
Stories about extremely fat girls who have been given everything growing up so they have become extremely bratty and spoiled bitches.

Bonus: there once was an author on Deviantart who wrote many stories like these but I can’t seem to find them
I am very curiuos, I like stories where the feedee is dominant over the feeder/feeders. You don't see them very often and its always refreshing and fun.
There's one on devainart called "Emilee's just desserts" although the story hasn't been updated in over a year
There's one on dimensions magazine called "Kim" where a spoiled girl goes from thin and popular to being fat and lazy although she loses the weight at the end but the damage is already done and she's left with sagging skin and a flabby gut and its implied she'll never be a popular or thin ever again
Check out "emilee's just desserts" on devaintart although the story hasn't been updated in over 2 years
Been thinking a while about a story where a bratty fatty keeps gaining weight and evntually becomes reliant on her mobility scooter. At some point she gets into a situation where the thing malfunctions and she's stranded. There's some emergency where she has to make a move but can't.
Fatties in peril is always a good story premise
Silver Pathfinder has alot of fatties in peril stories
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?

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