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Anna had always had a big appetite. Everyone knew it.

When Anna sat down to a meal she always cleaned her plate and went back for seconds, thirds and more. When she took a carton of ice cream out of the fridge it never went back in. She rarely went anywhere without snacks to gobble down at every opportunity.

She would have eaten her adoptive parents out of house and home if not for the fact her father worked at a big box store and got generous employee discounts and free unsold food that was approaching the expiry date. Indeed, she had gone through more than one set of foster parents who couldn't handle her massive hunger and refusal to cut back before coming to live at her current home at 10 years old. And well over 275 pounds and counting.

Anna's appetite wasn't the only thing about her that was big, of course. A girl doesn't eat enough each day to feed most families and keep a slender figure.

By the time she started high school, Anna was nearly 400 pounds and looked every ounce of it. Her smooth, pink face was full and round with a thick double chin that engulfed the greedy girl's neck all the way to her broad shoulders. Her upper arms were large and pillowy, her wrists were thicker than most girls' legs and her hands pudgy as a baby's. Heavy back rolls that quaked at the slightest movement sat above a wide, dimpled shelf of an ass. Legs thick as tree trunks with hefty cankles that made wearing high boots out of the question for the well fed girl. And of course, there was The Belly.

The Belly that bulged out over a foot in front and hung past the front of Anna's strained panties. The Belly that never stopped wanting more, that never felt truly full, just too tight and aching to fit another morsel in. The Belly that was the first thing everyone noticed about her.

Anna had always been teased for her weight, but strangely it never bothered her. She'd just ignore it, unless the other kids got in their face, in which case they quickly learned that bothering someone two or three times bigger was a terrible idea.

Unlike most girls, Anna never wanted to lose weight. Being big felt right. She took pride in her prodigious size and her superior stomach capacity. She felt a sense of accomplishment when she polished off a dozen plates on a visit to a buffet. She loved the sound of floors and furniture creaking under her bulk. In fact, Anna often dreamed of getting bigger.

Big enough to swallow somebody whole...

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