
(234 KB, 1067x1600, valentina3.jpg)
Maybe I can help out a little. Managed a couple iterations of a sloppy wget of the Weight Room a while back.


Offered as-is. It's kinda sloppy, but you get whatchu pay for.

Shame the archive disappeared, there's definitely some stuff I'm missing.
could you reup?


Should last a bit longer as a WT link.

If anybody else has their own saved bits of the archive, I'd be really glad to see them shared.
Amazing thank you.
Can you re-upload the link
If anyone could re-up the archive download, that'd be amazing.
There needs to be a bigger archive somewhere of all the stories that were there. THE best story I ever read was on there, by Coop called Tank Ass.
would it be possible to reupload a link? as far as I can tell, many of these stories are completely wiped off the face of the Internet
Looks like the rest of the forum's stories outside of the archive have also been put behind a paywall and the removal of the archive also applies to the forum posts too.
If anybody could dig up and link Tank Ass, I'd be grateful! The one post that remains public on the forums is enough to make me desperate to see the rest

I don't think it was posted anywhere else. At least as far as I know.
I copied the story into a pdf file a while ago and still have it (Tank ass).
Please re-up the stories archive?
Anyone got the archive?
Does anyone have the archive? I cant find it
Bump for a backup if possible. Thank you
Kind sirs, could you upload another link, please? None of these work as of today.
I naïvely believed that archive.org would keep everything without interference forever.
When my favorite link went down a few months ago, I was despondent beyond words. That sloppy wget would mean the world to me.
Just gonna keep checking in here
You and me both, bro.
Please help
Someone here's got this archive, please help
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Good news everyone!
I have found a site that archived all the stories before those asinine morons at Dimensions deleted all of their content off the way back.

Holy shit thank you so much
Any chance the anonymous ones are anywhere?

based and redpilled
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This means so much to me.
Thank you very much, Anon.
Anyone by chance happen to have More 2 Love More 2 Gain part 3? I was able to get parts one and two. It's by Big Chris.
Based professor
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It’s a suppository.
Have not found them yet but I’ll still keep looking
Yes - you can't?
It says I have to pay to view replies – the story isn't just the first post.

You shouldn't have to...The only thing you may need to do is register an account then opt in for the extra stories. It's free.

No. Anon seems to be right. I notice the change last month and deleted my account
shortly after. After remaking it it seems the only way to access any threads beyond the first post requires a subscription payment. Unless I'm missing, the threads are behind a pay wall.
Imagine paying a subscription to access 10+ year old stories that used to be free, and they blocked it from archive.org. What asshats
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It really is kind of a stunning reflection of how far the online community of this fetish has progressed, isn't it?

Back in the day, Dimensions was one of the only games in town. I had so many formative experiences as a teenager checking them out, reading the stories in the Weight Room, checking out the message boards. They also had a link to Wilson Barber's web page, where HIS stories were, and I read those as well.

But we've grown and advanced. BBWchan itself is evidence of that. These days if you like fat girls there's an overwhelming amount of content out there spread around tons of websites. Whoever runs Dimensions these days is living in the past and the world has moved on from them. It's kind of bittersweet, given how important they were to me when I was new to this fetish.
Anyone have More 2 Love More 2 Gain Parts 2 and 3 by Big Chris? This one was always my favorite
Dims was dear to me as well, and the devolution of the site is a tragedy. The print version was the first place I saw the term "FA" and knew what to call myself. Also the first time I saw feedism discussed, having had that fetish for 20 years already. Reading Barbers and Delacroix were a revelation because their stuff was actually well written. I'd seen a few WG/fat fics before in porn magazines but it was always poorly done and you could tell the writer wasn't actually into it. I'd been writing fatfic and WG stories myself since I was in elementary school, mostly because it was what I wanted to read and there was nothing out there.

The site was the first place I got to interact with other FAs and women who "got it," and now having hundreds (then thousands) of stories to compare and inspire me was fantastic. Like any genre, most of it was drek but half the fun was finding the diamonds.

Also requesting this. Seems the 2nd parts are lost to time...
Does anyone have any of Jake (JMJ) or Marlow's old stories archived? Specifically looking for Lady Luck and the original version of The Return. Much appreciated.
I thought they were gone for good. Thank you!!!
Anyone still have the tank ass pdf story by any chance ?
can upload later today
Someone needs to continue the story, finally pass the baton. God knows I'm not writing any more of it.

Just want to say how thankful I am to whoever manages that wiki and the corresponding archive. Even the so-called "sloppy wget" was an act of true heroism.

A few months ago when I saw the Weight Room get scrubbed off the Wayback Machine I did some research into how a website could lose its internet archive. Outside of things overtly criminal, the manager of the web domain is the only one who can issue a request that their website be exempt from the archive.org crawler. For posterity's sake, literally, I can't fathom why this is even an option, given the ephemeral state of the internet, but them's the legal breaks.

But knowing that the domain name holder is responsible for its removal makes me seethe. It was a true betrayal. I'd never thought to look here, so thanks again.You're the best.
Anybody happen to have Sarah's big change saved anywhere?
Can someone just attach a txt or png of the story to their post? I will finish the story, which I am dying to read, as a reward.

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