
(308 KB, 1848x2048, E_SBuWhVgAUlOtF (1).jpg)
This is a thing I've gradually gotten more and more interested in: girls who are so fat, so unhealthy, and so out of shape that they need visible assistance to get through life. Bariatric canes, mobility scooters, oxygen, nurses, caretakers, all of that and more.

It's a bit morbid, I know, but when done well I think it's strangely hot. I've seen plenty of pics along these lines, but I'd love to find some stories that go into this stuff too. Bonus points if there's attention paid to the perspective of the nurse or caretaker, and we get their opinion on looking after this fat wreck of a person.
I found this in the pits of Twitter and translated it somewhat poorly with the help of a translator. Spoiled for loli.

Original author: https://twitter.com/QqTtfNoEGxF

[spoiler]She was born extremely underweight, which made her early life precarious. As a result, her parents became abnormally overprotective and often kept her in the house.

As she grew, her appetite grew with her. She began to develop her own tastes - no to fish, vegetables, and raw foods in general, as well as foods that were hard and tough to chew. She much preferred soft, cooked foods that were easy to eat (and contained a lot of sugar and fat). Her parents indulged her, giving her as much as she wanted.

By the time she started kindergarten, she was 100 cm (3 feet 3 inches) tall and weighed 45 kg (99 pounds). Due to her overprotected lifestyle, she barely exercised, so she had to sit and rest after walking just a little bit. Her uniforms had to be custom-made.

Her junk food cravings caused her to stay up later and later, eating more and more as she grew older.

As she moved to elementary school, her appetite increased still further.
6 years old/115 cm (3 feet 9 inches) tall/75 kg (165 lb) weight/obesity 265%
Her parents drove her to and from school every day. She was too large to keep up with physical education classes, so she just sat and watched. In class, she never left her desk, not even during break, unless she absolutely had to.

She was beginning to develop some minor health problems, but nobody noticed. She would wake up hungry during the night, so her parents gave her sweets and fast food until she was satisfied.

7 years old/122 cm (4 feet 0 inches)/95 kg (209 lb)/obesity 299%
Her school life was starting to become seriously hindered. Physical education was completely impossible, as was going up and down stairs. She was also advised to visit a special doctor due to her health. Her parents didn't care, though, and gave her as much as she wanted. Her leg bones were growing in crooked due to her weight.

8 years old/128 cm (4 feet 2 inches)/120 kg (265 lb)/obesity 344%
Her school life was now so difficult that she often missed class. When she did come to school, somebody had to help her with everything from carrying her bag to using the bathroom. At home, she spent most of her day just eating and sleeping. She already lacked exercise, but the situation was now even worse. Her knees hurt when she stood, and she needed a cane just to stand and walk. Her health problems were worsening, but she had no idea.

9 years old/133 cm (4 feet 4 inches)/150 kg (331 lb)\/obesity 403%
More days at home. When she did go to school, she spent most of the day in the infirmary. She usually just refuses to go. She was gifted a smartphone and a laptop, which she used mostly to order food online in addition to asking her parents for food. She ate as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted.

Her health checkup revealed diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, and fatty liver, among other things. The doctor pointed all this out, along with many strange physical abnormalities, but everyone ignored him.

10 years old/138 cm (4 feet 6 inches)/185 kg (408 lb)/obesity 462%
She became so fat that she occasionally stopped breathing while asleep. She had to start using a CPAP at night. She was also now too fat to stand without help or walk more than a few steps at a time. She only went to school once a week, and when she did she was pushed in a wheelchair straight to the infirmary for the whole day. Even so, both parents and daughter ignored all health guidance.

11 years old/140 cm (4 feet 7 inches)/225 kg (496 lb)/obesity 564%
She was too heavy to move unassisted now, so she spent almost all her time in bed. Instead of school, she took classes online. Her lungs were so compressed with fat that she had to start using an oxygen cannula all the time. Her bed was also changed to a mobile hospital-style bed, along with a lift to pick her up for cleaning.

One day, while she was alone at home, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, but it soon subsided. She was too scared to tell her parents, so she kept it a secret and kept eating.

12 years old/142 cm (4 feet 7 inches)/270 kg (595 lb)/obesity 672%
She successfully graduated from elementary school, but her entry into middle school was put on hold. Unfortunately for her comfortable lifestyle, her parents finally started to get worried, so she left her home for the first time in a year to visit the hospital.

There, she was diagnosed with diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, fatty liver, heart disease, hypoventilation syndrome, and renal failure. "A department store of illnesses," the doctor said - all of them serious. "If this continues, it will be absolutely catastrophic! You only have a few years!" Even so, she refused to be hospitalized, and her parents gave in to her crying face. They decided to instead try medications and diets at home.

However, they were so used to pampering their beloved daughter that they simply couldn't be strict. They inadvertently spoiled her and continued feeding her as much as she demanded. Far from losing weight, she became even more bloated, and the effects of her medication got weaker and weaker. The situation became even more dire.

13 years old/142 cm (4 feet 7 inches)/330 kg (728 lb)/obesity 832%
Due to the size of her body and state of her health, she could no longer breathe even with the oxygen cannula. She had to wear a full oxygen mask over her face for most of the day.

She started experiencing heart attacks. Her parents remodeled the house and installed proper medical equipment in her room. Doctors and nurses came from the hospital every day.

IVs containing various medicines, like insulin, were placed in her arms and body, and more were perscribed by mouth. She was also hooked up to various health monitors and even an AED in case of another heart attack. A kidney dialisys machine was also finally installed.

14 years old/142 cm (4 feet 7 inches)/400 kg (882 lb)/obesity 931%
Finally, with all the machines and medicine, she is able to maintain a basic level of health - just barely. Even so, her parents still spoil her. Her weight is still increasing - she has never lost a single kilo.

(Author's note - the above is just a memo, not even a draft.)[/spoiler]
FUCK wrong thread AND i failed at spoiling, goddamn
A lot of stuff by STC9892 deals with this kind of stuff

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