
Can someone establish a yiff.party page for Undertaker33 or at least share the NSFW stories ?
Can someone update his yiff?
Website go kaputt
>>674 (OP)
I've got some content to share. Do I just post it here, or is there some better website to link?

No offense, but chan-text boxes sort of read like shit.
Pastebin is generally a safe bet.
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I tried Pastebin, but it also looked like garbo, so I tried to do some formatting here. Another thread was asking for Growing Soft, so this is the NSFW section of Chapter 11, after the huge feasting
“Feeling better?” Darling asked.

Miia nodded, leaning back on his lap at the lip of their tub. She was submerged up to her neck, her back against the sunken seat where he sat. She moaned pleasantly as his fingers found a knot near her neck where the cold had struck.

Her tail moved beneath the surface, creating a large wave that splashed over her face. She groaned happily, her hands folded over her belly, enjoying the steam as it blew over her face.

“That snow really came out of nowhere, huh? I got a bit worried when the work crew was setting up that TV downstairs.”

“Mluggghharg,” Miia mumbled, meaning for it to sound affectionate but instead just sounding fat.

“Which, by the way…”

One of his hands withdrew from her neck and she turned to glance at him over her shoulder. A quick flick of his finger bonked her square on the nose. “Gahh!” she tucked into his leg, more out of surprise than any actual pain.

“You forgot your phone again!” Darling smirked. “Do I need to get you a purse or something?”

“Oh! Oops… Uhh,” Miia looked down at her exposed boobs, which floated atop of her tummy. “Maybe! It’d be nicer than sticking it in my bra all the time!”

He chuckled. “Would you remember it more often then?”

Miia rubbed her head on his thigh. “If it’s cute!”

“Alright,” he laughed, his deep voice comforting her further as his hands returned to her back. She sighed, perfectly content, looking at her tail as it danced in the bath.

“Something kinda weird happened when we were out,” she said.

“Weirder than finding out magic really exists? Cause I just found that out today.”

“You’ve seen fairies fly before!” Miia looked up at him.

“That doesn’t exactly mean that they’re magic.”

“They’re girls, that are flying, with butterfly wings.”

“I’ve been attacked by a giant killer wasp before. I kinda stopped questioning things when a lamia showed up on my door and a government worker told me I was supposed to take care of her forever.”

“She didn’t say forever!” Miia blushed.

“Ehh, it was implied. After all, I’m taking care of you right now, aren’t I?”

Miia blew small bubbles into the bath. She leaned back further onto his lap, looking up into his eyes. “Could you… ermm…” she wiggled between his legs, scooching forward in the tub. She turned around and patted the surface behind her.

“I thought you wanted a massage?” he asked.

“I-I do… but… somewhere else,” her eyes dipped down to her engorged tummy.

Without a second’s hesitation, Darling was behind her, lifting her tubby backside and pulling her onto his lap, eliciting a playful scream and giggle from his wife. His fingers started at her love handles, moving forward bit by bit over the dome of her tummy.

“C-careful,” she gasped. “Unnwaa, it’s… sensitive…”

“Wow…” he murmured, his fingers had to really dig in to make any sort of indent. “How much did you say that you ate?”

“I lost count…”

“Cerea said it was at least ten pounds of meat. That’s almost as much as we have in the fridge.”

“Unnngh, ooohh,” she put her hands on his thighs, pulling her butt all the way back to his lap. She could feel his hardness poking her rear. Her blush redoubled, now having nothing to do with the tub. “It-it sounds like… you’ll ooohhhhh, have to go grocery shopping then. Make me another feast tomorrow, and cuddle me all day in our bed.”

He bent forward, lifting a hand to pull her hair over her right shoulder before kissing the side of her neck. “If you can eat like that for me, I’ll do more than cuddle you…” he whispered into her ear.

“You better,” her tongue flicked over her lips, vibrating as another moan escaped when he pushed into her tummy.

This was what Miia craved now. More than anything in the world, Miia lived for these moments. In the arms of her husband, being played with and touched in a way that only he could, feeling him back like only she ever would. She’d become such a foodie, been turned into such a fatty, that her whole perspective had changed.

How much pride had she had in her skinny waist? How much better was it now that she was covered in fat? She was so soft, her tail getting so thick. Her hands slipped beneath the water and, brushing her fingers over her scales, she felt skin break away.

A delicious moan escaped as the sensation of her fresh skin being exposed by the tub. “I-I’m finally, unnngh, I’m finally ready to shed,” she said.

“What? Oh, really?”

She tightened her hands over his hips, stroking her ass against his penis. She leaned back on his chest, flashing him a fanged smile. “Help me, Darling.”

“Mmph, okay,” he nodded. She felt his arms leave her tummy before, quite abruptly, he began to laugh.

“Darling? What is it?”

His arms came around the bottom of her tum, causing her breath to catch as he lifted her feast and jiggled her back. “I can’t reach,” he snorted. “You’re too fat, I can’t reach down to your tail.”

The way his hands flexed at that very moment, how his words hung in the air with such affectionate love, Miia felt herself clench. Her fangs dug into her lips in a salacious bite before her tongue came out and her head lulled back. “Oooaaahhh,” she whispered, feeling his grip redouble, feeling his hardness behind. “Bedroom.”

His hands stopped and he hovered an eyebrow. “What, right now?”

“Mmhmm,” Miia nodded, the back of her hand skating over his broad chest, unable to break from his gaze. “Right now.”

“We’re soaking wet,” he grinned.

She returned it. “I don’t care.”

He tucked his arms behind him, lifting him to the seat and then to the edge. She looked him over as he emerged, his light skin glistening with water, her eyes centering on his erect manhood. She felt the bubbling of hunger inside of her belly.

“Come on, my little stuffed snake,” he held his arms out.

She took them, letting him take the brunt of her weight as he pulled her up to the lip of the tub. She dragged a hand through her scarlet hair, the other resting on her tight tummy. “You’re not gonna make your fat wife walk, are you?” she asked, enjoying the hunger in his eyes. “I can’t go burning extra calories…”

He chucked, teeth grazing his lower lip. “Lazy lamia,” he accused.

She giggled girlishly, placing her other hand over her breast. “You know it,” she winked.

Darling doubled over, wrapping his princess in his arms. With a grunt of exertion he lifted her from the tub. She was kind, let most of her tail drag behind them. Even then, the going was slow.

Miia had wrapped her arms behind his neck. She held herself to his chest, listening to his beating heart, turning to open the bathroom door as they arrived. She noticed with pleasure just how much of the hallway she took up. He needed to angle her to get her through, and even then her tail dragged over and crushed their decorative couch.

She made no apology for her weight, and he hardly had the breath to speak. But she enjoyed that all the more. She opened the door to their bedroom, pulling herself inside as he took her to their bed.
Miia struck the surface of the mattress like thunder, fat body smacking down as her tail slammed the door shut. She had her claws in him, pulling him down with her, wrapping his waist in her long heavy bod.

“I-I should grab a condom,” he said.

Miia sighed, a billow of air escaping her lungs. She loosened her tail from him but didn’t let go. “Hurry up,” she demanded, pushing him towards their nightstand.

As he made himself ready, Miia quickly inspected herself

The lamia’s vagina largely resembled a human one, pressed between the scales that rose to cover her hips. The largest difference was the lack of pubic hair, likely because to the area did not need protection from friction but now necessitating the use of exceptionally soft underwear.

Most lamias preferred to be on top as they mated, due to having kidnapped and subjugated their partner. Miia loved to be on her back, gazing up into Darling as he was lit by the moon shining through their bedroom windows.

Sometimes, the position could make things more difficult, with her humongous tail getting in the way of his legs. They’d found ways to make it work, with him riding on top of her, his knees locked tight on either side.

It was looking down at her tail that made her realized it. Something that excited her, nearly overwhelmed her, her heart hammering through her perky soft breast.

She couldn’t see herself over her belly. Her breasts had always been large, but they were clearly outdone by her fluffy fat stomach, and she could only just barely catch a glimpse of the scales on her sides shining wet in the moonlight.

How fat was she now? She’d been nearly eight hundred pounds… she had to be over a thousand. And she was still growing, stuffing her face, being fed like a fat foodie snake. She couldn’t help herself anymore, destined to grow and grow under her husband’s touch. Was she getting close to two thousand?

She couldn’t be, not yet. But she’d get there.

She was sure.

She gasped and giggled as her arm was suddenly pulled, her body sliding to the middle of their nest. Darling was over her in a moment, hazel eyes connected with her amber. She grit her teeth, looking at his exposed muscles, knowing he was growing strong as she grew soft. Shared in their love, their desire, their entirety. Their hearts beat together in a rhythm of passion.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

By way of response she dug her nails into his hip, pulling him closer. The tip of her tail began to curl around his leg while her hand tightened around him, guiding him inside. She felt her mouth open but forced her eyes to remain locked on his as she panted, her arms going to his ribs. His knees dug into either side of her tail as he lifted himself back and slid forward, slowly, gently, mixing into her warmth and feeling her growing wider.

She couldn’t resist, her head rolled back onto her pillow and she moaned, “D-Darling. Oh, Darling!” Her hunger swelled, her tail twisted, rising up around him.

“Y-you’re so soft,” he whispered, hands tucking into her belly. The tightness had gone, leaving only the pleasure as he put his weight on her middle. Her eyes flared, chest heaving, nails digging into his skin. “Look at you, Miia. Look at what we’ve done to you.”

She looked. Her breasts flopped up and down, slapping her tummy as it bounced up into him. She made a wet noise when his thrust pushed her gut to the side, her soaked sheets curling up around as they sank into the mattress. “M-more,” Miia gasped. “Feed me, Darling. I can’t stop eating.”

He lowered himself, hand mashing her breast and tightening her chest. She gasped, the supple nipple eliciting another flicker of pleasure throughout. “My chubby wife. My fat lamia.”

The tip of tail had reached up to his neck, circling around it unconsciously, pulling along with his movements. It made him go wild, pushing as deep into her as he could, bending over her, locking lips with hers, gasping for breath in her face.

“D-Darling! Darling!!” Miia screamed, her whole body going tight, her vision blasting in a flurry of fireworks as she orgasmed, felt him open up in response. She clutched him to her chest now, his kisses finding her breasts as she gasped for breath. His tongue lulled out, flickering against her hard nipple while his hands massaged her doughy belly.

“Exhausted already?” he teased.

Miia’s fang flashed over her lip. “No. You’re not done feeding me yet, Darling.”
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Does anyone have his recent Zelda fic? Or the Filling Out the Frontline one? They're both up for beta readers
Does anyone have the nsfw version of the phantom hunger's second chapter? I cant seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks in advance
Can someone update his kemono party?
Yeah those are out of date. The recent Zelda is chapter 5 and frontline is chapter 11.

There's also the NSFW from Phantom's Hunger, which has a few pics
Does anyone have the NFSW version of To Be Ripe and In Love or at least update Kemono to add it?

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