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A thread for katawa shoujo stories. Any and all KS expansion content can be posted because where else are you going to post KS content. If you dont like something, you can hide posts for a reason.
BTW i am still considering writing katawa things since i dont have much better to do, so feel free to throw stuff this way.

Harem route, where all the girls get fat.

A story about Emi gaining weight?
There's so much about Lily, we need more appreciation for the other girls.
I'll reup the stuff from the last thread too just in case anyone didn't get a chance to save it.


What started out as a coincidental meeting whilst going out for lunch turned into a disaster. Wait, let's back it up a little. Hi, I'm Hisao Nakai. I go to a school for the disabled called Yamaku Academy. I've made quite a patchwork quilt of friends since I came here a couple of months ago. There's Emi, a girl with no legs who's the faster runner on the track team, Rin, a painter with no arms, Lilly, a blind girl, Hanako, a quiet and shy girl who survived a fire when she was very young and has massive burn scars all over her body, Shizune, the deaf student council president, and Misha Mikado, her translator.

It was early afternoon. Mutou's class was dragging today. When Spring's warmth first rears its head, time tends to move more slowly and you become more eager to go outside anyway. Usually, I'm pretty interested in the ins and outs of physics, but today, I was more occupied with getting lunch soon. My stomach groaned as I watched the seconds tick down on the clock. To my right, I see Misha grinding away at her notes. In front of me, Lezard passes a note to Molly. Maybe a budding romance is in progress? All of that vanishes from my thoughts as the bell rings and brings me sweet release.

As if we had shared thoughts through telepathy, Shizune, Misha and I all had the same idea.

[Want to go somewhere for lunch?] Shizune asked.

Misha was enthusiastic as I was. Cold lunches get really boring after a while. We decided we'd go into town, but choose somewhere other than the Shanghai. We packed our things and before long, found ourselves downtown. There were several options all lined up for us on the same street. A ramen shop, a fairly fancy-looking place that looked far too expensive for how much money we had on hand, and a McDonald's.

"Hicchan, have you ever had McDonald's?" Misha asked.

"Can't say I have."

I could hear Shizune's stomach growl and turned to see an impatient expression on her face.

[Let's just pick one! I'm really hungry.] she prodded.

Settling on the American franchise, we opened the glass door and chose one of four lines in front of the counter. To the far left was a plastic life-size figure of a clown, wearing a yellow jumpsuit with a puffy red wig. He was holding an encasement that showcased the toys that came in the kids' meals. The words, "Happy meal" adorned the top of the plastic case.

Apparently, Shizune caught me staring because she playfully signed to me, [You want a Happy meal?]

I simply chuckled back, unable to come up with a witty response. Above the blue-haired ponytail wearing cashier was a menu with pictures of all the foods they had to offer. Mostly hamburgers and french fries. I had to do a double take when I saw the angus burger as thoughts of a smirking Emi flashed through my head. I shook it off and glanced at the chicken nuggets. They looked pretty good. All of it looked pretty good.

"I can't decide what I want." I told Misha.

"Don't worry, we can each get something different and share so we all get a taste." the bubbly pink-haired girl answered.

Shizune relayed her order to Misha, who told the cashier she wanted a number 1 value meal with a melon milkshake. She tapped her bottom lip as her eyes darted back and forth, trying to decided between two items.

"I'll have the 8 piece chicken nuggets, fries, and a coca cola." I piped up, giving Misha more time.

"Uh, a fish sandwich- no, a quarter pounder with cheese... argh. One of each please." Misha requested.

"We can share fries, Hicchan." Misha told me with a wink.

"Oh, and a chocolate shake." she told the cashier.

Shizune grabbed some napkins and straws and took one of the two trays to a table with me following suit.

The three of us sat down and started chowing down. It was like a frenzy with Shizune passing me some of her fries, Misha crossing over my arms to share a broken off portion of her fish sandwich with Shizune and myself finding both girls picking chicken nuggets from my box. Soon enough, we polished off the food and were left sipping our drinks. I took a glance towards the door and saw Lilly and Hanako enter the restaurant. What a coincidence. Hanako blushed and looked down when our eyes met and clung to Lilly's sleeve. The place was much less crowded by now.

[That was good, but I'm still a little hungry.] Shizune signed.

I couldn't argue. Most of my food was pilfered from the duo, but they managed to have full meals.

"We can always order something else." Misha told us.

[As long as I'm not paying.] I signed.

Gleefully, the trip of us went up and stood in line behind Lilly and Hanako.

"H-hi Hisao." said Hanako.

"Oh, Hisao from school is here?" Lilly asked.

"That's right! And us too!" shouted Misha, startling the pair in front of her.

"You can join us if you like." I told them.

Everyone came back to the tables with their orders and dug in.

"I can't explain it, but I keep feeling like I'm not eating anything, even though I'm getting more and more food." I said.

Hanako ordered a 20 piece nugget for herself and Lilly got an unusually large order as well. Shizune found herself with a double order of what she had last time and Misha got a variety of tastes on her return trip.

"My, my, I just can't stop eating!" Lilly giggled.

"Me too." I said, chomping down on my third burger.

This was strange. The more we ate, the more we went up to order and pack away in timely fashion.

[Let's race. Whoever can finish four burgers and a french fry container wins.] Shizune signed.

The race was on as burger after burger was scarfed down forcibly. French fry after french fry was devoured in minutes.

Hanako rubbed her growing stomach. Shizune's top strained.

"Ohhhh, Shicchan, I feel so bloated!" Misha cried, her hands barely able to move through the signs.

[Me too. I think I ate way too much.] Shizune signed back.

Then, my greatest fear was made real. Emi and Rin came in. I ducked under the bench to avoid being seen. After all that exercising and strict diet plan, she couldn't see me stuffing my face with McDonald's. Unfortunately she recognized the others and they sat down with us.

"Hisao?! Wh-ah! What happened to you?" Emi shrieked.

"Ugh, I ate too much." I replied.

Emi pierced her salad with her utensil and a fuming look overtook her face.

"What about all our progress? You're going to run your butt off later, mister!" she threatened.

Rin dipped her head into the box of fries.

"And the rest of you, what happened?" Emi questioned.

Everyone at the table had ballooned in size thanks to the gratuitous food. Hanako's tights had tiny rips in them from her expansion and Lilly began showing a muffintop over the waist of her skirt.

"I'm still hungry." Rin announced after finishing her food.

"Want some salad?" Emi offered.

"I don't like greeny leafy things to eat."

"Who wants dessert?" Lilly asked.

"Dessert? How can you think of dessert after all that?" Emi inquired.

"Come on, Rin, we'll get you something when we go up." Misha offered.

Emi shook her head and continued eating her salad until Misha, Rin, and Lilly came back with 15 apple pies, 7 sundaes, and a 50 piece chicken nuggets for Rin.

"What the hell is all that?" Emi scolded.

"Just try one." said Rin.

"No way. You're all out of control. You're going to eat yourselves to death!"

"Not a bad way to go." I said as I crammed an apple pie down my throat.

Misha dipped hers into her sundae and Shizune was already finished with her first ice cream.

"My, my, this is quite a party we all have here." Lilly said.

Everyone was too busy eating to say anything further.

Rin stood up and stretched her back.

"You can have the rest, Emi." she said, taking a step back.

Her belt was straining until it finally popped and her zipper parted ways.

"Don't look." she said, trying ineffectively to cover her striped panties with the tied up sleeves of her shirt, which was now stretched from her increased proportions.

"Weeelll, I guess one can't hurt." Emi said, taking a chicken nugget. "But ONLY one."

An hour later and a few more trips to the counter, she found herself no longer the smallest one at the table. Her butt spilled out of her tiny running bloomers and her shirt was little more than a crop top above her giant stomach.

[Let's get a measuring tape and see who ate more.] Shizune challenged.

There was a gleam in her eye that managed to light Emi on fire.

"You're on!" she dared.

The bench creaked and Misha's eye went wide.

"Ut oh..."

Before anyone could react, the seats crashed under the girls' weight.

"I can't move." said Rin.

"N-neither can I." the rounded Hanako chimed in.

Everyone sat on the floor and continued eating.

Up at the counter, the manager was arguing with his workers.

"They're going to eat everything in the store! You have to send them away!" the teary-eyed cashier said.

The pencil thin-mustached manager lifted a finger and protested.

"We're getting record profits today. Let them stay as long as they like."

"We're out of burger patties, sir." a teenaged male worker told the manager.

"It's a good thing your father is rich." I told Lilly.

"Shicchan is helping pay for it too." Misha chimed in, as if to brag that her family had more money.

"H-how are we going to get out of here?" Hanako asked.

She was right. We were too big to fit through the door. Lilly went up to the counter to explain the situation.

"We can't remove the doors." the manager told her, shaking his head incredulously.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" Emi panicked.

"You'll just have to stay here until you can work the weight off." the manager answered with an evil look in his eye.
[Okay...But only because I’m a good sport]

Hisao winced at the outcome of the match that had taken place. It was an absolute brilliant strategy that she hardly saw coming, who knew that Canada had such tactical value?

[Looks like I’m the master at taking risks now, Hisao! Now just like we agreed to!]

Hisao paused for a second as she was somewhat taken at exactly what he had to do next. He swallowed his pride and stood up to take his lumps like a man, a guy is only as good as his word after all.

[Shizune, I have no idea how we let it get this bad...]

Hisao furled his brow at what he had to do.

[But we did agree to it]

Before him was a no-shit birthday cake, fit for 24 guests. All for her because she had the audacity to ignore North America during his conquest of the world in her game of risk.

He began properly with a knife and fork starting from a corner. Shizune was so gracious as to provide a gallon of milk to accompany him but it had soon gotten to the point where it was obvious that Hisao couldn’t carry on. With nearly half a gallon finished and ¾ of the cake gone his prim composure had gone sloppy as he had slumped back in his chair. Frosting had gotten onto his sleeves as well as his belly which was now almost screaming from inside his uniform to be let loose.

[I don’t think this is gonna work, anymore, Shizune]

Hisao exhaled and relaxed as he slumped even further down his chair.

[Don’t think you’re getting off so easy, Hisao]

Shizune marched over towards Hisao with a stern, almost militant stride.

[Sit up! Back straight! Chin up!]

Hisao jokingly complied, half surprised that her use of JSL was able to impart that much force and half because he was nearly comatose after eating nearly an entire birthday cake to himself.

[Hands at your side, you!]

Hisao further complied with her orders, again half joking as if she was acting out her risk game in person like some prestigious general. Not realizing what exactly her plan was.


Just as soon as he had assumed the position Misha had sprung into action, grabbing his arms and quickly binding them behind his chair with zip ties.

“What the hell are you doing?! It was just a stupid bet!”

“Wahaha~, you should’ve considered the ramifications before going up against Shiichan, Hisao, You had lost even before you began and you should realize what you were betting on!”

[Cry all you want, doughboy, because there isn’t a means for escape]

Shizune had planned this out which seemed particularly cruel since there was no way Hisao could directly reply to her without the aid of Misha. He also had pondered what exactly she had meant when she called him “doughboy” only to find out shortly after when she had straddled him and began to undo his shirt buttons and his belt buckle.

[My, my, you let yourself go, Hisao, maybe I should’ve worked you harder when I had the chance]

She knelt down beside him started prodding and playing with his distended belly. While it was a relief to be free of his belt and trousers that were all but cutting into his midsection, he now had to deal with what was happening between Misha and Shizune.

“Oh wow, Hiichan, I didn’t know you had it in you”

Misha accompanied Shizune on the opposite side accompanying her with the bizarre bellyplay.

“Hey, damnit, Misha, Tell Shizune to knock it off! This tickles!”

“I still feel room for more, Hiichan, you’re not going anywhere until you complete your wager”

[Since you’re incapacitated I think you’re gonna need a little assistance then]

Without hesitation, Shizune stood up and grabbed some silverware and a napkin off the table took a small stab at the cake, taking a taste for herselh.

[I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Hisao, this is pretty delicious]

She then proceeded to take a piece and ferry it over to Hisao’s mouth who offered resistance at first.

“You aren’t going anywhere until you man up, Hisao, you best get to eatin’!”

Hisao, who was already nearly comatose from earlier begrudgingly surrendered and let Shizune feed him. Piece by piece were led into his mouth by Shizune distending his gut further and further. For every groan and churn that came from Hisao’s mid section Misha was there to massage it down trying to notionally free as much room in his belly as she could. Eventually all that was left was scraps of frosting both in the box that the cake came in and on Hisao’s exposed, swollen midsection
It seemed no matter what Hisao just couldn’t win. Shizune was on his case like a hawk stalking a mouse. If he wanted to go somewhere, she would know about it. It didn’t help that Misha was following her every whim, meaning Hisao had to deal with a second pair of eyes to keep Shizune up to date with his whereabouts.

There was nothing much Hisao could do about the situation, if he was somewhere Shizune wouldn’t want him, she’d find him and make sure he was in the student council room like he should be. Eventually he was inducted into the council as the official “Doughboy”, as she put it. If Hisao wasn’t eating, he wasn’t doing his job.

For weeks on end she’d had Hisao take part in impossible challenges, mainly taking her head on in some kind of contest that Hisao would only win if the planets aligned in his favour. Of course, he lost every one and paid the price, forcible feeding of stupidly large meals his punishment. He would never leave the Council’s headquarters unless his belly was packed with food and his face splattered with the remains of his meal.

However, today Shizune was giving him a little mercy. Hisao was given free roam to bring in whatever food he desired today, no challenges or contests, just him getting to eat what he wanted. Of course, he was still eating and this was something he’d rather not do, but he knew not to go against Shizune’s wishes.

“Hey Misha.” Hisao merely said, clutching two plastic bags filled with food. His breathing was slightly laboured, having to carry around those bags was pretty tough considering he had little to no muscle to speak of. Both girls took note of the tired out boy, watching his hefty stomach rise and fall with heavy breaths.

“Heya there Dough- I mean Hicchan!” Misha replied, quickly remembering that only Shizune had the honour of calling him that. She’d made it very clear Hisao was all hers, though Misha was allowed along for the ride. “We have your spot all warm and ready~” Misha gestured over to Hisao’s seat, instantly recognizable by how beat up and worn it was. Given how fat Hisao had gotten, the already aged chair had suffered, needing a few repairs so it was able to support his weight.

[Do enjoy your mercy day, won’t you doughboy?] Shizune signs over, simply smiling as Hisao plops himself onto the old chair, each individual creak and strain audible though the room as his plump rear squeezes in. [I’ve got plenty up my sleeve for you next week]
Simply nodding, Hisao settles himself down, moving back slightly so to not let his belly press into the table. Finally, it’s time to sit down and time to eat. Reaching into the first bag of the two, Hisao takes out a rather hearty club sandwich, loaded with plenty of balanced fillings. Even on his off day, he knew Shizune would be breathing down his neck to make sure he ate plenty of his fill. If it wasn’t big enough, she’d no doubt make up for it tomorrow. At least it was a chance for him to get a decent meal in. Most of these food punishments were just junk food, having that forced into you daily wasn’t going to do him any favours, so Hisao strived to make sure his own food selection was balanced and had some decent nutritional value.

The room was quiet with nothing but the soft chewing of Hisao’s mouth, enjoying his large meal. It was a nice change of pace to eat for himself, even if he was still eating an obscene amount like the hog he’d become. Moving onto a large bag of pretzels, he savoured the flavours in his mouth, actually having the time to taste something instead of having it forced down his throat was rather nice too. All the while, Hisao couldn’t exactly enjoy himself with all this.

Turning his head, he saw Shizune watching with intent eyes, those sapphires of hers watching as he slowly chewed and swallowed his current mouthful, confused and staring at her.

[Go on]

The straightforward and quick way she signed that was rather intimidating to him, causing Hisao to move on with his meals, taking out one of several bentos so he could get a start on them. From there, he kept on going, eating away and trying not to let Shizune’s constant watch over him get the better of him. The feeling of fullness wasn’t as apparent as it was when he was getting food forcibly shoveled into him, but it was still there was he moved onto the next bag.

Putting a hand to his soft belly, Hisao rubbed it a little as he pushed a the last of 12 meat buns down his mouth. Feeling a buildup of gas inside, Hisao was about to cover his mouth, only for Shizune to snap her fingers, getting his attention.

[Just let it out]

With a single small nod, Hisao lay back and belched. It was long and freed up some room inside his belly, rather glad he was able to do it without any problems. Shizune merely smiled as he continued to eat, more food disappearing into his stomach as he ate, his rather large shirt straining. Laying back again as his paced slowed, Hisao was really starting to feel full, his stomach filling up to the brim. But he knew he couldn’t stop, Shizune would have none of it. Forcing a slice of carrot cake past his lips, he swallowed and heard a tiny little clink onto the floor. Looking about, he saw Shizune licking her lips at him.

That’s when he noticed a popped button on the floor, laying before him. Seems his shirt wasn’t good enough for the stuffing, one of the buttons flying off from the pressure, leaving Hisao with a window of creamy pale belly skin free to look at. Shaking it off before anything else could happen, Hisao scarfed down the rest of his food quickly, finally stopping as he burped again. No doubt, he was stuffed. But he didn’t feel like he was going to burst at any moment, he just felt like a good lie down would help.

Thankfully the day was soon ending, Misha having been excused as Hisao heaved his flabby body up, putting the button in his pants pocket to sew back on later. Just as he was about to leave quickly, he felt two soft feminine hands clutch onto his belly, grabbing rolls of fat as it squeezed the round tummy.

Shizune was having a fun time feeling just how soft his belly was. Hisao knew she was doing it to see how much fatter he was, like she was a witch and he was just a fat little Hansel for her to enjoy. Moving about to him, she traced a finger onto his belly before she started signing.

[Impressive doughboy….you’ve gotten to be a right little gluttonous boy, right?] She smiled sweetly. [I wasn’t too impressed before that button pop. Seems you did get yourself enough to stuff your fat gut to the gills. But that doesn’t mean I won’t have anything special for you soon enough….]

Letting him go, Hisao waddled out of the room fast as his thick rubbing thighs would allow, Shizune waving slightly as he decided he needed a long lie down on his bed. And a pizza from Kenji.
Extra Credit with Shizune.

The words rang in Hisao’s head over and over, Misha’s instruction to him before leaving the council room haunting him over and over.

Hisao was getting pretty huge at this point, taking the crown as fattest kid in class from Taro, all thanks to Shizune’s watchful eye and calorie heavy regime. Hisao couldn’t remember the last time he had a proper meal, though he could remember eating two wedding cakes and 5000 yen worth of take out food. Even getting uniforms was becoming an issue, Hisao having to rely on Shizune to get his custom size in exchange for letting her feed him as many chocolate bars as she wanted.

In his slow heavy waddling stride, Hisao fumbled into the girl’s dormitories, thankly Shizune’s room was on the ground floor. Stairs were currently proving Hisao’s biggest weakness, even a medium sized staircase enough to make him pant for air. Even with elevators it was rather awkward to share one with another person, lest Hisao crammed himself in the corner in an attempt to stop his grand belly from brushing against them.

Standing outside of Shizune’s room, he took a deep breath before opening the door. Naturally, he was greeted by Shizune, though for once she wasn’t wearing her uniform. Clad in a more casual outfit, being a white vest and shorts, not to mention clearly not wearing a bra, the deaf/mute grinned as she gestured over to the table beside her, revealing what appeared to be a three course meal. Given how this was Shizune, it was a three course meal which would probably constitute as a buffet.

[Uniform? Disappointing, I was hoping you’d dress more appropriately for our date] She signed, confusing Hisao.

[What do you mea-] Hisao’s sign was cut off by Shizune slapping his hands aside, poking him in the gut sharply.

[Less signing, more eating Doughboy! I cooked this by hand, so you better eat every last morsel!] Poking him until he sat down, Hisao waited until he needed to be prompted.

[Use your hands, it’s faster that way] She added, getting a little frustrated with him.

[Shizune! I re-] Getting fed up, she took a handful of potato skins and shoved it into his maw, Hisao forced to chew slowly before gulping it down. Grabbing him by the cheeks, Shizune gave a death glare.

[Eat you fat fuck] Her signs were so sharp they could probably cut him if she tried. Gulping, Hisao obeyed his superior and began to gorge.

First course, the starter. Classic starter dishes, the aforementioned potato skins, prawn cocktails,chicken wings with dips, spring rolls, the whole lot. Just as he expected, these were far from starter portions and looked more like party food portions, the way they were all piled up on top of each other.

Hisao wouldn’t deny, these tasted great. He was surprised at Shizune’s ability as a cook, never expecting her to be the type to be skilled in the culinary arts. Then again, he never expected Shizune to making him obese, making the surprise somewhat dulled.

There was both a strange resentment and enjoyment in the almost piggish manner Hisao ate. It was clear Shizune was loving it, sitting opposite to him and watching as he grabbed handfuls of finger foods before cramming them into his mouth, already coating his lips in a fine layer of grease. For Hisao, he almost found himself liking it. Cramming so many different foods into his mouth at once allowed for some vibrant tastes he’d never experienced before, prompting him to experiment with combinations along with the dipping sauces.

Despite the overly large portions, Hisao made short work of the starter. Letting out a few small burps he licked his fingers and wiped his mouth, pleased with the starter. A few splotches of salsa and grease stained his top, but he didn’t mind too much. If anything it only made it better, fueling Shizune’s bizarre desires to watch him changing into a glutton.

[Excellent work. Now it’s time for your main course]

Shizune brought upon the next course, Hisao knew this was going to be completely monstrous in comparison. She wouldn’t rest until he was fit to burst, a feeling he’d gotten very accommodated to, but never quite getting used to the feeling.

Brought to the table was the main course, a carnivorous assortment of large plump meat dishes, ranging from turkey to chicken to pork and gammon. All of the dishes were packed full of meat, no potatoes or vegetables at all to compliment them. And just like before, all of this was ideal for eating with his hands, just the way she wanted.

Hisao dug into the huge meals, tearing off meat and skin with no signs of slowing down, thick juicy helpings consumed by the handful, only serving to add more lard onto Hisao’s already huge frame. It was almost like he was changing slowly as he ate, his manner of eating and expression making it seem like he was almost entranced by it all. All the weeks of gorging and gaining were finally getting to him, he had accepted his fate and was going to enjoy his new lifestyle to the fullest.

This was certainly helped with how great it all tasted. Hisao wouldn’t deny he’d come to love a good slab of meat, and these were some quality cuts cooked to perfection. Every satisfactory moan or loud belch was a sign he was enjoying his meal, as if his grease coated hands and messy cheeks weren’t enough. His white shirt wasn’t so white anymore, the sleeves completely brown from how they’d dipped onto the juices of the plates, not that he cared at all. It tasted so great, all he wanted to do was eat more and more. Even Shizune was a little surprised at just how gluttonous Hisao was being on his own accord.
What happened on the last thread that makes this a take two? I remember seeing a Katawa Shoujo thread pop up but then after a day or two it was replaced with this one.

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