
I'm surprised no one has made a thread like this yet... In order to kick it off, I'll give one of my own stories. So, I had this private violin teacher in middle school (I was a nerd I know shut up), and the first time I met with her, she looked to be about 200 pounds. She still looked pretty chubby, though, since she was very short. I don't know her exact height, but she was definitely around 5'0" to 5'2". Anyway, I took lessons with her for about 2 months at first, and she didn't really gain much weight for those two months. However, I took about a 6 month break from lessons, and when I came back, she was fucking huge. It looked like she had somehow gained 100 pounds in half a year. And, after the break, I was doing lessons with her for about a year. Her weight fucking skyrocketed during that year. I thought she was huge at the start, and that she had gained a lot of weight during the 6 months I was gone, but that weight gain only accelerated. She always wore white tank tops so I could see her bra, and she also only wore leggings and sweatpants (probably the only things that fit her). So, whenever we started a lesson, she'd come out to the waiting room and I'd follow her down a short hallway. Obviously, I could see her colossal ass, which was wear a lot of her weight was distributed. During that short walk, she'd always breathe super heavily and get out of breath. The room she taught me in was EXTREMELY small, as well. It was the size of an elevator, that's how small it was. This, of course, resulted in her bumping into me. At first, it didn't happen very often, if at all. But, as the year progressed, she got so much bigger, and it would happen more and more frequently until I had to sort of lean against the wall when I played, so my elbow wouldn't dig into her fat. Yes. The room was that fucking small. I don't know when it started, but at one point she started bringing in food to eat during lessons. I would be playing, and she would just be stuffing her face. Every once in a while she would wear a tank top that didn't fit her current size. This, of course, resulted in her belly showing, usually up to her belly button. Now, all of this happened in late middle school and early high school, so I was very awkward and very horny. Whenever she would demonstrate how to do something, she usually would have to grab my bow or even my hand sometimes, which would result in my hand digging into her boobs and belly. I honestly think she was doing it on purpose, but I don't know for sure. By the end of the year, she was massive. Her ass would brush against the wall, and I'd have lean back to avoid brushing against her. And, she'd bend over to pick things up (usually food) out of her bag. Keep in mind, I'd also have to get my violin out of my case while she was in the room, so I was usually unzipping my case and putting rosin on my bow like less than a foot away from her belly (or ass, depending on which way she was facing). That about wraps up my experiences with that teacher. She started at about 200 pounds or so, and she was definitely over 400 by the end. I haven't talked to her or seen her since, so I don't know if she lost weight or somehow gained even more. Anyway, that was just one of my stories, so I'd love to hear other people's experiences as well.
>>4310 (OP)
Won't lie, age up the P.O.V. character and this could /definitely/ make a good WG story. That's how good this anecdote is!
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>>4310 (OP)
In school I knew this girl who kind of looked like this classic picrel and her face was so fat she had this really deep, nasal voice. She was in my cooking class (ha) and whenever she bent over her back rolls bulged through her shirt hard, and once the teacher even snapped at her for eating in class. In another class she was showing her friend some picture of her from a few years ago and said "obviously I was much smaller then", unfortunately I didn't see it but I was diamonds
Also your tutor went from violin to double bass

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