
(452 KB, 1996x1332, prescription-pills_custom-54b51f8c33d4298fe00d033d3eb96e09bd90726f.jpg)
Are there any good stories about people being made to gain weight by taking various medications and supplements? Like, someone being induced into weight gain by taking appetite stimulants, metabolism suppressants, tranquilizers, that sort of thing.

Bonus points if the girl (or guy) gets medicated against her will and is confused about why she's experiencing these changes.
>>7076 (OP)
Bump. This shit hits the spot for me. A while ago I got prescribed appetite stimulants and got quite fat as a result. It was a temporary thing as I dropped the weight quickly, but I believe this is why I'm into this fetish. Even though now I do not enjoy the feeder aspect of it (too much shame), when I think of that experience I get aroused. I even wrote a 10k words story that exaggerates most aspects from those few years. It was quite bad and left it unfinished, but maybe I'll post it someday
>>7076 (OP)

Ianmfnmoone has this in most of his stories, its not major in most but it still is a catalyst for weight gain. Keep in mind all of his stories involve a young woman going to jail, so if you aren't into that then he may not be your cup of tea. But if you are into reading about thin attractive women becoming hogs while incarcerated, then this is your man.
There's a really good one I remember on deviantart but can't seem to find again where a woman is sentenced to a prison sentence aboard a spaceship and she's given some metabolism altering drugs etc that makes her gain. Part of the punishment if forced stuffing too.
bump, still looking for this one
RL fatspo for writers: My doctor put me on prednisone (oral steroid). Data sheet said to avoid sugar, white flour, etc, which is good advice in general but I wondered why specifically with that drug. Nurse told me because of weight gain, and when I checked online, yeah, pretty much everyone who takes it plumps up. I laughed because I write WG fic and now here I was, in one of my stories lol.

I was short-term, just a week, now on the last day and I don't see/feel a difference. But I saw a lot of people online who were up as much as 100 lbs after a few months. Pair it with certain psych meds and RL would be more dramatic than most WG fic.
I hope this is the correct thread, Im writing a story with the idea that a patient gets inflated with saline or maybe ensure by a very eager nurse.If you work in medical irl do they actually have like giant containers of saline/ensure in the hospital? Trying to make it realistic as possible (I know its dumb with this fetish)
we'll take anything at this point

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