
Look for Hansel and Gretel like stories.
Don't mind if it's both female character/ both male character or they do or don't get eaten. I'm just looking for any stories that are like the fairytale Hansel and Gretel.

Hello. You’ve all probably heard a lot about me. The witch of a woman who tried to hurt 2, poor, hungry, kids who happened to get lost in the woods. Well I’m here to tell you that isn’t what actually happened. I’m here to tell you the TRUE story of those 2, lost, kids

The first thing you should know is that I’m no witch. That’s just a rumor among the neighborhood children. Living alone, on a hill, in a clearing in the woods, it’s to be expected kids would make up such stories about me. In truth, I’m a chemist and a darn good 1, if I say so myself

In fact, I don’t even look like a witch. I’m not elderly. I’m not frumpy and I certainly don’t have green skin! I’m 25 years old with brown eyes and black hair tied into a bun. I even sport a white lab coat over my thin build, dark blue sweater and black slacks. Also, my skin is pretty radiant, thank you very much!

Anyways, this story has more to do with my research than my looks. As I said, I’m a chemist and I’ve been working on something that will change the world. Using my considerable knowhow, I was able to create massive, edible, materials

They come in a verity of flavors: candy, cookie, chocolate and, my personal favorite, gingerbread. They’re light, fluffy and delicious! However, they’re also stronger, and sturdier, than any other sweets. So much so, that I was able to construct my entire house out of the stuff

Yes, more than a few have called me crazy for doing this. However, while it did cost me a bit more than I would’ve liked, I was able to prove my point about my confection creations. Besides, I was able to pick a prime spot…well prime as far as I’m concerned

Now that you have my backstory, let’s get to the tale you’ve all heard before. Let’s get to the truth about those 2, lost, children. Let me tell you what REALLY happened with them
It started off like any other day for me. I woke up, had a sensible breakfast, and got to work on my latest creation: a table made out of chocolate-chip cookie. It would be the perfect addition to my home and really tie the kitchen’s candy-décor together. Little did I know what a horrible mistake cooking something so sweet-smelling would end up being. I had just taken the tabletop out of the oven, and had fixed it to its base with icing, when it happened

The ground began to shake violently! At first, I thought it was an earthquake and ran to the jawbreaker doorway to brace myself. However, something seemed a bit…off about this particular quake. For 1 thing, the shaking was fairly rhythmic. I thought maybe this “earthquake” was caused by a couple of elephants walking by. However, the sounds of 2, young, voices chatting letting me know these were no elephants…sort of…

“Wow! You were right sis. It IS made outta gingerbread and candy!” A little boy’s voice said excitedly

“Yep! It looks super yummy too. Let’s eat!” A little girl’s voice replied

Before I had time to say anything, or even really react to what had just happened, I could hear the 2 kids begin munching on my house! Strong as my edible materials were, they were soft, fluffy and light to the touch…or, in this case, taste. They would be easily gobbled up by these children!

I knew I had to do something and quickly fastened my lab coat as I ran out of the house to see exactly how far these kids had gotten. My home wasn’t the largest in the neighborhood, but it wasn’t the smallest either. Cozy is how I preferred to think of it. However, this did mean it took me a second to get around the house and reach the spot where the kids were eating from

When I finally laid eyes on the 2, young, children, I let out an audible gasp. No, it wasn’t just from the fact they were eating my home. No, it wasn’t from the fact that, by eating my house, they were eating all of the hard work and expense I had put into it. No, it wasn’t even from the fact they had eaten so much in the 10 seconds it had taken me to reach them that half of the east-facing, gingerbread, wall was now gone. No, it was from how large these 2 children were

I was partially right when I thought 2 elephants were attacking my house, because that’s what I saw! Okay, they were both human. However, both kids were big enough to BE baby elephants. They weren’t chubby. They weren’t fat. These 2 siblings looked downright obese! They had to be the fattest kids I’ve ever laid eyes on!

What made this all the worse was how young they both appeared to be. These 2 kids, who happened to be twins by the way, couldn’t have been older than 8. Both sported the same blond-white hair. The boy’s was short-cut and the girl’s was long and tied into twin pigtails. Both had the same blue eyes, same puffy cheeks and the same double chin. They both even wore the same blue jeans. The boy had a red t-shirt and the girl sported a yellow, long sleeved, shirt. Neither of their pants, nor their shirts, could stop the flesh of their bulging bellies from sticking out a few inches between said shirts and pants

“W-W-What are you kids doing!?!” I said, still a bit shocked by the scene

After taking a moment to swallow down what they had just eaten, the 2 looked back up at me. It was then the brother began

“We’re both really hungry. Our mom sent us out to *URRP* get some exercise and…and…”

“…And we in a got lost! We haven’t eaten REALLY *BURRP* long time.” His sister interrupted

“We’re STAVING!!!” They both said in unison, clutching their fat guts to emphasize this point

Of course, given how large both kids were, and the fact their faces were stained with gingerbread crumbs, it looked like they weren’t TOO starving. Heck, if anything, they looked way too overfed. However, despite my desire to live alone, and despite the stories kids might’ve made up about me, I’m a bit of softy, especially when it comes to children. I wasn’t just going to leave them out here all alone

“What’re your names?” I asked them

“I’m Hansel” The boy replied, wiping the crumbs from his mouth

“And I’m Gretel” His sister replied, letting out a small burp

“Well I’m Linda. I guess you didn’t do too much damage to my house…” I lied as I looked at the massive, gapping, hole in my wall

“How about you both come in and I’ll fix you a small snack before I help you get back ho…”

“Yaaaay! Let’s go eat!” The 2, little, fatties excitedly shouted before they took off for my front door

The young plumpers shook the ground so much that, despite my best efforts to remain standing, I toppled over, landing on a large, still uneaten, piece of gingerbread wall. Of course, it broke irreparably. I could only gasp in shock at everything that had just happened. Little did I know just how bad things would get with these 2, lost, “little”, fat, siblings

To be continued...

It took me a few moments to get standing on my feet again. It wasn’t just from being toppled over though. I was still stunned by the whole situation. True, in hindsight, I should’ve expected my gingerbread house to attract hungry kids. However, I never could’ve expected those hungry kids to be THIS fat!

I sighed heavily as I walked back into my house with no need to open the front door. It had been left wide open, and even contained a few bite marks, thanks to my chunky, little, “guests”. I sighed once more and walked into the living room to find the 2 siblings munching on everything I owned!

There were bite marks on my marshmallow couch. My hard-candy coffee table was nearly half gone and the 2, young, plumpers were currently working their way through my chocolate TV stand!

What? I don’t JUST work with gingerbread, you know

“Hey! Stop that!!!” Was the best I could muster at such a sight

Both fat kids looked back at me and I couldn’t help but blush a bit. True, even to bratty kids, I was usually nicer. However, I was still in shock at what they had done. As bad as they were, I wasn’t going to angrily yell at 2, poor, lost, children. So, catching myself, I quickly continued in a much more reasonable tone

“I have lots of snacks in the kitchen. Just take a seat at the table and…” Once again, I was cut off by the trampling of little, fat, feet

Fortunately, thanks to the, now half-eaten, arm of my couch, I was able to remain standing this time, albeit just barely. The vibrations from the pair were, again, like a mini-earthquake! I sighed once more, wondering just what I had gotten myself into, before I headed into the kitchen after them

For the first time since I had the displeasure of meeting these 2, chunky, kids, they actually looked like they were being well behaved. Both were sitting quietly on their chocolate-chip cookie chairs and were waiting expectantly to be fed. Truthfully, it was a miracle the chairs, as strong as they were, could support the obese children. Even now, I could hear the confection furniture, that I had worked so hard on, making creaking, and groaning, sounds under their weight

I held a slight look of concern at this before I went and began to lay out all the treats I had promised them. By the end, the table itself was beginning to grown. There were chocolates, gummies, brownies, twinkies, and yes, even gingerbread men. I felt a little guilty giving them so much food. After all, these little fatties REALLY didn’t need it. However, I had given them my word and I intended to honor it. Besides, I was truthfully trying to fill them up and send them on their way just as fast as I could manage

“Okay. I know that’s a lot of food, but just eat what you want and…YIPE!!!” I shouted before jumping out of the way

I had no choice. Their chunky arms shot out so fast that I was afraid that, if I hadn’t moved when I did, they would’ve gobbled ME down with the confections! It was 1 thing to hear these 2 eat from afar, or see the aftermath of their gorging, but it was quite another to witness it firsthand

Both, obese, sibling’s arms were a blur as they tore through all my hard work like they hadn’t seen food before in their lives. What’s worse was that they weren’t slowing down, even after wiping out half the table’s contents. That was enough to feed a whole class of kids their age, twice over!

It was then something even more shocking happened. Something I hadn’t expected and couldn’t have predicted. Hansel stopped eating

I was thrilled at the sight of this. Finally, the obese, little, boy was getting full...oh, how I thought that. My joy from his paused gluttony wasn’t lost until he spoke up

“Hey sis. I betcha I can eat more than you~” He said, smugly proud and teasingly to his sibling

Gretel finally paused her own eating, having been halfway through a chocolate cake, her face still partially covered in its icing

“No way! I’M the biggest eater. I’m gonna eat more than you~” She retorted, just as proud of her gluttony as her brother was

“Yeah right! Look at me….” He replied, leaning back so his, massive, fat, gut was on full display

The dome looked like a tight drum, but was just as flabby as 1 would expect from such an obese child. It had pushed out from his shirt, which now only covered half his gut

“I’m the biggest. I’m gonna eat WAY more than you!”

“Kids, please…” I tried to interrupt, before I, in turn, was interrupted

“What!?! Look at me…” Gretel replied before, she too, leaned back to show off her own belly

Like her brother, her shirt had rode up her stomach and only covered about half of it. Her tummy looked just as big and doughy, despite all she had just eaten, as it spilled into her lap

“I’m the BIGGEST and FATTEST and I’m gonna to eat WAY more than you ever could!”

“Children, let’s not…”

“You’re on!” Hansel replied and both began their gorging again, now all the more vigorously

I gasped in horror at the sight that greeted me next. I-I-I can’t even put it into words. As fast as these 2, chunky, siblings had been eating before, it was nothing compared to how quickly they were putting away the food now! I don’t know how. Even with all my scientific knowledge I can’t explain it. Their noisy binge, which was only interrupted by 1 of them letting out the odd burp, had completely wiped out the other half of the table’s contents in the span of 2 minutes!

The chunky siblings leaned back with big, slightly still determined, smiles on their faces. Said faces were covered with a few stains from the tasty treats they had gobbled up. Neither of them seemed to mind this, though, and both quickly let out big, simultaneous, belches. Both of their stuffed, flabby, bellies were on display again and it was almost like these 2, fat, kids were showing them off

Hansel’s gut looked like it had grown quite a bit since they started their binge. His shirt had no hope of covering any of his belly and the tummy spilled out into his lap, covering almost half of his knees

Gretel’s looked no different. Her shirt was completely pushed up over her stomach too and her tummy filled her lap just as much as her brother’s had. Outside of her skin looking just a bit more milky-white, they were tied as far as I could tell

“So...” Hansel literally burped out

“Who ate the most?” He continued with his normal voice

“I-I-I…um….I-I-I don’t k-k-know….I think y-y-you both a-a-ate the same a-a-mount…” I stammered out, still in shock from their display of savage gluttony

It was then it happened. Hansel got a devious smirk on his face as I heard a slight gurgle coming from his soft, but drum-tight, stomach. He looked over at Gretel and shifted his chunky weight to 1 side before he let out a monstrous fart! The smell was so horrible I was gagging, my eyes darting to find some place close-by where I could get some fresh air. Worse yet, he seemed quite proud of his release

“Beat that sis!~” He teased as he patted his bulging belly

“Oh, yeah!” Gretel replied before she shifted to 1 side and let out an equally loud toot

This time I was floored. Literally! I had collapsed on the floor behind them. My poor nose just couldn’t take it. The combined smell was horrible! I was having real trouble breathing from the stinky farts these 2, fat, kids had let out

“It’s not as good as THAT 1~” She teased back, slapping her own big, round, belly

“Oh, yeah? This 1 *PPPPFFFT* is WAY better!” Hansel retorted as he let out another fart

“P-p-p-please…c-c-childr….” I barely panted out, but, of course, I was ignored

“Not as big as *PPPFFFFFT* this 1~” Gretel replied smugly as she farted again

It was on. Both, well-fed, kids began to have the most disgusting contest I could’ve imagined. They were gassing up a storm and neither seemed bothered by this. In fact, both seemed just as eagerly keen to win as they did from their gluttonous gorging before. Worse yet, I had collapsed right behind them both! I couldn’t move and they weren’t letting up either. No, this horrible contest went on for...well I’m not entirely sure, but it seemed like an eternity!

Finally, after the longest period of time in my entire life, the 2, stuffed, brats finally let up. I coughed and wheezed as I tried to get up. The air was so polluted by their fat butts that it actually held a brownish-green tinge to it. It took quite a bit of effort on my part, but I was soon able to get back on my feet

“So? Which 1 of us was the best tooter?” Gretel asked me without a care for my wellbeing

“I-I-I-I think it’s a t-t-t-tie…” I sputtered out, truthfully not knowing what more to do, or say, to them at this point

Both looked less than thrilled with this response before their eyes began to gaze around to what was left of my home. Both brother, and sister’s, big, round, candy-filled, bellies rumbled lowly with a menacing hint to them. How they were still hungry was beyond me, but they were

With my food supplies running dangerously low, I could only gulp at what these 2, greedy, fat, bratty, little, gluttons might do next

To be continued...
>>4874 (OP)
Does anyone know of a story that had a guy who got in a car accident in a blizzard and ended up in a cabin with a woman he didn't know was a witch and he's there with two others who she has fed to be pretty fat.
There's a few scenes I can remember, one involves one of the fatter guys trying to work off the weight and the other is led to a basement oven by the witch. One thing that really sticks out is that the guy who crashed his car are a cotton candy pillow at the cabin. It's a real shame I can't even remember what site I found it on.
(221 KB, 1920x960, a1de706321a4cccef824e9a3bd56f98cddef81bc635dea45f85f176b70053521.jpg) (357 KB, 1080x2340, c77143e353bf354d23357bcf8dc053418e92a59ed0ad70f379477ac04a55f040.png)
I know one. A 5-6 Becky comic by LordStormCaller. It's new take on a classic fairy tale with black and white coloration.
The first picture is what Becky looks like. And the comic was also made in 2015, too. Anyone have that?
Thank you too.
Thank you so much for this. I've been looking for it for so long after just coming across it randomly years ago and really enjoying it.

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