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Hope non wg stories are allowed. Post stories about folks who have to deal with the everyday life now that they are big blue blueberries. I’ve seen a few of these kinds of stories, but they are few and far between
Would also like to see stories like this. Especially ones that take place post-juicing where they’re stuck with a huge amount of water weight due to not being able to fully juice them
>>9468 (OP)
I am actually writing a fic like this right now, kind of struggling with the concept though since it's hard to think of anything to have them actually do like that.

Subject in my fic is basically the "can be juiced but will always re-inflate" type of permaberry. So far I've had them get stuck, get fed, and be rolled around a lot, and I want it to end with the berry getting juiced. If you have any other ideas/suggestions then please let me know.
You could change how quickly she reinflates and needs to be juiced. From the sounds of it, the concept you have now is that she needs to be juiced daily. You could change it so that she needs to be juiced weekly or monthly, so that we could see how she deals with her growing size day by day instead of hour by hour

Ooh, that's a really interesting idea... Especially if juicing isn't possible until they've reached max size (ripeness?). Thanks, will keep that in mind!
No problem! Just be sure to post the link to the finished product here. I’d love to see what you have cooking up

I will try to find a place to do something like that, just not sure how. Any particular "panicking and helpless" scenarios you really like? I don't think waking up inflated works since that's how it normally works.
Hmm, not sure, but I do like expansion scenes where the girl is getting stuck in a tight space.
Idk about the panicking part, but I do like the idea of her swelling to the point where she can’t move around on her own (i.e. crotch has lifted her off the ground and/or she’s become too heavy to move under her own strength) and then her be all “Well fuck” and forced to bide her time until someone comes back to help her. Like she’s forced to try and entertain herself due to her immobility, like scrolling on her phone, thinking back to how she became like this, idly sloshing around the juices inside her out of sheer boredom, that sort of thing
Wow... been taking a work-life necessitated hiatus for a long while and I'm speechless that as soon as I pop back in to test the juices, someone linked my story.

I have the whole rest of this outlined and all-but imaginatively/creatively visualized in my head, but the writing part -- if it's to remain "actually good" takes soooo muuuuch tiiiime.
I’ve found that doing a small side project does wonders for regaining focus on my main projects. You could try something similar. Maybe an unrelated blueberry story on the side?

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