
Just wondering in the interests of the degens who visit this board:

Preferred weight class?:
BBW: 200-400 lbs
SSBBW: 400-600 lbs
USSBBW: 600-800 lbs
Blob: 800-1000 lbs
Mega Blob: 1000-2000 lbs
Fantasy Blob: 2000+ lbs

Any kinks? Incest, slob, health issues, etc.
Any weight class is fine with me as long as the writing is good, but I think USBBW and Blob are my favorites. If a story starts in the regular BBW range, I want it to gradually build up over time.

Once you start getting into the super unrealistic territory, then the writing needs to be extra good. It takes some talent for stories about 2000 pound women to not suck.

Incest is hot. Slob can be hot if it's not too extreme. I don't want to read about people eating literal shit, but below that point I'm pretty much good with any amount of slob. Health issues are the same way. A story with too much focus on health issues runs the risk of being too depressing, but it can be great in moderation.

A story that totally nails both incest and slob aspects is Anne the Slob by snotbowst1991. https://www.deviantart.com/snotbowst1991/art/Anne-the-Slob-544238380
Ussbbw-Fantasy Blob

I myself personally love weight gain stories where the female individual is just growing with either a lack of care or a lack of awareness. The thing that really gets me off is the concept of helplessness the Feedee is in, so fat that they have no other choice but to perpetuate the growth and eating, and if they are stuck and can’t reach a certain item, I love imagining myself slowly pushing that item closer to their face and teasing them. I will still feed them, I personally dislike those who are malicious to the feedee.

Incest: there are 3 types of incest stories I love…The fat mother and feeder son, The fat daughter and feeder dad and the fat sister and horny brother. I personally love all of these mainly because it ends up with feedee becoming so fat that the feeder takes some liberties of their own.
Example: Sister is too fat and asks you to help her put on a dress for Halloween, bit you decide to push her over onto her back. She too fat,mashed can’t get up and cries, finally the brother helps her up if she promises to go out as the dragon.

Slob is a classic for me, obese and immobile females so fat that they have given up on most hygienes and mostly just stew in the sweat. I personally like concept of be so fat you must rely on others fetish and less on the farts and poops.
My favorite story relating to this was deleted a long time ago, I still remember the title though.
The Ultimate Test Subject, a danganronpa slob story where the inventor Miu creates a serum that will increase one’s chest into a bigger size but it soon causes all of the females to become immobile gassing slobs. I believe the writer was called NovaAtNite

Health issues
This is a very guilty pleasure since I don’t like seeing people suffer but it makes me feel slightly better knowing it’s not my fault. It’s even more of a guilty pleasure when it a death or near death feederism. Knowing someone is so fat yet still eating knowing that every bite and swallow is slowly bringing them to the edge is just so exhilarating.
2 of my favorites stories have to be
Where Yukari, yuzuko and yui end up eating themselves to immobility then death due to the extremely unhealthy meals they are eating, in my opinion the author should off ended the story with a death tease.
Komi cannot live without medication
Where Komi eats herself to roughly 1 ton and loves it all the way.
SSBBW - Mega blob (but I'm really not picky)
Kinks: Incest: The main prompt that gets to me is the feeder mother and fat daughter. The two don't even have to be incestous I just adore the concept of the mother being so overprotective/overbearing they end up fattening their daughter so much she can't even look after herself at all.
Slob is good. I'm okay with everything under the slob umbrella as long as it's not hair growth or cartoonishly excessive. Immobile blobs girls sweating, unable to get up and use the bathroom and being forced to mess themselves, struggling to feed themselves and even health issues and death really get me. I definitely do not have a scat fetish but in the context of an immobile chick in erotica stories who just has no other choice but to go in there pants and let their feeder clean them yeah it more than works for me.
Also a fan of weight loss or more specifically attempted weight loss. Seeing an immobile/barely mobile fatty attempt to turn it around by poorly doing upper body exercises and miserably failing only to get even larger is hot as hell.
Might make a follow up post if I remember something and it urks me
Honourable mentions are stuckage, wardrobe malfunction and pampering (but that goes in to the mother daughter stuff I mentioned earlier)
>>4004 (OP)
So I guess I am an outlier here, but I only enjoy BBW-USSBBW (I hate blobs, unshapely fats are just disgusting and fantasy should be an idealized version of the real one, in my opinion).
My kinks are: Squashing, it's what makes the weight "useful". I get the gaining aspect, but I don't understand why so few people are actually interested into the power/possibilities with said weight, beyond just a growing number. Stories and pics are sadly rarer than pure WG stuff and even that somehow get's deleted every so often, when some creator just nukes his account again. I find unaware, cute squashing brilliant, but I also really enjoy the more dominant and destructive side.
I am happy for everything I can get.
I guess I also enjoy plain old romance and some weight gain sprinkled in from time to time, but I can't read pure WG stuff, it's just too boring.
Do you have a link for "Komi cannot live without medication"?
SSBBW is my preference, though USSBBW is an occasional fantasy. I like force feeding, slob, eating with no hands like a piggy, and a woman transitioning from fit athlete to obese glutton.
I’m almost exclusively interested in fantasy blob. It’s fictional so why not go all the way?

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