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I have seen enough talk of huell eating her. I need to see some weight gain fanfic of Kim Wexler as soon as possible. I’m not even gonna cum until someone finally makes it. I want a really in depth, incremental, psychological story of Kim gaining weight. Can take place during any phase in her life. I. Need. It.
I am not crazy! I am not crazy. I know he swapped those numbers. I knew the scale said 1216, one after Magna Carta As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never, never. I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the all-you-can-eat buffet to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This obesity? He's done worse. That dumptruck ass! Are you telling me that a woman just happens to gain weight like that? No, he orchestrated it! Jimmy! He fed her through a sunroof! And I saved him, took him into my own forum. He'll never change, he'll never change. Ever since he was nine, always the same, couldn't keep his hands off of soft bellies. But not our Jimmy, couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stuffing them silly! And he gets to be a feeder? What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance. And you have to stop him, you...
I am really, really proud of you.
Oh my fucking God
"Hey buddy" Jimmy stuck his hand out, stopping the passing server "This can't be right, can it? $50 for a shot of tequila?"

Kim shook her head, tuning out their conversation. Why was Jimmy acting like this? Quitting the law? That wasn't the Jimmy she knew.

"And...uh... we can charge that to the room, can't we?" Jimmy asked, snapping Kim out of her thoughts.

"No! We can't-" Kim couldn't deal with this right now. She was concerned " We...I am paying"

What had happened to Jimmy in Cicero? She ordered wine, and a shot. Not that expensive stuff, just regular. Anything with alcohol. She knew she would be needing it.

Jimmy was being evasive. She knew something was wrong, but he wouldn't tell her. Was chuck making him do this?

"Jimmy, you're a great lawyer. Why give that up?"

Jimmy started to spin some line about how people didn't see him as a lawyer. That he just liked selling people...convincing people. She knew he was hurting.

"BOBBY!!! What's up brother man" A loud, obnoxious voice rang out, interrupting their conversation, "Short it!! Short that shitt!!!! That stock? IT's useless!! it's got no legs!!"

Kim could tell Jimmys mind was already on this douchebag. But she had to get through to him.

"Okay, so... If you're not going to be a lawyer, then what? Float around in-"

The douches voice rang out again. " Take a pillow! Put it over that stocks face until you hear the deathbed queef!!!" his laugh was loud and obnoxious. It was clear he didn't care about the negative attention he was getting. Maybe he enjoyed it.

Jimmy was still focused on the guy. She could see wheels turning in his head.

"Come with me" Jimmy said


"Just come with me. You wanna see what i'm talking about? Follow my lead"

She reluctantly followed. Jimmy was already halfway over to him.

"Hey buddy, could you settle a bet for us?" Jimmy started. She knew Jimmy was planning something.

"I need you to settle a debate between me and my sister"

"Uh you know what, we should probably be moving on" She tried to pull out of this situation, but jimmy had already hooked the guy.

Spinning some story about an inheritance. Talking about investing it all. The guy fell for Jimmys story hook line and sinker.


Somehow they had ended up at a booth with the guy...Ken was his name. Jimmy was "Viktor" now...with a k.

Kim had become "Jezelle"... for all her hesitation, for all her worry about Jimmy...she couldn't' help but get involved. enjoy herself, even.

"What can I get you guys?" Ken was trying to get them drunk, convince them to spend their inheritance on him.

"You ever try Zafiro Enajo?" Kim saw the scam coming before Jimmy could even respond. She said it first.


The shot was like nothing she had ever tasted. Oh it was tequila, alright, and it tasted like it to... but there was something else. Excitement. The danger... she was here with Jimmy and she couldn't feel more at home as Jezelle.

She wanted more. So much more. Shots went by and Ken kept talking nonsense about investments funds and hedges. She knew he was saying anything it took. He was so focused on convincing them he didn't even think about it. What were a few more shots compared to 1.5 million, after all.

"Another round?" Kim asked

"uhh...sure" Ken smiled his big, dumb grin at her. "And not only can -"

"And a burger. With large fries" She relished the look on his face. He was trying so hard to please them, trying to steer them towards his fund. How far could she push this?"

By the time the burger came she had gone through two more shots. They were all a little drunk, sure, but she had maybe had a bit too much. Jimmy was looking cool, as ever... Ken was getting antsy, trying to close the deal.

It was the best burger she'd ever had. She relished each bite, barely stopping to breath. The bun was so soft, the tang of sauce and mayonnaise. The crispness of the lettuce and tomato. It all blended together with the beef and bacon. She stifled a moan, almost too preoccupied with the burger to notice their looks...but she did notice.

She was embarrassed. She hid her shame in another big bite. But there were those looks again..

"Your sisters quite the big eater, huh?" Ken joked

Jimmy gave her an inquisitive look, before smiling "Sure she is. We're dutch!"

Ken laughed like what Jimmy had said made sense, but it got Kim thinking.

Maybe this was just Jezelle... Kim wasn't some slob, but Jezelle could be...Jezzelle was anyone Kim wanted her to be.

She slammed another shot, shovelling the last of the burger down and plowing into the chips. Only stopping to occasionally interrupt their conversation, throwing some random curve-ball to keep Ken interested and the drinks flowing.

It was so easy. No wonder Jimmy liked it... She could twist ken around her fingers with just a few words. what a rush. How far could they take this?

Time was running out. She could tell Ken was trying to make the hard sell. Contracts were coming out, phone numbers being exchanged. Jimmy gave her a look that signaled "Last call" as he ordered another shot

"Uh...wait. We can't sign yet"

"Wh...why not?" Jimmy and Ken both looked at her, confused.

"Well uh...we haven't had... we haven't had dessert. It's dutch tradition. You can't make a deal until after the meals over...."

"Well, you're the only one who ate anything. Meals over."

She knew she was pushing it too far. Jimmy nudged her under the table, Ken was getting annoyed. They had gone too far.

"It's tradition." Something had awakened deep inside and she had to do this. She stood firm.

"She's uh...a real stickler. It's what our uncle Humphrey would have wanted. She's still reeling from his loss"

"...Right." Ken gave them a bland look, before shaking himself up a little. " Right. Yeah yeah yeah. Anything you need" He wanted that sale so bad. Kim felt a rush.

Time passed, awkwardly waiting. What had started out well had ground to a halt. Jimmy seemed at a loss. Ken was on his bluetooth again, talking to his buddy. He was trying to keep it down, but was clearly too drunk- he was bragging about his "big deal" and the hoops he'd had to jump through to get it.

When the lava cake came she wasted no time. Jimmy and Ken went back to business while she ate. They had a small slice each, but most of it ended up on her plate.

Documents were signed, promises made. Jimmy was good at spinning the lie. Before they knew it Ken was chipper again.

Kim savoured each bite, happily drowning her feelings in the warm liquid chocolate. The rush was incredible. She felt so alive.

Turned on, too. She couldn't wait to get out of here and rip "Viktors" clothes off.

Gooey, oozing chocolate was her whole world for the next few minutes. She was so stuffed. She could feel her stomach pressing against her tight pencil skirt. At this point the taste didn't even matter anymore-

To be honest, the taste was all but gone. a Flood of sugar and chocolate had left her mouth numb to taste. had made eating almost a chore. Chewing through bite after bite. The cake was hardly very big, but she had never eaten so much in her life.

Finishing it was a challenge. She had to. She had earned every bite and she wouldn't waste it.

Coming down from her chocolate-infused high left her embarrassed to see both staring at her once again. She had been moaning, probably. She was vaguely aware of chocolate spilled down the front of her blouse, which she sheepishly rubbed away with a napkin.

The whole bottle of Tequila was gone, so were the fries, the burger, and the cake. The waiter brought the cap out for them, compliments of the kitchen.

"She's just been so upset since our uncle died..." Jimmy said, shaking his head sadly.

Ken just nodded in bemusement. "Well, It's been a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Viktor...and you're ..uh...lovely sister."

They shook hands, and Jimmy went to grab the bill. " Please, allow me. And believe me, This- " he held up the contracts, " Will be the best decision of your life"

Suddenly it was over. Jimmy and Kim escaped out the door. She couldn't help but grin thinking about the look on Kens face as he saw the bill.

It was a rush. Excitement and giddiness. They were both laughing. Breathing heavily. Kim felt like she was about to burst- both physically and emotionally. God she had eaten so much, what had she been thinking? She would have to diet. She couldn't go on like this...

But the look she and Jimmy shared sent all that from her mind. So much ... so much everything. She didn't know how to categorize the feeling. She had spent her life trying to live neatly and orderly, but these feelings were so messy. Everything with Jimmy was messy. But it felt so good. She hungered for more of it.

She drunkenly stepped towards him, grabbing onto him and felt him pressed close against her as they kissed. She winced at her full stomach as he brushed against it.

She knew they had to do this again.
This was incredible, please keep it going. Having it work so well with the themes of bcs is magnifique
best thing ive seen on this site
Thank you both! I would like to write more, but am not sure how long it will be until I do. I've got a general idea of where it's going, though
When you are finished will you post it here or on DA?
I will probably post the next chapter or two here until I get around to fixing up my old DA account and then I will post a link here if this thread is still around
Please please do!
"Your honour, the defence has made the very reasonable request that the plaintiffs produce their medical records- or, barring that, a signed HIPAA release so that we can examine the records ourselves" Mr. Reese glanced over at Kim as he spoke. He was one of the defence attorneys at Schweikart & Cokely and the opposing council for the current trial.

Kim tapped her pen to her notepad, examining them- Reese wasn't alone, he was being backed up by Rich Schweikart himself, one of the heavy hitters at their firm and a co-founder no less. Kim was alone… HHM had sent her here without backup. Howard never showed up.

At first she was excited at the prospect- her first real big assignment. Her first time as lead on a case. At first she thought Howard was just running late, it wasn't until opening arguments that it dawned on her. This was just a formality at this point, she was only here because someone had to be here.

She stood, ignoring the uncomfortable tightness of her pant-suit as she did. Ever since that night with Jimmy she had had this hunger she couldn't ignore- Maybe she had been overdoing it. She was obviously aware that her clothes had started to cling a little too snugly to her waist, and of course she had noticed a softness where before there hadn't been. She wasn't unaware, it was just… now wasn't the time.

She would have to cut down a bit, but she could think about that later. This was her opportunity to show her grit. She had worked her way out of the mail room, out of doc review- now she would work her way up from here. "Your honour, our clients medical records have no bearing on the merits of this case"

Here is a taste of part 2, which is now up on my deviantart page along with part 1.


>>4765 (OP)

Thank you OP for your inspiration
Forgot to say something before. This is still fantastic, I’m checking all the time for more! I love how close you’re sticking to the story and character
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What are the odds of a part 3?

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