
The meet-up. (this story is purely fiction, any resemblance to existing people is based on coincidence)
He wasn’t sure if she really meant it or not. Donutbelly92 was her name on Feabie. Her profile consisted of two pictures. One full body picture in normal, albeit slightly too tight clothes and the other one a close-up of her belly hanging over a pair of unbuttoned jeans that were clearly a few sizes too small. Showing off just a few, but fierce red stretch-marks on the lower part of her belly and right above her hips. Her face was covered by an emoji of a flower, so it was hard to tell how she exactly looked, but with her long blonde hair she seemed like a beautiful appearance.
“Why don’t you come over here to find out?” Silvester was shaking from excitement. She’s probably going to back out if I actually agree to that. “When? Now?” They had been talking on Feabie for a little bit. In her profile she stated that she loves donuts. He send her a private message saying: “I’m a donut! Want to take a bite?” They texted back and fort a little bit. She said that she’d love too. He said that if he really were a donut, he would worry for the extinction of him and his fellow donuts, judging by the gluttony indicated by those dark red stretch-marks. The idea of being inside that pudgy little belly of hers oddly aroused him however.
Silvester loved all sizes of fat women, but it was this stage that was somehow the most arousing to him. Not quite obese yet, only 185 pounds according to her profile, but everything indicating that all hope was already lost. The tension under which that belly seemed to be, the fierceness of those stretch-marks. It seemed like her body is just barely being able to play catch-up to her stuffing her mouth with sweets and fatty foods all-too-often.
“How much do you think you could eat if I took you to the Mac-Drive? On me!” Usually on Feabie such a question would be more of the rhetorical kind, since almost everybody lived at least a timezone or two away from him. But this girl lived in a town that was only a 45 minute drive. “Why don’t you come over here to find out?” - “I’m off in about an hour and I don’t really have any plans for the evening.” - “Not sure If I would just jump in a car of a stranger though haha :’) but maybe we can meet in the parking lot of the local Mac Donalds and sit inside?”
Silvester couldn’t believe it. Is this really happening? It sounded almost too good to be true and his mind was wondering to some faint memories of the documentary Catfish he had seen years ago. But in that story the woman was constantly trying to prevent a meeting, whereas this girl actually wants to meet up. …Right now!
It was 4 o’clock so normally he wouldn’t be off for another hour, but he had already done a lot of work and his boss wasn’t in today anyway so he decided that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if he left a bit earlier. “5 o’clock, sounds perfect, and yeah I get it that you’d rather meet in the restaurant instead of my car, sorry for seeming to be such a creep. 😅” - “I do have one rule though. We’re gonna do it kind of buffet style, you can order as much as you want, but anything you don’t eat you’ll have to pay for. And the minimum order is € 30” - “€ 30 only?? Don’t think you’ll come off so cheap ;)” - “Be on your way already!!”
To be continued…

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