
Hello! I wanted to ask for some writing ideas! Nothing is too weird! If I don’t know the fandom or characters you want me to write about I’ll respond back so you can give me another idea!

If your idea involves males or alt stuff like vore contact me on deviantart at: ItsWarriorPrincess

I am really excited to write some nice little stories so please request away!
What fandoms/franchises are you familiar with?
(265 KB, 1280x1600, IMG_9427.jpeg)
Anything based on this image
>>9683 (OP)
Would there be issues with requesting ideas involving males here? Also do you have any limits that you wouldnt write about?
>>9683 (OP)
I know it's more a specific genre, but I'm a fiend for reality warping stories.
Steven Universe, Baki, Pokemon, Avatar the last airbender, Anything Nintendo really,
I have no problems with males and I have near to no limits
What type of reality warping?
The kind that leaves the MC wondering, "wait, did I weigh this much yesterday?" While everyone around them acts like it's normal that they're fatter. Rinse and repeat, with differing interactions.
>>9683 (OP)
I do second the reality warp guy. I'd love a similar gradual reality shift but with Tomo from "Tomo-chan is a girl" anime slowly morphing from a buff tomboy with complex about not being girly enough to a massive, overly confident fatty.
What about WITCH?
If possible, I'd like a story in a modern setting where 3-5 girls are kidnapped by an evil organization who plan to use them as monster breeders. The girls are rescued by a mentor/ third party who grants them the power to transform into magical girls. Although the new magical girls don't realize it at first, the villains's experiment was a success and the monster pregnancies are causing them to rapidly gain weight. The girls must master their new powers, save the world and hopefully themselves before they become immobile, give birth or burst.
>>9683 (OP)
hot spy femme fatale gets captured by the villian and fattened into immobility by his new device, reduced from fit comando to a several ton blob, then she gets rescued and has a special suit made than can compress all of her sweaty flab so she can continue to work in firld but it tends to mulfunction from time to often at time at the worst moment

>The suit breaks down while you are sprinting though a hallway
>The guards turn a corner to find a bloated mass of blubber completely blocking their path
>just glares at them and tells them to get her out, quick

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