
Does anyone know any stories where a skinny person gains weight through magic or drinking a potion where they very slowly gain yhe weight over a span of time without having to eat anything and describe the changes I.e. pants getting tighter, harder to move, friends noticing they look bigger.
>>8059 (OP)
I like this premise so I wrote a story

A full moon hung over the Goblin mountain fort, shimmering on the river at the base. The apex of the fort was a tower, and here we see a petite thief scaling the shadowed side of it. Infiltrating had been easy, as the security comprised of drowsy guards and lazy patrols with many blindspots. Our thief's target was a room atop the tower, supposedly filled with treasure the bandits had stolen. What exactly was inside was unknown, but the goblins had raided nearby towns for decades, and it was rumored that the price of just one of items inside could keep one well-fed for a lifetime.

Finally reaching the room, the thief peeked in through an open window. A pile of golden trinkets and various artifacts glowed in torchlight. Not one to be distracted, she scanned across the room checking for any guards. Empty. A small smirk crossed her face, and she began to twist her lithe body through the opening. It was tight, but not tight enough for her starving frame. Landing noiselessly, her hood was pulled back and revealed a mop of brown hair, pointed ears, and gaunt elf cheeks.

Hungry eyes perused the room. She had to be careful, as she would leave here heavier than she came, and should not take on too much excess weight. A stifled yawn came from outside the door to the room, alerting the thief to get busy with the burgling. A necklace here, a ring there; soon her inventory was full. She made for the window when a small, blue orb caught her eye.

Thin fingers pulled it up, and an odd but pleasant feeling entered her body. Sore muscles were soothed, dry eyes became wetted and clear. It must be a mana stone, she mused. She had no need for mana, as she was blunt in the magical arts. Regardless, it was valuable, such as this intoxicating bliss. The elf, in her stupor, knocked over a goblet. She froze. Murmuring and a jingle of keys came from the other side of the door, and the thief knew her time was limited. Finding all pockets currently full, she popped the blue marble into the cheek of her mouth, and started exiting through the window.

Her momentum stopped as her hips caught on the window. There was much twisting and contorting, but to avail. Had the window shrunk? How was it big enough for her to get in, but too small to exit? A hand grabbed her by the belt and yanked her away from the exit, and in her surprise she gasped and swallowed the mana stone. "Jus' whaddaya fink yer doin, fatass?"

A goblin stood over her, a wineskin in one in hand and a dagger in the other. Fat? She wasn't fat. Going hungry was practically a constant in her life, how could she be f-- Our thief's belt felt somewhat tight. A small muffin top bulged beneath her button shirt, on top of wide thighs lacking tone. Adrenaline replacing shock, she grabbed a nearby trinket and thrust it at the guards's head. He grunted in pain as he stumbled backwards, and she followed up with bashing him unconscious with another of the room's heavy treasures.

The threat delayed, the thief had a moment to check in on the new-found squish. It was as if a wad of dough had erupted from her torso, the bottom button of her shirt straining. It popped off suddenly, revealing a deep belly button...It was growing. Confused, the elf thief checked which stolen trinket could be causing this, although she managed to fit a grope or two of her enlarging chest. She discarded them one by one, but the tightening of the outfit did not stop. Having emptied her pockets, the elf pouted her now chubby cheeks, before remembering the marble she swallowed.

A vague memory of her grandma came to mind, that mana could be stored as fat in the body. Currently, there was a source of mana was nestled in her stomach. The seat of her pants blew out, causing a squeal of surprise, the cool air raising goosebumps on her exposed behind. Harsh barking and echoing footsteps came from the tower's stairwell. There was little time. She made for the window, but this time she got even less far. Her muffin top smushed against the sides, her bottom wobbling as she shimmied and struggled. "Oh no, oh nonono, NO"

Panic began to set in as she pulled herself out. She had to think of something, but all the thief could do is start waddling in circles as the footsteps from the stairwell grew louder. Her arm fat split her sleeves, bingowings puffing up from the slits. Her breasts were straining against her shirt, and another button popped off. She couldn't fight like this, not to mention how heavy her body was getting. Gravity soon one the battle against her muscles, and she fell backwards with a plap onto her bottom. Her belt was getting painful now, and a forming double chin was making it harder for her to look around.

The footsteps were almost here. All she could do is try to get up, but failed and fell down again, resulting in nothing but more jiggles, and another button pop. Her arms began to raise, love handles and upper arm fat forcing them upwards. Her belly and chest continued to swell, popping a button...then the last button, pulling the shirt free. The now double belly strained her belt painfully, the leather creaking worryingly. As the first guard rounded the corner, the belt could take no more. "WHO GOES THER-" The buckle flew to the goblin's forehead, making him fall backwards, crashing the other guards back down the stairwell.

Our thief made a small coo of relief, the source of restriction gone, but the swelling was unrestricted now. Her belly spilled further onto her widening thighs, her cheeks were swelling up, obscuring her vision along with her breasts puffing larger. Pointy metal trinkets pressed up against her bottom and thighs as the rolls of flab oozed across the room. The fat was truly piling on; she billowed and grew, warm and soft and...oh it felt so good. The feelings of satiation, of a full meal, it felt good. Hardening nipples began to get wet. "Oh...OHHH..." she realized now that she was touching multiple walls, and the ceiling was fast approaching. Somewhere, an alarm bell rang.
"Report, NOW." The Goblin Commander stomped towards the commotion at the base of the tower.

A goblin grunt gulped. "We sent a squad sir, but they were all found knocked out at the stairwell. Back up is waiting at the base of th-the...tower..." she trailed off. The Commander's eye had started to twitch and his sharp teeth were bared. "Do I have to do everything myself?" The warlord went fuming towards to the stairwell entrance, leaving the she-goblin to sulk in her uselessness. A drop of something wet her nose, and she looked up. More drops were now falling, one of them landing on her lips. A forked tongue flicked out to wipe the drop, and it tasted of milk and honey. A glance upward showed a breast leaking a light shower, and she opened her maw to catch it.

Inside, taking 3 stairs at a time, The commander bolted up the stairs. Groaning and cracking sounds were coming from the walls, and what greeted him at the top explained why, but could not be explained at all. Two great squishy blobs were bulging bigger and bigger. Outrageous, he would not be defeated by some slime monster. He gave a snarl but was interrupted by masonry giving way, and his bravado turned to panic as the blobs rushed to meet him.

The thief's mind was a swirl of ecstasy and worry. Ecstasy at her pressured tits, the squirting was therapeutic. Ecstasy that she had outgrown the room, the sensation of her stomach overhanging the tower. Worry that her stomach was overhanging the tower. A half-sober mind reminded her how high she was perched, and the shifting of fulcrums that were holding up her girth. She tried thrashing her arms, which felt buried. Cones upon cones of dough wobbled instead, divots on the tips as the limbs themselves had sunken in. Her thighs and bottom swayed as well, triggering a great crack, and then, her adipose began crushing the tower downwards.

The goblins below began to scramble away, all except one. A female goblin with closed eyes and a happy, open mouth, still catching drops and spatters of milk. Curiously, it stopped. She opened her eyes and stared. The blob was about to hit her, but one of the blob's breasts was pointing a nipple straight at her. She opened her mouth wider than she ever had.

The thief-blob's impact had fractured the base of the mountain fortress, and she had landed breasts down. The force of the weight was squeezing them harder than ever, forcing geysers of thick cream to shoot out. The thief's mind had truly gone by now, moaning and eyes rolling as the jiggling and impact crashed wave after wave of orgasms. Below, a squashed goblin blew up like a balloon, her body becoming spherical to hold the oncoming torrent. Soon, it was over, the momentum rolling the blob away, as the fortress began to tremble and collapse.

An avalanche ensued as structural integrity failed, and one could make out a house sized cream blob, and a light green ball bouncing down the mountain slope. They tumbled and jostled, adipose cushioning them, until finally they landed. The thief had landed on the outskirts of the river, with the barely mobile she-goblin at her side. The thief could see little over her face cheeks, but heard something. "m-more...I need MORE" the goblin was making way for the breast, shifting tree trunk legs inefficiently towards the faucet-nipple. She drank, and drank, hearing moans from atop the flesh mountain.

Unbeknownst to the inflating goblin, the dirt below had began to crumble. Suddenly she was pulled back by her own weight, yelping as she fell into the river. "NO PLEASE I NEED MORE, I need ₘₒₒₒₒₒᵣₑ...." she cried as the current swept her away. For the thief, the growing had not stopped. Exhaustion lulled her to sleep as she continued to rise, and her tits leaking more.

~3 days later~

A poor river town, often a victim of goblin bandit raids, had a curious visitor. The fattest creature any of them have ever seen, a female goblin, bobbing up and down in the cove. It took several oxen to drag her out of the water, and she was unhelpful when questioned, only muffled "more"'s emitting from her cheeks. From that day on, the goblin raids mysteriously stopped.

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