
(3 KB, 100x100, nowaya.jpg) (20 KB, 421x571, noa.PNG)
Nowaya made a post recently and it seems he will be quiting, i'd like to archieve his stories but im not sure how to exactly
also it seems there are a few missing ones, so if anyone got those it'd be cool
Some of his stories are now apparently censored, so if we are making an archive, if would be best if we somehow got uncensored ones. As for the missing ones, I know a few of them were deleted because they got reported by deviantart, so Nowaya put them up on google drive.
Here's a link to all the google drive stories:



And of course, someone managed to get a hold of the unfinished full story of the class story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q01sIlW3PDdzidYMy0lZ00Q8fIEY5CkHGoFxWzzFKFs/edit

Only this is, that last one seems to be editable, so I have no idea if someone went and trolled around to mess things up in it.
The last one is set to suggestion only; no one can make edits to it.
Well, his account hasn't been deactivated as of now, but if ever does end up going under, I have the majority of his stories copy and pasted. Unfortunately a lot of them are censored now though.
Care to post it?
I’ve been looking for Lilith for a minute now
Can you post the stories from Deviantart?
Since there's some interest, I'll work on compiling the stories I copied and pasted into an archive

It's only about 80% of the stories since some were either on other sites, not really worth archiving or ones that barely got any attention at all/I didn't like anyway. If I had known that Nowaya was flat out going to delete his account, I would of archived everything.

It's also important to note that a lot of the deviantart stories are censored. So I tried my best to find uncensored versions when available and to put notes on which stories I believe were censored and what was removed

I've never been one to share content like this before, so please bear with me while I get this sorted for you guys
Thanks for Posting that I really appreciate it.
I was meant to copy everything off Deviantart myself.

If anyone has the story called 'Hope' Please Post It!!
Late reply
Regarding that story, a link to it was posted in the loli thread here, so best bet is to take the link and maybe see if the wayback machine has it. If not, then it might just be lost.
Any luck? Im checking my hard drives.
>>5536 (OP)
I looked and its just the URL for the gone deviant art account. Checked all my hard drives and I never archived his stuff to PDF like i should have. Way back machine only snapshotted the "please log in to see this" image of the story Hope. It also shows he had 37 or 27 works on DA, someone help me out I loved that story.
(51 KB, 577x572, test.jpg)
I checked my hardrives, nothing, found several things saved in my bookmarks manager, I should have printed them pdf, I have failed.
We all failed, tho, i think the teacher story had his email so maybe someone could ask him for a repost there?
Where? I haven't found a way to reach him, hard to say if he'll agree to a final upload somewhere, especially for Hope and others.
(180 KB, Fettleibigkeitsunterstützungsberater .txt)
oops wrong thread, i do have access to the original drive but amnt sure how to get mails out of it, in any case i made a sugestion in there asking for an upload and linking this thread, pray bbwros
If you have access is the Hope story not there? Maybe you can upload all that is there, but if its missing maybe you can reach out, get a final archive from him.
(12 KB, hope.txt)
I have Hope. Are you looking for anything else?
Brother you are my savior, as for anything else depends what you have, Im down to collect any stories and art. Is there a place you can post all of it? Let me know how I can repay you.
Can you upload them somewhere or send them to me? I'm looking for as many as I can get, especially "Hope" still missing that one.
hope was just uploaded, just click on the story girl picture, download and done
Wow im blind, i didnt see the "open file" text, you're the best. How can i repay your kindness king?
Thank you all, just missing Lilith story if anyone has it, as a thanks, here's a more complete archive with all your contributions.
Transfer has been deleted
Thanks for these 2.
I'm assuming you're Nowaya?
Thanks a lot man.

Honestly, I'm surprised anyone gave a damn about me deleting. I turned on my old computer for the first time in two years and was still logged in somehow. It wouldn't let me log in from anywhere else and I figured the account was toast, so I deleted dA and moved on. I'm posting this as a bone to the community, I guess, but this is really, truly, the last time you'll hear from me. I wasn't lying in the dA journal when I said I wasn't into lolis anymore - I was underaged myself when I wrote most of my work (13 when I wrote my first thing ever, 15 when I started OSC) and growing up changed me a lot. If I ever do write anything in the future (unlikely, given how lazy I am) I want it to be a fresh start. Nowaya (the online identity) is dead.

I'm not going to log into that Google account again, so that folder will work until Google auto-deletes the account for inactivity in a few years.

Thank you all for enjoying my stories. I may not enjoy them myself anymore, but that means a lot to me. I hope you all have a good one.

Oh, also, there's some stuff in there I never ended up publishing at all - mostly half-finished ideas, but one or two completed works as well. If anyone feels like completing or riffing off of them, feel free. I really don't mind.
I just wanted to say, you are a pretty damn good writer. Thanks for all the stories you wrote. See ya when we see ya.

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