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I’m a career writer by trade, however a long time ago, I wrote fat fetish fiction and role played, got pretty okay at it, but that’s all in the past now, as I quit all that stuff to focus on my actual writing career

Lately I’ve been getting the Fire Emblem Three Houses female weight gain fiction brain rot again, but I don’t really want to start writing fics that are thousands upon thousands of words again just, cause that will just subtract time away from my career writing

But then I got the idea of rather writing everything myself, I thought about potentially taking more of a step back, and trying to organize a community writing project, where I mainly act as an overseer and group editor, and maybe contribute something every now and again when I can

Would any writers be interested in this? And keep in mind, this isn’t asking for commission work, more like a “hobby/in your spare time” kind of deal
I forgot to add the “novel” in visual in the thread subject, my bad
I forgot to add “novel” after the word visual in the thread subject, my bad
>>9094 (OP)
Yep! And I am good with the terms. I have recently discovered the whole litRPG genre. I loved Beers and Beards, Cosmic Fishing, and Creation's Bane. Should we get a github account dedicated to this? Would RoyalRoad allow our content? I can get a little overboard in my own kinks (as evidenced by my "The Porking of Meg"), but I will happily put them aside to work with a professional. I can't imagine how fun it would be to "flesh out" such a magical system, nyuckk. That said, I am a workhorse.
We will say that PRs are a majority vote of a select subset of participants who have demonstrated their value in some measure.
if someone could get this set up, that would be great - OP
I have added the organization LitRPGWG and have created the repository FE3HWG with a first stab at a skills system. You'll have to setup a free personal account on github, then request to join the organization. We should use secure trip codes here so we know who is talking. (just put yourusername##yourpassword in the name field when posting)
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Hey all, OP here, just with some things

So we do need to come up with some sort of general plotline, just to get
things started (if anyone has any ideas feel free to share) (also for the
record, we're doing either War-Phase, some sort of post-game fanmade story,
or an alternate universe type of story)

For the POV, I don't see this being in first person, I think rather third
person limited or omniscient. I'd imagine much of it taking place from
Byleth's perspective, but occassionaly jumping over to other characters.

I think the story will take place in terms of chapters/phases. I do want
to also include supports to stay true Fire Emblem, and I think that the
characters would be able to unlock one support with each character they can
support per phase. So since there are four support ranks (being C/B/A/S) so
there will be about four chapters in total. An idea that also just popped
in my head is that each phase starts and ends when characters reach
certain weights, so in my head it would be something like
-Phase One: Starting weight - 300 ibs
-Phase Two: 300 ibs - 500 ibs
-Phase Three: 500 -ibs to either 700 or 800 ibs
-Phase Four: beyond 700 or 800 ibs

I personally am more of yurifag, however, after lurking around the boards, I
know there is a lot of discourse surrounding yuri in weight gain fiction,
and I think when organizing a project like this, it is best to avoid
dicourse, so for now I will say more male-oriented stories and potentially
even MxF or MxM relationships and/or mutual gaining can be negotiated, but
for now, let's just focus on the girls. However, I will also make one
argument: if we SOLELY focus on the female side of the cast, then that
pretty much almost cuts the total amount of work that would need to get
done in half. Yes, it would still be a good bit of effort, but still, in
my experience, the less amount of work you have to do, the better.

So then the characters that we'd be working with would be
Black Eagles: Edelgard, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra
Blue Lions: Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid
Golden Deer: Lysithea, Marianne, Hilda, Leonie
Ashen Wolves: Constance, Hapi
CoS/Faculty: Byleth (and Sothis by extension???), Rhea, Flayn, Mannuela,
Catherine, Shamir
Other*: Shez (and Arval by extension I think????), Anna, Monica, Ladislava,
Judith, Kronya, Cornelia
*All of these characters, except for maybe Shez and Anna, should be
considered bonus characters. Like we'll add these ones if we feel like it.

As for kinks, I would like to keep it in the general spectrum of weight
gain, so if there is anything you'd like to incorporate, just run it by me
first for approval. Building off of kinks, I like the idea of sprinkling
"bad"/joke endings throughout the story, I think that would be pretty fun.

Also, I should've specified this in the intro post, but let's focus on
getting things written first before actively trying to develop a visual
Okay, thank you so much! I will look into this, and let you know if any issues or confusion, I've never actually used GitHub before lol
I can't find the organization when I use the search feature

Is the organization public? Or am I just doing something wrong - OP
It is visible, however it says that the organization has no public resources
Also I can only follow it, there's no option to request to join the organization - OP
What is your username? I might have to invite you.
I took a wild guess. :-D I think I added you.
How's this for backstory:
Byleth is born to Jeralt, an esteemed gluttonous warrior known for his feasting prowess, and Sitri, an enchantress with an unrivaled ability to manipulate food energy for combat purposes. Sitri’s death during childbirth leaves Byleth with an insatiable appetite that is both a gift and a curse. To save Byleth’s life, Rhea, the High Holiest of Hams at the Church of Seiros, performs an ancient ritual that involves feeding Byleth an enchanted food that grants them unique powers over weight gain and food manipulation. This act ties Byleth to Sothis, an eternal spirit of gluttony that resides within them.

Also, what gender for Byleth?
I have added you as an "Owner" of the organization.
Also, I have added a license of CC-By 4.0, which seems to make sense for what we are doing.
Edelgard's backstory:
Edelgard is born to Emperor Ionius IX as one of his many children in the Adrestian Empire of Excess. Her mother’s lineage is rumored to hold secrets of ancient fattening rituals that could grant immense power to those who can withstand them. As an infant, Edelgard is subjected to secret fattening rituals conducted by corrupt chefs seeking to create an heir with unmatched gluttonous abilities. These rituals leave her with an insatiable appetite that she must learn to control for her own survival. Growing up in a competitive environment with her siblings, Edelgard’s weight becomes both a source of strength in feasting battles and a target for their jealousy and cruelty. Only her friendship with Dimitri offers her solace from her family’s harsh reality.
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Thank you, yes that does make sense

I like the idea of Sothis having some sort of “secret weight gain powers” that she didn’t know about due to amnesia, maybe her return or presence through Byleth has some sort of mystical effect on the women around them. I like that

Let’s scrap the idea of total AU story and messing around with character backstories for now, especially since we want everyone to start out thin at the beginning of the story. Instead let’s go for a post-war scenario instead, so either Fódlan is in an era of peace, or it’s right after the war and tensions between everyone are high

Really, the background just needs to be an excuse to for everyone involved to be alive and present
That's a great idea! Dibs on Bernadetta. :-D Those other two brief summaries I did were just floating trial "balloons", nyuckk. I intend to go into depth with this next one.
I want Bernadetta because I do daddy issues so well. ;-> Here is my trajectory so far:

Bernadetta is born to Count Varley, an influential nobleman in the Adrestian Empire of Excess known for his love of food and feasting. Her family’s status is tied to their ability to host grand feasts that showcase their wealth and power through food consumption. From an early age, Bernadetta exhibits an exceptional ability to digest large amounts of food quickly, which is both admired and feared within her family due to its potential for excess. Her father puts her on strict diets to control her weight, fearing she will bring shame to their family name with her gluttonous tendencies. Bernadetta’s father subjects her to various punishments for overeating or indulging in food outside of her allowed portions. This includes locking her in her room without food for extended periods or forcing her to exercise until she is too exhausted to eat more than what is permitted. Her mother is complicit in this treatment, believing it is for Bernadetta’s own good to maintain their family’s reputation. Despite her family’s efforts to control her appetite, Bernadetta finds solace in secretly indulging in food when she can. Her love for food becomes her only source of happiness in an otherwise oppressive environment. To cope with her isolation, Bernadetta develops an interest in cooking and food preparation, using her creativity to craft delicious dishes that she dreams of sharing with others without judgment. She also discovers her talent for archery, which she practices in secret to maintain her strength for potential escape attempts or rebellion against her family’s strict rules. In an ironic twist of fate, Bernadetta’s father arranges for her to marry an obese nobleman from another house to form an alliance based on their shared love for food. The engagement is short-lived when Bernadetta’s fiancé dies from complications related to his weight during their first feast together. This incident only reinforces her father’s fears of her own gluttonous nature. After her failed engagement, Bernadetta becomes more determined to break free from her family’s control. She starts secretly participating in underground feasting competitions to explore her love for food without her family’s scrutiny. Her victories in these competitions earn her the nickname "The Reclusive Ruminator." During one of these competitions, Bernadetta discovers she has an innate ability to manipulate food energy for combat purposes. This revelation empowers her to stand up to her father’s abuse and assert her own desires for food freedom.

Also, should we go full "Cozy Fantasy" on this? I could see that being fun too.
Also, I think having a soft magic system that forms the underlying hard magic system is a pretty cool idea. For this obesity/weight-gain soft magical system, I think the concept of specialized mitochondria that have a function similar to Midi-chlorian would be best for that. Especially because mitochondria are fundamental to energy production, and by extension, weight-gain and calorie expenditure.
Also, I think having a soft magic system that underlies the main hard magic system is a pretty cool idea. For this obesity/weight-gain soft magical system, I think the concept of specialized mitochondria that have a function similar to Midi-chlorian would be best for that. Especially because mitochondria are fundamental to energy production, and by extension, weight-gain and calorie expenditure. It is enough to "tip the scales" with the abilities of the other houses. :-D
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I am working on an embedding for Count Varley, and I hope to have a picture of when he finds Bernadetta gorging on her secret stash. I can do compositions.
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Alright. I'm calling it. But, here's what I got so far:
Alright, who am I kidding, I don't sleep.
Here is a rework of the feasting competition with litRPG style notifications:

The underground feasting competition was in full swing—a clandestine event that drew gluttonous contestants from across Fódlan to test their limits of consumption without fear of judgment or retribution. Bernadetta von Varley, in disguise and known only as "The Reclusive Ruminator" in this secret world of excess, sat at her table with trembling hands—her heart racing with excitement as she surveyed the smorgasbord before her. This was her chance to prove herself—to claim her place among those who understood her insatiable hunger for food.

As the contest began, she dove in with gusto—each bite of food sending waves of pleasure through her body as she devoured plate after plate with astonishing speed. The crowd watched in amazement as she consumed more than any other contestant—her slender frame seemingly incapable of holding so much sustenance. Yet she felt no discomfort—only an ever-growing sense of power as her stomach stretched to accommodate her gluttonous desires.

Notification: *You have consumed an unprecedented amount of food! Your Gluttonous Reasoning skill has increased to Level 2!*

The other contestants began to falter—their stomachs bulging with untouched food as they gasped for air or clutched at their distended bellies in pain—but Bernadetta? She felt only euphoria—a rush of power that seemed to come from deep within her very soul as she continued to eat without pause or hesitation. Her unique ability to digest food quickly was working in her favor—each mouthful disappearing as if it had never been there at all!

Notification: *Your digestive system has adapted to your gluttonous ways! You have unlocked the "Rapid Digestion" ability!*

The final plate was set before her—a towering mountain of food that seemed to dare her to conquer it—and conquer it she did! With one last triumphant bite, she claimed victory—the crowd roaring with applause as she was crowned "The Reclusive Ruminator." Her secret life had become her greatest asset—a weapon she could wield in this world of feasting champions!

Notification: *You have achieved victory in the feasting competition! Your Indulgent Faith skill has increased to Level 3!*

Her father’s voice echoed in her mind—his words of caution and control—but here in this tavern of excess, she was free from his tyranny. She had found her people—those who understood her love for food without judgment—and she reveled in their acceptance as she basked in her newfound glory. Yet even as she enjoyed her moment of triumph, she knew that she could never truly escape her father’s influence—not until she had learned to control her appetite without losing her love for food or her sense of self-worth. And so she returned to Castle Varley with her newfound skills in tow—ready to face whatever challenges awaited her in her quest for food freedom.

If this is a sample blurb of your writing, this is pretty okay, especially for something cooked up in under a day. I don't really see much of this being used in the actual story, but I do like the idea of Bernadetta returning to her home, so maybe that could be used later in her route/supports

As for the notifs idea... Ehh. For the actual writing portion, it seems like it'd be too much of pain to keep track of, especially considering ideally multiple writers are going to be involved, also since the story is going to be spread over multiple routes and multiple characters (tldr; it's a little too ambitious for a project that is already very ambitious). For now, I think it would be best to just focus on the potential alternate paths and routes the story could take

I actually kind of like this. It actually could potentially be incorporated into Lysithea's route and supports, because if I remember correctly she's a researcher of magic

Down to other matters, probably should've asked this from the get go, but is there a site/software that'll allow us to create a plot web? Like a way to keep track of all of the branching paths, and then put it onto the github (I might look into this myself)

To reiterate some ideas as for when the storyline takes place, I'm gonna say our best options are either a few months or a year after the war, and either Fódlan is in the early days of an era of peace, or a world where there's still a lot of unresolved post-war tensions.

Also we need to try and rope in other writers lol
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what I should've said instead of plot web is something more along the lines of a virtual cork board

again, just something to keep track of everything story-wise
Yeah, we can use https://miro.com/mind-map/
My thoughts on the backstories, is that they flesh out the characters, start before any of the complex character interaction, and are relatively independent of each other. Plus, we want them to at least vaguely resemble cannon, so the stories already have a defined shape.

I get that, but at the same time these characters are already extremely fleshed out, so it’s kind of like what I said: the less work you create for yourself, the more you can focus on actually writing the main thing. Especially in this case when most of that work is already done for you.

I’d say we should put it to a vote, but we’re also the only two people working on the project atm so :/ (I’d say hold off on doing more backstories until we rope more people in, then we can put it to a vote)

Also thank you, I will check out that website
Here is a resource that I find absolutely essential:
I don't know if it runs on Windows, but it it gives absolutely perfect speech to text. It is better than anything else out there. I think the medium.en model is the best. It is pure neural speech recognition, so forget your past experiences with SR. It's not the only faster-whisper based SR, and the others should be just as good.

Yeah, sure. I am not invested at all in those backstories. This is your baby, and I am more than happy to let you drive. Just enthusiastic. :-) Also, willing to learn what works.
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I won't check it in, but just to up the entertainment value of this thread and the possibilities, so as to attract more participants, I will post the other backstories. Here is where I was going with Petra...
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Also, Dorothea, although I might rework the scene with an overweight noble being force-fed to near-death for the entertainment of his peers to being a commoner instead. Felt a little too close to my own kinks, though, so I avoided it. I'll rework it for my private consumption. ;-)

Actually here’s an idea, maybe you could post these to deviantart to get some clout, and then post about the project to see if anyone’s interested through there. That could work I think

Updates on my side, I got started working with micro, I linked it on the GitHub. It’s just a rough start, but I think it works (side note: we need to how to figure out how to incorporate Hapi and Constance into the broader picture, might have an idea on how to do that but idk)

One thing that I want to do before more people start jumping on is to make the README for the github. Probably just the basic “Everything has to be approved by the head editor (me)/Make sure to preface everything you write content warnings”. Also there should be a “pending approval” folder. It’ll basically just be a folder where everyone will drop whatever they’re working on, then once I’ve edit and approve something, I’ll move it into the actual story folder

Also one thing that would be nice to add to the GitHub is Fódlan’s calendar system. While we don’t have to plot something for EVERY single day, since that would be unnecessary and tedious, it still would help for plotting and further keeping track of things
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I also think I figured out the main story line

It’s basically something like after five years of war, Fódlan is basically on the verge of total collapse, but none of the nations involved are anywhere close to being willing to throw in the towel, until Byleth returns after mysteriously disappearing, and having fully awaken to Sothis’s powers. Byleth puts together a militia of her own, and joins the war, but not on the side of any of the major powers, in an attempt to try and get to the bottom of who is truly behind Fódlan’s blights. However, word of the return of the power of the goddess herself spreads quickly, and this causes the major powers to reevaluate things, and immediately call for an end to the war or some sort of cease fire. Byleth herself has been called in to return to Garreg Mach to act as oversee of the post war negotiations, but to complicate matters even further, Sothis is apparently awakening to powers that she didn’t even know she had due to her prior case of amnesia

I might actually flesh out this little opening text myself, and have it be one of my non-editorial writing contributions to the project, it shouldn’t be that taxing of a write
>post these to deviantart to get some clout
Brilliant, I should have thought of that! :-) I'll sell the potential of the whole LitRPGWG as the next big thing in WG fiction and how much fun it will be. I had the first weight gain fiction website on the web in 1995 with feeder.com. It even predated the Dimension's Magazine Weight-Room. I know there were BBS' that predate even that, but I like to build myself up.

>Also there should be a “pending approval” folder.
I forget, you might be new to git. People won't be able to check files in directly to the main branch. They have to create a branch off of main of their own that starts out as a copy. Then they add their files, or even apply edits. Then they commit the changes and push them to github's server's copy of their branch. They can do multiple commits like this if they need more than one. When they want to merge their changes into the main branch, they have to open a Pull Request (or PR). This PR shows up in our list of PRs, and you can review them in github's web interface, which provides a complete set of differences (or diffs) for every change. Only when you approve the changes can they be merged. You can also add comments to the lines in their PRs suggesting any further changes that might be needed, and they then can update their PRs with further commits. It's an efficient collaboration system. Also, we're safe from anyone messing anything up permanently because we will have a complete history for every file.

I agree on the calendar. It is going to be challenging to maintain consistency, cause and effect, etc. with more collaborators, and this is one thing that would help.

We will need your abilities as an editor to keep the narrative voice and style consistent and distinct, keep the pacing at a level that will keep the readers engaged, help participants understand the purpose and message of the story, etc. This will be so much fun!
And, I have my style preferences. I had a mom and stepdad who ran a business writing seminar company, and at any given time, we had 50 copies of Strunk & White's "The Elements of Style" in the house, literally. So I know a little on the topic. Anyway, my point is that I think we should use em dashes for interrupters (literary device). Commas and parenthesis have too much baggage for literature, and em dashes just slide right off the readers' eyes—drawing them into the story deeper, lol. I'm still working to be consistent with this myself. Old habits are hard to break.

I'm not a very tech literate person (cause I wasn't really allowed to go on the computer much when I was younger, and even nowadays I pretty much mostly use my computer for writing) but I think I get the gist.

and update the thread on how the deviantART thing goes when you get the chance ^_^
Interesting fact (in Elodin parlance) according to the polish alphabet, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_alphabet , Fódlan is pronounced Foodlan. :-D I'll put that about on DA. Gonna develop that mitochondria based magic system. It'll be good, I promise. It will explain all of the weird attitude around food and magic. I will reorient the hard magic skills around the alignment of the mitochondrial abilities.

Wanted a computer since before the age of 10, never got one. Used to skip karate class to type in long hand-written programs at the local radio-shack's demo computer. Eventually, they forced me to buy books to hang there. Ended up with a foot and a half high stack of software engineering books.
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added the opening text to the github. I kept it pretty simple, just lmk how it reads, but now once we get a couple other people on board, we'll be able to start building up each storyline

actually, here's one thing to keep in mind while developing the magic system;

I'd like the storyline to be a bit of a slow burn I think, especially since I'm personally not that big of a fan of instant weight gain, since 95% of the time, when I read something with instant weight gain, I kinda feel unsatisfied with what I'm reading since I feel like it's kinda lazy

just something to keep in mind
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I see you are doing choose your own adventure. It just so happens that interactive fiction is one of my lifelong loves. Ever since I saw the base class library for TADS (The text adventure compiler.) I realized that such a thing could be mined out of tagged corpora.
I gotta wonder, am I just a puppet in this situation?
yesterday I added the README to the GitHub, let me know how that looks and if there's anything I should tweak or neglected to mention

I also added some other things, like body types and a "How do they feel about gaining weight?" list (an idea I got from a writer who deleted their account a long time ago, but they did the same thing with Pokémon characters instead). These are just some things to help with the consistency of the content of everyone's writing.

you mean like a tool? nah

if writing for free is an issue, then I was honestly toying with the idea of maybe opening a patreon for the project, but that would a whole ordeal

I don't want the money, so it would basically be divided amongst the writers, but we'd also have to get like a project financial manager or something like that, and again, it would be a whole ordeal

just throwing out the idea
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I actually really like the idea of “Crest Foods” lol
Hey all, OP here!

I've managed to get like two other writers on board for the project, and we've been hashing out some ideas and details for the project!

Mainly we've been formalizing some weight gain headcannons for each character involved, plus ironed out some details involving Byleth's portrayal!

With Byleth, we're going to giving the reader as much agency over how she's portrayed as we can. Things like determining her personality and her body type, things like that.

Still looking for more writers to get involved with the project, so if anyone is interested in coming on board, then all have to do is make a GitHub account and then drop your GitHub name and I'll send you an invite!

I'll be sure to update the thread every once and while on the projects progress!
How much would I need to know about Three Houses to contribute?

I'd say you should at least play through the game at least once to contribute!
Ok first ebc wg drive then sicstory s story drive w/gnibbles collab and now this thread. Whats with the influx of 3 houses wg stuff happening and if so i wanna join in. I want to help fatten the female cast up, i may know nothing on programming but i can help with writing and editing.

That's great!

All you'll need to get started is make a github account, and then let me know what your username is, and I'll send you an invite!
Thanks man glad to be on board.
My username is this btw Diabolicdiegio1880
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I sent you an invite a few days ago

Check ur github or ur email

If need be, I'll send you another one
OP here with a minor update

We now have specific weight gain headcannons for each of the ladies from Three Houses!

These headcannons are not by me, and were crafted by one of the writers who’s working on the project, and are as follows

'Shameless Hog: Hilda, Hapi (Hilda’s inferiority complex towards her brother and willingness to abdicate all responsibility are prime grounds for her to become a rather shameless fatass. Not to mention how much she can try to milk sympathy 'oh I'm just so fat, please help me~'. Hapi’s supports with Constance show that she's a glutton, and her persecution complex towards the Church could be construed as a 'ha ha, I'm eating all your food, suckers,' revenge.)

Prideful/Bashful about their weight: Dorothea, Constance (Night) (Rather straightforward cases for the both of them. Dorothea would of course outwardly project that she's proud and confident about her growth, but her deep insecurities make this a thin veneer. Similarly, Constance would stubbornly spin her weight gain as 'a brilliant plan, mark of nobility, etc.' until something actually embarrassing happens involving her weight.)

Smug about her gains: Cornelia, Kronya (I am assuming out of my own bias that we are taking 'true' Cornelia and not her Argathan impostor. Either way, Cornelia dresses exactly like a woman who knows she is sexy and isn't afraid to flaunt it. If every woman of the cast is getting fat, I see no reason she wouldn't keep that attitude. Kronya is rather more straightforward, she is an Argathan and inherently believes she is superior to everyone around her.)

Confident of her size: Anna (Anna is first and foremost a merchant, not a combatant, so there is no reason whatsoever for her to feel ashamed or inconvenienced by her weight. In fact it gives her all too many reasons to 'flex' her size on the others.)

Content: Mercedes (Mercie is the uncontested 'chill' girl of the cast. She dislikes fighting and physical exertion to begin with and prefers baking/cooking in all respects.)

Oblivious to her gains: Flayn, Catherine (Straightforward again: Flayn is rather endearingly oblivious to a lot of things, despite her surprising wisdom on many topics. Catherine is more a case of 'she's hit her head too many times' to have the awareness to recognize, in my opinion.)

Self-Deprecating for 'letting go.': Manuela, Ladislava, Leonie, Rhea, Constance (Day) (Manuela built her entire songstress career on her beauty and her voice, slipping on the former would only exacerbate her self-destructive tendencies. Ladislava and Leonie are 'soldiers,' the former putting her ability to fight for Edelgard above practically all else while Leonie desperately wants to emulate Jeralt. Of course they would abuse themselves over 'failing' to live up to their own standards. Rhea would certainly be a more subdued case of it, but given how she already feels that she is unworthy to guide Fodland in Sothis's stead getting fat on top of that would make her miserable. Depressed Constance is already self-abusive, getting fat is just another whip to beat herself with.)

Embarrassed by WG: Edelgard, Bernadetta, Annette, Petra (Bernadetta is straightforward, even if her shut-in life would logically lead to her getting fat anyways she's still going to freak out over it at the slightest mention given her trauma. Annette is going to struggle with it because getting fat dulls her 'giving it 110%' attitude, makes her look lazy, etc. Petra comes from a backwater 'warrior tribe' nation, gaining weight makes her suck at hunting and fighting. Edelgard, as always, is a debate topic, but I think it most reasonable to put her here because getting fat would 'make her look soft/weak' and Edelgard cares about her image quite a lot.)

In Denial about WG: Shamir, Ingrid (Shamir is a mercenary first and foremost, getting fat would be an insult to her 'credentials' so she is going to deny it as long as she can, and as an archer by trade she has more 'room' to be insulated from the consequences. Ingrid on the other hand defines herself around her desire to be a knight, and as being a fatass runs directly counter to that dream she will deny it as much as she can.)

Depressed by WG: Marianne, Judith (Marianne needs no real explanation, she's already depressed about her own existence. Judith is rather more interesting: she's going blind, which already means her fighting days are coming to an end. Getting fat on top of that is as much of a hard stop to glory as you can get.)

Annoyed/Enraged by WG: Lysithea, Sothis (Self-explanatory. Lysithea is the type to get super annoyed over the consequences of her sweets-gorging despite refusing to stop, and Sothis has every reason to go "HOW am I getting fat? I don't even have my own body!")

"Obsessed" with WG: Monica ('Obsessed' in at least one respect, she needs to be as fat as Edelgard, given her entire personality revolves around Edel. Shez similarly falls into this category, but mostly out of her rivalry towards Byleth [she HAS to be bigger than her in order to be better than her].)

Unique Case: Arval (Arval would both tease Shez for putting on weight, but also egg her on, since in game they often add to the fire that is her rivalry with Byleth. As for how they feel in regards to their own gain by proxy of Shez, they’d probably not be entirely against it, and might even take some enjoyment out of it to further help Shez accept her weight gain as a method of being better than Byleth.)

Player/Reader Agency: Byleth (At the end of the first in-story month, after Byleth has put on her first noticeable amount of weight, the player/reader will be given options of how she feels about her weight gain. The choices will be something along the lines of “I like it (positive option)”, “This doesn’t really bother me (neutral/more apathetic option)”, or “I don’t like it (negative option)”.

As far as progress goes, plotting for the Black Eagles and Church routes should hopefully be starting soon!

We are still looking for writers to work on the Blue Lions, Golden Deer, and neutral routes, so if this project interests you, then let me know!
I recommend using markdown files for the content. These are semi-structured data that are git-friendly and lend themselves to hierarchical structures. I also recommend adhering to abeljoestar's vision, as consistency will be important for multiple reasons. Here are a host of AI beta readers that will provide you valuable feedback on the content you generate:

Beta Reader - Engaging Characters
Evaluates character engagement in a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Compelling Plots
Evaluates how compelling a plot is in a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Strong World-Building (optional: for sci-fi/fantasy)
Evaluates the strength of world-building in a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Emotional Impact
Evaluates the emotional impact of a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Originality
Evaluates the originality of a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Writing Style
Evaluates the quality of writing style within a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Themes and Messages
Evaluates the relatability of a story's themes and messages based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Conflict and Tension
Evaluates the ability of a story's conflict and tension to keep readers invested in the outcome based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Quality of Dialog
Evaluates the quality of dialogue in a story based on specific criteria.

Beta Reader - Plot Resolution
Evaluates the resolution of a story based on specific criteria.

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