable to normal society. Jae triggers a strong reaction in a lot of people because she checks off so many boxes at once from the American Millennial Female fuckup checklist (has multiple kids by different dads, adopted a made-up "queer" identity as a midlife crisis, got a really dumb haircut). If she were a nice middle class girl next door like Boberry, she wouldn't attract those kinds of haters, although she'd probably attract a different kind of autism.

tl;dr both sides are retarded and I'm retarded for contributing
"Current year" goes away if life choice hater shuts up. Life choice hater summons 3 other people who will continue to rag on different things about her until a conspiracy nut shows up to explain why her life choices are part of some cult plan.
I’m on the fence for this one. While I agree that everybody should just shut the fuck up and pull their dicks, >>11533 has a good point about enjoying content but still being critical of the creator. I mean, that’s why celebrity gossip is a billion dollar industry, right? People love celebrities, but they also love saying “ooh she’s on drugs!” or “ooh her boyfriend left her” and “ooh she got a stupid haircut!”. This is pretty much the exact same mentality.

There’s no use getting all cryingwojak.png over it and telling us what year it is.

Both sides are cringe imo.
Continually begging, especially with no trade offers, if a model sells clips or closed subscriptions it's understandable but begging for content from models with subscription sites dumbfounds me. Just subscribing for a month will allow you to get your hands on more content than anyone will ever upload here most of the time. You can get 3 subs for a price that's less high than non-essential things like a Switch game or going to a restaurant (the former can be emulated and you're too much of a shut-in for the latter anyway).
Rule of thumb - anyone namefagging that isn't a mod is cringe. Daffy Duck, DasRitter, the one New Yorker that must not be named, all of them. Even the Contend Fairy is doing a public good by uploading content but wow is it painful to read their posts.
Not on here but on curvage, which most people here have experience with. The cringe comments and reviews that people on there make. They think they have a relationship with the girls on there. Just look at users like John Smith (I think), they make me wanna gouge my eyes out, Just fuckin buy the vids, jerk off to them and then fuck off.
And people who look at this fetish as a «community». The guys who are overly nice to the girls and think they the girls cares about them.
Very ranty, but I’m sick at looking at people pretending this shit is something other then a fetish.
Casey’s thread is unreadable because of that shit.

Curvage used to be especially bad about pretending to be a community like 5 years ago, but it seems like the mod voice dropped way back to allow the thing to be a 100% cash grab..

Fatfatfatlover, regbill, dantesparda, eggbert, they are everywere!

If I see their profile picture one more I think I'm gonna quit
I don't think John Smith is as prominent on Curvage as he used to be. The site was may more unbearable a few years back when he was spamming all the time. The dedicated model threads are pretty cringe when all the posters suck up to said model and think they are friends because the model responds to their comments. I just look at the pictures and move on.

Yep, The Casey thread is probably the worst example of it. She posts some good pictures in her thread and some of the things she writes can be really hot. But the regulars in her thread are the worst. Thankfully you can filter the threads to just see posts by individual people so you just few Casey's posts and not deal with the cringey commenters.
>>10049 (OP)

1) Dudes who don't understand that porn (erotica, etc) is fantasy. "What a scam, she's not really into gaining!!!" No shit — they're playing a character, just like Robert Downey Jr. doesn't actually have a flying metal suit. Use your imagination, have fun with it, and if a model is actually into [name a fetish], consider it a bonus.

2) Using nigger, faggot, etc as all-purpose insults. We get it, you're a DGAF badass, by which I mean a meek, angry loser who eats boxloads of shit on a daily basis and this — a fetish board — is where you flex your power with naughty words. Fuck you.
Jeetdoh's threads. Little contend, only constant argument about some nonsense
If you're mad about 2, while I don't use that sort of language this is an imageboard and imageboards within themselves have their own culture.
Does this make more sense if I know who that is? Or am I too boomer to hang with you sigma fajitas
The fella in the green striped jumper is from the early 2000s children's TV show "Blues Clues". I have no idea whether he's supposed to be Steve (the guy from the American version), or Kevin (the guy from the British version I grew up with). I suspect it's the former.

The fella whose face is superimposed upon Steve is a youtuber named Ian who goes by "iDubbbz". I guess Ian must have said "nigger faggot" at some point.

Side note: Ian's wife does onlyfans. She's not fat, but the fact that he married a girl who does onlyfans is sure to open a can of worms here lol
Seeing adult men cry over some art that didn't come out yet
what if the culture sucks?
Then why the fuck are you here? Go to an actual forum and not an imageboard where people are supposed to be irreverent
>>10049 (OP)
I think using 'cringe' as an adjective is pretty cringeworthy.

(And the number of people on this thread pretending they're saints.)
(74 KB, 600x1040, tonykornheiserwhy.jpg)
the goodgirlgrow thread on /bbw/ has the most cringe shit I have ever seen in all of my years on the internet. Parasocial relationships will destory you. Go outside and touch grass everybody.

>Actually, what this woman is doing affects real people's lives. My son committed suicide last week and left a note explaining he did it because he sees the whole world is just a show. He specifically mentioned Good Girl Grow as someone that he put all of his hopes and dreams into watching grow, like her name suggests, and she's not. It hurt him. Now, I am not putting all of the blame on Danny's suicide on this woman, but I am angry with her and want to know to stop playing with people's hearts.
>I am just here to fap. Once my son fuaned 18, we started watching porn together, and it turns out we all have a feederism kink. Anyway, I know this might not be appropriate here, but seeing this topic and how people say GGG can do whatever she wants was a big fucking trigger. I will definitely write a better thought-out post about what happened on Curvage, which I think is a more appropriate place to propose real change in the community.
/bbw/ in general is becoming cringe. I found this site because I was a 4chan fag way back in the day and it's changed man. I'm not saying it was ever good but it's definitely changed. There's been a lot more whining and griping about porn and fetish stuff, which I don't really comprehend. The whole idea of "lurk more faggot" doesn't really exist here anymore. Beta, cringe and autistic shit is going off the charts and honestly I'm getting tired of it.
Real or not taking the time to write all that is stupid as fuck anyway
I don't even care if the post was real or not. It's just so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh and question what the fuck am I doing with my life.

If it was fake then 10/10. Absolutely deserves the rating.
This is obviously a joke, in which case it's awesome.
Dudes who write long ass crybaby rants about being too scared to date fat girls because idk they’re worried about what other people will say or something. Grow a set
The Ed Edd n Eddy art style is also in this tier of shit you can’t fap to
>>10049 (OP)
Posters that casually bring up how a particular artist or model is "a piece of shit" or "insane" then never elaborating on why when questioned. Why the hell say anything in the first place?
it a obviously a joke don't know why people keep referring this to cringe, sad people don't know the difference these days. Its more annoying than anything doe especially on site were we are just trying jerk off here....
there's a difference between "irreverent" and "edgy teenager".
I might get dogpiled for this; but I think the prevalence of this kind of shit is part of what’s meant by the phrase “toxic masculinity,”
You're not wrong though - that's why it's called TOXIC masculinity. If you refuse to exhibit sympathy for others and buy into Alpha Male bullshit, then guarantee you're only crippling your emotional health and scaring away the decent people in your life.

Damn it you don't have to like everyone but try to remember the person on the other side of the table. No one is saying toxic masculinity = all men must die. It just means they're tired of men fitting into 5 manly stereotypes and being assholes to fit in.
Diamonds. As in “bruh this photo made me diamonds”.

I don’t know which one of you idiots started this, but about 500 of you have written it in the last month or so and it’s really corny.
(119 KB, 720x775, CePPgiWWsAEo6dc.jpg) (93 KB, 780x585, ecd.jpg)
It's a reference to this meme. It didn't start here; it's been a thing on other imageboards for at least a decade at this point
(135 KB, 654x399, EB8ZceyXoAIV8F7.png) (52 KB, 850x400, quote-i-think-i-would-know-nora-s-fart-anywhere-i-think-i-could-pick-hers-out-in-a-roomful-james-joyce-34-69-48.jpg)
My gripe is refreshingly pure and simple: Anyone with a fart fetish.

These guys are really not doing any of us a favor to rehabilitate the reputation of fats. I literally tolerate and would prefer cannibal fetish people over these types. At least people into scat KNOW they're total degenerates, but the brapfags always manage to ruin everything they insert themselves in self-ignorance. They're also either literally brain-damaged low-IQ coomers or painfully midwit.

I shouldn't even have to enlist fat in the same league as degen fetishes, because ours is vindicated by history to be natural to man, and not just Renaissance paintings stuff.

What is the appeal anyway of huffing such noxious gases that signal the nastiness of daily life? Can't you be aroused by something you can at least pretend is beautiful? Not to mention it's far more shameful to get a woman to do that stuff than to feed her to morbid obesity (yes really). As far as I'm concerned, women don't fart, as nature intended.

"Crepitufasciculi delenda est."

>James Joyce quotes sadly related
I'm tired of all the goddamn good for nothing niggers on this site. Thank God for /draw/ and /ssbbw/, though it feels like the niggers have begun to leak from their containment boards. Send the emoji users begging for "wins" back to Africa.
no its because people talk about their dick being hard, and diamond is pretty hard
so hard as diamonds = my dick is diamonds
No, you're either new to imageboard culture or you're (just barely not) underage. It's a direct reference to the OG post "car made of diamonds crashes into a wall made of diamonds" post.
It's both, dumbass.
horny posting on main
dudes are so worried about being cringe, when what they really should be worried about is reaching the aesthetic heights imo

if you haven’t been cringe in the service of art at least once, are you even an artist?
>if you haven’t been cringe in the service of art at least once, are you even an artist?

as a drawfag cursed by stupid insecurity and anxiety I actually really needed to read this. It's inexcusable how I get afraid to even do anything at all since I still care about harsh criticism. gracias mexican anon.

Who cares what it’s in reference to. It’s cringe
Any memes

If you're going to post one during an argument, then you've alread lost.

Sounds like somebody depicted you as a soyjak
The weird obsession with cocks in /booty/

In some threads there are dudes talking about dongs in videos more than they talk about asses. Why is everybody there so fucking weird?

All I know is, I'm getting too old for that shit and just leave the thread altogether. At that point I rather be called a racial or homophobic slur than trying to decifer some picture that only exist on this board.
Most cringe?
Probably the white boys in /booty/ that defend the BBC in almost every post, like I'm tired of BBC taking over our white women, and I know some of you are too, I'm tired of seeing BBC Penatrate every thick bitch on this planet, like save some for us or kill yourselves
Hey man what's with your keyboard
Dudes probably some little kid who dug up an old issue of BUF from under his dad's bed and is posting the pics so he can LARP
Honestly, I've been visiting chan boards since (dear god) 2006 and they really all have gone to complete shit. All the slurs now are just to try and "offend" someone, but you can tell the fuck on the other end doesn't have a plan B when they fail so they just double-down. I personally, blame the permanently-butthurt losers of /pol because its funny.

>I'm not saying it was ever good but it's definitely changed.
Totally agree. Talking with Kat when she'd visit (maybe 2012?) helped me realize I can't stay in the box forever if I want to be truly happy, but now it's really just 90% entitled dudes who don't even have the set needed to openly admit what they want let alone go out and get it. Shit, typing this out I realized I spend WAY more time on Feabie than I do here, there I at least have discussions and shit.
I definitely get the sense too that a lot of 'irreverence' as they call it, is just a way to "troll the wokescolds"

Consider this; A store puts up a sign encouraging people to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". A customer is annoyed by this infringement on his rights.To exercise his rights he approaches the Cashier, or some other employee and tells them very pointedly; "Merry Christmas".There, he's made his point. Only the employee didn't make the rule, nor does he support the policy--actually he would rather say Merry Christmas too.

Were the libs really trolled here?

I do believe the words nigger,faggot or kike could be funny in a truly irreverent society. But the edgy /pol/ types are clearly just mad conservatives who give the words as much reverence as the liberal set by considering them the keys to the revolution
>Honestly, I've been visiting chan boards since (dear god) 2006 and they really all have gone to complete shit. All the slurs now are just to try and "offend" someone, but you can tell the fuck on the other end doesn't have a plan B when they fail so they just double-down.

What was it like before people were just trying to offend each other? I'm interested in that.
>What was it like before people were just trying to offend each other? I'm interested in that.

They weren't "Big clubs" by any stretch, but there was more comradery. If you were there, you were weird, and because of that you always had a base level of respect until the person on the other end began typing something ULTRA stupid. Everyone was also kinda the same age and generation, so you also had shared trauma to laugh about (9/11, George Bush hates black people, ect) and shared slang and desires. Kinda high school, if there were no teachers and every kid was a member of the anime club before they turned being edgy into a personality.

>Were the libs really trolled here?
You're exactly right, and because of that it's a broken ideology; you can see it where "conservatives" have tried to make new twitters for themselves. They all fail, because there's no libs to own.
And in the highest irony, making liberals realize that a word has power that we, as a people, give it is one of the worst choices they could ever make- because no jackass calling themselves a "stormnigger" unironically will know what to do, when a blue haired stereotype of their dreams says the slur and goes back to protesting against it. Fascists worship power, because they don't have any lmao

You sound like a highly opinianated individual who has no fucking idea what he's talking about. You almost sound as if you are thinking is technical or systematic. That could be the problem. However, different people do different things for different reasons. At the end of the day it is simply not anyone's right to say what can or can not be said or expressed, and that is why we need a constitution, to keep evil people like you at bay and away not from sabotaging society but from corrupting the government. That is why it is important, and the constitution must never be allowed to be touched. Especially not by the hands of darkness, and especially not by the hands of the government itself.

I read your comment and although I could not understand all of it I noticed that your conclusions are biased, and there for I (the person) can not trust you, because you are an unjust man. Only the lord can look into your heart. If I had a daughter, I would never sell her to you.
(50 KB, 500x532, 6jxhue.jpg)
Their brains have melted from spending too much time there. They can no longer tell the difference between ragebait designed for racist boomers and fact.

I lurk a couple of niche imageboards besides this one and it does seem like bbw-chan in particular has an unusual amount of low effort shitposters right now. Even here in /gen/, too many threads are getting derailed by people who think it's clever to respond "shut up nigger" to every post and people who take the bait instead of ignoring them.

This site moves slowly enough that IMO it's still a case where the cure (heavier moderation) would be worse than the disease, but it's definitely annoying.
The worst part is the ones who take the bait aren't offended by the terminology in the first place; they're annoyed at how low effort it is.

Guys, it doesn't matter how you address it. You took the bait.
Randalin thread
(650 KB, 1125x633, 1984.png)
2016 happened, and now we have to infuse our seething over every political issue into every single place that will tolerate it, until it's another whiny echo chamber.
There was a thread on here yesterday of some british guy asking the name of this fat chick. Only thing was the woman was clearly mentally retarded. The first photo he posted was her wearing her Special Olympics uniform. Like his brain must've been as smooth as hers if he didn't realize that before posting.
This post is the most cringe thing I've seen on the site so far

Stop trying to drag everything into the culture war.
It's so blatantly astroturfing written by a black guy too lmao
I've never seen a black schizo until I went on /booty/
When they aren't cringe, they're fucking terrifying.
Blacks with schizophrenia are often crackheads for Americans. It's a common condition in places like Haiti too (cursed land, voodoo etc makes them mad).

Although there's genetic factors which is why certain groups like autistics are also more prone to it (hence racial disparity), schizoid conditions induced by "nurture" events from drugs to trauma also play a major role. So a black guy, who is often very jovial and pro-social and not high IQ, can go schizo without being autistic.
This will probably come off as cringe itself but fuck it: I think growing up black in America with a high IQ and awareness of history and current events would -make- you nuts, even if you weren't predisposed. I grew up in a white town but when I moved to the city as a teen I made a few black friends and began to see how they were treated day to day, where racism was demonstrated to me in real time rather than being a concept on the news. I'm not talking about being called a nigger or other major outward displays, but a million micro and macro aggressions everywhere they went, with everything they did in the white world. Shit like being followed around in a store or being asked "what do you want?" as soon as you step in the door; having a cop or security guard immediately look at you if there's a group of guys horsing around, being loud; having women clutch their purses or make a big show of moving aside when you walk down the street; etc etc. These injuries to one's pride as a man aren't big deals one by one, but again, I imagine cumulatively they're like slow torture and will eventually break you if you're not mentally strong with a very solid foundation and sense of self. I know I get bent when I'm disrespected on the street, or mistreated by a business, or an authority figure gets heavy with me for no reason. I can't imagine what would happen to my psyche if it was every day of my life. I'm not saying this gives black men a free pass to act badly but I believe it's often a cause and effect kind or thing.
Seconded. I worked alongside a lot of black EMTs and CNAs in healthcare and the alterations in peoples behavior was profound when I'd leave the room or enter it. There's still a serious undercurrent of "the black help" in America, this weird subservience attitude that I always see people cartwheel through when they find that their major help is someone not their race, who knows more than them, and that is going to dictate what they'll do for therapies/medical care/transport/etc.
(744 KB, 220x219, average (booty) thread.gif)
>>10049 (OP)
That and the millions of ways the thread derails to covid conspiracies
you're forgetting key part, which is

>MEGA????? ANYONE PLS DROP FR FR 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯💯
>youtube links in place of reaction images
>actual, unironic eugenics
Anon is coming so close to the conclusion yet landed so far
I agree I don't have it all figured out, just trying to relate my experiences and perspective. So please educate me, person from a country with no black people.

Some blacks are niggas. Some blacks are not. Some blacks hate niggas since niggas fuck it up for everyone else.

It's easy to tell apart a nigga and a black person with common sense.
Also the same people who think that all blacks are niggas are the same smooth brains who think all asians are bucktooth and smart.
Honestly I feel like a good chunk of this issue would be avoided if we had
>an archive so people dont remake the same threads constantly
>jannies who clean up shitposts/threads
>mods responding to/with bans
Then again 4chan has all those and still is a cesspool of garbage so *shrug*
Netherlands is 20% non-white in case you were wondering
Oops I thought it was a Russian flag lol. Typical American, I am... Yet I still think that snarky Dutchman should show his work if he's gonna say I missed the mark. Not to mention Holland's xenophobia and colonial legacy is very different from the legacy of slavery in the US.
It wouldn't suprise me if 50% of the labor force or minors was non-Dutch like I have a vauge memory of reading. It's what happens when a country is capitalist with highly educated and not very fertile citizens and a history of colonialism and recently, virtue signalling.

Plus.... people have to work and being a mod/janny doesn't exactly pay the bills.
Loli shit
Please don't make porn of little girls
Blacks in America should come back here, to Africa. Racial harmony is a fallacy and multicultural societies don't work.Of course I think the Whites should also return to Europe and leave America to the Injuns.
People should still be allowed to travel the world for study and vacationing though, and specialized work that keeps them in foreign countries, but not for any more than 10 years.
This'll probably never happen though. Too much to consider.
where in africa and europe and asia should all these people go to who have multiracial ancestry? will there be a system to scientifically calculate people's racial homeland? will it differentiate between the ethnicities that make up europe/asia/africa or will they just be sent to random countries there based on the colour of their skin?

Separating everyone so they can't harm each based on their ethnicity will harm everyone anyway lol, it's self-defeating and can only be justified by a racial essentialist viewpoint which is prejudicial and not based in science. Even within Africa/Europe/Asia people fight each other based on intra-continental cultural differences.
>This'll probably never happen though. Too much to consider

Like how the whole continent is one big clusterfuck. I rather live in Australia and get attacked by very venomous insect than try to figure out which country is the least deadly besides South Africa.
(30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
Buddy, If you're a reasonably well off American, you won't have to set up in the wilds with the bushmen. Do you think I'm posting this in a tree, fighting off lions with my free hand?
(680 KB, 640x1387, i6br2swl5h891.png)
>Blacks in America should come back here, to Africa.
Charles Murray has entered the chat
Unrelated but Thomas is also a rapist so literally 0 shock how 4chan wants to slob him from tip to taint.
Currently reading Otto Skorzeny's Wikipedia and it's fascinating how Israel tried so hard and failed to kill Arabs, until some1 was like "u think nazis wud help us".
Plenty of Nazis served in Mossad. Ideology only applies to people at the bottom. At the higher rungs nobody really cares. This is where strange bedfellows come in.

We have honkies on here saying nigger like their lives depend on it. I wouldn't put it past them to support rapists either.

Yeah fuck that, I can find my inner piece without traveling to that shit hole. That place isn't worth getting a dozen vaccines.
>Of course I think the Whites should also return to Europe and leave America
My home is open to Óðinn (birth name Chris) the proud 1/25th German from Michigan, as long as he brings that Faygo with him
>>10049 (OP)
Personally I prefer The King in Yellow to The Babylonian
This POV is more or less mainstream under politicians but they won't outright say it. It's why development aid a thing, EU pays Turkey to stop refugees from entering the continent and Anglo countries only allow educated immigrants.
> I rather live in Australia
Why do white people live in Australian when the country gives them skin cancer?
Yeah, the part of the world who banned flat chested women from the news certainly has all the rights to speak about lolicon content. Not that I don't agree with you.

>>Why do white people live in Australian when the country gives them skin cancer?

Good ass healthcare. Makes it worth putting up with skin cancer, unlike in America where it'll cost you $1000+ just for a ride in ambulance.
What are you on about anon? I don't know of any such law being passed in New Zealand and even if it did that would be the fault of the shit government and not the average person.
(14 KB, 360x237, Bruh Ren & Stimpy.jpg)
That one non-native English speaker who kept sperging out and demanding fat art of Code Lyoko characters. Also that Lilo & Stitch guy begging for fat art, like, what the fuck.

>> Code Lyoko characters

That show was trash. The main kid would risk the lives of his friends and family just to simp over his digital girlfriend.
>The main kid would risk the lives of his friends and family just to simp over his digital girlfriend.

A true chan user, if there ever was one.
Tbf, not only did he meme magic her back to irl, but she liked him as well
E-girl pussy had Jeremie acting unwise

I'm surprised his friends put up with his shit for that long since they did the most work.
That dude crying about Omegle not having any actual 700lb USSBBWs with feeding fetish who want to fuck him
(19 KB, 392x400, 4py0jq.jpg)
God only knows what would happen if Djjacob1954 discovered BBWChan
so what is the conclusion then?
>>10049 (OP)
The guy who insists on cutting the background out of pictures and posting the girl with a transparent background. Why do it? Does anyone like this? Also makes the images worse imho because there's no frame of reference for size
whichever retard decided to pollute this board with multiple anti-Disney threads all at once. we didn't really need one, we certainly fucking don't need three
I'm pretty shameless, and that's one of the things that I think makes me hot despite being "ugly" (not as "hot" as the people who surround me in truth lmao)

I already explained on that board that I can't get any lower than posting on the chan in general, so I tried to get my name inserted in a conversation that I belonged in. I didn't feel the need to mask my IP because that's not embarrassing to me, trying to make a living. THIS is embarrassing though. Spending time cropping little screenshots and changing your own IP to post about me multiple times. ☺️
(2.8 MB, 498x277, Oh no Anyway.gif)
Youre crying about a fetish model promoting herself, on a fetish site.
she's not doing it well is the problem

To be fair, she is being incredibly cringe about it. She’s endlessly arguing with one dude. And it’s also very obvious that she’s a boomer who didn’t realise she had the same ID in every post lol. I mean you’re right, she’s just promoting herself, and that’s fine, but she doesn’t need to defend herself so hard. That’s the cringe part. Nobody else cares aside from that one autist
Someone in the Randalin thread is seriously suggesting that she's between 176-220 (wtf i'm 176 lbs man and I look slim) lbs because BC Ellie is below 440 lbs and she looks "way heavier". I'm not gonna argue with him since i'm not an expert but don't legs add way more pounds than bellies?
Legs are incredibly underrated when it comes to overall weight. It's why bottom heavy models end up looking more proportional while clocking in higher numbers. Of course Ellie is only 440 - her fat is just in one place. I'm betting it's all the same guy is trying to bring in "more realistic" numbers to a number of threads on /ssbbw/ and he's not basing it off anything.

>>And it’s also very obvious that she’s a boomer

Damn, she's not that old. Rude ass. Not everyone grouchy is a boomer.

Yeah he has said that his goal is to keep people from getting scammed? WTF. He's just ignorant, I wish the mods would gag him tbh.
He's a fucking doofus, and I now realize there's something even worse than overly credulous FAs who believe blatandly false webmodel inflation claims. What's worse is that made a bad call up front, and yet even presented with all kinds of logic rather than disappearing like an honorable human he's sticking to his guns. Because like all fucking doofuses, he's stubborn as a mule as well. Judging by his grammar he's obviously not from the US, which makes sense. For a lot of the world 100 kg (220 lbs) is still hugely fat for a woman. His asshole brain can't comprehend higher than that.
Based on my dating experience, this is totally true
The kraut is still going at it, he said that Ellie's belly alone weighs more than Plump Princess.
Shut up and stay on twitter. Seethe and cope
>virtue signaling

I'm the same Dutch dude but that's ONLY in bigger, more internationally oriented workplaces and media. Literally everyone and everywhere else it's subtle, "I'm not racist but-" racism - in politics, in the workplace, in public..

The only reason why outsiders view NL as this hyper gay and socialist country is because of hookers, weed and gay marriage. If the latter referendum was held in the current political climate it would get shut down immediately by a bunch of picketing christfags, for example.
• dudes who bust out the calculator and start speculating how many calories a model would have to eat to maintain their weight. Shut up

• fart cake joke.

• dudes who post a shitty photo of their unattractive girlfriend and ask if she should model
How almost everything in /gen seems to devolve into a political circle jerk and race baiting shitposts.
The same two people bitching about Warner Media or claiming that Disney is full of pedophiles.

Just shut the fuck up.
Pretty certain it's one person with a VPN. They also hawked a fundraiser for an animated show. I know /gen/ doesn't have any guidelines, but for fuck's sake... not this.
the fact that some anons here wish immobility on models is to be expected but i'm so fucking tired of people thinking it's a realistic occurrence for people without underlying issues when adeline's knee heals she'll be able to move around somewhat normally again cause if pauline potter,echo and mz fluff can do it, she can too.
deathfeedismfags because nine times outta ten they devolve into the gayest roleplay ever
those occasional schizos on /inf/ (that sniff my farts and inflate person, that nigga wont stop talking about qualtro's code blue, etc.)
damn near everything on /tits/ and /ass/

You think Echo moves around “somewhat normally”? Lol. Bitch literally needs an industrial crane to move her. It takes her like five whole minutes to get out of bed. She’s completely out of breath after walking like five steps. What part of any of that is somewhat normal?
There was this weird as fuck pus thing I saw on /alt/ that I thought was pretty gross
The who's the leaders of the BBW Community thread. Unless you're in their little friend group, those models don't give a fuck about this community.

Every Moochi Babii thread. It always turns into shit after the first 12 hours.

Also those larpers who pretend to be a concerned girlfriend who recently discovered their boyfriend's fat fetish.

And every ESL who comes here and tries to talk shit. And it's two or three who'll call something or someone gay, trash talk every country except, or go on some political or religous bullshit rant. All while mispelling almost every other word and not being able to form complete sentences.
The 200 spergs arguung whether or not Layla qualifies as SSBBW
whenever there's a s@r@h r@e thread and she posts gore

The whole weight gain system this community made up is cringe. Like shut the fuck up if some chick is only 180lb and says that she's a BBW. You'll still beat off to her regardless of 20lbs.
This. Sometimes if you bring up stuff like farts or burps in bbwreal you get told to take it to alt, but then alt is 100% drawn stuff. Where do you go for real-life fetish porn??
Can you please explain more about how men treating women like walking fleshlights is a result of *men* being dehumanized?
>I'm 6'4
>all you gotta do is not be a compete coomer
Sure. Since only a small percent of men can meet women’s dehumanizing standards of height and wealth it’s easy to replace any given woman you can get with.
They played themselves. If they dated their equals they wouldn’t get treated like lessers.
How is it easy to replace women if it's difficult to get with any of them due to their insane standards?
I agree with the guy that I replied to that women's standards have made men thirsty and desperate, but I think this is incompatible with his claim that men just see women as fleshlights. Unless he's just metaphorically saying that men see any given woman as a means to losing his virginity.
See above. All the dudes who are 6ft+ with their shit together are rare enough to treat women as entirely disposable and replaceable..
The rest are simps who beg for the leftover crumbs after these woman can’t keep a winner.
I've asked for content of models with sub sites before, precisely because I don't want to pay for a month's worth of content when I only want one particular 5-minute clip. I'd much rather just be able to buy the clip.

People who whine about tattoos and haircuts get annoying, but I will defend people dunking on her made-up queer identity. It's actually regressive at this point. "I don't feel particularly feminine 100% of the time and I want a short haircut so I'm actually not a woman!!" The libs simping in that thread about respecting women should be the last people defending this shit.
It sounded like >>10315 was saying that the desperate coomers on dating sites are the ones treating women like fleshlights. I guess because they're desperate for sex. But the rhetoric about men treating women as sex objects seemed imcpotabile with his ideology about men being dehumanized.

Tbh in my experience, even 6ft chad-looking guys of this generation are really whipped. They settle for some 3/10 gf they genuinely simp for. But maybe there's some subset of chads that deliberately prey on fat women for easy pussy.

>But maybe there's some subset of chads that deliberately prey on fat women for easy pussy.
I think I know of the type you're talking about. They are more normal looking than you think, and they seem to "enjoy" easy pussy just as much as the "fatness" of the pussy. It turns them on the easy access, and they thoroughly have fun with these girls. I could tell you some stories but they're boring. To put some contrast into this I hung out with many different people in my day and I fuck girls because of things like beautiful face, or beautiful body, nice big ass, and these are the things that I look for. When I meet a nice girl that is a good person or has a nice personality and we get along that goes a long way with me in in wanting to fuck her to be honest but usually right off the bat we know whether we're going to fuck or not as soon as we see eachother. It's a vibe or something you can't see but you can feel by how she looks at you you know that she wants your dick inside her. It's an odd thing to put into words and also to experience but it is real and although it "feels" weird and can be awkward sometimes if she's shy for example if you don't fuck them they always leave disappoited, and I don't like disapointing cute girls. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for sex and I have selfishly passed up on many great opportunities, but those mistakes usually come from my preference for 10/10 perfect looking girls and my love for huge breasts. As I got older and more experienced with sex I learned to appreciate sex more and as well as a woman's company more. These days I treat every girl with a vagina like if she was the last girl on Earth, and I try to do whatever I can for them, but it's not as easy anymore to find cute girls like it used to be. There used to be so many of them.
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Prehistoric graves reveal that the "sexual marketplace" existed before civilization.
Lowering fertility rates is the purpose of almost every neoliberal policy.

sexual marketplsce ad in marriage? graves don't tell stories, they tell endings.
>grave sites
>the purpose of every neoliberal policy is lowering birth rates

Ummm…so there is a conspiracy to convince people to not be jackasses so that it will result in less population? Here I thought that not having nine kids was somehow due to the natural effects of no longer being a farm-based society, but instead it being expensive to raise a child and launch them as a productive member of an advanced society

At nearly a million dollars a kid, if you’d like to sponsor me to have 6 more kids, feel free to send me the check

>Here I thought that not having nine kids was somehow due to the natural effects of no longer being a farm-based society
What are you, retarded?

>but instead it being expensive to raise a child and launch them as a productive member of an advanced society
Yeah, advancing towards death and extinction, ugly-butt. It's called evil.

>At nearly a million dollars a kid, if you’d like to sponsor me to have 6 more kids, feel free to send me the check
And you think that wasn't deliberate? You think it was all an accident, huh? I hate to tell you this, bunny boy, but somebody lied to you. Okay? And guess what else? You believed it because you wanted to. Sorry.
Your emotions are clouding your brain.

What if I told you…there was no conspiracy involving millions of people over hundreds of years…but instead it’s the natural march of capitalism in a free and modern world?? Would that blow your mind? Or does it have to be a vast “liberal conspiracy” spanning centuries to undo the white man?

Touch grass.

>the natural march of capitalism
That does indeed blow my mind because it is the stupidest thing I've heard in many years. Go figure.

>Or does it have to be a vast “liberal conspiracy” spanning centuries to undo the white man?
I could easily, EASILY explain it all to you in detail. All of the mysteries of the cosmos. It would all be for nothing, and you would still believe whatever the hell you want to believe. Do your children a favor, and stop being stupid.
>Easily explain the vast global conspiracy *against* the white man

Okay, go ahead

>It would all be for nothing, and you would still believe whatever the hell you want to believe.
You missed it. Go ahead and explain to me the vast conspiracy.

I never said there was a conspiracy, not explicitly, but it is evident to me that your thoughts and beliefs are no more bewildering or should I say ubsurd than whatever you are criticising so you should not make a fool of yourself here.

You can’t be taken seriously if you just say everybody is stupid without having some clarity of thought as a counterposition
Are you from Urk?! I feel sorry for your progeny.

You’re making statements and have nothing to back them up. Waste of time.

You made statements, not I. And actually...... I still don't know what your so uppity about. There are many factual conspiracies and agendas of many groups of people. There are good people, there are bad people, there are some that are worse than others and those tend to be part of the wealthy establishments of the countries of the world. You want me to guess what they're thinking and planning? I don't know, but it's probably not good for me. Even if I could do something about it, it would be against my own volition, and I haven't recieved a calling from God. I am focused more on enjoying my life and my time here on Earth, seeking peace and simple pleasures.
Okay, then either “easily EASILY explain” the conspiracies/mysteries of the cosmos, or please just stop posting weird, accusatory bullshit here.

You just had to get that last word in. Everything I said is factual, not just some scifi Hollywood movie's plot.
Thanks for easily, easily explaining.

But he could've.
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Your ancestors were cannon fodder for feudal lords. Your grandparents worked as cogs in industrial machines. And now you produce data to be mined for artificial intelligence. Yes, you are replaceable.
This isn't a case of "a rising tide lifts all boats." Many people who desperately want families can't have them while the system is set up so that families with generational wealth don't have to compete with poors for the good jobs.
Side note: thanks mods for stepping in here

Alt has a real fart thread. Take it there
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This entire board is ocassionally really gross and veers into territory and things I know I will not like, but on the upside it has some good links to some porn

Feabie was a real joke in that the only thing holding that community together was how frustrated people got over petty things and would leave the site en mass to somehow voice their displeasure. I am not into any of the things they said the site was for, so chronically posting about what I eat isn't really a form of entertainment.

I havent been on fantasy feeder, I havent been on Wooplus, I haven't been on xyz, but I'd imagine its really hard to break the ice with certain people if you tell them their belly gurgling sounds really turns you on.

Ive been introduced to plethora of kid's cartoon characters being inflated, that wonka blueberry girl turning nearly everyone else on, the criteria for bbw gaining over a hundred pounds in the past 10 years and commentary about the lives of certain models.

My only crime was liking fat women.

Oh, great. Is this a joke about my stomach ulcers again? Just kill me, mob. Put me out of my misery. I beg you. You're too sfucking stupid.
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No, it's a joke about your dental plan

Oh that's much funnier then. I love vagina and there's nothing you can do about it.
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I just come here for the free porn, the rare crumbs of drama about models' personal lives and the even rarer discussion thread that's actually interesting and doesn't get derailed immediately.

I hate the far-right posters, the schizoposters (usually one and the same), the American political crap in general, the incessant arguing about nothing...

>I'd imagine its really hard to break the ice with certain people if you tell them their belly gurgling sounds really turns you on
The amount of people on this website (and in this community at large) who clearly have absolutely no idea how to talk to women is amusing. And there are so many butthurt incels clearly unable to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that arises due to them simultaneously finding fat women (or women in general) both attractive and repulsive.

>I've been introduced to plethora of kid's cartoon characters being inflated, that wonka blueberry girl turning nearly everyone else on
There is some good erotic art of BBWs out there, but the vast majority of it is complete crap. I personally don't understand any fetish that's impossible in real life (inflation, giantess, furry, you name it) but that's a whole other can of worms.
>Irishman being a liberal NPC

Oy, the Black and Tans evidently missed a spot with Paddy here. God Save the King btw
>I hate the far-right posters
Thing bad, uh... because it just is, okay?

Liberals are fundamentally left wing.
Why? Because they belive in the primacy of the individual, just like the communists do. It's the very base of the left wing ideologies, where an individual is considered being a building block of the nation.

>Liberals are fundamentally left wing.
Why? Because they belive in the primacy of the individual, just like the communists do.

Literally all of them are terrorists. They have no morals. They lie and steal. They believe murder is natural. Literally everybody who is against Democracy or is not a Christian are New World Order terrorists who also happen to be back and retarded, but that'a purely coincidental. They are everywhere you go in public. They have arsenals of information about US citizens. Where the fuck have you been? It's in their own words a "takeover" and it has been planned since before I was born. They literally believe that I don't matter and that my shit belongs to them. Go learn something, fool. When you go out this afternoon they will be there keeping an eye on you. You're a fuvking moron if you've not noticed yet.
It really pisses me off that “the left” has become a catch-all term for all of the freaks and the loonies in the bottom left-hand corner of the political compass.

The primacy of the individual is a socially liberal idea and not in any way intrinsic to the left or the right. In practice, communism* is a collectivist society where the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The state meets the needs of the individual so that they can best meet the needs of the state. Outside of the stateless fantasy lands of naive crackpot students it’s hardly compatible with the primacy of the individual at all.

*Yes, yes… communism is supposed to be stateless, but most people over the age of about seven know that’s like saying a car is supposed to have no wheels.

Wow... Did they teach you all of that in China?
Didn't marx become an anarchist on his death bed or is anarchism supossed to be the end point of communish or something?
The fact that you guys responded with exactly the kind of garbage I dislike is very funny
I don't give a fuck about politics but nazis and communists are fucking annoying, they never shut the fuck up and none of their posts make any sense
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The left are hated in America for being petty adults who want to ruin the fun of children's literature. The left are editing Roald Dahl books and Dr. Seuss books cause adults are just moral busybodies who have nothing better to do. It's like how troons can't handle Harry Potter because JK Rowling is difficult for her views. Really, what troons want is to make entertainment Pioneer or Ocean Dub where lesbians like Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune got changed to cousins to not offended the religious rights. In truth, after destroying the shoujo genre with Cardcaptor Sakura, I think troons just want to make everything like Utena even though CLAMP's style is dated. Like troons can't handle Dumbledore being William Blake or Proust levels of gay, they want him to be High Dio levels of gay. I guess what I am saying is that CS Lewis and Roald Dahl don't give them wish fulfillment even though Roald Dahl is the proto expansion writer. If there's one thing America needs now, it's that rustled jimmies style writing that Tolkien had when he was mad at the Beatles of the counterculture movement that read Lord of the Rings

The publisher doing that editing is a multi billion dollar, multinational media conglomerate. I'd be very surprised if they're "the left". The reason they do that shit is not because they're bleeding heart lefties. They do it because they know people will cry about it on the internet and they get free publicity. It's just a narketing technique.
I doubt it since 4kids went bankrupt editing anime for children in America to consume. Disney is also losing money because socialists don't buy their products. Disney lost so much money that Chapek had to be fired and Bob Iger had to be brought back to deal with Governor Desantis. Again, they're editing the books cause old Brits like Thatcher, Churchill, Roald Dahl were bantz masters. Even Tories are bantz masters when they hate their leadership. JK Rowling is just those lame Corbyn Labour Party that's afraid children are listening to Sam Smith, Elton John, and not appreciating RAF
It's a slippery slope to edit any dead author for any reason. I'm against it. However Dahl edited his own books during his lifetime, reacting to cultural changes in a very similar way, changing the Oompa Loompas from African pygmy tribesmen to generic whites. So who knows if he'd object to the word "fat" if he'd lived this long, but I think it should be his call. It's just about money, obviously, making sure the books are sellable in the 21st Century.

And it's not that Dumbledore wasn't gay enough. It was that Rowling tweeted "oh and Dumbledore's gay" after the fact, and it felt like she was just trying to score woke points after realizing her cast of characters were all white/cis/hetero. Cringy.

That said, Rowling is a leftist, probably listening to Sam Smith as we speak. The anti-trans thing is because she's a TERF-lite who's afraid actual biological women's issues are going to be buried beneath a horde of "men in dresses" demanding their own rights. She also — rightly — believes there's a mini-medical holocaust happening in Europe and the US, where depressed and/or traumatized kids are being pushed into gender revision therapies and surgery.
JK Rowling is Episcopalian like Tucker Carlson. Episcopalians don't believe in the federal government and that democratically elected bishops and God's love is supreme. Only Presbyterians like Trump and Eisenhower are far left because Presbyterians believe in respecting elder member of the church and in God's sovereignty. Presbyterians tend to be more progressive on abortion and gay marriage than Episcopalians or Jesuits.

Troons just hate JK Rowling because as CS Lewis said, they don't understand God's love. There's no victim in transgenderism, it's just that troons are just fundamentalists who think of the children.
Muh free speech is legally binding what the owners of IP can do with their product.
Vast majority of artists have their free speech taken away by conservatives and you know it. This argument sounds like frail boomers eating each others assholes.
Least schizophrenic far-right poster

You obviously don't know the facts that pertain to the legal subject you're talking about, but you have strong opinions that aren't all wrong.
Kisame again, artists like me don't have our free speech taken away. FFS, James O'Keefe got kicked out of his group because the right ran out of grifts to do.
Conservatives aren't cancelling artists. A lot of these dumb comedians getting cancelled are just left of center millionaires who can't tell a joke. All Dave Chappelle has to do is demonstrate versatility and stop telling the same troon joke, then he's golden. Just look at how Don Lemon got cancelled cause he questioned Nikki Haley's age.
Dixie chicks. Literally canceled a country band for opposing a Republican war.
You’re insane if you think there are funny right wing comedians. Dave Chappell is not right wing you idiot.
Dave Chappelle IV came from a family of university professors. That seems like conservatives.
It’s obviously you’ve never been to a university. Dave’s 100% liberal, hes a black man with LGBTQ freinds. He’s like 90% of liberals, we hate the annoying fringe and only identify with not being conservatives.
That's what homophobes say when confronted with their off color jokes. Didn't he get chewed out by teens at his dramatic arts alma mater? Besides, Gabriel Iglesias and Jeff Dunham are the top comics.
>Jeff Dunham
...You do realize he's an open conservative right?
DONT GROW EXOTIC GENETIX THE DISC00rrd is ran immature gamers who think what they are growing is high qaulity flower. But its really mids.
POGO: "We have met the enemy and he is us"
For me it's being harassed by a Mexican American former Marine who is an absolute fucking coom brain.
I have been working day a job for a year.
This fucking wetback won't leave me alone when I want to post in peace.
He also rants about how he supports murdering police officers because "They are Oppressors"
TradCath, you have no room to weigh in on what's cringe here. You are uniquely aggravating in how you conduct yourself here. You always take the bait and necrobump arguments that should be laid to rest. The fact that you have a cringe stalker is a cosmic irony we all enjoy.
> Besides, Gabriel Iglesias and Jeff Dunham are the top comics.

A cornball mexican and some dude who plays with puppets?

You can tell this place is populated by corny ass white people.
Netflix nowadays and Fox are the place for comedy. I don't know what they're paying Monique, Chris Rock, and Rosanne, but it's more than comedy central. I don't keep up with comedy anymore.
You must live a sad existence impersonating Kisame. I guess the preg community is going to the pits. Oh well, not coming back anytime soon. Have fun with those circle tool commissions. I am getting ready for work.
Bro, your first job is a part time job and you're on the wrong side of 25. You make your poor disabled mother feed you, pick out your clothes. You're a delusional faggot who thinks I'm "coom brained" because I'm married to a BBW and get laid on the regular. The fact that you're on a feeder website kink shaming people for having a healthy and loving sex life is the irony of ironies. Meanwhile you chat with a bipolar woman and call her your girlfriend when it's clear you'll never be more than a friend and that's being generous.

You're a tradcath yet somehow you have no relationship prospects and your only chance of impregnating someone is if you pay for a hooker and the condom breaks. You think me having multiple sexual partners in my life is a million times worse than pedophile priests in the Catholic church getting away with their crimes.

You're the cringiest dude on the Internet.

>>Netflix nowadays and Fox are the place for comedy.

So a place where old farts who are pass their prime are overpaid to tell stale jokes and Seth McFarlane/Matt Groeining land?

I bet you're the type of brainlet who thinks that Bob's burgers is hilarous while quoting Jeff Dunham jokes to your friends.

>>I am getting ready for work.

What you wanna cookie or something?
People getting into heated arguments on a fat fetish forum
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Kisame here. I already got my foot in the doors in my 20s. Don't tell me Catholics actually slacked off and did weed?

I don't watch Bobs Burgers, Family Guy, or the Simpsons. I play Dragon Quest XI on my free time and watch Yellowstone or Tulsa King when it comes out. I am still baffled that Bitch Hartman looks like a chad, Seth looks like some rat face shyster, and Van Partible looks like a normal person.
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Fat black baptists lawyer has been complaining that MAGA man is threatening his life. I am from Queens like Trump and I can vouch the Queens-LI area don't respect cops or lawyers. Manhattan liberals already voted to tax themselves with congestion pricing and banning transfers to fund their $1000 grocery budget. At worst, Trump is just trying recreate the Warriors or the Attica Riots. I've been dealing with counter terrorism units in the subway and church.
No. Americans don't like fat women. Fat women have anxiety and fat men have narcissists traits. It is considered rude and offensive to put fat women on the pedestal. Even Lizzo is being call out as faking it or selling her stuff to white people with her music. Caths are more likely to get a Midwestern beer wife and all we northerners do is than the man who marry the fat one. I don't know how Doug do it, but riding the whale and taming it earned my respect. G-D speed the nostalgia critic. Not everyone is Big Kathy who ate and fuck like some norse deity.

I am convinced this weeb calling itself Kisame and Das Ritter are the same person.

I only hold roughly 20 pregnancy art patents and 10 breast expansion art patents. I just got for quality and not quantity. I am just absent minded at worst due to living in the suburbs. I am heading on vacation soon.
Don't worry. We take good care of her while you're gone.
It’s a tie between the death feedists popping up with their detailed “predictions” on models as if they’ve never seen an obese woman over the age of 40, and the weirdos in denial who come to a bbw jerk-off board to lament about their attraction to fat women.
Probably the amount of kiddie shit on bhm and bbfurries.
bbfurries in particular can be horrendous with people obsessing over whether or not a character was fat as a child.
Actively nauseating tbh.
i hate the retarded file sharing services that seem to be the standard on this site. you know the two. either leech off of a less shitty file sharing service that doesnt expire so fast and try to shove their paid plans down your throat while throttling your download speed. or people could learn how to use torrents and share their files that way. no more links that get posted by some fucker who vanishes and people begging for re uploads like INFINITELY REPRODUCIBLE DIGITAL FILES are some kind of scarce resource.
I actually hope commer.party gets shut down so people can shut the fuck up about updates.


>>I am convinced this weeb calling itself Kisame and Das Ritter are the same person.

I second this.
Fine. I will stop being Kisame17 and vote for Ron Desantis if he's on the ballot. He was in Garden City yesterday and he has logical proportions.
>people looking for the shit video from Layla
lurk moar, fren
Who the hell is Kisame

>>Who the hell is Kisame

Some faggot who feels the need to address himself everytime he speaks.
It wasn't always (or maybe it's not and we have a pretender) but it's this spaz who has made tangential responses to literally anything and has always connected it back to New York, how the liberals actually conservatives and having a very shaky grasp on what politics actually are, an acute understanding of black activism, and classic comics.

If someone is spaz posting at you DO NOT ENGAGE.
That could be anyone in CUNY or Cal Arts.
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I dunno. I've been topped by Furries going on Fox News
The NY Post is cynical, well-educated, upper-class Brits and Australians propagandizing gullible, ignorant, working class New Yorkers. It would be a joke if it wasn't directly contributing to the downfall of society.
I am working class New Yorker and I still think they're terrible at figuring out breast expansion and pregnancy fetish. Lol. I am just trying to save up for a light pickup truck with my schizo money.

The fact that Brits and Australians only shit on New Yorkers shows how ignorant they are regarding other countries. They have 49 other states and several territories to choose from, yet only talk about New York.
There's always that faggot who is too autistic even for /co/ standards, surprised they're not pulling out a Rugrats thread. Also they always shit out for the millionth fucking time multiple threads based on the most overrated animes whose audience are filled with easily impressed redditors: Jannies are too fucking incompetent to get rid of the duplicates but they definitely police your wording.

She's a has been, let her loose her weight before she gives beetus in her fetus, Shannon Marie already dethroned her.
NY outside of the city is a backwater rural state with mountains and basins.
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>NY outside of the city is a backwater rural state with mountains and basins.

Anon, did you seriously forget to add "decaying crime-ridden ex-factory cities"?
When I said the Post propagandizes "New Yorkers" I meant those of us who live in the city and metro areas. Most of the world doesn't realize NY is also a state, and it's just as well. Carve off everything south of Putnam/Orange counties and it's Mississippi with a shitload of snow.
Nuh-uh, it's Detroit with a shitload of snow.

I'd be angry at you for forgetting about us, but the American economy has already forgotten about us ;_;
Literally half of the states population live in NYC. It’s the focus of the state for a reason.
Rural dimwit conservatives have a hard on for hating New York because it’s the center of us culture and commerce. NYC also has a lower crime rate than most red states.
I am getting tired of conservatives whining about about losing. I rather be a autistic than here spoiled man children whine about their Brazilian beauty queen drama. Trump being a heel was the best thing to happen to the GOP.
Social conservativism is at it's highest since 2012 because millennials who vote blue are tired of socialists running the show. The NYPost fails at propaganda cause the Muslim student is better at redpilling CUNY students than conservatives and their army of pharma boomers.
Nah everyone loves socialism, we all liked sharing our Netflix accounts.
Now republicans are the SIMPS screeching about “protect our women” and “don’t call her Karen”

nerd you sound like a 50 yo doesn't know what Socialism is, and it's not being charitable.
Communists in NY just want to drive their Honda Civics, Subarus, BMW, and Toyotas. Republicans just want to stick to their Dodges, Jeeps, muscle cars and Teslas even though the roads are too narrow for those types of vehicles.
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I live on LI. There's nothing for miles. We're burger punk. The feds hate us cause there's no interstate for them to use their cop shows. FFS, we're like 15th Ward of Rochester and Syracuse bad. We're not wusses like Buffalo.

That'scrazy. I didn't know any of that information. I hate the crime and I blame the abundance of criminals on poor government officials as everybody should, but I love hanging out in the city. I wouldn't live there or raise a family there, but I love hanging out in the city. If it wasn't for the crime I believe a lot more young folks would move to NY, even though I hear that NY has ko problems inticing young workers to move in and it's the older non-retired and non-Republican that are moving out in an attempt to turn other major states blue. Corruption sucks, and the US has way too many and an unacceptable amount of evil individuals living there. It's a shame.
Model dating pedo
That's because a solid 70% of what you read about on this board specifically about New York is pure garbage, because one notorious autismo and a handful of redder-than-blood Fox consumers are straight up coping about NYC being some crime-infested rathole doomed to fail any day now. The fact of the matter is yes, the mainland and Long Island are very red compared to the super-dense blue NYC (excluding Staten Island). It's crowded and expensive, there's plenty to do, and if you're in a good neighborhood and white you won't have any trouble raising a family there. People are moving out largely due to the cost of living - anyone leaving for political reasons has other things they're not admitting and wants to make a statement. It's a Democratic stronghold and that's not changing anytime soon.
Addendum about upstate: it's VERY rural but the cities (if you can call them that after seeing NYC) are pleasant.

Anyone else remember the time a guy came here with a huge chip on his shoulder about how he was an alpha male who banged models, and when he finally posted proof it was Beauregarde? This the same sperg?
Lol. Schizos like me are the ones working stressful environments. My Republican congressmen are telling the far right to stop acting like retards. We're not taking orders from Bannon or Gaetz. Let these spoiled rich kids lose. Living well and enjoying life is its own reward
Lmaooooo fucking gross
What? NYC is more known for dweebs painting murals. Lol. Eric Adams would have a heart attack if fetish art is painted on his beautiful city. We're silently trying to move theater away from the city into the suburbs before investors destroy it with their casinos. Raising Cane's coming to the city gets more hype than art.
Lol. NYC is a three way power struggle between socialists, liberals, and moderates. Eric Adams is going to fuck it all up for Hochul. That rabid cop is already undermining Biden and Hochul. I voted for Trump, but even I admit that Biden getting that beach house in Delaware and getting out of DC after 4pm was a smart move. All Trump had to do was not hide in Mar-A-Lago with his huge servers in the basement.
You're talking about some dumb city situation and I am talking about some some ugly model dating a pedo
Moot point. Trump got indicted again.

And we should care because? You niggas fight over politicans more often than I fight for the last good parking spot at work.
I love the way Kisame (the autismo referenced) decided to reply twice in separate posts and be just as unhinged in both.
Who are you talking about? The NY Post thinks I am Japanese for some reason. Right wingers can't predict my behavior.

I am plotting vacation at this point. The far right looks like a trashfire.
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Mods seriously need to step up their presence on /inf/ and get a handle on these berryfag schizos.
It can't be stopped. Roald Dahl was the proto fetish writer and a womanizer. He would write blueberry erotica if he were alive.
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Let's not forget the retards obsessed with Totally Spies. The most generic, off-the-shelf pretty faces, goddamn.
I flat out forgot Code Lyoko, Totally Spies, or Teen Titans 2003 existed. I am convinced that Totally Spies is being remade to make sure Jeremy doesn't take advantage of three busty teens.
Mabeelz told me that French entrainment is funded by the government and cartoons are required to have messages. There's pressure to have female heroes, but French female characters come off as brats throwing a tantrum that they come off as three dimensional. It's why Sam, Alex, and Clover are heroines. They're not trying too hard to be tomboyish.
>Code Lyoko

You mean the show where some simp put the world in danger on a weekly basis and made his friends risk their lives to save some e-girl he was hard for?
Yes, that's the show

The only good thing about that show was the theme song was pretty lit.
Recently, the half dozen (or more) threads on Gen that have FAs weeping about how tough it is to be an FA. Yes, we have a few unique issues compared to other guys but I think one or two related threads is enough.
This guy was right all along

People just like to complain and act like this fetish is an addictive drug.
Holy fuck the number of soy "woe is me. Liking fat girls is so hard" posts is getting out of control. Can't believe there are so many bitches on this planet losing sleep because they think other people give a single fuck who they date.
Kisame here. I work in food service in the states. All those high sugar and processed diets are coming to an end. Good Humor can't keep up with inflation, causing fat people to become dominant and cut back. Another problem is the health care industry performing surgery or putting fat people in the Mediterranean diet
Why do you think high sugar and processed diets are coming to an end? Obesity seems to just be growing growing growing, in the US, and with increasing social acceptance, I figured societal wg would still be on the rise
Pro tip: whatever Kisame is saying, reverse it and you'll be closer to an accurate statement. And don't respond.
He’s right. They’ve started replacing actual sustenance in their snack foods with food grade sawdust.
It’s healthy fiber but the calories are a fraction of what they were at the peak of the obesity epidemic. Fatness is now a sign of wealth and excess in America. Thanks O’Biden
A new one is people shaming others for buying porn.

"Hurrr you're an autistic white knight for being suckered in buying her content"

As if being a begger is any better. When I'm actually one of the handful of people who put up with enough of this site's bullshit to share content, you damn right I expect to be called a hero or king.
Not at all new. It’s always been SIMP as shit to pay for sex, porn, or attention from women. It’s a step down from visiting a strip club and it’s the fault of addicts like you that women everywhere have become 100% fine with being complete golddigging whores.
Earn your nudes bruh.
>Earn your nudes bruh.

God-level lack of self-awareness.
Way to justify paying women for scraps of scripted sexual activity. You’re the reason every American woman is a wannabe sugar baby one purse purchase away from starting an only fans.
Before models made any money it was just degenerate women who really wanted to show of their gains and freak body.
>You’re the reason every American woman is a wannabe sugar baby one purse purchase away from starting an only fans.
I can think of worse outcomes, and suspect that in the near future we will be fortunate enough to witness some of them play out save for a new world war.
>Before models made any money it was just degenerate women who really wanted to show of their gains and freak body.
True, but for the most part that's still the case. Statistically, what the revord shows, according to what I've heard's that the smartphone market had a large impact on porno industries because of the minority populations in developing countries around the world. In my personal opinion, most of these "models" are sluts that would've just as easily done the same without charging money, and I suspect that many of them did initially under different circumstances and around most closed knit communities and circles. The reason you get charged's because you're a nobody. If they wanted to give it 2 you for free they would've happily done so. A while back an anon said "There's girls you love to kiss, and there's girls you would hate to be forced to kiss", and it's that simple.
I mean the feedees are fake and not about the gains or that life.
This used to be a purely amateur fetish community before shein torrid influencers cashed in with their puffgut pay-per-views.
OnlyFans did us a favor by getting the whores to out themselves.

>>It’s always been SIMP as shit to pay for sex, porn, or attention from women

Says the broke-ass coomer begging for scrapes.
>>10049 (OP)
Necrobumping and don't care.
You're asking us to distinguish different flavors of shit here. The whole fucking site is cringe, just like every other 'chan out there.
With the exception of this post, I only come here to lurk and fap. Thanks for the free porn, assholes.
All of you are pathetic losers and should kill yourselves.
I'm unironically woke, but not woke enough to have anything against saying vile shit like that to people who deserve to hear it.
You know you're gonna do it anyway, I've seen how miserable you all are. It's practically all you ever talk about.
It's a shame, really. I'd love to talk fetish shit with you, but I can't seem to shave off enough braincells to find you tolerable company.
The second US world war can't come soon enough. Really looking forward to wiping you off the face of the earth
Desantis is already losing to Trump because Black Republicans like Tim Scott and Byron Donalds don't like his suggestion for African American AP to suggest that slavery benefit them. It gets even better, Mitch McConnell is finally going senile from all the betrayals he did to the point there's talks of replacing him. Then there's MTG, getting kicked out of the Freedom Caucus for attacking Boebert. Ron had to admit he made up woke cause he's losing stock in Bud Light thanks to the boycott tanking 28% of it's value. He's not helping his case accusing Tim Scott of being Democrat like most DC Republicans. I don't know what Trump's lawyers are doing, but letting him DJ at Mar-A-Lago and staying out of cable news it's working. Now the hate is focused on the fact that DC is full of Silent Generation boomers who want to rule the world
>sadists who just shit on fat girls here part time between smashing small mammals
>niggers who don’t actually like fat girls yet beg for wins in every thread and use them to practice their crab mentality negging
>delusional chrischan impersonators
>the intolerant
>the dutch
It’s tough b
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The right is so unhinged right now that they arguing Nixon didn't du nuffin on preg chan. I dunno. I think Regan was the better war criminal. He got away with those arm deals. I'd trust Regan on the War in the Middle East and 1/6. He knew the Bushes, Cheney and McCain's weren't going to rule forever.
I come here for the banter.
You are a faggot.
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The problem with Ben Shapiro is that he wants traditional masculinity, but rejects anything that isn't Christian. The thing is, Buddhism is way more redpilled than Christianity by admitting Men are aggressive and women are mothers. Krillin is supposed to be a weak cause he wants to make women a mother, but he was so full mast that he knocked up an android.
OF, Curvage, Feabie and Fantasy Feeder

wanna wear coveralls gloves and a respirator
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Dear Pregchan and BBWchan, I am not in your threads. Trump was holding his rallies in Erie PA and they're talking about retribution against government. Blue collar conservatives like me, Kisame17, don't care for the culture war. We just want to watch hockey, NASCAR, and drive pickups. None of which translates into Fox News Republican.
I also don't care about the NYPost complaining about sex trafficking in Corona. NY was a filthy hellhole in the 70s. We need more Taxi Driver and Warriors kino. None of that fake Guliani-Bloomberg, Scorsese BS
To pregchan, there's nothing I can do. Guliani and Fox News testified under oath that they lie to sell papers and motivate Trump and Republican. I would like to make a political film ala Michael Moore and Canadian Bacon, but holy shit, Catholics grasp on politics are delusional.
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We need confederates as president again. It worked with Truman. He stopped Patton, Oppenheimer, and MacArthur from starting WWIII.
Oppenheimers greatest fear was W3 that’s why he quit working on bombs after WW2 dumbass.
Eisenhower hated McCarthy's guts the same way Trump hated neocons and their insistence on endless war. Trump just went for the jugular and ended the War in the Middle East and wants to end the war in Ukraine. Catholics like Biden just wants to fight Russian Orthodoxy and China because they're just copying Reaganomics
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I used to be a tax planner. Reaganomics is not coming back. We cut too much on social spending while increasing military aide to cause the tax bill to become higher. It's the same reason China is on the decline. Socialists are educated, but not employed.
Average leftie
Lefties are just cartoonists who think their job is blue collar. There's a good reason Liefeld is popular, he didn't buy into the union thing.
Well there's some illegal stuff posted on /bbw/. Could be wrong since I didn't want to look at it but the title itself is worthy of a ban. I rather someone tell me I'm wrong since the alternative is far worse.
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After and before.

What an ruination! 🤮

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