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This is a bit of a niche genre, with a touch of the macabre. I'm interested in stories where a guy or a girl is being fattened up to be eaten. The circumstances don't matter; it can be as realistic or as fantastical as you like.

It can also end as happily or sadly as you like. I love stories where the guy or girl escapes at the end, and avoids being eaten. But I'd also love stories where they don't escape, and dinner is served.
>>4390 (OP)
I'm glad I've found this thread, I've been looking for a story I came across years ago by chance and have never been able to find again.
It was about a guy who gets in a car accident in the snow and is rescued by a girl and brought to her cottage where she bakes him a load of food and one thing that sticks out was that his pillow was cotton candy and he eats it. There are two other guys in the house with him who have already gotten massive from all the food, but one tries to start exercising to burn it all off while the other ends up being cooked by the witch.
I doubt anyone will be able to find it just from this but it's worth a shot.
Do you know what platform it was on?
Trying to find this story about a waitress being fattened up to be eaten. It was on fantasy feeder, but I think it got deleted
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I love this stuff so if anyone has any other recommendations please send them. I'd love to find other people interested in this stuff to talk with.


FredHerring's stories. These are some of the best out there.

Human Livestock 1 and 2 by DustieKisses

>The Position: A Fairy Tale
>A girl accepts a position with a mysterious farmer to become a pig, knowing the fate of pigs
This story was found on a Tumblr blog.

The following were deleted from FantasyFeeder. Please save and repost them elsewhere
School Pig by TrussedUp

piggy on display

spa for porkers

the restaurant
>>4390 (OP)
> I love stories where the guy or girl escapes at the end, and avoids being eaten.

Me too. This is definitely my preferred outcome. I want them humiliated and fattened up, but to escape at the last minute and have to live with what's been done to their bodies.
Does anybody here know about a story where a dragon fattened up humans to eat? I think it started with something like "x loved humans"
That's the one! Thank you so much!
while I'm not specifically interested in the vore part, fattening up to eat is definitely the combo predatory/nurturing vibe that I want from wg fics. Hansel and Gretel is a great example, can't go wrong with one of those. Komperaclause' most recent one is really good, it's called "Gingerbread House", and it's on their patreon/kemonoparty
This is my exact niche. It's a weird intersection between vore, WG, and guro.

My favourite author has to be FredHerring since her stories feel personal and intimate in how they treat their characters. But there are plenty of good ones out there.

RalphLeCann is probably the oldest author in this area and has been writing for maybe 20 years. His stuff is full cannibal but with a focus on larger women and them sometimes gaining weight www.deviantart.com/ralph-lecan/art/One-Sizzling-Role-53003198

If full on cannibalism isn't your thing, then Komperaklause's Gretal might suite you well. It's mostly just force feeding with the implication of impending fairy tail with eating. https://www.deviantart.com/komperaklause/art/Gretel-Part-1-564500523

You can occasionally find some stuff from Food transformation artists, like this https://www.deviantart.com/veryfilthything/art/A-High-Class-Meal-Story-754573258, but U find them pretty hit or miss. Especially since they sometimes go into magic WG which isn't my thing.

I've got a whole list of decent stuff in this neiche. I might as well compile them here when I have time.
I'm glad to see there are other people into this. FredHerring is my favorite author for this stuff too. I'd love to see what other stuff you've got
Would anybody happen to know of a story where a male and female couple are captured by cannibals and fattened up to eat? In the middle of the story a plump french girl gets cooked, and at the end the wife gets boiled alive and eaten.
Name is One For The Pot: Boiled Alive! Don’t remember the author
Damn, that could be it but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Annoyingly Ralph posts all his stuff as PDFs. Ot means they never turn up in Google search results. IDK if that's intentional but it makes them harder to find

Luckily almost all his stories are on Deviantart.

He still has some stories scattered around private femcan forums. But, it's mostly on Deviantart
I liked this a lot. I'm generally not too keen on magically induced fattening but I liked the fattening process a lot
Don't forget the fattening up to participate in eating contests!
What do you mean? Can you go into a little more depth with the concept?
That's the point.
Warning: this story contains description of trash eating, beatings, urine/scat and other such things

Secondary warning: the characters are furries.


Summary: heather a street rat (literally) has been sent an offer from an extremely fancy hotel. They require her help by having her eat their garbage but she will inevitably end up on the plate in the end.
I tried reading this but just couldn't finish. It just went too far with the scat and disgusting stuff. I was into the concept but it was just too much
were you able to find anymore of desmond's stories? ive been looking for awhile and havent come up with anything.
I dug around but I was only able to find one. We'd need someone to come forward who saved them
Looking for a story that I read a few years ago where a waitress was fattened up by two women/witches who own a bakery I think? Terror of Red Wolf Inn was mentioned and the waitress/victim was aroused watching it, so helped fatten herself up.
Do you have any examples?
welcome back
Just redirects to crystalprison
I feel like I’ve seen just about every story out there for this. Either I don’t know what to search for or I’ve just about reached the cap of what’s out there
every once in a while I find something new, but yeah, I've seen a lot of the best stuff. Honestly I'd commission something if I knew somebody who would tough it
I'd really like to see holiday themed stories like this, where a girl gets fattened up to serve as a thanksgiving turkey or fattened christmas goose

There was once a story called The Yule girl (or something alike), a Harry Potter fanfic.
In it its revealed that Yule holiday once included tradition of feeding a girl up and cooking her for the main dish.
And Hermione is fattened up, cooked and eaten accordingly.

Unfortunately I can't recall where exactly I've read it and can't seem to find it now either.

Perhaps someone from this little thread of us could have it saved. I did not, as it didn't feature humans fat enough for me to care. But it was a very very well written.
that sounds incredible. Do you remember what site it was on?
Here's Yule Girl

The original author deleted it for whatever reason.
The original is saved on the wayback machine. But it's a pain to read there because AO3 has an adult filter that requires cookie changing to geta around.
I found another favourite of mine.
You don't happen to know how to get to any of the Desmond stories on FantasyFeeder?
It's really hot but I don't like how out of character the teachers and stuff act. Cheerful old Dumbledore talking about cooking and eating a girl like it's nothing is just weird.
The link 404s for me, is it lost media now?
Ralph got banned from DA but I think he came back.
Not a story, but this crowd might know - anyone have this video? POV: A Witches Dinner
bumping this thread big time
Wow this was really well done.

Themes in the thread don't kick in till later but boy do they
always bumping this thread for more
Any new or old ones not mentioned on this thread?
Gotta bring this thread back to life

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