
>>5785 (OP)
Do you know how to set it so that the AI remembers a list of specific body traits?
lore book


it can take a bit to set up and updating it over and over is a little tiresome (keep in mind that the AI only remembers certain things for so many words before it needs to refresh its memory) but I've gotten some absolutely epic stories done by being diligent.
Interesting. I guess I'll have to buy a subscription to experiment with this one day. How successful have you been in getting the AI to output niche fetishes?
It gets pretty specific if you flesh out a good prompt and keep your memory and lorebook up to date, if you can explain explicitly what you want I think you can make it spit out pretty much anything.
I haven't had any issues getting it to play along so far but it'll only go as far as you can teach it when it comes to more niche stuff.
To continue off what OP said, there are a few different tools you can use to have the AI remember certain things, like mine will always include bottom heavy/ass centred weight gain so the AI will talk more about the girls ass. Also, whats neat about NovelAI is that you can basically force the AI to go with whatever you want and it rolls with the punches really well.

And when it doesn't, it has made some of the funniest dumb shit i have ever seen while looking at porn
I'm looking for some good prompts as well I think I still have an old AIDungeon account I can see if I still have some old WG prompts before the sight went to shit. But I've been modifying some of the pre made ones that Novel to be a WG based story but the problem is that a lot of the starting prompts are so long that I don't feel like reading through all of that. I'm not saying I need just 2 sentences, just give me like a paragraph to set the story and I can modify it from there. I don't really need all of this lore personally since I'm just going to change it. Not saying I don't appreciate the author's work it's just that I've got a define taste that I'm looking for at the moment.
Well I see the prompt well is kinda dry but does anyone have any weight gain centered modules or custom lorebooks? I know these things you can genuinely just upload as files, I can even offer some of mine to get the ball rolling, they'd probably just be a bit cringe is all
Apparently there are modules for every fetish under the sun with the exception of weight gain. You'll probably have to make one yourself. I'm thinking about creating my own module one day based on my collection of stories.
Damn, well I admire the ambition, do share anything useful or when/if you do make that module, good luck lad.
>>5910 i messed around a little with modules, nothing at all worth sharing but still it seems very easy to groom your own modules to your liking, I'm eager to see what y'all come up with
If you guys have examples of the lorebooks you've made could please post them :O

any tips/guides? I cant figure out modules for the life of me and all the links I get won't work
when you begin a story, the AI will ask you for a prompt, typically the more detailed the better. Just copy/paste the module (or make one up yourself). It's just a few paragraphs to get the AI on the right track.
Does anyone have lorebooks/modules based around weight gain? I've looked and couldn't find anything anywhere
I'm working on one but it might take a while until it is ready for release.
Yo that sounds dope
(1.4 MB, 1976x1686, 5393f3731d0546ec7d07c94f5235f964-imagepng.png)
Ok, I created a module for fat fetish stories. I trained it on around 3.5 MB of stories with 100% coverage with 4320 steps. Final training loss was 2.76. I primarily focused on my favorite stories, so the data is biased towards stories with themes like immobility, mobility struggle, and mild health issues. Please let me know what you think about it.

How do I use this. ELI5
In the NovelAI editor, click on "import file" on the bottom left and select the module file. Alternatively, you can just drag and drop the module file into the editor page. It will then appear in the AI module dropdown menu on the right.
Is there any possibility of using this outside of novel.ai?
Has anyone made an Avatar: The Last Airbender lorebook?

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