
Love to write some blob or immobile requests for people. Drop a prompt and a character and ill see what I can do. I can do OC or fanfiction, but I'd prefer fanfiction. I'm cool with a lot of fandoms, so don't be afraid to ask. (No men, super gross stuff, or futa pls).
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Do you think you can write a short story based off of this pic of Whitney from Pokemon?

Oh, and two questions:

1. Can you provide a small list of fandoms you're familiar with?
2. How many requests per person?
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Perhaps Lapis, Peridot and Amethyst being happily pampered fatties fed by Pearl. All characters from Steven Universe. If not, then that's fine.
Fuck! My head is running like crazy!

-Android 18 from DBZ? Chi-Chi and Bulma start secretly fattening her out of jealousy. but it´s ok, because krillin won´t say a word and, worst case scenario, there´s always the dragon balls!...right?

-How about Something with Kiryuin Satsuki of Kill La Kill? With Mako and Ryuko as feeders, or something. She relaxed after the fight things got out of hand, and she is more OK with it that she cares to admit.

-Kobayashi from Dragon Maid? her becoming a helpless blob by the pampering of Tohru is always a nice read.

-Asuka from Evangelion? She´s embarrassed of her gluttony, but she loves to eat and eat, and the cook that keeps her fed. And Shinji loves her too, and they both want more of each other. A lot more.

No, wait!
...are you familiar with Touhou?

-Eirin discovers Reisen´s fetish, and likes to tease her. But she just wanted to put on a few pounds to play with and fluster the bunny, she didn´t expect her to become so... intense, like a dominant switch was just flipped. Soon the Doctor is the submissive one in the relationship, powerless in front of her appetite and her "assistant" and her weight is completely out of her control...And into the rabbits control. And she always wants more...

I´m sorry for that, Suddenly the ideas wouldn´t stop, and I couldn´t pick just one. You´re one of my favourite writes in this scene.
Fuck me, I should learn to write...

Sure thing, I can give it a shot.

To answer your questions:

1. I'm not really good at coming up with lists like this. I would say, to anyone, try shooting a request and I'll do my best.

2. As for requests per person? I would say to just try to keep things reasonable. I can't promise what I will and won't get to.

I'm looking at responses for everything now, I'll try to write some later on tonight or tomorrow.

Okay, good to know!
I will say though, I do love Persona, MHA, and certain fire emblem games.
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Requesting a story where Goddess Ishtar attempts to gain more divinity by gaining weight to become the Babylonian Goddess of Obesity. Out of spite for the useless goddess, Gilgamesh orders Siduri to engage in an eating contest and Ishtar and gives her some of his magical items to help her accelerate her weight gain. You can choose who wins but by the end, both women become overstuffed, building sized blobs.
Please write a story about Catarina claes from villianess there’s barely anything about her out there
Requesting a story involving some of the girls from Tekken.

The premise is that due to the accidental destruction of a cursed statue, the evil spirits sealed inside it enter Ling, Miharu, Asuka and Lili. As the demons grow new bodies within them, the girls become immobile blobs.
>-Kobayashi from Dragon Maid? her becoming a helpless blob by the pampering of Tohru is always a nice read.

http://fav.me/ddzzfvj Quick re-upload. I didn't realize how much the formatting was fucked up.

Is DA the best way to share stories?
Yeah it’s probably the best way to share it
Requester here. Holy shit, thank you, you´re amazing.
This is some good shit. You´re really good for a new writer.
Hopefully Three Houses was one of the Fire Emblem games you enjoy! ^^;;
I’d like to request a blobby Mercedes if that’s alright! Annette bakes for her all the time so I think it makes a little sense~
And thank you for offering to do these requests, it’s very much appreciated! <3
Best way to share would be to just post it here. Linking to DA would be the better way to advertise yourself.
How about some OC, but you could put in ANY characters. Let's start with a feeder/cook who has their set on some girls. Their older sister, scared her sibling will fatten her up again (she lost it after years of work), starts putting as many girls in front of them as possible, trying to have her sibling fatten them up instead. Unknown, her sibling has been slowly fattening her up, she's just been too preoccupied to notice. To her, so long as her sibling is with another girl, she isn't gaining weight. Eventually the sister is having trouble moving and finally looks in a mirror, horrified, she falls back and falls on the ground, her clothes tearing apart. Having trouble rising, her sibling arrived and dispute get pleas, her sibling promises to take care of her (incest possibility) and forces a tube into her mouth, forcing the sister to immobility as the sister struggles to remove the tube and is horrified to find she can't reach her mouth.
>Do you think you can write a short story based off of this pic of Whitney from Pokemon?
http://fav.me/de00xp8 here's my attempt! Hope its good. I figured I should give the very first request I got a try.

I read it, and it IS good!
Say, do you use Discord or anything? I wanna invite you to my friend's server.
Its a little new to me but I can give it a shot. I'm over at blobs4thepeople#3070
How about a classic 'My Hero Academia' story. A basic plot, the girls are hit with a weight gain quirk which unknowingly activates when the user gets wet. Well, the girls are taking a shower after a workout, everything is steamy, and they can't see themselves blow up until it's too late. The girls then rush to try and escape, not wanting to become immobile, but in their rush they become stuck in the door. Unable to escape, they continue to expand until immobility, only found once they've breached the walls of the locker rooms.
Pearl and Marina from Splatoon being fat blobs stuck in their studio due to too many food sponsorships.
Something with Daenerys. I like the idea of her being naturally gluttonous but savvy enough to use her weight gain as an expression of power. I guess I really just like the idea of her getting fat on her own accord.
As someone had asked for it, here's a Daenarys blob story, with a happy ending where she lives happily ever after as a huge blob:

"Hail to Daenarys Targaryen, First of her Name, Khaleesi of the Dothraki, Queen of the Andalls, Dorne, the First-Men and the Wildings! Mother of Dragons! Breaker of the Wheel! Slayer of the Others! Destroyer of Usurpers and Tyrants! Greatest and Grandest monarch in the circle of the world!" came the cry of the Queen's Guards at the grand royal tournament in High Garden, half-dothraki cavaliers in Westerosi plate of their mothers people, with the curved swords of their fathers.

Behind the armed guards came the eight matched oxen, a gleaming team of muscled brutes white as fresh fallen snow. A combined eight tons of might, every fibre and sinew stood out on their shoulders and necks as they hauled at the wagon behind them, a monstrosity big as a peasant's house that was a marvel of the Maester's Engineering in its axels and wheels and a marvel of the comforts of Lyss in its silken pavillons and padded cushions. Atop it was Queen Daenarys and at the first glimpse of her, Wheel Breaker, Death Defier, Liberator, Restorer, Empress of the Eternal Spring, Grandest and most beautiful woman in all the world.

And the pale, sweaty acre of Queen Daenarys' wobbling flesh were a fusion of Targaryen traits and High Garden's fertile fields.

"Wave to my people, for me, my little dragon," the Queen wheezed, jowls flapping, "I'm so exhausted from being lowered into the wagon I fear I will faint."

Lyanna Targaryen's sharp purple eyes narrowed at her mother's plaintive whine, knowing that the excuse was nought but a way to cover that the Queen's couch cushion arms were so swollen with fat and so bereft with muscle that they couldn't even wave.

"Of course mother," the crown princess of Westeros said evenly, trailing sleeve falling as she waved to reveal a lean, muscular limb, tanned from hard use.

Lyanna felt little but disgust for her mother, a disgust that grew with every new pound the Great Mother added to her ever growing figure. Daenarys was almost nothing but fat, a mountainous pile of rolls and folds and flab beneath a near transparent dress of silk. Each of the Queen's breasts were twice her daughter's total size, drooping slabs of mammary tissue stretched out by a dozen children over ten years and enough deserts to sink a royal galleon per month. They rested atop...could Lyanna even call it a stomach? It was just a towering stack of rolls, each half a foot thick, resembling a dozen pancakes spilling over her hidden legs and swallowed hips, with only the Queen's sausage thick toes emerging from the lowest spill.

The commoners around her mother's capital, the massive throngs of freed serfs and liberated slaves, didn't seem disgusted though. They cheered themselves hoarse, voices a cacophony that blotted out even the wing beats of two score swooping dragons circling around the wagon. Nor did the noble stands, the chivalry of the stormlands and Reach who had fought alongside her mother's unsullied phalanxes and dothraki riders against the Lannisters and the living dead. Even though this mountain of feminine lard was ten times the warrior queen who had led them to victory after victory, they still cheered her all through the mile long causeway from the castle to the massive tournament grounds.

Princess Lyanna found herself having plenty of time to think when the Queen's procession stopped by the Royal stands and the royal engineers began carefully applying the padded ropes and silk straps around the Queen's butter soft flesh and her throne and the mammoths began walking in their treadmills to raise the corpulent monarch into the air. Lyanna raised her skirt high enough to show shapely, muscular calves and hopped down from the wagon with an athletic grace. Food was already being offered, as always she ignored it while her mother's mouth opened automatically. She watched the massed bulk of chins wobble and flail as a village fair's worth of cake went between the plump lips, a crease of fat almost as big around as Lyanna's chiseled waist.

It had not always been thus. Lyanna knew that during the war her mother had been a lean, svelte woman, made tough as steel by the strife and hardship that she'd shared with her soldiers. In the rebuilt Grand Sept, the stained glass windows showed a rail thin woman with a willow-wisp waist rebuking Tyrion Lannister's idiotic plan to not immediately burn the Red Keep to the ground the moment the Queen's Dragons were in range. That had been the start of the Miracle Winter, twelve months of brilliant victories won with dragon fire, rapid maneouvers and cunning diplomacy to exterminate the Lannister line, recruit the Tyrells of High Garden as the core of the Queen's alliance and then defeat the living dead Others in a great fight outside the Wall. The Queen had taken the northern bastard Jon Snow as her husband that spring, her belly already full with a child.

Lyanna had never known her mother as thin, pregnancy and a sedate lifestyle had made the Queen soon grow plush. Many Targaryen's had been brave knights or vaunted beauties in their youth only to grow stout when they grew older, but Daenerys was a full twelve stone by the time she was twenty, embarrassingly soft for a famed beauty.

As a young child, Lyana could remember her mother as a plushly plump woman. Her soft face, full soft bust and stout waist as recognizable to the child as the Queen's lavender eyes (which she shared) and her white hair (which Lyanna didn't, her long locks black as her father's).

She remembered the days as little more than a toddler, when she could sit on her mother's lap at court, leaning against her soft belly and falling asleep as the Queen and her counselors debated how to rebuild the devastated 7 kingdoms long into the night.
second half:

That had not lasted longer than her father's return from ordering the devastated north. Lyanna had been three when her mother had quickened again, a pair of twins who soon swelled her mother's belly out to her knees. She'd grown fat and heavy, heavier than most knights with a round face, a slow waddle and huge, heavy breasts. Her mother lost little weight after her Lyanna's first two sisters had born, especially as she soon became pregnant again. Although Daenarys had equalized men and women in all legal aspects, a male heir was expected...and the Consort and Queen could never keep their hands off of each other no matter how round Daenary's grew.

Queen Daenarys was pregnant or recovering from being pregnant for a decade. Each of her pregnancies were easy, their effects mild save for endless cravings. The Queen swelled and swelled and swelled with each daughter born, starting off fatter than most ladies in the realm and soon dwarfing them. Lyanna remembered when her mother had begun needing help getting onto a horse, then when she'd been too fat to risk the beast's back, then needing help to stand up.

The gain had been poor for Daenary's mentally. Once physically quite active, even after she'd grown plump, taking walks in the garden as she gave orders and taking her daughter for rides on dragon back and swims in the great baths. Growing so heavy so quickly had made such motions difficult, until the 23 year old monarch, mother of five and weighing over twenty stones panted and sweated when she walked.

Cruel jibes of 'Queen Daenarys the Great" had almost begun to circle. But Daenarys had parried it, paying bards and preachers to speak of her widening softness as a sign of bounty from the 7 Gods, a sign of the spreading peace and endless good weather. An example to all ladies of 7 kingdoms to refill a land made empty by far too much war. The court ladies and then the ladies of all the kingdoms began to grow with the Queen's example...

All to Lyanna's horror. A precocious and over active child, Lyanna had delighted in accompanying her Father in showing the royal flag across the Kingdom. Unlike her once petite mother, Lyanna grew tall and strong, taking lessons from the best knights in the land. She'd been able to beat all of the squires in the court by fourteen and then all of the knights by her eighteenth name day.

And all that time, her mother was growing fatter. Daughter followed daughter and fat fold followed fat fold until the Queen could no longer ride Drogon. That should have been a major military and prestige problem, that the liberator could no longer ride the instrument of her victory. But the Queen had it sung as a sign that the kingdom no longer needed her to fight, but to breed.

Of course, that pregnancy had been the Queen's last. Not because she was too old, but because her body had grown so corpulent her consort couldn't breed her from any angle, the mathematics making the obscenely fat queen sterile.

As Queen Daenary's was slowly winched towards the pavillion, Lyanna felt her lip curl in disgust at the droplets of sweat raining off what was either thigh bulge or hip flap. The Queen was a prisoner of her own body, barely able to turn her swollen face or clench her sausage fingers, staying alive only by miraculous potions created by the Maesters and Children of the Forest that kept gout and diabetes at bay.

They'd had to knock a wall out of the castle for the Queen to leave the main hall, just so she could attend the royal tournament for her daughter's hand. And Daenarys, after eating enough to founder a horse as a snack was already whining for more food.

Lyana looked from her rotund mother to the other ladies of the court: all of them over thirty barely mobile, several being pushed in wheeled thrones. All those over twenty were increasingly obese matrons, shapeless and panting at having to walk up three stairs with universally pregnant bellies.Her beloved Aunt Lady Arya was there with her husband, Lord Gendry of Stormsend. The once lithe and slender woman had run to fat since at last marrying five years ago. Pregnant yet again, she walked ponderously against the spreading pressure of hips thighs round as army drums and with a belly the size of a prosperous inn's stew cauldron. The younger ladies followed, led by her sisters Catelyn and Rhaella.

The twins were a year younger than the twenty year old Lyanna. They'd always been plump but since taking lovers were gaining weight. Head sized breasts sagged towards bellies that had gained standing rolls. Each were near a hundred weight of lard heavier than their athletic older sister. Lyanna knew both were pregnant, expected to be wed, respectively, to the heir of Stormsend and the Iron Islands when their bellies were at their biggest.

Lyanna supressed a straight sneer at her lazy, pampered sisters. She remained a virgin by choice, the sole slim, fit woman in court who'd honed her body into that of a warrior. Her mother had freed women from being chained to the birthing block and the loom, yet she alone responded to the chance to be strong. Every other woman of her generation was already fat and growing not but fatter. She'd rebuffed countless suitors ever since she'd been eligible, throwing away candies and cakes, focusing on denying pleasure in a land of useless hedonists.

But even a Princess could only deny fate for so long. It was unsightly for the Queen's heiress to be so thin and hard, unsettling even, especially when her sisters were so rolly polly fat and lusty towards suitors as was appropriate. After a horrible argument that had seen her mother gasping for air after several sentences about Lyanna's un-becoming behavior, it had been declared that the winner of that years tourney would immediately marry Lyanna.

"I've got to leave these kingdoms," the Princess muttered to herself, smiling at the secret knowledge of the sword, armor and supplies she'd stashed by the dragon pits....

This is a great start. Hope it continues.
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A story about a dark elf sorceress making a deal with a demon for power but ends up immobile would be pretty cool
i have a GOT request

what if ayra didn't escape and what if cersei started fattening her up so she can't escape and so she'll feel thin by comparison as ayra grows fatter tommen's lust for her grows and when joff dies (HOORAY!!!!) and he becomes king he makes ayra his queen who becomes greedy , gluttonous and hedonistic and put robert Baratheon to shame and fattens up sansa , Margaery and cersei like her as revenge
>>723 (OP)
How about Star Vs? Star attempts to make food magically and it backfires, creating super addictive magical sweets and Marco makes her huge
What do you know about Danganronpa or Ace Attorney?
How familiar are you with Scooby-Doo? I was hoping you could write a story about Daphne and Velma getting fat into immobility and beyond while the gang is investigating a new case. I was also hoping it could include semi-romantic relationships between Fred and Daphne and Shaggy and Velma.
or why not have Daphne and Velma become lover/feeders for each other
Because they're both canonically heterosexual and you seldom see SSBBW fanfiction of them in heterosexual relationships.
well in that case it might make a nice change
>>723 (OP)
Just a short one really, but can I request a blob Captain Marvel attempting to go out and do daily superheroine stuff, but failing "immensely"!
I'd appreciate it
>>723 (OP)
Blob Jubilee and X 23 having a girls night out.
speaking of x men how's this ?

rouge absorbs the powers of both the blob and big bertha (a bbw mutant super hero check her out ) and becomes a massive fat blob
>>723 (OP)

Sailor Jupiter feeding Venus into immobility.
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Not sure if OP hasn't abandoned this thread already, but I might as well toss my hat into the ring.

How about a story about a sinister laboratory that force feed catgirls into blobs?
>>723 (OP)
A bear woman who's eaten herself into immobility for hibernation wakes up in the middle of winter and has trouble falling back asleep.
Sad to see you go. That Kobayashi one was just right.
>>723 (OP)
I actually archived both of their stories.
I'd provide links, but I dunno if they'd would be okay with that.
Dude its written fat porn on the internet I don’t think anyones gonna get hurt in the feels
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>>723 (OP)
How about Katie Killjoy, the bitchy, homophobic anchorwoman from Hazbin Hotel, based on this picture?
The thin girl standing in front of her is Charlie, the main character - they've had a spat at the studio during a report, and maybe Charlie decided to flex her muscles as the Crown Princess of Hell, and give her her just deserts - and then some?
...Guys, should we tell 'em?
What happened to the guy?
Your guess is as good as ours. Dude just straight-up bailed one day with no explanation.
>>723 (OP)

Here’s the Story: Mystique Sonia was in her room testing out this weird Bun seed she got from a mysterious chubby women dress in all black wearing a fox mask. Curiosity got the best of Sonia so she set in on the ground and spat on it cause it to instinctively grow. The Bun looked weird instead of being white it had a yellow coloring to it. Yaksha didn’t have a good feeling so he tries to warn her friend not to eat it the best he could. Sonia does understanding where Yaksha is coming at but told him not to worry about it. Mystique Sonia was about to take her first bite into the Bun when all the sudden the alarms went off. Mr.Nohands announced the the Commander is in trouble and they need to deploy. So as first squad sets out it was only then that Sonia still has the bun in her hands and it seemed like a good time to take a bite out of the Bun and see what happens and just like that Mystique Sonia ate the whole bun in one bite. It tasted like Butter and whip cream, strange but tasty. So as the team keeps heading forward Mystique Sonia started to feel heavy. She ask if they could stop of a moment where everyone agreed. So as everyone stop and take a minute the rest of the gang noticed something’s wrong with Mystique Sonia... she seem to have gain a lot a weight and becoming more roundish and plumpy and as soon as Sonia noticed it...It began
>>723 (OP)

Mystique Sonia began to get bigger and bigger and fatter every second. Her belly gets bigger and more blob like, her boobs and butt becoming thicker, her hand, arms, legs, and feet became doughy and puffy and she began to get a massive blob face, first squad worried and feared of what has happened to Sonia ( except of Mighty Ray who was laughing his ass off) and especially Yaksha who he has to witness his best friend turned into and immobile blob concerts her helping her feel better but for some weird Sonia was ok about. Sonia for some strange reason was happy and impressed how big she’s still getting. Jumpy ghostface ask why she’s so happy and mystique Sonia said that SSBBW girls are all the rage now a days and since she getting fatter and fatter she know that she’ll be all the rage.first squad looking concern and confuse try to reason with her until they heard something rip. Mystique Sonia blushing with excitement realizing that All her cloth her ripping and are about ready to pop. Lin Chung yelled at everyone to take cover and about 5 seconds later with a loud rip Sonia’s clothing rip of leaving her completely naked. Sonia’s laughed with joy with all those very tight clothing off of her can now get even bigger and larger and just like that Mystique Sonia said the Magic words “Bigger!!!” and immediately start grown fatter and larger to the point where she’s able to block out the sun for first squad. She kept getting bigger and bigger become more blob like and softer to touch her boobs and butt and ESPECIALLY her belly becoming bigger and softer she can’t stop she started covering the are around her squad, then the area and about 1 hour later half the planet. Mystique Sonia now the size of a planet laughing to herself how she now all the worlds attention and as she laughs and talks she notice something underneath one of her fat chins. It was Yaksha trying to get out but was able to do so only for Sonia to noticed a look of guilt on Yaksha face. Sonia kissed Yaksha and told him that he has nothing to worry about and that she loves being enormous. To Yaksha hugs Sonia’s fat bloated face and care for each other
I’m not the same person i just thought she been the good character
Also this is my first request on this site
I’m just happy the threads not slid.
What about story featuring leela and Amy from futurama turbína into massive blobs of blubber from eating to much popplers
Can you reformat the link to the Dragon maid story? I can’t access it
Requesting a story about the rivalry between an obese gioth and equally obese cheerleader coming to a head in their senior year at high school, complicating their lives, the lives of their friends, family, classmates and random people.
second, bonus if her stream is the one feeding her so much fatty fast food
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Seconding this.

Also, requesting a nigh immobile and cake icing/crumb faced Vert sitting across an immobile and huffy looking Noire with plates reading 'Crash, Spyro, KH1.5+2.5 HD, KH2.8, Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2, PSO2' saying "Thank you for the cakes Noire, they were quite delicious. Oh right you didn't give them to me, I took them because you've become so fat in your overconfidence. HA HA HA *UUUUURPPPP*"
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>hot nun will get possessed by The Belzebub the demon of gluttony and gorge herself into massive sizes of biblical proportions

With great gluttony more sins will join

Sloth: when she is to fat to even move finger on her deep in rolls buried hands

Greed: wanting more and more food More often every passing day. Wanting all the food that there is only for your own fat ass

Lust: developing huge fat fetish, gaining weight and eating becomes sexually pleasing. Imagine how thrilled she would be when Father has to clim ber mountain like body, squeezing those fat folds, to get to her face for exorcism...

Pride: being proud about your own body, with countless ton body you feel like godess, everyone else is just small insect compared to you
>its a Hot friday night, im sitting on my massive fat ass watching television and sweating like crazy while finishing my tenth bag of chips in a row. Some diet show is now on full of people with anorexia, i think the name is “my 600lb life” or something like this. With a grunt i search for the remote so i can change the program not wanting to watch this trash. Its nowhere to be seen. I lift my head as best as I can to get better view around my room, (this slightes movement is making by body jiggle and quiver Wildly) the remote is still nowhere to be seen, If its not somewhere in the room that means there is only one place it can be..


Honey, can you please search between my rolls, this program is pretty boring and i cant seem to find the TV remote, maybe...maybe it got stuck somewhere under my flab...again... Oh and if you find something yummi there please let me know ;)
do you have discord friend me and we can discuss , fluffelpuffy #8973
This reply is for who?
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>“Anon, I already told you no! Now quit it!”
>“Oh..anon, I'm so sorry for yelling at you.. c'mere..oh- fine, but don't play those games! Lemme go fetch that!”
>Click clack went those hells, swooping down to grab the tossed bottle of lube, she'd shake her rump, “You look like that ano-- Nonon-no!!”
>SNAP! Her corset blew right off her body, and with a rumbling growl, two THICK rolls of belly fat slapped against the floor, followed by her breasts quadrupling in size, forming their own sweaty rolls on top her flowing gut.
>“An-anon, it's not like it se-- PHRRRRRRT!” Her mighty ass bellowed a deep fart, unbalanced she fell back with a loud THWACK! Another thick outbursts coming from her behind.
>Limbs followed her expansion, thin and stick like now looked like spare tires, an entire wave of excess fat wobbled off her helpless arms, with cankles consuming the lower areas of her legs.
>“..a-anon..!” She shrieked out, before one last transformation took over, chins flowed against chins, her neck disappearing into an obscure roll, cheeks bloating up until they obscured her eyes into a squint, and her hair now loose and unkept as it touched sweat and grease.
>“do-do..BBEEEROAPPP...you still like...me...PRROOOAPP...me...an-...PRRRREERRRT ...anon...?”
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I may not be into farting, but damn this is pretty good!
If I can make a request, it would center around Monika from DDLC.

While she's doing a little sleuthing around the Player's files, she finds a folder filed "homework." She opens it, and she is met with hundreds of pictures of women with fat, jiggly asses (some were bigger than their heads!) and wide, doorframe-filling hips. Thinking she can use this to advantage, Monika decides to alter her files so that she can get closer to the player. However, due to her incompetence with coding (yes, it's canon), she accidentally sets her parameters far too high in her attempts to give herself a bigger butt and hips. It appears to be going that way at first... but then her belly and breasts begin growing too! This, along with her butt growing out of control, causes Monika to panic like crazy, desperate to fix her mistake. In the end, she's left with head-sized breasts, a Monika-sized belly and a room-filling butt.

Monika, embarassed, reminds herself to pay closer attention when trying to code.
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Hey! I wrote this over at /trash/, glad you liked enough, I was pratically depraved when writing it kek
I hardly know anything about DDLC, never played, never watched, but I can see what I can whip up when I'm in the mood?
Writte more its good
Dude, thank you,

I'd be more than happy to take requests from this board, but writing characters I hardly know about is kind of hard to do on the spot.
I mean, the original version of Doki Doki Literature Club is a free download, so you can go experience it for yourself or just watch a Let's Play on YouTube. Either way, you've got nothin' to lose.

I say "the original version's free", but the game recently got an updated remaster that goes on retail for 15 bucks, so check out whichever version you want.
What about characters like:

April o’niel (Could be something with pizza)

Black widow (captured and fattened by villian or it could be like cover thing that went to far)

Princess leia (fattened by jabba)

Hermione granger [adult ofc] (could be some curse)

Foxfire486 streamer (>>2156)

Jill Valentine (some fattening virus)

Helen Parr (something similar like the corset concept)

I think they would make for great blobs
Where is /trash/
>:) hail the antichrist
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I got this idea for a funny short story while playing the duke nukem forever

What if the aliens were fattening the hot babes
Imagine him getting through all the troubles to save his two hoes only to find them as massive immobile blobs, just cant imagine all the fucking one liners
>hahahahha seethe more mortal, there is nothing stoping me
>be massive Immobile blob of Blubber With skinny upper body and pretty face
>fools masses daily on the internet
>they keep donating food and money
>always getting called for eating to much food yet staying thin
>brags about working out, metabolism or just ignore the comments and play oblivious
>would freak out if somebody would find out the truth
>one day the boyfriend interupts the stream
>he starts to tease her about her weight
>deny everything and continues to play oblivious
>he starts to sqeeze her lardy lovehandless off camera in a playfull way and continues with the teasing
>starting to get horny
>trying not to moan infront of the camera
>about to quickly end stream
>he notices and takes the camera and reveals her to them
>all the fat shaming in the chat is making her more horny and hungry
>starts to beg for him to feed her and make herbeven fatter Infront of the viewers
>since then the streams has been only about him feeding that gluttinous 2000 pound whale live to all the internet to see
I love Jesus.
fuck satan, he a bitch
A Calamitious Fate for a Hylian Heir

CW, this fic contains the following: Immobility, blob, heavy slob, blood play, humiliation, degradation, health issues, and dark themes. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the aforementioned.


The dripping of water, always the dripping of water. It is what you wake up to, and it is what you pass out to. As the slow droplets hit the ground, you rouse yourself awake. Sluggishly blinking open your eyes as the darkness of your sleep eventually fades, into the dim light of dawn. When your eyes adjust to the light, you once again feel a pit within your soul deepen. It was not your home, nor was it a comfortable bed or inn. Before you are stone walls, a metal door, a couple of torches on the side walls.


The sight of your confinement, this stone cell instead of a warm and friendly location, sent a jolt throughout your body. It was absolutely jarring to see, and yet...it was all too familiar. After all, you have been here for a VERY long time. You remember when you first woke up in this cell, throwing yourself at the door, taking a torch, and scouting the room for any nooks and crannies to escape, and tried to burn the door open.

Those efforts proved fruitless, as the door was chained and barred from the outside. The room was not only flawlessly carved, leaving no nooks or crannies to escape by, but it was made of such hard stone that even with a torch you could only make faint dents in it. As for the door, well admittedly you thought the door was so shoddily made that there would be no way for it to withstand fire. And yet, you stood for hours holding a fading torch to the hinges, and the heat didn’t even affect it.


As the shock of your surroundings slowly fades, it was replaced with an even more powerful set of feelings, homesickness, woe, and abandonment. You used to be a powerful person, an heir to a great kingdom, and a beacon of hope for its denizens. When you walked around town, when you visited the neighboring regions and made alliances, they called you by your name, a name that you are unsure if it is spoken of anymore. A leader of a group of champions that would protect the kingdom from a great evil, and fulfill a prophecy predicted by your forefathers. A respected scholar, a descendent of your goddess Hylia herself...and a princess. You are Princess Zelda, or now rather just Zelda.


How did you get here, in this place? Oh, you remember all too well. You were with your champions, Zora Princess Mipha, Lord Daruk, Rito Champion Revali, Gerudo Chief Urbosa, and your sworn protector, Link. You were making your way back from the Spring of Wisdom, after being once again unable to awaken your legendary abilities. After your group managed to get down from the peak of Mount Lanayru, you all rested at a snowbank at the bottom of the mountain. After resting for a bit, you remember there was a person crying for help. From a distance, you could see a young man that was wearing warm clothing and an unconscious woman, wrapped in a single blanket, stained red with blood, her visible leg bent inwards.

You remember immediately getting up and running towards the couple, hearing Urbosa call to you to wait, Link getting up and catching up to you. As both you and Link approached the couple, for a very brief moment, you felt something was off. Why was she naked in a frozen tundra? Why was there no blood dripping from the soaked cloth? And is he...smiling? Then you remember a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh figure coming out of nowhere, a hard feeling at the back of your head, and then...darkness.

Next thing you know, you woke up here and were greeted by a trio of tall masked figures standing over you, in red and grey skintight uniforms, wearing the upsidedown sigil of the Sheika. You remember trying to get away but feeling your arms and legs being chained together, bouncing on the hard stone as the Yiga laughed at your attempts.


As the dripping water slowly got faster, you reminisce about prior events, which made that pit in your soul even deeper. You remember looking at the Yiga as they stood over you, the fear you felt as there was no way to protect yourself, to stop them from killing you.

“Well princess,” one of the Yiga spoke, hearing a muscular and tough voice. The same voice as the man from before, “I guess I should commend you. I really didn’t expect it would be that easy, making you drop your guard.” Although masked, you could tell by his scoffing that he was wearing a wide grin. “Though then again, you have a reputation to set up expectations, then dash them. Good to see that it came true this time!”

Another of the Yiga knelt down to you and spoke with a feminine yet venomous tone. “Speaking of which, how goes the ‘training your sealing power’ stuff going? Still haven’t awakened it yet?” Her words filled with vitriol made you burn up with rage and shame. It was true, but what right did she have to mock you? “By Ganon you are pathetic. You know, I had to remove my prosthetic leg and strap on a broken leg to get you in position but had I known that you were that useless, I wouldn’t have removed my leg and hobble back to base carrying you.
This seems to be building up to something good, where's the rest?
Story about female spy getting captured and fattened into over a 2000 pound immobile pile of lard
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Story idea on this image:
They look like some kind of gym thots so what if they started eating those healthy chocolate protein bars and gaining shakes, getting hooked up on that stuff and starting to eat god-awfull amounts of it resulting in them getting fat, one would be of course in denail of the fact and play oblivious because >“how could you get fat from healthy stuff?” And the other Be more sceptical about It yet still eating tons and tons of it
When they are at The bring of immobility and everything starts getting harder and exhausting they decide That they are way to hard on themself with their “workout”
(getting Their flabby asses from coach to fridge) Again the other being more sceptical but in the end she is persued by the other girl so they start to do cheat days, of course their weight skyrockets quickly after that
Some time into immobillity when they are around 2500 pound blobs they realise quoting the first girl >”that they might have gain a few pounds” The other is not so oblivious to the fact but is still in the very same situation so they both decide to try lose some weight. of course that is not so easy when you are immobile mountain are lard and your workout Routine is useless attemps at moving, jiggling and wiggling wildly, their ocean of fat producing liters of sweat [just imagine :-) ]
>*wheeze*damn this woman *huff* and those those protein bars*puff*i used to be *huff*so FIT and ACTIVE and now???.that perfect physique is buried under so much FAT! layer after layer, roll after roll..NO! i wont give up, i will shed all this weight, i have seen people lose 200 pounds, 20000 cannot be much harder..b..but it would certanly be easier if i could be mobile enough to at least move my arms, i will definetly work something out later but now i need something calorie rich to eat all this talking about losing weight had made me very exhaused, i need to refill my Energy before some workout “KELSIE,DO WE HAVE STILL SOME BLOCKS OF BUTTER LEFT?”
The high-ranking military officer Lucrezia Mofette is famous not only for her legendary combat record at the young age of 23, but for her big birthing hips. The war effort has seen an unwelcome reduction in manpower, but during her last medical exam, it was discovered that "Lulu" has a uterus the size of a football and eight ovaries. Her dedication to the mission is about to be tested - Lulu must become a bloated baby factory, with a body big enough to accommodate litter upon litter of future soldiers. But what if she had to do that while defending her homeland at the same time? And who's gonna be pumping such a ridiculously fat soldier full of sperm all of the time?!
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I'd love to see a fic based on this pic. Bonus points if you fit in some self-admiration.
series of texts about a busty news reporter during a sudden weight gain virus epidemic that would be giving updates on the situation from time to time appearing progressivly fatter in each report
I like to imagine each time they cut to her she's slightly hungrier. you would see more and more trash around her she would start eating during the broadcasts
After some time she can barely read the teleprompter over her massive tits,Her gut spills out across the desk and Half the time she’s barely intelligible because of her constant stuffing of her face with food, running out of breath easily and all the fat surrounding her face. The hair and makeup crew can barely reach her because of how big she is,She snaps at some of them for supposedly sneaking grabs of her fat from time to time. Of course, it’d be the most action she’s gotten in months
In the last report she would not say anything at all you would only hear munching and huffing from behind her massive tits supported by her mountain like belly taking a your whole TV screen while filling the shooting studio with her flab.
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(Sorry it's so long, should I write a part two?)

Linda Reed was a star basketball player for the WNBA, she was known for her slam dunks and her high rebound count per game. When she wasn't playing basketball professionally she had skateboarding on the side. Her innate ability to learn and perfect anything athletic was a gift from God. She was destined for greatness in whatever she tried, but one day that all came crashing down...

On a hot summer day, Reed experienced a miscalculation...something she hadn't experienced before...she tried doing a skating trick that ended with her on the ground wailing in pain. The doctor said it would be months until the injury healed and she was to not do anything strenuous till he gave the order.

Now with only time on her hands and depression in her heart she decided to start gaming. She never really played many video games but  the NBA series and Madden 21 looked good. Oddly enough it was Tony hawk's pro skater 2 that got her hooked, she loved sitting there for hours trying to perfect new tricks and get the highest score.

She was always building up muscle so she had a body builders appetite, but without the actual building...she was just eating copious amounts of food. First at least it was healthy things she prepared, but then preparation was getting too annoying and it took her away from her game. So she started ordering out. Pizza, Burgers, Burritos, anything door dash could offer she would buy, and large amounts. "It saves money." She told herself.

It had been only a month in that she started seeing the effects of her lifestyle. Her abs softened, her softness turned to pudge and her pudge into a gut which she smacked proudly....then rubbed...and then found herself enjoying more then she should. She used to touch herself to pretty girls, and that part never changed, but now she found herself rubbing her belly and squeezing her thickened thighs while she touched herself.

In the middle of one of her sessions, the doorbell rang. She squeaked, startled by the sudden sound before getting up and walking towards the door. She opened it to find a cute girl holding three boxes of pizza*



She blushed and tried to quickly close the door hoping to quickly get back to her session with this new girls face fresh in her mind.


The girl chirped, tilting her head to see into her house

"Is that Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2?"


"AH I love that game! I'm getting off my shift later today, can I stop by and play with you?"

This girl was weird in Reed's mind but she also was cute so


They exchanged numbers and waved each other goodbye.
Reed sighed and looked back at her disgustingly filthy room.

"Welp...I got some cleaning to do...let me just eat my pizza first then I'll get to cleaning."

One food induced nap later, she heard a knock at the door. She squeaked again, this girl really needed to learn to knock softer. Reed struggled to get up off the chair with her now heavy heaving beer gut. She sniffed her pits, got she stank but there wasn't time for anything.

She waddled up to the door and opened it...she felt a pit in her stomach. This girl looked all nice and dressed up. She could tell she was looking at the pizza grease stains covering her tank top and basketball shorts.

This night was going to be...embarrassing
Hey, if I can request something, I'd like to suggest a scenario where an egotistical succubus gives in to the sin of gluttony and becomes a Hell-sized blob.
What is fxf?

(If its female y female then 1000% YES)
Yes it is!
Thank you for being such a nice person! I will try my best!
>You are a fat loser
>niche internet micro celebrity
>You are a owner of a somewhat famous food reviews/reciepts forum
>like most of the fat sweaty retards on the internet you simp for this hawt streamer QT
>have a massive crush on her
>never tries to interact with her cuz you know “she would not be interested in you cuz you are a fat autist“

>but what you dont know is:

>she is actually pic related blob
>your site is actually the reason why she get this fat
>your reviews are so well written it just makes people want to eat
>you reciepts are also good
>she spends most of her time there drooling over the shit you post there
>she does not know who the owner is but develops a crush on him
>never tries to interact with him cuz she know “he would not be interested in her if he knew about how fat she actually is”
Hey, if you're still here, no rush, but any updates on that Monika story?
Story where every human on earth becomes a blob would be awesome
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A disciplined corporate exec keen on staying fit is fattened up into a near-blob by the strange cult that's taking over the upper echelons of society and narrowly escapes being sacrificed by rolling and flopping

Interesting choice of delivery.
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I figure she could go through a whole chase scene, squeezing her bulk past cubicles while the cultists spasm and flip out on each other due to various cult-related reasons.

Maybe she's an alternate universe version of Elizabeth from Bioshock. Maybe Heather Mason all grown up!
She's gonna have to be a whistle blower on the cult or be knocked down to being some nameless stooge since cults tend to avoid fucking with the famous and rich and throw everyone below them and the leaders on the chopping block.
Corporate types tend to be oblivious fucks, which could be played for horror-comedy effect if the cultists use buzzwords and business terms to hide their obvious cult going-ons.

"Ah yes, R&D have put together this prion- er, uh, *paradigm*-enhancing yeast cultivar that'll make an excellent spread on the toast being served tomorrow - it'll make a great icebreaker for the talks about the summo- uh, telecommunications research..."
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I would absolutely kill for a short story describing Pieck’s descent into immobility and laziness after the end of AoT. Imagine her being a huge messy eater, sauces spilled all over her 4 chins. And think about how massive her ass would be…

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