
(149 KB, 1024x1366, my_girlfriend_and_me.jpg)
Some time/years ago there were like 3 pictures like the one from OP (not the real one, but it's just a randomly colored version I found. Can't find the originals). Someone on here posted a story to those pictures. Did anyone save it? Preferebly with the pictures. Thanks!
This is what I have saved.

Ken had been looking foward to starting his second year of high school for months. Not because he particularly liked school or anything like that, but because Kyoko would be there.

Ken and Kyoko had known each other since they were babies. Their families lived next door to each other and the two of them had gone to school together since kindergarten. They played together, studied together and all their classmates joked that it was only a matter of time until they got married. Then, five years ago everything changed.

Kyoko's father was transferred and the family had to move across the country. It was during a tearful goodbye on Kyoko's last night in town that the two of them shared their first kiss. Ken would always remember how her small, delicate body felt in his arms when they hugged for the last time.

They'd kept in touch over the years, chatting online whenever they got the time, but lately they'd been drifting apart. Whenever Ken asked about getting together during a school break Kyoko was evasive. They hadn't talked in ages when all of a sudden she emailed him saying her family was moving back. Her father had been promoted to the head of the local branch or some such and so Kyoko would be going to school with him again. Ken was so excited by the thought of seeing his childhood sweetheart again that he could hardly think of anything else.

He did wonder what she meant when she said not to be too shocked when he saw her though…

Ken was in a big hurry to get to school that morning. Not just because he was anxious to meet Kyoko, but because he'd been up so late thinking of what he was going to say to her that he'd overslept. As he peddled his bike frantically up the hill to school, the ground began to shake. Ken lost control of the bike and wiped out into a ditch. As he picked himself and the bike up, he grimaced at the dirt all over his uniform and was thankful for the spare one in his bag. The earthquake hadn't felt too big, but he still worried if everyone at school was alright. He rushed up the hill and felt another quake, this one even stronger. More worried than before, Ken crested the hill. Not far ahead he saw a girl wearing the school's uniform. Ken didn't recognise her. She was very fat, at least three times as big as the next chubbiest girl in school. Her short black skirt struggled to cover her massive, globular ass, let alone the tops of her tree trunk like thighs and her top clung to her thick back rolls like a second skin. The large girl was panting heavily and bent down to catch her breath, giving Ken a flash of her over stretched pink panties. Ken turned his head away in embarrassment. When he heard her grunt as she straightened herself out, Ken looked back to see the girl sigh as she struggled to open her book bag.

Walking his bike toward her, Ken spoke up.

"Hey. Everything ok? You sound… Huh?!"

As he approached the girl, something hit Ken. In the distance he didn't notice anything amiss but as he got closer he found the girl was further away than he thought. This turned out to be because she was taller than he thought. Much taller.

This girl wasn't just fat. She was massive.

Ken barely came up to the hem of the enormous young woman's skirt. She must have been over 10 feet tall and he couldn't even behind to imagine how much she weighed.

As Ken was struggling to process the sheer size of this girl, she gasped and turned to face him.

What Ken saw was an even bigger shock than her size. Because surrounded by round fat cheeks and a plump double chin was the face of the girl who gave him his first kiss…


Ken gasped in shock. Was this massive young woman really once the little girl he used to play with? She had to be over a hundred times Kyoko's size the last time he saw her.

Kyoko's round face brightened for a moment. But only a moment. She looked down at herself. Her titanic breasts, each weighing as much as an average woman. Her colossal belly, threatening to burst open her uniform. Kyoko's cheeks flushed red and she turned away from Ken, rolls quaking at the sudden movement. She began to run as fast as her tremendous size would allow and Ken was almost knocked down by the ground shaking again. Ken realized there hadn't been an earthquake at all. Kyoko had just been running because she was late.

"Kyoko, wait!" Ken cried out after her. Fortunately for him she couldn't run for long without stopping to catch her breath. Ken walked up to her again at a leisurely pace.

"What's wrong?"

"What's *huff* wrong?" Kyoko panted. She took a minute to pull a jug of water out of her oversized book bag and guzzled it down before raising herself up to her full height and taking another big breath.

"Look at me…" Kyoko said sadly, shaking her belly for emphasis. Her voice was another thing that had changed a lot, Ken noticed. It had grown deep and husky. Ken never knew such a heavy, rumbling voice could sound so feminine. A far cry from her high songbird voice as a little girl.

"I didn't want to come back here." She said, fighting back tears.

"Why? I've missed you so much." Ken said earnestly.

'I didn't want you to see me like this." Kyoko said, resting her thick, ham-sized hands on her belly. "I wanted you to remember me how I was."

"Kyoko, I've been looking forward to seeing you again since you left." Ken said, his feelings for her overwhelming his shock at her new bulk. "It doesn't matter how you look. You're still Kyoko."

Kyoko looked longingly into Ken's eyes. She sighed heavily and turned away. "Doesn't matter, huh?" Ken got the feeling he'd said the wrong thing.

"Come on." Kyoko rumbled as she began to waddle away, sending ripples through her mountainous flab with each step. "We're already late."

Kyoko's first day at school was worse than she had feared. Of course she expected the stares and the laughs and the name calling. But beyond that everything seemed to go wrong.

Kyoko was far too big to get into the school through the front doors, so she had to use the loading dock we the back. Her hips got stuck on the doorframe and it took several minutes to get free. She banged her head on the ceiling several times. The doctors said they'd gotten her growth under control but she was scared they were wrong. Confined in an unfamiliar place she felt bigger and more awkward than ever. The extra wide doors the school had installed in her homeroom were similarly snug on Kyoko. Eventually several teachers had to push her through as the students laughed. All except Ken who just looked sad. That was the worst of all.

The special desk the school ordered for Kyoko wasn't ready yet so she had to sit on the floor. She got yelled at by the teacher for trying to eat cookies out of her bag during class. She was too hungry to concentrate the rest of the lesson. Hunger was Kyoko's constant companion. No matter how much she ate, her massive belly always wanted more. All she could think of were cookies, cakes, pies… And her mind began to drift to Ken feeding them to her. She sighed as she tried to push the thought from her mind. How could anyone want her now?
When lunch finally came, Kyoko wasted no time tearing into her food. Propping herself up against the tallest, thickest tree on school grounds, the multi-ton girl opened her bag. Specially made to be in proportion to Kyoko's incredible size, her books and other school supplies too up only a tiny fraction of its volume. The rest was packed with food.

Pork cutlets, fish fillets, fried rice, packet after packet of cookies and candies and more besides disappeared into Kyoko's insatiable gullet until the bag was completely empty. It was all over in minutes. Kyoko savored the slight satisfaction she felt before her infinite appetite came roaring back. Kyoko felt something else besides her hunger, though. She tried to hold it back as long as she could but it was no use. Kyoko opened her mouth and let out an utterly massive burp. Long, low and loud as one would expect from a girl of Kyoko's size and girth, her burp shook branches and rattled Windows. Everyone who wasn't already staring at her turned to see the massive fat girl covering her mouth and blushing a deep crimson. As a succession of smaller burps escaped Kyoko's soft lips, she saw Ken walking toward her.

"What do you *urrrp* want?" Kyoko sighed as Ken approached, still unable to hold back her burping.

Ken held out some more cookies. "My mom made these. I thought we could share." Kyoko tried to refuse, but a loud gurgle from her cavernous belly answered for her and she graciously accepted.

"Thank *munch* you. *buuurp*" Kyoko said as she ate greedily. Ken smiled, seeing the satisfaction on her plump face. "No prob." He said. "You always did like my mom's baking, so I made sure to bring them. Sorry I couldn't bring more."

"It's ok." Kyoko rumbled gently before giving one last belch and patting her voluminous belly as it settled. She sighed heavily, brushing crumbs from her immense bust. She noticed Ken looking at it and blushed again. Ken blushed too.

"So…" Kyoko said, looking downward, her enormous body filling her view. "Aren't you gonna ask?"

"Ask what?" Ken said.

"How I got…" Kyoko shook her belly to emphasize her unbelievable bulk. "… Like this."

"It's up to you if you wanna talk about it." Ken said gently.

Kyoko couldn't believe how well Ken was taking everything. She was probably the biggest, fattest girl on Earth and here he was acting like she was a normal person. She had to admit she was starting to feel comfortable with him again. He always did make her feel safe.

"Okay…" Kyoko said, taking another big breath. "Not long after I moved I was in an accident. I was hit by a car while crossing the street. I was in a coma for a few days and when I woke up I was…" Kyoko put a hand to her mammoth belly as it growled. "Hungry. Really hungry. No matter how much I ate I never felt full. I couldn't stop eating. Even when my stomach was so stuffed it hurt I wanted more. And the more I ate…" another rumble shook Kyoko's belly. "The more I grew. All over…"

Ken looked Kyoko's towering figure up and down. She'd be over 400 pounds easily if she were a normal height. He couldn't even begin to imagine how much her obese body tipped the scales at with her ten foot plus frame.

"How…?" Ken asked as he craned his neck to look her in the eye.

"The accident affected my pituitary gland and my hypothalamus. Those are the parts of the brain responsible for growth and appetite." Kyoko explained. "Within the first year I was over six feet tall and almost 600 pounds. I was always in and out of hospitals for years. They gave me all sorts of different medications to make me stop growing. To control my appetite. Treatments to make my bones stronger so I can walk properly." Kyoko ran her hands along her elephantine legs. "Eventually my growth slowed down. I'm only a few inches taller than I was a year ago. But there's nothing they can do about…" Kyoko's belly growled again, louder than ever.

"… That. I haven't felt full in five years."

"You're always hungry?" Ken asked.

"Always." Kyoko nodded. "It's hard to think about anything but food."

"I'll have to bring more cookies tomorrow." Ken said.

"That'd be nice." Kyoko smiled. "My parents are always trying to put me on a diet. They don't understand what its like to have an appetite like mine." Another growl from her titanic tummy affirmed her statement. "Anyway, even if I did lose a few pounds I'm never gonna be small again…" Kyoko sighed. "You must think I'm pretty gross, huh?"

"I don't think you're gross…" Ken said, looking up into Kyoko's eyes longingly. "Its just sad you've had to go through so much. You're such a wonderful person. You deserve to be happy."

"Yeah, well, not much chance of that." Kyoko huffed sadly. "The only time I can forget how miserable I am is when I'm eating. And that never lasts."

"Hmm." Ken said, thoughtfully. "I think maybe I know something that'd cheer you up…"

At the end of the day, Kyoko struggled to squeeze out of the loading entrance. Her gigantic hips felt like they'd already grown. Her height may have slowed down but Kyoko was still a growing girl. The uniform that her family had got custom made for her had fit perfectly when it was finished a few weeks before but it was already straining against Kyoko's ballooning belly, bust, back rolls and beach ball buns. No matter how her family and doctors insisted she needed to cut back, Kyoko could never overcome her appetite. Any food that got too close was soon added to her bulk. Every day Kyoko woke up feeling heavier. The rolls that enveloped her immense body quaked a little more with each movement. Her breathing got a little more labored and her redwood sized legs took a little more effort to move.

Try as she might, Kyoko just couldn't fit her expansive girth through the door. Her fat cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled. Sweat dripped from every pore and rolls shook wildly but her huge hips were stuck fast.

"Kyoko?" Ken called as he rounded the corner. "You coming?"

Kyoko blushed harder still as Ken spotted her wedged in the doorway. His eyes went wide at the sight of the Jiggly giantess trapped like a stuck pig.

"Sorry." Kyoko managed to sigh. "Can you help me get out…?"

Ken grabbed on to Kyoko's meaty arm and pulled with all his might. All to know avail. She was simply too heavy.

"It's not working." Ken sighed.

"Umm…" Kyoko rumbled as her cheeks reddened once more. "Maybe if you tried pushing from the… Other end…"

Ken went back inside to be greeted by the sight of Kyoko's gargantuan derrier. Her skirt barely covered anything and her panties were wedged tight between her immense buns.

Ken took a deep breath and put his hands on the back of Kyoko's massive thigh. They sunk into the deep, soft fat almost up to the elbow. Ken was struck by how good the warm softness of her blubber felt. He pushed into her with all his might. The soft, pale flesh enveloped him. He didn't have time to enjoy it long, though. His small body managed to shift Kyoko's ample fat just enough that the gargantuan girl came popping out of the doorframe. She hit the ground with an earthshaking thud and Ken bounced off her thigh fat, rising briefly into the air before landing right between her blimpy buns.

Ken struggled with all his might to climb up the walls of sweaty blubber that surrounded him. His movements sent ripples through the flab that shoved him to and fro, foiling his attempts to grab the cloth of Kyoko's blanket-sized panties wedged between the massive cheeks to use as a climbing rope. If only the jiggling would subside he could make it
Thanks mate, that's exactly what I was looking for. Now I just need to find the original artist.
Do you remember if there was more? I think the story went a bit further.
Sorry that's all I had on my computer. I don't know what happened to the rest. I do remember getting this from bbw-chan so try looking through archive.org.
Thanks for the tipp. I found the thread in the catalog, but sadly the thread itself wasn't saved. So I have only most of your post, the Pixiv Artist and I was able to find out the Thread name which was "Kyoko's growth spurt". I hope the original author still uses this site from time to time and still has his story to share. Because this story was only shared here on BBWchan as it seems.

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