
I’ve been trying to find this one story where a scientist tries to make human clone but her experiment goes wrong and the result is just a tiny human girl. The scientist then let’s the tiny clone to live in a doll house and the clone gets obese from eating junk food and sitting around using an iPod as a TV.
ooh I like these.

impish delights and peppermouse by grype/tmaximar and "ownership" by marzipan dude. I wish there was a follow up to ownership.
Actually had a question related to this, so here goes!

I read a story on DeviantArt that I thought I had in my favorites, in which a lady finds some sort of sprite in her home. She starts feeding it human food, so it in turn let’s her use some of it’s magic. The situation escalates to where the lady makes a fortune using this, and uses the money to buy a large manor to discretely keep her sprite well fed. The story was split into 3 parts, and by the third, the sprite had gone from a tiny little imp to a docile, immobile blob.

Anyone know what this story might have been called, by chance? (Perhaps the author deleted it / their account recently)
Oh hey, I remember reading that same story years ago. Wish I had any info on it, but as much as I’ve searched I can’t find anything about it
For research purposes I daresay its necessary to establish a thread where we can dumb images related to this theme which is criminally and monstrously underappreciated
>>35136 (Dead)
In any case the thread is up now on /bbwalt/
oh well I like the sound of this one. Hope someone comes up with the name
There is a specific niche that I found by accident, were the prota is shrinked and then is fattened. And since, besides de softness, I'm into wg for the power dinamic, so having stories were someone becomes helpless to defend themselves while other person fattens them up is just *chef kiss*.
Besides, tiny fatties are just so cute and easily fattened.

- https://www.deviantart.com/sir-wales/art/The-Problem-with-Pixies-BHM-WG-750436098
- https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44868752/

Heads up, both are guys and the second one is furry, but good enough that you can overlook that. If someone has something similar, please share because holy fuck it's horrible to have *only* found 2 of them.
Sup everyone, before this site ends I wanted to tell you all about a guy on deviantart with the username “chubbygirls12” he’s a great writer and he’s got 2 main stories and they’re both in a fantasy setting. He’s currently writing a story about about fairy’s and elf’s gaining weight called “One war pig and her cute fairy” the names retarded but it’s a metal song reference
(War pigs by Black Sabbath, and One by Metallica) so if you’re gonna check him start with the “the dragons princess” story cause that’s one of the 2 main stories, that’s he’s finished, and yeah that’s it have fun

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