
(4.2 MB, 2024x5100, hinascale.jpg)
Hey guys. Thinking of maybe doing some creative writing on something I like and wanted to get some feedback from other porn addled people who know what a good WG fic sounds like. Story in first reply. Girl attached is what I could imagine proportions at her current size.
>>6177 (OP)

"Come on you... stupid... jeans..."
The young woman flopped back onto the bed from exhaustion. These pants would absolutely just not button.
How could have she gotten this big?
It was just two years ago she had weighed a petite 120 pounds... Two years ago?
"Holy shit.."
She ran to the bathroom. Digging her hand deep inside the vanity, she felt the smooth glass of the scale, and brought it out. She blew off the dust which almost seemed to mock her for not even thinking so much as to weigh herself for so long. She set the scale down, gave it a little tap with her foot, and stepped on.
She realizes she can't even see the number on the scale. Or her feet for that matter. When was the last time she could see her feet?
Embarrassed, she peered over.
171.7 LBS/ 78.9 KG
She stepped off, she couldn't believe the number that was there, staring her in the face.
"No.. What...? How..?"
From lack of self control of course. Eating too much, letting herself be spoiled, loving it, wanting more, loving the feeling of being so full. She felt like she was gonna barf.
She looked in the mirror. She saw her huge slutty body looking right back at her. Her arms were so fat, breasts practically popping out of her bra, ass and thighs stretching her already stretchy jeans to oblivion, lovehandles spilling out of the waistband of her jeans. She had a muffintop.
"Oh my God.."
Her pudgy belly. Gut was a term more fitting. It had rolls. Two of them. She was standing. The way it completely surged out of her tank top and jeans. The streched, see though top was constricting, almost comically disappearing into the space between her boobs and gut.
A voice emenated from the living room. It was Joseph.
"Daria! You ready?"
Oh shit.
She had completely forgotten about dinner tonight. With people. With food.
The room around her began to spin. What was she going to do? She couldn't go out like this. She couldn't show everyone what a massive pig she had been. She couldn't. She couldn't...
The cold tile met her jiggling flabby body as it hit the floor.
Not bad for a first attempt. A little "artsy" but that isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as it fits the tone and theme that you're going for. I'm not the best of writers so I probably can't give the best feedback, but either way, good job.
thankx. I think I’m gonna keep writing and posting it to this thread. continuing the story ofc. any suggestions?

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